Number: 102 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':15':16 Submitter: Source:,TW@SU-AI (Terry Winograd), Dieterrich, Kaplan, Halvorsen Subject: Tedit should allow LF, CR-LF EOL convention Assigned To: Attn: Sybalsky Status: Open In/By: Problem Type: Design - UI Impact: Serious Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Everytime Priority: Hopefully System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: 1-Mar-84 Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Other Server Software Version: TOPS-20 Disposition: ' ["Masinter" " 2-Sep-84 17':20':09" Source': Impact':(Annoying->Moderate) Priority':(Perhaps->Hopefully) Description':]' ["Masinter" " 2-Sep-84 17':21':56" Source': Impact':(Annoying->Moderate) Priority':(Perhaps->Hopefully) File% Server':(->Other) Server% Software% Version': Disposition': Description': Edit-By': Edit-Date':]' ["Masinter" " 6-Sep-84 12':19':38" Source': Subject': Impact':(Moderate->Serious) Description':] Description: ' Date': 14 Mar 84 19':26 PST' From':' Subject': AR#62' To': LispSupport' ...' Second AR, TEdit should allow one to edit files which have EOL convention CR-LF as well as CR.' ' Date': 14 Mar 84 14':02 PST' From':' Subject': Lafite': Browsing folders on MAXC' To':' cc':' Lafite-System-Date': 28-Feb-84 13':10':33' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dorado' ' I''m not sure whether I''m doing things right, but when I open a folder on MAXC2 and GET MAIL, the message is slightly garbled, I guess because it contains line feeds. These display as black rectangles, and lafite doesn''t parse the header fields very well. When I move such a message to a mail file residing on IVY, the line feeds remain.' ' This is certainly not a pressing problem....' ' --Tom' -----' Date': 14 Mar 84 19':26 PST' From':' Subject': AR#62' To': LispSupport' ' This is a BUG not a WISH. Maybe Tom wishes it were fixed, but it is really a bug. ' ' The "black boxes" are line-feeds. This turns into two other ARs': LineFeed should have separate graphic in Tedit and fonts (e.g., a tiny <lf>).' ' Second AR, TEdit should allow one to edit files which have EOL convention CR-LF as well as CR.' ' If this isn''t the case, then Lafite should open its mail folder in Binary, rather than Text.' ' Date': 29 Aug 84 17':21 PDT' From': Terry Winograd <TW@SU-AI.ARPA>' To': lispsupport.PA' ' I am trying to begin using TEDIT for real work, but having problems.' When I do a GET from a remote (DEC20) server, the file comes in' with a line-feed following every carriage return. A copyfile' on the same file seems to do the right thing instead. Also,' when I try to copyfile from SCORE (a standard DEC-20) I get' the message that it doesn':t respond to the leaf server. Isn''t' there a copyfile that uses one of the simpler protocols?' Thanks --t' ' ' Date': 30 Aug 84 11':16 PDT' Sender':' Subject': Re': Tedit/copyfile and DEC20 server' In-reply-to': Terry Winograd <TW@SU-AI.ARPA>''s message of 29 Aug 84 17':21 PDT' To': TW@SU-AI' cc': lispsupport.PA' From':' Reply-To':' ' Interlisp tries to do the right conversions for servers with different EOL conventions (CR, LF, CRLF), but all of the cases have not been taken care of yet.' ' Tedit currently ONLY supports the single-CR EOL-convention. Interlisp can automatically convert files with different EOL conventions, but watch out with formatted TEDIT files': the formatting info at the end of the file contains absolute pointers, which can be invalidated if all CRs are converted to CRLF. If you do a COPYFILE (which changes CRLF->CR) of the unformatted text, and then you use Tedit, you should be alright.' Date': 5 Sep 84 11':16 PDT' From':' Subject': TEdit': CR info "lost" when putting on the VAX' To':' cc':' ' TEdit System Date': 21-Aug-84 12':56':14' Lisp System Date': 23-Aug-84 18':52':49' Machine': Dandelion (204#13#)' Microcode version': 24,4' Memory size': 5777' Frequency': Always' Impact': Very annoying' ' CRs are replaced with octal 15.' ' Yes, I know I can recover my CR''s, but ought this not be a little simpler? ' ' ' In general, I would like to voice a very strong request for a TEDIT mode which can be used in the preparation of ASCII files for use with a text formatter, This mode should have the following features':' ' --Auto fill with CRs. You should be able to ragged right justify a paragraph and have the CRs show up in the output file' ' --No font info included in the output file ever.' ' ' Currently there is no reasonable way to use INTERLISP-D to prepare input for a text formatter such as Tex, which you need if you require high quality output.' ' ' As long as Tedit does not provide a full substitute for a text formatter like Tex, and especially since it isn''t the intention for Tedit to ever become such a substitute, I think it is very important to adjust to the reality of a non-integrated world in document preparation.' ' ' Per-Kristian' Date': 5 Sep 84 16':08 PDT' From':' Subject': Re': TEdit': CR info "lost" when putting on the VAX' In-reply-to':''s message of 5 Sep 84 11':59 PDT' To':' cc':,' ' Jon,' Regarding the octal 015 issue': You ask whether the file is being written as type binary with 8 bit bytes. the way I got into this problem was by moving a message (where I wanted the CRs preserved) to a mail file on the VAX. What kind of put a Lafite move does I don''t know for sure. However, when I do the same thing to Phylum everything is ok. Indeed, the way I solved this problem was to move the message to Phylum and then pupftping it to the Vax.' ' Regarding TEDIT and TEX file prepartation': Yes, the problem is that Tex doesn''t like lines that are longer than 512 characters long. The "foreign-format outgoing conversion" which you mention would be an excellent answer to my problem, I was however thinking that there might be a quicker and simpler solution having to do with maintaining CR''s on writing the output file, but I guess that is not the case. I dig DIG, but in the meantime things aren''t so great.' ' Another thing which would be a must for the ideal Tex preparation system is machting of $ and { }. This is basically what EMACS Tex mode does now (it also gives you "relative indent" which is good for lining up different lines of code.' ' Per-Kristian' Date': 30 Aug 84 13':27 PDT' From':' Subject': EOL Convention in Tedit' To': Teditsupport, Lispsupport' ' I was under the impression that Tedit had been fixed to do the right kind of coercions for files whose EOL convention is not CR.' ' This appears not to be the case. I TEDITed a file on Maxc, and got the ugly black-boxes for all the linefeeds.' ' Can this be fixed by Harmony? Remember, that most of the rest of the world depends on file servers (e.g. Vaxes, 20''s) whose native eol convention is not CR.' ' --Ron' ' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Masinter Edit-Date: 6-Sep-84 12':19':47