Number: 102

Date: 17-Mar-84  0':15':16


Source:,TW@SU-AI (Terry Winograd), Dieterrich, Kaplan, Halvorsen

Subject: Tedit should allow LF, CR-LF EOL convention

Assigned To: 

Attn: Sybalsky

Status: Open


Problem Type: Design - UI

Impact: Serious

Difficulty: Moderate

Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Hopefully

System: Text

Subsystem: TEdit



Lisp Version: 1-Mar-84

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: Other

Server Software Version: TOPS-20

Disposition: '
["Masinter" " 2-Sep-84 17':20':09" Source': Impact':(Annoying->Moderate) Priority':(Perhaps->Hopefully) Description':]'
["Masinter" " 2-Sep-84 17':21':56" Source': Impact':(Annoying->Moderate) Priority':(Perhaps->Hopefully) File% Server':(->Other) Server% Software% Version': Disposition': Description': Edit-By': Edit-Date':]'
["Masinter" " 6-Sep-84 12':19':38" Source': Subject': Impact':(Moderate->Serious) Description':]

Description: '
Date': 14 Mar 84 19':26 PST'
Subject': AR#62'
To': LispSupport'
Second AR, TEdit should allow one to edit files which have EOL convention CR-LF as well as CR.'
Date': 14 Mar 84 14':02 PST'
Subject': Lafite': Browsing folders on MAXC'
Lafite-System-Date': 28-Feb-84 13':10':33'
Lisp-System-Date':  1-Mar-84 14':24':22'
Machine-Type': Dorado'
I''m not sure whether I''m doing things right, but when I open a folder on MAXC2 and GET MAIL, the message is slightly garbled, I guess because it contains line feeds.  These display as black rectangles, and lafite doesn''t parse the header fields very well.  When I move such a message to a mail file residing on IVY, the line feeds remain.'
This is certainly not a pressing problem....'
Date': 14 Mar 84 19':26 PST'
Subject': AR#62'
To': LispSupport'
This is a BUG not a WISH. Maybe Tom wishes it were fixed, but it is really a bug. '
The "black boxes" are line-feeds. This turns into two other ARs': LineFeed  should have separate graphic in Tedit and fonts (e.g., a tiny <lf>).'
Second AR, TEdit should allow one to edit files which have EOL convention CR-LF as well as CR.'
If this isn''t the case, then Lafite should open its mail folder in Binary, rather than Text.'
Date': 29 Aug 84 17':21 PDT'
From': Terry Winograd <TW@SU-AI.ARPA>'
To': lispsupport.PA'
I am trying to begin using TEDIT for real work, but having problems.'
When I do a GET from a remote (DEC20) server, the file comes in'
with a line-feed following every carriage return.  A copyfile'
on the same file seems to do the right thing instead.  Also,'
when I try to copyfile from SCORE (a standard DEC-20) I get'
the message that it doesn':t respond to the leaf server.  Isn''t'
there a copyfile that uses one of the simpler protocols?'
Thanks --t'
Date': 30 Aug 84 11':16 PDT'
Subject': Re': Tedit/copyfile and DEC20 server'
In-reply-to': Terry Winograd <TW@SU-AI.ARPA>''s message of 29 Aug 84 17':21 PDT'
To': TW@SU-AI'
cc': lispsupport.PA'
Interlisp tries to do the right conversions for servers with different EOL conventions (CR, LF, CRLF), but all of the cases have not been taken care of yet.'
Tedit currently ONLY supports the single-CR EOL-convention.  Interlisp can automatically convert files with different EOL conventions, but watch out with formatted TEDIT files': the formatting info at the end of the file contains absolute pointers, which can be invalidated if all CRs are converted to CRLF.  If you do a COPYFILE (which changes CRLF->CR) of the unformatted text, and then you use Tedit, you should be alright.'
Date':  5 Sep 84 11':16 PDT'
Subject': TEdit': CR info "lost" when putting on the VAX'
TEdit System Date': 21-Aug-84 12':56':14'
Lisp System Date': 23-Aug-84 18':52':49'
Machine': Dandelion (204#13#)'
Microcode version': 24,4'
Memory size': 5777'
Frequency': Always'
Impact': Very annoying'
CRs are replaced with octal 15.'
Yes, I know I can recover my CR''s,  but ought this not be a little simpler? '
In general,  I would like to voice a very strong request for  a TEDIT mode which can be used in the preparation of ASCII files for use with a text formatter,  This mode should have the following features':'
--Auto fill with CRs.   You should be able to ragged right justify a paragraph and have the CRs show up in the output file'
--No font info included in the output file ever.'
Currently there is no reasonable way to use INTERLISP-D to prepare input for a text formatter such as Tex, which you need if you require high quality output.'
As long as Tedit does not provide a full substitute for a text formatter like Tex, and especially since it isn''t the intention for Tedit to ever become such a substitute, I think it is very important to adjust to the reality of a non-integrated world in document preparation.'
Date':  5 Sep 84 16':08 PDT'
Subject': Re': TEdit': CR info "lost" when putting on the VAX'
In-reply-to':''s message of 5 Sep 84 11':59 PDT'
Regarding the octal 015 issue':  You ask whether the file is being written as type binary with 8 bit bytes.  the way I got into this problem was by moving a message (where I wanted the CRs preserved) to a mail file on the VAX.  What kind of put a Lafite move does I don''t know for sure. However,  when I do the same thing to Phylum everything is ok.  Indeed, the way I solved this problem was to move the message to Phylum and then pupftping it to the Vax.'
Regarding TEDIT and TEX file prepartation':  Yes, the problem is that Tex doesn''t like lines that are longer than 512 characters long.  The "foreign-format outgoing conversion" which you mention would be an excellent answer to my problem,  I was however thinking that there might be a quicker and simpler solution having to do with maintaining CR''s on writing the output file,  but I guess that is not the case.  I dig DIG, but in the meantime things aren''t so great.'
Another thing which would be a must for the ideal Tex preparation system  is machting of $ and { }.  This is basically what EMACS Tex mode does now (it also gives you "relative indent" which is good for lining up different lines of code.'
Date': 30 Aug 84 13':27 PDT'
Subject': EOL Convention in Tedit'
To': Teditsupport, Lispsupport'
I was under the impression that Tedit had been fixed to do the right kind of coercions for files whose EOL convention is not CR.'
This appears not to be the case.  I TEDITed a file on Maxc, and got the ugly black-boxes for all the linefeeds.'
Can this be fixed by Harmony?  Remember, that most of the rest of the world depends on file servers (e.g. Vaxes, 20''s) whose native eol convention is not CR.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Masinter

Edit-Date:  6-Sep-84 12':19':47