Number: 63 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':05':26 Submitter: Source: Subject: New STORAGE args Assigned To: Attn: Status: Closed In/By: Harmony Problem Type: Documentation Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Easy Frequency: Priority: Absolutely System: Documentation Subsystem: Other Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: ' ["Sannella.PA" "22-Aug-84 17':34':33" Attn': Status':(Fixed->Closed) In/By':] Description: ' Date': 14 Mar 84 14':07 PST' From':' Subject': more for the release message' To': 1100Support, LispSupport' cc':' ' This from a December message I sent':' ' - - -' ' The function STORAGE in Interlisp-D now takes two optional arguments for filtering the amount of information presented':' ' (STORAGE TYPES PAGETHRESHOLD)' ' If TYPES is given, STORAGE only lists statistics for those types. TYPES is an atom or list of types (either names or numbers). If PAGETHRESHOLD is given, then STORAGE only lists statistics for types that have at least PAGETHRESHOLD pages allocated to them.' ' - - -' I just noticed that this is completely incompatible with Interlisp-10''s STORAGE, which also takes two optional args which have no meaning for Interlisp-D. The manual notes that the printout from STORAGE is implementation-dependent, so it might also note that the arguments are also implementation-dependent. And to the above blurb might be added' ' [Interlisp-10 users': note that these optional arguments are implementation-dependent and different from the optional arguments to Interlisp-10''s STORAGE].' ' Bill' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 22-Aug-84 17':34':33