Number: 62 Date: 17-Mar-84 0':05':10 Submitter: Source: Subject: (superceded by 102) Line-feed char displayed as black box Assigned To: Attn: Status: Superseded In/By: Problem Type: Design - UI Impact: Annoying Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Everytime Priority: Unlikely System: Text Subsystem: TEdit Machine: Disk: Lisp Version: 1-Mar-84 Source Files: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Disposition: Description: ' Date': 14 Mar 84 14':02 PST' From':' Subject': Lafite': Browsing folders on MAXC' To':' cc':' Lafite-System-Date': 28-Feb-84 13':10':33' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dorado' ' I''m not sure whether I''m doing things right, but when I open a folder on MAXC2 and GET MAIL, the message is slightly garbled, I guess because it contains line feeds. These display as black rectangles, and lafite doesn''t parse the header fields very well. When I move such a message to a mail file residing on IVY, the line feeds remain.' ' This is certainly not a pressing problem....' ' --Tom' -----' Date': 14 Mar 84 19':26 PST' From':' Subject': AR#62' To': LispSupport' ' This is a BUG not a WISH. Maybe Tom wishes it were fixed, but it is really a bug. ' ' The "black boxes" are line-feeds. This turns into two other ARs': LineFeed should have separate graphic in Tedit and fonts (e.g., a tiny <lf>).' ' Second AR, TEdit should allow one to edit files which have EOL convention CR-LF as well as CR.' ' If this isn''t the case, then Lafite should open its mail folder in Binary, rather than Text. Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: masinter.PA Edit-Date: 11-Apr-84 16':39':50