Number: 97

Date: 17-Mar-84  0':13':58

Submitter: le.pasa

Source: CS.Temin@UTEXAS-20 (and others)

Subject: TCP/IP support for DLions

Assigned To: 

Attn: Lisp, vanMelle

Status: Open


Problem Type: Design - Impl

Impact: Serious

Difficulty: Hard

Frequency: Everytime

Priority: Hopefully

System: Communications

Subsystem: TCP/IP



Lisp Version: 

Source Files: 

Microcode Version: 

Memory Size: 

File Server: 

Server Software Version: 

Disposition: '
["Sannella.PA" "25-Sep-84 12':38':03" Attn': Description':]

Description: We''ve been hearing rumors about projected TCP/IP support for Dandelions.'
We''d be very interested in this, since we''d like to use a DEC-2060'
running TOPS-20 as our file server.  Could you tell us if Xerox plans'
TCP/IP support for DLions, and if so when it is projected to be'
Date': 15 MAR 84 09':37 PST'
Subject': AR#97, request for TCP/IP'
To':   Le.pasa'
cc':   LispSupport'
I''m not entirely sure how to handle this kind of query. We almost need a separate kind of AR status, i.e., Unanswered Question.'
In this case, the guy really wants 2060 support. We should forward him to the person in 1100Support who knows about connection to networks (and I am not sure, but I think that person is Phil Young? Note that Stanford is developing 10MHz Ethernet support for 2060. '
(I should have cc''d PYoung on this message; will you forward?)'
Date': 16 Mar 84 17':28':02 PST (Friday)'
From': Masinter.PA'
Subject': TCP/IP request'
To': LispSupport'
cc': Sheil'
Add to AR on TCP/IP. Is it possible that they could obtain the 2060 ethernet driver?'
Received': from UTEXAS-20.ARPA by PARC-MAXC.ARPA; 16 MAR 84 16':48':32 PST'
Date': Fri, 16 Mar 84 18':47':58 CST'
From': Gordon Novak Jr. <CS.NOVAK@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>'
Subject': Babble'
To': Masinter.PA'
   As I mentioned to you a few weeks ago, we have 3 Dandelions, but they'
are sitting high and dry and can''t talk to anything, despite the fact'
that we have a 2060 with Chaosnet and a VAX/UNIX with a 10MB Ethernet'
running TCP/IP, not to mention RS232.  It was my understanding that'
Xerox was working on TCP/IP support, but now I hear that TCP/IP is'
being done by a grad student at Berkeley in his spare time.  Can'
anything be done to raise the priority of TCP/IP and get it done by'
a real wizard in real time and supported?  Folks at Texas plan to buy'
lots of Lisp machines (probably over $1 million this year), but it is'
hard to convince them to buy machines that can''t talk to anything that'
already exists.  MCC is potentially a large market too -- I hear they'
have a contract for 40 Symbolics machines.'
Thanks, Gordon'
Date': 18 Apr 84 13':58 PST'
Subject': [Gregory G. Finn <FINN@USC-ISIF.ARPA>': Re': TCP progress]'
To': Sheil, Masinter, vanMelle'
This is in response to a question about whether anyone down at ISI would be interested in doing Telnet and FTP once I finish TCP. The TFTP he refers to is similar to PARC''s EFTP': they use it successfully to exchange files with Berkeley UNIX systems'
     ----- Begin Forwarded Messages -----'
Return-Path': FINN@USC-ISIF'
Received': from USC-ISIF (USC-ISIF.ARPA) by Xerox.ARPA ; 18 APR 84 11':54':07 PST'
Date': 18 Apr 84 11':53':36 PST'
Subject': Re': TCP progress'
From': Gregory G. Finn <FINN@USC-ISIF.ARPA>'
In-Reply-To': (Message from "" of 18 Apr 84 10':38 PST)'
     Neither FTP nor TELNET is on our list of things to do.'
Xerox will have to decide this for itself.  I imagine it depends'
upon the wishes of the customers which convinced Xerox to do TCP.'
I needed to go as far as TFTP for my research ... and have no'
plans to go further at this time.'
     ----- End Forwarded Messages -----'
Return-Path': CS.NOVAK@UTEXAS-20.ARPA'
Received': from UTEXAS-20.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 28 APR 84 06':37':34 PST'
Date': Thu, 26 Apr 84 11':10':49 CST'
From': Gordon Novak Jr. <CS.NOVAK@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>'
Subject': D Networking'
To': Raim.pasa'
   Can you tell me the status of TCP/IP support on the Dandelion?'
We have 3 Dandelions that are still sitting "high and dry" because none'
of the network connections work.  We have a 2060 running Chaosnet, a VAX'
running TCP/IP, and of course RS232C.  Last we heard, the RS232 FTP had'
bugs, and we haven''t gotten a new version.  We even tried shipping files'
to Stanford over Arpanet and having them write floppies, but there are'
bugs in the floppy software, so that was only partially successful.'
   I think good support would make a tremendous difference in Xerox''s'
sales of Dandelions.  The University of Texas will buy over $1M of Lisp'
machines this year.  We (and I suspect many others) really need TCP/IP.'
Thanks, Gordon'
Date': 30 Apr 84 12':50 PDT'
Subject': Re': FYI': UTexas networking'
In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 30 Apr 84 11':26':20 PDT (Monday)'
To': JFung.pasa'
cc':, Wogulis.pasa, Raim.pasa'
What''s Gordon talking about here':'
    Date': Thu, 26 Apr 84 11':10':49 CST'
    From': Gordon Novak Jr. <CS.NOVAK@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>'
    Subject': D Networking'
    To': Raim.pasa'
    . . . '
    Last we heard, the RS232 FTP had bugs, and we haven''t gotten '
    a new version.  . . .'
Didn''t this all work well on DLions since about Jan 28 ?  What versions does he have?'
-- JonL --'
Date': 30 Apr 84 13':54 PDT'
Subject': Re': Status of TCP/IP'
In-reply-to':''s message of 30 Apr 84 12':59':12 PDT (Monday)'
cc':,,,, Raim.pasa, PYoung.pasa, JFung.pasa'
The status of TCP/IP is as follows.'
The code for TCP streams is completely written. I am currently debugging TCP connections between Dandelions. I expect to debug TCP connections between Dandelions and VAXes running Berkeley UNIX imminently. I will finish my work on this project by June 1. I do not expect to have Arpanet FTP or Telnet completed by then, only TCP connections at the Lisp stream level. FTP and Telnet will have to be implemented by someone else on top of my code.'
Note that my code in turn runs on top of the IP level written by Greg Finn at ISI (Finn@ISIF.ARPA). The logistics of redistributing (and maintaining and documenting?) this code along with TCP need to be thought about before it is released.'
Date':  3 May 84 18':30 PDT'
Subject': TCP/IP'
To': LispCore↑'
cc': Cooper'
Today I successfully connected two Dandelions via TCP connections. I had each one sending data to a sink process on the other one simultaneously, and transferred about a quarter of a megabyte each way without a hitch.'
Next step is to talk to a UNIX system.'
Received': from RUTGERS.ARPA by Xerox.ARPA ; 24 SEP 84 16':46':03 PDT'
Date': 24 Sep 84 19':45':48 EDT'
From': Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA>'
Subject': TCP/IP Interlisp support'
cc': 1100support.PA, SHULMAN@RUTGERS.ARPA'
	How close is this to being complete?  If you can give me stable'
IP support our system manager would be willing to develop an IP based'
DEC-20 Leaf server (since Leaf has random access and ''standard'' TCP/IP'
and XNS do not.)  Rumor has it that you have a TCP Chat working.  We'
would be willing to beta test anything you have.'


Test Case: 

Edit-By: Sannella.PA

Edit-Date: 25-Sep-84 12':38':03