Number: 66 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':06':11 Submitter: Sannella.PA Source: JFung.pasa Subject: New Diagnostics volume size? Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 14 Mar 84 13':25':03 PST (Wednesday)' From': JFung.pasa' Subject': New Diagnostics volume size?' To': 1100Support,' cc': Dering, Martin,,, JFung' ' It turns out the current 3500 pages of Diag. volume is not sufficient to run Adobe. (you may run one tool at a time, but activate multiple tools the machine will crash, I suspect no more disk pages).' ' In stead of increasing its size say by another 200 pages (I think 200 is sufficient), it is argued that we should not take the disk space away from customes.' ' Unless we change promethus.script, it will be each Adobe user''s responsibility to make sure his Diagnostic volume is large enough to run Adobe.' ' I personally like to see Diag. volume size be increased from Promethus.script. Most machines here are formatted via Installation Utility floppy (it is easier than Othello, and a standard procedure), and I would like to see walking to one of them and be able to use Adobe. ' ' Any comments from anyone?' ' /Jerry' -----' Date': Wed, 14 Mar 84 13':53 PST' From': Raim.pasa' Subject': Re': New Diagnostics volume size?' In-reply-to': "JFung''s message of 14 Mar 84 13':25':03 PST (Wednesday)"' To': JFung' cc': 1100Support,, Dering, Martin,,' ' Jerry,' ' We cannot afford to take disk space away from the customers. I would rather see an inhouse Installation Utility for Adobe users than penalize our customers.' ' --marty' -----' Date': 14 Mar 84 17':10 PST' From':' Subject': Re': New Diagnostics volume size?' In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 14 Mar 84 13':25':03 PST (Wednesday)' To': JFung.pasa' cc': 1100Support.pasa,, Dering.pasa, Martin.pasa,,' ' Did you know that you could make Othello "command" files, including one sthat partition the disk? Look at [phylum]<Lisp>Current>*.othello. There are several that are used for partitioning the disk. If you would like one that made the Tajo/Diagnostics volume bigger, why don''t you discuss it with their authors or else make one tailored for your use. ' -----' Date': 14 Mar 84 17':51 PST' From':' Subject': Re': New Diagnostics volume size?' In-reply-to': JFung.pasa''s message of 14 Mar 84 13':25':03 PST (Wednesday)' To': JFung.pasa' cc': 1100Support.pasa,, Dering.pasa, Martin.pasa,,' ' Another possibility, too': you CAN use Tajo to manipulate files on other volumes. Say ' ' Open Lisp/w' Create <Lisp>' Push <Lisp>' ' This will basically "connect" you to a Tajo directory on the Lisp volume. Of course, the files will go away if you erase the volume, but if you are temporarily stuck with a machine without enough space to run Adobe, you can get more that way. Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: masinter.PA Edit-Date: 11-Apr-84 17':38':57 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Other Software Subsystem: Installation Utility Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Impact: Priority: Status: Declined Problem Type: Design - UI Source Files: