Number: 24 Date: 16-Mar-84 23':57':46 Submitter: Source: Subject: Replying to message adds "Re':" to subject Lisp Version: Description: mjs': its not a bug, its a feature!' ' Date': 9 Mar 84 14':22 PST' From':' Format': TEdit' Subject': Lafite': "Re': <mumble>"' To':' Lafite-System-Date': 28-Feb-84 13':10':33' Lisp-System-Date': 1-Mar-84 14':24':22' Machine-Type': Dorado' ' When I reply to a message, its subject gets inserted into my buffer with "Re': " attached. For example, replying to the following message':' Date': 8 MAR 84 20':10 PST' From': MASINTER.PA' Subject': batteries' To': wallace' ' Produces the following header':' ' Subject': Re': batteries' To': MASINTER.PA' ' Which isn''t what I want. You don''t need the "Re':" to tell it''s a reply, since there''s already an In-Reply-to': field.' ' -----' ' Date': 9 Mar 84 14':51 PST' From':' Subject': Re': Lafite': "Re': <mumble>"' In-reply-to':''s message of 9 Mar 84 14':22 PST' To':' cc':' ' True, but the In-Reply-To': field is not evident in the table of contents.' ' Are you really offended by the "Re':"? Considering that the Answer commands of all the other mail systems I am familiar with (Laurel, Hardy, MSG, MM) insert a "Re':" in their reply subjects, there must be a few people who like it.' ' Bill' Workaround: Test Case: Edit-By: Sannella.PA Edit-Date: 3-Apr-84 18':13':01 Attn: Assigned To: In/By: Disposition: System: Text Subsystem: Lafite Machine: 1132 Disk: Microcode Version: Memory Size: File Server: Server Software Version: Difficulty: Frequency: Everytime Impact: Minor Priority: Unlikely Status: Declined Problem Type: Design - UI Source Files: