Number: 32 Date: 16-Mar-84 23':59':11 Submitter: Masinter Source: Subject: Want better definition of release process Lisp Version: Description: ' Date': 12 Mar 84 18':06 PST' From':' Subject': [Raim.pasa': Fugue.6 Release Kit]' To': Burke.pasa , Dering.pasa, JFung.pasa, Kiewiet.pasa, Le.pasa, Wogulis.pasa' cc': Martin.pasa, Raim.pasa, LispSupport' reply-to': LispSupport' ' This is an AR on the release process, and a request for action from 1100Support, and a request for LispSupport to track some of this information in the future.' ' ' PLEASE send mail to LispSupport.PA as new versions of source files and documentation are available for review. We plan to stage the "Fugue.6" release on [phylum]<LispNew> and, when approved, release to [phylum]<Lisp>.' ' I think it would be reasonable to avoid using [rose]<Lisp> except as a duplicate of [phylum]<Lisp>, and for you to stage your files on a different directory (<1100Core>?). ' ' Also, please note that not all Library packages listed below have been "blessed" for inclusion in the release, dubious items include EXEC, SETF, current SINGLEFILEINDEX (as opposed to old SINGLEFILEINDEX). ' ' Also, I think it is a mistake not to re-release the entire floppy set (perhaps automating the process of making them now that Interlisp-D floppy is in better shape.) I urge you to make a new consistent set, with distinctive labels, and to urge users to recycle old set. Otherwise, inconsistencies will plague our users and cause many spurious bug reports.' ' ' If you automate floppy creation (by writing a program that does the appropriate FLOPPY.FORMAT and COPYFILEs for each floppy), then the floppy maker could also be staged, tested, and released.' ----- Forwarded Messages -----' ' Date': Fri, 9 Mar 84 18':38 PST' From': Raim.pasa' Subject': Fugue.6 Release Kit' To': Burke, Dering, JFung, Kiewiet, Le, Wogulis' cc': Martin, Masinter.PA, Raim' ' Here is the final cut of the Fugue.6 Release Kit. ' ' ' 1. Floppies' ' Lisp.sysout (tl)' Diagnostics Files (jd jf)' Installation Utility (jd jf)' Lisp Packages (jw)' ' ' ' 2. 1108 Users Guide (pb)' ' Index (pb)' ' Overview (mr)' ' Operations (lk)' ' Software Installation ' Formating the local disk' Installing from floppy disks (jd)' Installing from a fileserver (lk)' Installing from the local disk (lk)' ' I/O Support' Floppy disk drive (jd)' RS232 (tl jw)' ' Hardware diagnostics' On-line diagnostics' EI Fixed Disk Diagnostics' ' Maintenance Panel Codes' Lisp codes (lk)' 1108 codes (tl)' ' ' 3. Release notes':' ' Fugue.6 release notes (mr)' Fugue.4 release notes (mr)' ' ' 4. Lisp Packages (jw)' ' Lisp Library' ' SYSEDIT' BQUOTE' CMLARRAY' CMLSPECIALFORMS' DATABASEFNS' DECL' EXEC' FILEBROWSER' GCHAX' GRAPHZOOM' LLCOLOR' MENUEDWINDOW' READAIS' READSYS REMOTEVMEM' RS232 RS232CHAT RS232EXEC RS232FTP RS232LOGIN' SETF' SINGFILEINDEX' TEDIT TEDITHCPY' TEDITMENU' TEXTOFD' TFBRAVO' ' ' Lisp Users' ' BANNER' BROWSER' COLORUTILITIES' CROCK' EDITFONT' EMACS' ICONW' KAL' LOADFILES' LSET' MAZE' NOTEPAD' PAGEHOLD' PIECE-MENUS' PLAY' SYSTAT' ' ----------------------' ' If your documentation is in electronic form, please move it to [rose]<lisp>Carol>; otherwise, please have handedited hardcopy available.' ----- End of Forwarded Messages -----' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 2-May-84 16':23':57 Attn: Sannella, Raim Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: [lmm 8Mar':minor cleanup of fields] System: Other Software Subsystem: Release Procedure Machine: Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Moderate Frequency: Everytime Impact: Moderate Priority: Perhaps Status: Open Problem Type: Documentation Source Files: