;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: PCL; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
;;; *************************************************************************
;;; Copyright (c) 1985, 1986, 1987 Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
;;; based upon this software are permitted.  Any distribution of this
;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
;;; States export control laws.
;;; This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no
;;; warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any
;;; specification.
;;; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
;;; name and post office or electronic mail address to:
;;;   CommonLoops Coordinator
;;;   Xerox Artifical Intelligence Systems
;;;   2400 Hanover St.
;;;   Palo Alto, CA 94303
;;; (or send Arpanet mail to CommonLoops-Coordinator.pa@Xerox.arpa)
;;; Suggestions, comments and requests for improvements are also welcome.
;;; *************************************************************************
;;; Testing code.

(in-package 'pcl)

;;; Because CommonLoops runs in itself so much, the notion of a test file for
;;; it is kind of weird.
;;; If all of PCL loads then many of the tests in this file (particularly
;;; those at the beginning) are sure to work.  Those tests exists primarily
;;; to help debug things when low-level changes are made to PCL, or when a
;;; particular port customizes low-level code.
;;; Some of the other tests are "real" in the sense that they test things
;;; that PCL itself does not use, so might be broken.
;;; NOTE:
;;;   The tests in this file do not appear in random order!  They
;;;   depend on state  which has already been set up in order to run.

(defmacro do-test (name cleanups &body body)
  `(let ((do-test-failed nil))
     (catch 'do-test
       (format t "~&Testing ~A..." ,name)
       (cleanup-do-test ',cleanups)
       (block do-test ,@body)
       (if do-test-failed
	   (format t "~&FAILED!")
	   (format t "OK")))))
(defmacro do-test-error (fatal string &rest args)
  `(progn (terpri)
	  (setq do-test-failed t)
	  (format t ,string ,@args)
	  (when ,fatal (return-from do-test nil))))

(defun cleanup-do-test (cleanups)
  (dolist (cleanup cleanups)
    (ecase (car cleanup)
	(dolist (c (cdr cleanup))
	  (let ((class (class-named c 't)))
	    (when class
	      (dolist (super (class-local-supers class))
		(setf (class-direct-subclasses super)
		      (remove class (class-direct-subclasses super))))
	      (setf (class-named c) nil)))))
	(dolist (f (cdr cleanup))
	  (fmakunbound f)))
	(dolist (f (cdr cleanup))
	  (fmakunbound (get-setf-generic-function-name f)))))))


(do-test "Memory Block Primitives"
  (let ((block (make-memory-block 10))
        (tests (iterate ((i from 0 below 10)) (collect (make-list 1)))))
    (and (numberp (memory-block-size block))
         (= (memory-block-size block) 10)
         (progn (iterate ((i from 0) (test in tests))
                  (setf (memory-block-ref block i) test))
                (iterate ((i from 0) (test in tests))
                  (unless (eq (memory-block-ref block i) test)
		    (do-test-error nil "failed at position ~D" i)))))))

(do-test "Class Wrapper Caching"
  (let* ((wrapper (make-class-wrapper 'test))
         (offset (class-wrapper-slot-value-offset wrapper 'foo))
         (value (list ())))
    (or (eq 'foo  (setf (class-wrapper-cached-key wrapper offset) 'foo))
	(do-test-error t "setting key didn't return key"))
    (or (eq value (setf (class-wrapper-cached-val wrapper offset) value))
	(do-test-error t "setting value didn't return value"))
    (or (eq 'foo  (class-wrapper-cached-key wrapper offset))
	(do-test-error t "didn't get key back"))
    (or (eq value (class-wrapper-cached-val wrapper offset))
	(do-test-error t "didn't get value-back"))))

(do-test "Flushing Class-Wrapper caches"
  (let* ((wrapper (make-class-wrapper 'test))
         (offset (class-wrapper-slot-value-offset wrapper 'foo)))
    (setf (class-wrapper-cached-key wrapper offset) 'foo)
    (flush-class-wrapper-cache wrapper)
    (or (neq 'foo  (class-wrapper-cached-key wrapper offset))
	(do-test-error t "didn't clear value"))))

(do-test "Class Wrapper Caching"
  (let ((slots ())
	(wrapper (make-class-wrapper 'test))
	(hits 0)
	(misses 0)
	(offset nil))
    (iterate ((class in '(class standard-slotd generic-function method)))
      (setq class (class-named 'class))
      (dolist (slotd (class-instance-slots class))
	(setq offset (class-wrapper-slot-value-offset nil (slotd-name slotd)))
	(setf (class-wrapper-cached-key wrapper offset) slotd))
      (dolist (slotd (class-instance-slots class))
	(setq offset (class-wrapper-slot-value-offset nil (slotd-name slotd)))
	(if (eq (class-wrapper-cached-key wrapper offset) slotd)
	    (incf hits)
	    (incf misses))))
    (format t
	    " (~D% hit) "
	    (round (* 100.0 (/ hits (float (+ hits misses))))))))

(do-test "types for early classes"
  (dolist (x '(object class standard-slotd))
    (or (typep (make-instance x) x)
	(do-test-error () "instance of ~S not of type ~S??" x x))))

; doesn't win because generic-function are really typep compiled functions
; so the deftype for them doesn't really have any effect.
;(do-test "types for late classes"
;	 ()
;  (dolist (x '(method generic-function standard-generic-function))
;    (or (typep (make-instance x) x)
;	(do-test-error () "~&instance of ~S not of type ~S??" x x))))

(defvar *built-in-class-tests*
	'((ARRAY (MAKE-ARRAY '(10 10)))
	  (CHARACTER #\a)
	  (COMPLEX #C(1 2))
	  (CONS (LIST 1 2 3))
	  (FLOAT 1.3)
	  (INTEGER 1)
	 ;LIST                   abstract super of cons, null
	 ;NUMBER                 abstract super of complex, float, rational
	  (RATIO 1/2)
	 ;RATIONAL               abstract super of ratio, integer
	 ;SEQUENCE               abstract super of list, vector
	  (STRING "foo")
	  (VECTOR (VECTOR 1 2 3))))

(do-test "built-in-class-of"
  (let ((lostp nil))
    (dolist (tst *built-in-class-tests*)
      (unless (eq (class-named (car tst))
		  (class-of (eval (cadr tst))))
	(do-test-error ()
		       "~&class-of ~S was ~A not ~A~%"
		       (cadr tst)
		       (class-name (class-of (eval (cadr tst))))
		       (car tst))
	(setq lostp t)))
    (not lostp)))

(do-test "existence of generic-functions for accessors of early classes"
  ;; Because accessors are done with add-method, and this has to be done
  ;; specially for early classes it is worth testing to make sure that
  ;; the generic-functions got created for the accessor of early classes.
  ;; Of course PCL wouldn't have loaded if most of these didn't exist,
  ;; but what the hell.
  (dolist (class '(essential-class class
		   generic-function standard-generic-function
    (dolist (slotd (class-slots (class-named class)))
      (dolist (acc (slotd-accessors slotd))
	(unless (and (fboundp acc)
		     (generic-function-p (symbol-function acc)))
	  (do-test-error () "~S isn't a generic function" acc))
	(setq acc (get-setf-generic-function-name acc))
	(unless (and (fboundp acc)
		     (generic-function-p (symbol-function acc)))
	  (do-test-error () "~S isn't a generic function" acc)))
      (dolist (rea (slotd-readers slotd))
	(unless (and (fboundp rea)
		     (generic-function-p (symbol-function rea)))
	  (do-test-error () "~S isn't a generic function" rea))))))

(do-test "early reader/writer methods are appropriate class"
  ;; Because accessors are done with add-method, and this has to be done
  ;; specially for early classes it is worth testing to make sure that
  ;; the generic-functions got created for the accessor of early classes.
  ;; Of course PCL wouldn't have loaded if most of these didn't exist,
  ;; but what the hell.
  (dolist (class '(essential-class class
		   generic-function standard-generic-function
    (let ((class (class-named 'class)))
      (flet ((check-reader (gf)
	       (let ((reader (get-method (symbol-function gf)
					 (list class))))
		 (unless (typep reader 'standard-reader-method)
		   (do-test-error () "~S isn't a READER method" reader))))
	     (check-writer (gf)
	       (let ((writer (get-method (get-setf-generic-function gf)
					 (list t class))))
		 (unless (typep writer 'standard-writer-method)
		   (do-test-error () "~S isn't a WRITER method" writer)))))
	(dolist (slotd (class-local-slots class))
	  (dolist (acc (slotd-accessors slotd))
	    (check-reader acc)
	    (check-writer acc))	  
	  (dolist (rea (slotd-readers slotd))
	    (check-reader rea)))))))

(do-test "typep works for standard-classes"
	 ((:classes foo1 foo2 bar))

  (defclass foo1 () ())
  (defclass foo2 (foo1) ())
  (defclass bar () ())

  (let ((f1 (make-instance 'foo1))
	(f2 (make-instance 'foo2)))
    (or (typep f1 'foo1)
	  () "an instance of foo1 isn't subtypep of foo1"))
    (or (not (typep f1 'foo2))
	  () "an instance of foo1 is suptypep of a subclass of foo1"))
    (or (not (typep f1 'bar))
	  () "an instance of foo1 is subtypep of an unrelated class"))
    (or (typep f2 'foo1)
	  () "an instance of foo2 is not subtypep of a super-class of foo2"))

(do-test "accessors and readers should NOT be inherited"
	 ((:classes foo bar)
	  (:functions foo-x foo-y))

  (defclass foo ()
       ((x :accessor foo-x)
	(y :reader foo-y)))

  (fmakunbound 'foo-x)
  (fmakunbound 'foo-y)

  (defclass bar (foo)
       (x y))

  (and (fboundp 'foo-x) (do-test-error () "foo-x got inherited?"))
  (and (fboundp 'foo-y) (do-test-error () "foo-x got inherited?")))

(do-test ":accessor and :reader methods go away"
	 ((:classes foo)
	  (:functions foo-x foo-y)
	  (:setf-generic-functions foo-x foo-y))  

  (defclass foo () ((x :accessor foo-x) (y :reader foo-y)))

  (unless (and (fboundp 'foo-x)
	       (fboundp 'foo-y))
    (do-test-error t "accessors didn't even get generated?"))

  (defclass foo () (x y))

  (flet ((methods (x)
	   (generic-function-methods (symbol-function 'foo-y))))
    (and (methods 'foo-x)
	 (do-test-error () "~&reader method for foo-x not removed"))
    (and (methods 'foo-y)
	 (do-test-error () "~&reader method for foo-y not removed"))
    (and (methods (get-setf-generic-function-name 'foo-y))
	 (do-test-error () "~&writer method for foo-y not removed"))

(do-test ":accessor-prefix methods go away"
	 ((:classes foo)
	  (:functions foo-x foo-y)
	  (:setf-generic-functions foo-x foo-y))  

  (defclass foo () (x y) (:accessor-prefix foo-))

  (unless (and (fboundp 'foo-x)
	       (fboundp 'foo-y))
    (do-test-error t "accessors didn't even get generated?"))

  (defclass foo () (x y))

  (flet ((methods (x)
	   (generic-function-methods (symbol-function 'foo-y))))
    (and (methods 'foo-x)
	 (do-test-error () "~&reader method for foo-x not removed"))
    (and (methods 'foo-y)
	 (do-test-error () "~&reader method for foo-y not removed"))
    (and (methods (get-setf-generic-function-name 'foo-x))
	 (do-test-error () "~&writer method for foo-y not removed"))
    (and (methods (get-setf-generic-function-name 'foo-y))
	 (do-test-error () "~&writer method for foo-y not removed"))

(do-test "constructors go away"
	 ((:classes foo)
	  (:functions make-foo-1 make-foo-2))

  (defclass foo ()
       (x y)
    (:constructor make-foo-1)
    (:constructor make-foo-2 (x y)))

  (or (and (fboundp 'make-foo-1) (fboundp 'make-foo-2))	   
      (do-test-error t "constructors didn't even get generated."))

  (defclass foo ()
       (x y))

  (and (fboundp 'make-foo-1)
       (do-test-error () "make-foo-1 didn't go away."))
  (and (fboundp 'make-foo-2)
       (do-test-error () "make-foo-2 didn't go away."))

(defclass test-class-1 () (x y) (:accessor-prefix test-class-1-))

(do-test "Simple with-slots test -- does not really exercise the walker."
	 ((:functions foo bar))

  (defmethod foo ((obj test-class-1))
    (with-slots (obj)
      (list x y)))

  (defmethod bar ((obj test-class-1))
    (with-slots ((obj :prefix obj-))
      (setq obj-x 1
            obj-y 2)))

  (or (and (equal '(nil nil) (foo (make-instance 'test-class-1)))
	   (equal '(1 2) (foo (make-instance 'test-class-1 :x 1 :y 2))))
      (do-test-error () "FOO (the one that reads) failed"))

  (or (let ((foo (make-instance 'test-class-1)))
	(bar foo)
	(or (and (equal (slot-value foo 'x) 1)
		 (equal (slot-value foo 'y) 2))
	    (do-test-error () "BAR (the one that writes) failed")))))

(do-test "Simple with-slots test (:use-accessors nil)."
	 ((:functions foo bar))
  (defmethod foo ((obj test-class-1))
    (with-slots ((obj :use-accessors nil))
      (list x y)))

  (defmethod bar ((obj test-class-1))
    (with-slots ((obj :prefix obj- :use-accessors nil))
      (setq obj-x 1
            obj-y 2)))

  (or (and (equal '(nil nil) (foo (make-instance 'test-class-1)))
	   (equal '(1 2) (foo (make-instance 'test-class-1 :x 1 :y 2))))
      (do-test-error () "FOO (the one that reads) failed"))

  (or (let ((foo (make-instance 'test-class-1)))
	(bar foo)
	(or (and (equal (slot-value foo 'x) 1)
		 (equal (slot-value foo 'y) 2))
	    (do-test-error () "BAR (the one that writes) failed")))))

;;;;;; things that bug fixes prompted.

(do-test "with-slots inside of lexical closures"
	 ((:functions foo bar))
  ;; 6/20/86
  ;; The walker was confused about what (FUNCTION (LAMBDA ..)) meant.  It
  ;; didn't walk inside there.  Its sort of surprising this didn't get
  ;; caught sooner.

  (defun foo (fn foos)
    (and foos (cons (funcall fn (car foos)) (foo fn (cdr foos)))))

  (defun bar ()
    (let ((the-test-class (make-instance 'test-class-1 :x 0 :y 3)))
      (with-slots ((the-test-class :class test-class-1))
	(foo #'(lambda (foo) (incf x) (decf y))
	     (make-list 3)))))

  (or (equal (bar) '(2 1 0))
      (do-test-error t "lost")))

(do-test "redefinition of default method has proper effect"
	 ((:functions foo))
  ;; 5/26/86
  ;; This was caused because the hair for trying to avoid making a
  ;; new discriminating function didn't know that changing the default
  ;; method was a reason to make a new discriminating function.  Fixed
  ;; by always making a new discriminating function when a method is
  ;; added or removed.  The template stuff should keep this from being
  ;; expensive.

  (defmethod foo ((x class)) 'class)
  (defmethod foo (x) 'default)
  (defmethod foo (x) 'new-default)

  (or (eq (foo nil) 'new-default)
      (do-test-error t "lost")))

(defmethod foo ((x class)) (call-next-method))