Copyright (c) 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. 2 30.7 Miscellaneous Terminal I/O 1 (RINGBELLS N) [Function] 1 Flashes (reverse-videos) the screen N times (default 1). On the Xerox 1108, this also beeps through the keyboard speaker. 1 (PLAYTUNE Frequency/Duration.pairlist) [Function] 1 On the Xerox 1108, PLAYTUNE plays a sequence of notes through the keyboard speaker. Frequency/Duration.pairlist should be a list of dotted pairs (FREQUENCY . DURATION). PLAYTUNE maps down its argument, beeping the 1108 keyboard buzzer at each frequency for the specified amount of time. Specifying NIL for a frequency means to turn the beeper off the specified amount of time. The units of time are TICKS (("TICKS" . TimerUnit)), which last about 28.78 microseconds on the Xerox 1108. PLAYTUNE makes no sound on a Xerox 1132. The default "simulate" entry for control-G (ASCII BEL) on the 1108 uses PLAYTUNE to make a short beep. 1 PLAYTUNE is implemented using BEEPON and BEEPOFF: (BEEPON FREQ) [Function] 1 On the Xerox 1108, turns on the keyboard speaker playing a note with frequency FREQ, measured in TICKS (("TICKS" . TimerUnit)). The speaker will continue to play the note until BEEPOFF is called. 1 (BEEPOFF) [Function] 1 Turns off the keyboard speaker on the Xerox 1108. 1 (SETMAINTPANEL N) [Function] 1 On the Xerox 1108, this sets the four-digit "maintanance panel" display on the front of the computer to display the number N. 1 ()KKT/KT(.((7((MODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))  HRULE.GETFNMODERN " HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN $V HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN :" zc IRM.GET.CREF;j HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN O IRM.GET.CREF5  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN 2 HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN { HRULE.GETFNMODERN rz 2 30.6 Display Screen 1 Interlisp-D supports a high-resolution bitmap display screen. All printing and drawing operations to the screen are actually performed on a bitmap in memory, which is read by the computer hardware to become visible as the screen. This section describes the functions used to control the appearance of the display screen. (SCREENBITMAP) [Function] 1 Returns the screen bitmap. 1 SCREENWIDTH [Variable] 1 SCREENHEIGHT [Variable] 1 Value is the width and height of the screen bitmap, respectively. 1 WHOLEDISPLAY [Variable] 1 Value is a region that is the size of the screen bitmap. 1 The background shade of the display window can be changed using the following function: (CHANGEBACKGROUND SHADE %) [Function] 1 Changes the background shade of the window system. SHADE determines the pattern of the background. If SHADE is a texture, then the background is simply painted with it. If SHADE is a BITMAP, the background is tesselated (tiled) with it to cover the screen. If SHADE is T, it changes to the original shade, the value of WINDOWBACKGROUNDSHADE. It returns the previous value of the background. 1 (CHANGEBACKGROUNDBORDER SHADE %) [Function] 1 On the Xerox 1108, changes the shade of the border of the display to SHADE, which should be a texture. It returns the previous texture of the background border. CHANGEBACKGROUNDBORDER is a no-op on the Xerox 1132. 1 WINDOWBACKGROUNDSHADE [Variable] 1 Value is the default background shade for the display. 1 (VIDEOCOLOR BLACKFLG) [NoSpread Function] 1 Sets the interpretation of the bits in the screen bitmap. If BLACKFLG is NIL, a 0 bit will be displayed as white, otherwise a 0 bit will be displayed as black. VIDEOCOLOR returns the previous setting. If BLACKFLG is not given, VIDEOCOLOR will return the current setting without changing anything. Note: This function only works on the Xerox 1100 and Xerox 1108. 1 (VIDEORATE TYPE) [Function] 1 Sets the rate at which the screen is refreshed. TYPE is one of NORMAL or TAPE. If TYPE is TAPE, the screen will be refreshed at the same rate as TV (60 cycles per second). This makes the picture look better when video taping the screen. Note: Changing the rate may change the dimensions of the display on the picture tube. 1 Maintaining the video image on the screen uses cpu cycles, so turning off the display can improve the speed of compute-bound tasks. When the display is off, the screen will be white but any printing or displaying that the program does will be visible when the display is turned back on. Note: Breaks and PAGEFULLFN waiting (("PAGEFULLFN" . Function)) turn the display on, but users should be aware that it is possible to have the system waiting for a response to a question printed or a menu displayed on a non-visible part of the screen. The functions below are provided to turn the display off. Note: These functions have no effect on the Xerox 1108 display. (SETDISPLAYHEIGHT NSCANLINES) [Function] 1 Sets the display to only show the top NSCANLINES of the screen. If NSCANLINES is T, resets the display to show the full screen. Returns the previous setting. 1 (DISPLAYDOWN FORM NSCANLINES) [Function] 1 Evaluates FORM (with the display set to only show the top NSCANLINES of the screen), and returns the value of FORM. It restores the screen to its previous setting. If NSCANLINES is not given, it defaults to 0. 1  ()KKT/KT((.((7((MODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN C HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN B HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN 9 HRULE.GETFNMODERN $ HRULE.GETFNMODERN 6/BH14 HRULE.GETFNMODERN 0 HRULE.GETFNMODERN GY HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN 7 HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN >U # <B HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN 1  HRULE.GETFNMODERN 3   IRM.GET.CREFA  HRULE.GETFNMODERN &  M HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  , *7 ! HRULE.GETFNMODERN Sz 2 30.5 Keyboard Interpretation 1 For each key on the keyboard and mouse there is a corresponding bit in memory that the hardware turns on and off as the key moves up and down. System-level routines decode the meaning of key transitions according to a table of "key actions", which may be to put particular character codes in the sysbuffer, cause interrupts, change the internal shift/control status, or create events to be placed in the mouse buffer. (KEYDOWNP KEYNAME) [Function] 1 Used to read the instantaneous state of any key, independent of any buffering or pre-assigned key action. Returns T if the key named KEYNAME is down at the moment the function is executed. Most keys are named by the characters on the key-top. Therefore, (KEYDOWNP 'a) or (KEYDOWNP 'A) returns T if the "A" key is down. There are a number of keys that do not have standard names printed on them. These can be accessed by special names as follows: Space SPACE Carriage return CR Line-feed LF Backspace BS Tab TAB Blank keys on 1132 The 1132 keyboard has three unmarked keys on the right of the normal keyboard. These can be accessed by BLANK-BOTTOM, BLANK-MIDDLE, and BLANK-TOP. Escape ESCAPE Shift keys LSHIFT for the left shift key, RSHIFT for the right shift key. Shift lock key LOCK Control key CTRL Mouse buttons The state of the mouse buttons can be accessed using LEFT, MIDDLE, and RIGHT. 1 (SHIFTDOWNP SHIFT) [Function] 1 Returns T if the internal "shift" flag specified by SHIFT is on; NIL otherwise. If SHIFT = 1SHIFT, 2SHIFT, LOCK, META, or CTRL, SHIFTDOWNP returns the state of the left shift, right shift, shift lock, control, and meta flags, respectively. If SHIFT = SHIFT, SHIFTDOWNP returns T if either the left or right shift flag is on. If SHIFT = USERMODE1, USERMODE2, or USERMODE3, SHIFTDOWNP returns the state of one of three user-settable flags that have no other effect on key interpretation. These flags can be set or cleared on character transitions by using KEYACTION (below). 1 (KEYACTION KEYNAME ACTIONS %) [Function] 1 Changes the internal tables that define the action to be taken when a key transition is detected by the system keyboard handler. KEYNAME is specified as for KEYDOWNP. ACTIONS is a dotted pair of the form (DOWN-ACTION . UP-ACTION), where the acceptable transition actions and their interpretations are: NIL IGNORE Take no action on this transition (the default for up-transitions on all ordinary characters). (CHAR SHIFTEDCHAR LOCKFLAG) If a transition action is a three-element list, CHAR and SHIFTEDCHAR are either character codes or (non-numeric) single-character litatoms standing for their character codes. Note that CHAR and SHIFTEDCHAR can be full sixteen-bit NS characters (see ("NS Characters" . TERM)). When the transition occurs, CHAR or SHIFTEDCHAR is transmitted to the system buffer, depending on whether either of the two shift keys are down. LOCKFLAG is optional, and may be LOCKSHIFT or NOLOCKSHIFT. If LOCKFLAG is LOCKSHIFT, then SHIFTEDCHAR will also be transmitted when the LOCK shift is down (the alphabetic keys initially specify LOCKSHIFT, but the digit keys specify NOLOCKSHIFT). For example, (a A LOCKSHIFT) and (61Q ! NOLOCKSHIFT) are the initial settings for the down transitions of the "a" and "1" keys respectively. 1SHIFTUP, 1SHIFTDOWN 2SHIFTUP, 2SHIFTDOWN CTRLUP, CTRLDOWN METAUP, METADOWN Change the status of the internal "shift" flags for the left shift, right shift, control, and meta keys, respectively. These shifts affect the interpretation of ordinary key actions. If either of the shifts is down, then SHIFTEDCHARs are transmitted. If the control flag is on, then the the seventh bit of the character code is cleared as characters are transmitted. If the meta flag is on, the the eighth bit of the character code is set (normally cleared) as characters are transmitted. For example, the initial keyactions for the left shift key is (1SHIFTDOWN . 1SHIFTUP). LOCKUP, LOCKDOWN, LOCKTOGGLE Change the status of the internal "shift" flags for the shift lock key. If the lock flag is down, then SHIFTEDCHARs are transmitted if the key action specified LOCKSHIFT. LOCKUP and LOCKDOWN clear and set the shift lock flag, respectively. LOCKTOGGLE complements the flag (turning it off if the flag is on; on if the flag is off). USERMODE1UP, USERMODE1DOWN, USERMODE1TOGGLE USERMODE2UP, USERMODE2DOWN, USERMODE2TOGGLE USERMODE3UP, USERMODE3DOWN, USERMODE3TOGGLE Change the status of the three user flags USERMODE1, USERMODE2, and USERMODE3, whose status can be determined by calling SHIFTDOWNP (above). These flags have no other effect on key interpretation. EVENT An encoding of the current state of the mouse and selected keys is placed in the mouse-event buffer when this transition is detected. KEYACTION returns the previous setting for KEYNAME. If ACTIONS is NIL, returns the previous setting without changing the tables. 1 (MODIFY.KEYACTIONS KEYACTIONS SAVECURRENT?) [Function] 1 KEYACTIONS is a list of key actions to be set, each of the form (KEYNAME . ACTIONS). The effect of MODIFY.KEYACTIONS is as if (KEYACTION KEYNAME ACTIONS) were performed for each item on KEYACTIONS. If SAVECURRENT? is non-NIL, then MODIFY.KEYACTIONS returns a list of all the results from KEYACTION, otherwise it returns NIL. This can be used with a MODIFY.KEYACTIONS that appears in a RESETFORM, so that the list is built at "entry", but not upon "exit". 1 (METASHIFT FLG) [NoSpread Function] 1 If FLG is T, changes the keyboard handler (via KEYACTION) so as to interpret the "stop" key on the 1108 as a metashift: if a key is struck while the meta is down, it is read with the 200Q bit set. For CHAT users this is a way of getting an "Edit" key on your simulated Datamedia. If FLG is other than NIL or T, it is passed as the ACTIONS argument to KEYACTION. The reason for this is that if someone has set the "STOP" key to some random behavior, then (RESETFORM (METASHIFT T) --) will correctly restore that random behavior. 1  2T12T1)KKT/KT((.((7((MODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))    HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  s1B      }     D  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  +  f  /        HRULE.GETFNMODERN " HRULE.GETFNMODERN    I` 1 v , IRM.GET.CREF  b    #6  ;   C i . 3 Q      ,   , C "<  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  6  !  (  =  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  $   _.  HRULE.GETFNMODERN ?z 30.4.5 Low Level Mouse Functions 1 This section describes the functions and variables that provide low level access to the mouse and cursor. (LASTMOUSEX DISPLAYSTREAM) [Function] 1 Returns the value of the cursor's X position in the coordinates of DISPLAYSTREAM (as of the last call to GETMOUSESTATE, below). 1 (LASTMOUSEY DISPLAYSTREAM) [Function] 1 Returns the value of the cursor's Y position in the coordinates of DISPLAYSTREAM (as of the last call to GETMOUSESTATE, below). 1 LASTMOUSEX [Variable] 1 Value is the X position of the cursor in absolute screen coordinates (as of the last call to GETMOUSESTATE, below). 1 LASTMOUSEY [Variable] 1 Value is the Y position of the cursor in absolute screen coordinates (as of the last call to GETMOUSESTATE, below). 1 LASTMOUSEBUTTONS [Variable] 1 Value is an integer that has bits on corresponding to the mouse buttons that are down (as of the last call to GETMOUSESTATE, below). Bit 4Q is the left mouse button, 2Q is the right button, 1Q is the middle button. 1 LASTKEYBOARD [Variable] 1 Value is an integer encoding the state of certain keys on the keyboard (as of the last call to GETMOUSESTATE, below). Bit 200Q = lock, 100Q = left shift, 40Q = ctrl, 10Q = right shift, 4Q = blank Bottom, 2Q = blank Middle, 1Q = blank Top. If the key is down, the corresponding bit is on. 1 (GETMOUSESTATE) [Function] 1 Reads the current state of the mouse and sets the variables LASTMOUSEX, LASTMOUSEY, and LASTMOUSEBUTTONS. In polling mode, the program must remember the previous state and look for changes, such as a key going up or down, or the cursor moving outside a region of interest. 1 (DECODEBUTTONS BUTTONSTATE) [Function] 1 Returns a list of the mouse buttons that are down in the state BUTTONSTATE. If BUTTONSTATE is not a small integer, the value of LASTMOUSEBUTTONS (above) is used. The button names that can be returned are: LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT (the three mouse keys). 1 )KKT/KT((. (((MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) # HRULE.GETFNMODERN j   HRULE.GETFNMODERN C    HRULE.GETFNMODERN    HRULE.GETFNMODERN C    HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN ]   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN ]   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN n  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN _   @ HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN <   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN ?  &> HRULE.GETFNMODERN Y,z 30.4.4 Mouse Button Testing 1 There are two or three keys on the mouse. These keys (also called buttons) are referred to by their location: LEFT, MIDDLE, or RIGHT. The following macros are provided to test the state of the mouse buttons: (MOUSESTATE BUTTONFORM) [Macro] 1 Reads the state of the mouse buttons, and returns T if that state is described by BUTTONFORM. BUTTONFORM can be one of the key indicators LEFT, MIDDLE, or RIGHT; the atom UP (indicating all keys are up); the form (ONLY KEY); or a form of AND, OR, or NOT applied to any valid button form. For example: (MOUSESTATE LEFT) will be true if the left mouse button is down. (MOUSESTATE (ONLY LEFT)) will be true if the left mouse button is the only one down. (MOUSESTATE (OR (NOT LEFT) MIDDLE)) will be true if either the left mouse button is up or the middle mouse button is down. 1 (LASTMOUSESTATE BUTTONFORM) [Macro] 1 Similar to MOUSESTATE, but tests the value of LASTMOUSEBUTTONS (below) rather than getting the current state. This is useful for determining which keys caused MOUSESTATE to be true. 1 (UNTILMOUSESTATE BUTTONFORM INTERVAL) [Macro] 1 BUTTONFORM is as described in MOUSESTATE. Waits until BUTTONFORM is true or until INTERVAL milliseconds have elapsed. The value of UNTILMOUSESTATE is T if BUTTONFORM was satisfied before it timed out, otherwise NIL. If INTERVAL is NIL, it waits indefinitely. This compiles into an open loop that calls the TTY wait background function. This form should not be used inside the TTY wait background function. UNTILMOUSESTATE does not use any storage during its wait loop. 1 )KKT/KT((. (((MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))  HRULE.GETFNMODERN oM    HRULE.GETFNMODERN 2  " (# 1>#X HRULE.GETFNMODERN    HRULE.GETFNMODERN   b   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN    * .ID0 HRULE.GETFNMODERN huz 30.4.3 Cursor Position 1 The position at which the cursor bitmap is being displayed can be read or set using the following functions: (CURSORPOSITION NEWPOSITION DISPLAYSTREAM OLDPOSITION) [Function] 1 Returns the location of the cursor in the coordinate system of DISPLAYSTREAM (or the current display stream, if DISPLAYSTREAM is NIL). If NEWPOSITION is non-NIL, it should be a position and the cursor will be positioned at NEWPOSITION. If NEWPOSITION is NIL, the current position is simple returned. Note: The current position of the cursor is the position of the "hot spot" of the cursor, not the position of the cursor bitmap. If OLDPOSITION is a POSITION object, this object will be changed to point to the location of the cursor and returned, rather of allocating a new POSITION. This can improve performance if CURSORPOSITION is called repeatedly to track the cursor. Note: To get the location of the cursor in absolute screen coordinates, use the variables LASTMOUSEX and LASTMOUSEY (("LASTMOUSEX" . Variable)). 1 (ADJUSTCURSORPOSITION DELTAX DELTAY) [Function] 1 Moves the cursor DELTAX points in the X direction and DELTAY points in the Y direction. DELTAX and DELTAY default to 0. 1 ()KKT/KT((. (1(MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))  HRULE.GETFNMODERN m% HRULE.GETFNMODERN ? $  ?  + u#,[   IRM.GET.CREF HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN t(Oz 30.4.2 Flashing Bars on the Cursor 1 The low-level Interlisp-D system uses the cursor to display certain system status information, such as garbage collection or swapping. This is done because changing the cursor image is very quick, and does not require interacting with the window system. Interlisp inverts horizontal bars on the cursor when the system is swapping pages, or doing certain stack operations. Normally, these bars are only inverted for a very short time, so they look like they are flashing. These cursor changes are interpreted as follows: Inverted cursor: ?'g Whatever image is being displayed as the cursor, whenever Interlisp does a garbage collection, the whole cursor is inverted. Top bar:   Swap read. On when Interlisp is swapping in a page from the virtual memory file into the real memory. It is also on when Interlisp allocates a new virtual memory page, even though that doesn't involve a disk read. If this is flashing a lot, the system is doing a lot of swapping. This is an indication that the virtual memory working set is fragmented (see ("Working Set" . TERM)). Performance may be improved by reloading a clean Interlisp system. Upper middle bar:   Stack operations. If this is flashing a lot, it suggests that some process is neglecting to release stack pointers in a timely fashion (see ("Releasing Stack Pointers" . TERM)). Lowereler middle bar: g  Stack operations. On when Interlisp is moving frames on the stack. If the system is slow, and this is flashing a lot, HARDRESET (("HARDRESET" . Function)) sometimes helps. Bottom bar:   Swap write. On when Interlisp writes a dirty virtual memory page from the real memory back into the virtual memory file. 1((. (1(MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) % HRULE.GETFNMODERN , BMOBJ.GETFN3~ , BMOBJ.GETFN3j IRM.GET.CREFG, BMOBJ.GETFN3# IRM.GET.CREF, BMOBJ.GETFN3y  IRM.GET.CREF , BMOBJ.GETFN3{%z 30.4.1 Changing the Cursor Image 1 Interlisp-D maintains the image of the cursor on the screen, moving it as the mouse is moved. The bitmap that becomes visible as the cursor can be accessed by the following function: (CURSORBITMAP) [Function] 1 Returns the cursor bitmap. 1 CURSORWIDTH [Variable] 1 CURSORHEIGHT [Variable] 1 Value is the width and height of the cursor bitmap, respectively. 1 The cursor bitmap can be changed like any other bitmap by BITBLTing into it or pointing a display stream at it and printing or drawing curves. However, for some applications it is necessary to save and restore the cursor, which can be most easily done using CURSOR record objects. A CURSOR record contains fields CURSORBITMAP and CURSORHOTSPOT. The value of the CURSORBITMAP field is a bitmap that is CURSORWIDTH bits wide by CURSORHEIGHT high. The value of the CURSORHOTSPOT field is the "hot spot" of the cursor, a position in the bitmap interpreted as the point that the cursor is pointing to. CURSOR objects can be saved on a file using the file package command CURSORS, or the UGLYVARS file package command. (CURSORCREATE BITMAP X Y) [Function] 1 Returns a cursor object which has BITMAP as its image and the location (X,Y) as the hot spot. If X is a POSITION, it is used as the hot spot. If BITMAP has dimensions different from CURSORWIDTH by CURSORHEIGHT, the lesser of the widths and the lesser of the heights are used to determine the bits that actually get copied into the lower left corner of the cursor. If X is NIL, 0 is used. If Y is NIL, CURSORHEIGHT-1 is used. The default cursor is an uparrow with its tip in the upper left corner and its hot spot at (0,CURSORHEIGHT-1). 1 (CURSOR NEWCURSOR %) [Function] 1 Returns a CURSOR record instance that contains (a copy of) the current cursor specification. If NEWCURSOR is a CURSOR record instance, the cursor will be set to the values in NEWCURSOR. If NEWCURSOR is T, the cursor will be set to the default cursor DEFAULTCURSOR, an upward left pointing arrow:  . 1 (SETCURSOR NEWCURSOR %) [Function] 1 If NEWCURSOR is a CURSOR record instance, the cursor will be set to the values in NEWCURSOR. This does not return the old cursor, and therefore, provides a way of changing the cursor without using storage. 1 (FLIPCURSOR) [Function] 1 Inverts the cursor. 1 The following list describes the cursors used by the Interlisp-D system. Most of them are stored as the values of various variables.   In variable DEFAULTCURSOR. This is the default cursor. `=x `07g In variable WAITINGCURSOR. Represents an hourglass. Used during long computations.  ((((((( In variable MOUSECONFIRMCURSOR. Indicates that the system is waiting for the user to confirm an action by pressing the left mouse button, or aborting the action by pressing any other button. Used by the function MOUSECONFIRM (("MOUSECONFIRM" . Function)). ta$b2\JHJHJHJH1 In variable SYSOUTCURSOR. Indicates that the system is saving the virtual memory in a sysout file. See SYSOUT, ("SYSOUT" . Function).  dʠ.@@ N R P \ In variable SAVINGCURSOR. Indicates that SAVEVM has been called automatically to save the virtual memory state after the system is idle for long enough. See SAVEVMWAIT, ("SAVEVMWAIT" . Variable). p1a AAa 1p In variable CROSSHAIRS. Used by GETPOSITION (("GETPOSITION" . Function)) to indicate a position.  00000000 In variable BOXCURSOR. Used by GETBOXPOSITION (("GETBOXPOSITION" . Function)) to indicate where to place the corner of a box.  9)@9p`` In variable FORCEPS. Used by GETREGION (("GETREGION" . Function)) when the user switches corners. $$  In variable EXPANDINGBOX. Used by GETREGION (("GETREGION" . Function)) when a box is first displayed.  @ In variable UpperRightCursor.   ```````` In variable LowerRightCursor.   In variable UpperLeftCursor.   In variable LowerLeftCursor. The previous four cursors are used by GETREGION (("GETREGION" . Function)) to indicate the four corners of a region.   In variable VertThumbCursor. Used during scrolling to indicate thumbing in a vertical scroll bar. 88||8888||88 In variable VertScrollCursor.  >> In variable ScrollUpCursor.  >> In variable ScrollDownCursor. The previous four cursors are used by SCROLL.HANDLER (("SCROLL.HANDLER" . Function)) during vertical scrolling.   *** In variable HorizThumbCursor. Used during scrolling to indicate thumbing in a horizontal scroll bar.   088x" immediately returns ABC. CHARDELETE and LINEDELETE are available on those characters still in the buffer. Thus, if a program is performing several reads under (CONTROL T), and the user types "NOW IS THE TIME" followed by control-Q, only TIME is deleted, since the rest of the line has already been transmitted to READ and processed. An exception to the above occurs when the break or separator character is an opening parenthesis, bracket or double-quote, since returning at this point would leave the line buffer in a "funny" state. Thus if the input to (READ) is "ABC(", the ABC is not read until a carriage-return or matching parentheses is encountered. In this case the user could LINEDELETE the entire line, since all of the characters are still in the buffer. RATOM Characters are returned as soon as a break or separator character is encountered. Until then, LINEDELETE and CHARDELETE may be used as with READ. For example, (RATOM) followed by "ABC" returns AB. (RATOM) followed by "(" returns ( and types ## indicating that control-A was attempted with nothing in the buffer, since the ( is a break character and would therefore already have been read. READC PEEKC The character is returned immediately; no line editing is possible. In particular, (READC) is perfectly happy to return the CHARDELETE or LINEDELETE characters, or the ESCAPE character (%). The system buffer and line buffer can be directly manipulated using the following functions. (CLEARBUF FILE FLG) [Function] 1 Clears the input buffer for FILE. If FILE is T and FLG is T, the contents of Interlisp's system buffer and line buffer are saved (and can be obtained via SYSBUF and LINBUF described below). When control-D or control-E is typed, or any of the interrupt characters that require terminal interaction is typed (control-G, or control-P), Interlisp automatically performs (CLEARBUF T T). For control-P and, when the break is exited normally, control-H, Interlisp restores the buffer after the interaction. The action of (CLEARBUF T), i.e., clearing of typeahead, is also available as the RUBOUT interrupt character, initially assigned to the delete key in Interlisp-D. Note that this interrupt clears both buffers at the time it is typed, whereas the action of the CHARDELETE and LINEDELETE character occur at the time they are read. 1 (SYSBUF FLG) [Function] 1 If FLG=T, returns the contents of the system buffer (as a string) that was saved at the last (CLEARBUF T T). If FLG=NIL, clears this internal buffer. 1 (LINBUF FLG) [Function] 1 Same as SYSBUF for the line buffer. 1 If both the system buffer and Interlisp's line buffer are empty, the internal buffers associated with LINBUF and SYSBUF are not changed by a (CLEARBUF T T). (BKSYSBUF X FLG RDTBL) [Function] 1 BKSYSBUF sets the system buffer to the PRIN1-name of X. The effect is the same as though the user typed X. Some implementations have a limit on the length of X, in which case characters in X beyond the limit are ignored. Returns X. If FLG is T, then the PRIN2-name of X is used, computed with respect to the read table RDTBL. Note that if the user is typing at the same time as the BKSYSBUF is being performed, the relative order of the type-in and the characters of X is unpredictable. Compatibility note: Some implementations of BKSYSBUF (Interlisp-10) use a "system" buffer, from which keyboard interrupts are also processed. In this case, BKSYSBUF of an interrupt character actually invokes the interrupt at some (asynchronous) time after the BKSYSBUF is initiated. In other implementations (Interlisp-D), the characters are not processed for interrupts, and it is possible to BKSYSBUF characters which would otherwise be impossible to type. 1 (BKLINBUF STR) [Function] 1 STR is a string. BKLINBUF sets Interlisp's line buffer to STR. Some implementations have a limit on the length of STR, in which case characters in STR beyond the limit are ignored. Returns STR. 1 BKLINBUF, BKSYSBUF, LINBUF, and SYSBUF provide a way of "undoing" a CLEARBUF. Thus to "peek" at various characters in the buffer, one could perform (CLEARBUF T T), examine the buffers via LINBUF and SYSBUF, and then put them back. The more common use of these functions is in saving and restoring typeahead when a program requires some unanticipated (from the user's standpoint) input. The function RESETBUFS provides a convenient way of simply clearing the input buffer, performing an interaction with the user, and then restoring the input buffer. (RESETBUFS FORM1 FORM2 ... FORMN) [NLambda NoSpread Function] 1 Clears any typeahead (ringing the terminal's bell if there was, indeed, typeahead), evaluates FORM1, FORM2,... FORMN, then restores the typeahead. Returns the value of FORMN. Compiles open. 1  12T1()KKT/KT((. (((MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))    HRULE.GETFNMODERN GGSl d g  $v !/3   (   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  FS p  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  %  HRULE.GETFNMODERN Z U   o Hj G`   OBU"   ]  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  _y 8  &  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  U  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN    HRULE.GETFNMODERN f   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   36(  28M,i`9  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  !6(  HRULE.GETFNMODERN I    HRULE.GETFNMODERN  ^5  HRULE.GETFNMODERN ݯz 30.2.2 Terminal Control Functions 1 (ECHOCHAR CHARCODE MODE TTBL) [Function] 1 ECHOCHAR sets the "echo mode" of the character CHARCODE to MODE in the terminal table TTBL. The "echo mode" determines how the character is to be echoed or printed. Note that although the name of this function suggests echoing only, it affects all output of the character, both echoing of input and printing of output. CHARCODE should be a character code. CHARCODE can also be a list of characters, in which case ECHOCHAR is applied to each of them with arguments MODE and TTBL. Note that echo modes can be specified for full sixteen-bit NS characters (see ("NS Characters" . TERM)). MODE should be one of the litatoms IGNORE, REAL, SIMULATE, or INDICATE which specify how the character should be echoed or printed: IGNORE CHARCODE is never printed. REAL CHARCODE itself is printed. Some terminals may respond to certain control and meta characters in interesting ways. SIMULATE Output of CHARCODE is simulated. For example, control-I (tab) may be simulated by printing spaces. The simulation is machine-specific and beyond the control of the user. INDICATE For control or meta characters, CHARCODE is printed as # and/or ^ followed by the corresponding alphabetic character. For example, control-A would echo as ^A, and meta-control-W would echo as #^W. The value of ECHOCHAR is the previous echo mode for CHARCODE. If MODE=NIL, ECHOCHAR returns the current echo mode without changing it. Warning: In some fonts, control and meta characters may be used for printable characters. If the echomode is set to INDICATE for these characters, they will not print out correctly. 1 (ECHOCONTROL CHAR MODE TTBL) [Function] 1 ECHOCONTROL is an old, limited version of ECHOCHAR, that can only specify the echo mode of control characters. CHAR is a character or character code. If CHAR is an alphabetic character (or code), it refers to the corresponding control character, e.g., (ECHOCONTROL 'Z 'INDICATE) if equivalent to (ECHOCHAR (CHARCODE ^Z) 'INDICATE). 1 (ECHOMODE FLG TTBL) [Function] 1 If FLG=T, turns echoing for terminal table TTBL on. If FLG=NIL, turns echoing off. Returns the previous setting. Note: Unlike ECHOCHAR, this only affects echoing of typed-in characters, not printing of characters. 1 (GETECHOMODE TTBL) [Function] 1 Returns the current echo mode for TTBL. 1 The following functions manipulate the "raise mode," which determines whether lower case characters are converted to upper case when input from the terminal. There is no "raise mode" for input from files. (RAISE FLG TTBL) [Function] 1 Sets the RAISE mode for terminal table TTBL. If FLG=NIL, all characters are passed as typed. If FLG=T, input is echoed as typed, but lowercase letters are converted to upper case. If FLG=0, input is converted to upper case before it is echoed. Returns the previous setting. 1 (GETRAISE TTBL) [Function] 1 Returns the current RAISE mode for TTBL. 1 (DELETECONTROL TYPE MESSAGE TTBL) [Function] 1 Specifies the output protocol when a CHARDELETE or LINEDELETE is typed, by specifying character strings to print when characters are deleted. Interlisp-10 (designed for use on hardcopy terminals) echos the characters being deleted, preceding the first by a \ and following the last by a \, so that it is easy to see exactly what was deleted. Note: Interlisp-D is initially set up to physically erase the deleted characters from the display, so the DELETECONTROL strings are initialized to the null string. The various values of TYPE specify different phases of the deletion, as follows: 1STCHDEL MESSAGE is the message printed the first time CHARDELETE is typed. Initially "\" in Interlisp-10. NTHCHDEL MESSAGE is the message printed when the second and subsequent CHARDELETE characters are typed (without intervening characters). Initially "" in Interlisp-10. POSTCHDEL MESSAGE is the message printed when input is resumed following a sequence of one or more CHARDELETE characters. Initially "\" in Interlisp-10. EMPTYCHDEL MESSAGE is the message printed when a CHARDELETE is typed and there are no characters in the buffer. Initially "##cr" in Interlisp-10. ECHO If TYPE=ECHO, the characters deleted by CHARDELETE are echoed. MESSAGE is ignored. NOECHO If TYPE=NOECHO, the characters deleted by CHARDELETE are not echoed. MESSAGE is ignored. LINEDELETE MESSAGE is the message printed when the LINEDELETE character is typed. Initially "##cr". Note: In Interlisp-10, the LINEDELETE, 1STCHDEL, NTHCHDEL, POSTCHDEL, and EMPTYCHDEL messages must be 4 characters or fewer in length. DELETECONTROL returns the previous message as a string. If MESSAGE=NIL, the value returned is the previous message without changing it. For TYPE=ECHO and NOECHO, the value of DELETECONTROL is the previous echo mode, i.e., ECHO or NOECHO. 1 (GETDELETECONTROL TYPE TTBL) [Function] 1 Returns the current DELETECONTROL mode for TYPE in TTBL. 1  (1()KKT/KT(. (((MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) $ HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN 'H1+Q IRM.GET.CREF>l ![# 4v: HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  >'_" HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN # 4P HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN " HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  *S#. HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN %  Qs -7' 7 W R   A     ! !   3 /G " HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN    HRULE.GETFNMODERN sz 30.2.1 Terminal Syntax Classes 1 A terminal table associates with each character a single "terminal syntax class", one of CHARDELETE, LINEDELETE, WORDDELETE, RETYPE, CTRLV, EOL, and NONE. Unlike read table classes, only one character in a particular terminal table can belong to each of the classes (except for the default class NONE). When a new character is assigned one of these syntax classes by SETSYNTAX (("SETSYNTAX" . Function)), the previous character is disabled (i.e., reassigned the syntax class NONE), and the value of SETSYNTAX is the code for the previous character of that class, if any, otherwise NIL. The terminal syntax classes are interpreted as follows: CHARDELETE (Initially BackSpace and control-A in Interlisp-D) Typing this character deletes the previous character typed. Repeated use of this character deletes successive characters back to the beginning of the line. LINEDELETE (Initially control-Q in Interlisp-D) Typing this character deletes the whole line; it cannot be used repeatedly. WORDDELETE (Initially control-W in Interlisp-D) Typing this character deletes the previous "word", i.e., sequence of non-separator characters. RETYPE (Initially control-R) Causes the line to be retyped as Interlisp sees it (useful when repeated deletions make it difficult to see what remains). CTRLV CNTRLV (Initially control-V) When followed by A, B, ... Z, inputs the corresponding control character control-A, control-B, ... control-Z. This allows interrupt characters to be input without causing an interrupt. EOL On input from a terminal, the EOL character signals to the line buffering routine to pass the input back to the calling function. It also is used to terminate inputs to READLINE (("READLINE" . Function)). In general, whenever the phrase carriage-return linefeed is used, what is meant is the character with terminal syntax class EOL. NONE The terminal syntax class of all other characters. GETSYNTAX, SETSYNTAX, and SYNTAXP all work on terminal tables as well as read tables (see ("GETSYNTAX" . Function)). As with read tables, full sixteen-bit NS characters can be specified in terminal tables (see ("NS Characters" . TERM)). When given NIL as a TABLE argument, GETSYNTAX and SYNTAXP use the primary read table or primary terminal table depending on which table contains the indicated CLASS argument. For example, (SETSYNTAX CH 'BREAK) refers to the primary read table, and (SETSYNTAX CH 'CHARDELETE) refers to the primary terminal table. In the absence of such information, all three functions default to the primary read table; e.g., (SETSYNTAX '{ '%[) refers to the primary read table. If given incompatible CLASS and table arguments, all three functions generate errors. For example, (SETSYNTAX CH 'BREAK TTBL), where TTBL is a terminal table, generates an ILLEGAL READTABLE error, and (GETSYNTAX 'CHARDELETE RDTBL) generates an ILLEGAL TERMINAL TABLE error. 12T1((. (((MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) ! HRULE.GETFNMODERN Y   D  IRM.GET.CREFI I8  s ) IRM.GET.CREF4  9 IRM.GET.CREFa IRM.GET.CREF  f '  :I #  z 2 30.2 Terminal Tables 1 A read table (("read tables" . TERM)) contains input/output information that is media-independent. For example, the action of parentheses is the same regardless of the device from which the input is being performed. A terminal table is an object that contains information that pertains to terminal input/output operations only, such as the character to type to delete the last character or to delete the last line. In addition, terminal tables contain such information as how line-buffering is to be performed, how control characters are to be echoed/printed, whether lower case input is to be converted to upper case, etc. Using the functions below, the user may change, reset, or copy terminal tables, or create a new terminal table and install it as the primary terminal table via SETTERMTABLE. However, unlike read tables, terminal tables cannot be passed as arguments to input/output functions. (GETTERMTABLE TTBL) [Function] 1 If TTBL=NIL, returns the primary (i.e., current) terminal table. If TTBL is a terminal table, return TTBL. Otherwise, generates an ILLEGAL TERMINAL TABLE error. 1 (COPYTERMTABLE TTBL) [Function] 1 Returns a copy of TTBL. TTBL can be a real terminal table, NIL (copies the primary terminal table), or ORIG (returns a copy of the original system terminal table). Note that COPYTERMTABLE is the only function that creates a terminal table. 1 (SETTERMTABLE TTBL) [Function] 1 Sets the primary terminal table to be TTBL. Returns the previous primary terminal table. Generates an ILLEGAL TERMINAL TABLE error if TTBL is not a real terminal table. 1 (RESETTERMTABLE TTBL FROM) [Function] 1 Copies (smashes) FROM into TTBL. FROM and TTBL can be NIL or a real terminal table. In addition, FROM can be ORIG, meaning to use the system's original terminal table. 1 (TERMTABLEP TTBL) [Function] 1 Returns TTBL, if TTBL is a real terminal table, NIL otherwise. 1 )KKT/KT((.((7((MODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  IRM.GET.CREF,H i HRULE.GETFNMODERN : HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN )$ 5 HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN &>  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN )7 HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN /%z 2 30.1 Interrupt Characters 1 Errors and breaks can be caused by errors within functions, or by explicitly breaking a function. The user can also indicate his desire to go into a break while a program is running by typing certain control characters known as "interrupt characters". The following interrupt characters are currently enabled in Interlisp-D: Note: In Interlisp-D with multiple processes, it is not sufficient to say that "the computation" is broken, aborted, etc; it is necessary to specify which process is being acted upon. Usually, the user wants interrupts to occur in the TTY process, which is the one currently receiving keyboard input. However, sometimes the user wants to interrupt the mouse process, if it is currently busy executing a menu command or waiting for the user to specify a region on the screen. Most of the interrupt characters below take place in the mouse process if it is busy, otherwise the TTY process. Control-G can be used to break arbitrary processes. For more information, see ("ProcessInterrupts" . TAG). Control-B Causes a break within the mouse process (if busy) or the TTY process. Use control-G to break a particular process. Control-D Aborts the mouse process (if busy) or the TTY process, and unwinds its stack to the top level. Calls RESET (("RESET" . Function)). Control-E Aborts the mouse process (if busy) or the TTY process, and unwinds its stack to the last ERRORSET. Calls ERROR! (("ERROR!" . Function)). Control-G Pops up a menu listing all of the currently-running processes. Selecting one of the processes will cause a break to take place in that process. Control-P Changes the PRINTLEVEL setting of PRINTLEVEL (see ("PRINTLEVEL" . Function)) in the TTY process. This allows the PRINTLEVEL setting to be changed dynamically, even while Interlisp is printing. When control-P is typed, Interlisp rings the bell, prints "set printlevel to:," and waits for the user to type a series of digits. Input is terminated by a non-digit, after which the program continues. If the input is terminated by a period or an exclamation point, the CAR printlevel is immediately set to this number, and printing continues with the (possibly new) printlevel. If the print routine is currently deeper than the new level, all unfinished lists above that level will be terminated by "--)". Thus, if a circular or long list of atoms, is being printed out, typing "control-P0." will cause the list to be terminated immediately. If the input is terminated by a comma, another number may be typed terminated by a period or exclamation point. The CAR printlevel will then be set to the first number, the CDR printlevel to the second number. In either case, if a period is used to terminate the printlevel setting, the printlevel will be returned to its previous setting after the current printout has finished. If an exclamation point is used, the change is permanent and the printlevel is not restored (until it is changed again). Control-T Prints status information for the TTY process. First it prints "IO wait," "Waiting", or "Running," depending on whether the TTY process is currently in waiting for characters to be typed, waiting for some other reason, or running. Next, it prints the names of the top three frames on the stack, to show what is running. Then, it prints a line describing the percentage of time (since the last control-T) that has been spent running a program, swapping, garbage collecting, doing local disk i/o, etc. For example: Running in TTWAITFORINPUT in TTBIN in TTYIN1 95% Util, 0% Swap, 4% GC DELETE Clears typeahead in all processes. The user can disable and/or redefine Interlisp interrupt characters, as well as define new interrupt characters. Interlisp-D is initialized with the following interrupt channels: RESET (control-D), ERROR (control-E), BREAK (control-B), HELP (control-G), PRINTLEVEL (control-P), RUBOUT (DELETE), and RAID. Each of these channels independently can be disabled, or have a new interrupt character assigned to it via the function INTERRUPTCHAR described below. In addition, the user can enable new interrupt channels, and associate with each channel an interrupt character and an expression to be evaluated when that character is typed. (INTERRUPTCHAR CHAR TYP/FORM HARDFLG %) [Function] 1 Defines CHAR as an interrupt character. If CHAR was previously defined as an interrupt character, that interpretation is disabled. CHAR is either a character or a character code (("Character Codes" . TERM)). Note that full sixteen-bit NS characters can be specified as interrupt characters (see ("NS Characters" . TERM)). CHAR can also be a value returned from INTERRUPTCHAR, as described below. If TYP/FORM=NIL, CHAR is disabled. If TYP/FORM=T, the current state of CHAR is returned without changing or disabling it. If TYP/FORM is one of the literal atoms RESET, ERROR, BREAK, HELP, PRINTLEVEL, RUBOUT, or RAID, then INTERRUPTCHAR assigns CHAR to the indicated Interlisp interrupt channel, (reenabling the channel if previously disabled). If TYP/FORM is any other literal atom, CHAR is enabled as an interrupt character that when typed causes the atom TYP/FORM to be immediately set to T. If TYP/FORM is a list, CHAR is enabled as a user interrupt character, and TYP/FORM is the form that is evaluated when CHAR is typed. The interrupt will be hard if HARDFLG=T, otherwise soft. (INTERRUPTCHAR T) restores all Interlisp channels to their original state, and disables all user interrupts. HARDFLG determines what process the interrupt should run in. If HARDFLG is NIL, the interrupt will run in the TTY process, which is the process currently receiving keyboard input. If HARDFLG is T, the interrupt will occur in whichever process happens to be running. If HARDFLG is MOUSE, the interrupt will happen in the mouse process, if the mouse is busy, otherwise in the TTY process. INTERRUPTCHAR returns a value which, when given as the CHAR argument to INTERRUPTCHAR, will restore things as they were before the call to INTERRUPTCHAR. Therefore, INTERRUPTCHAR can be used in conjunction with RESETFORM or RESETLST (("RESETFORM" . Function)). INTERRUPTCHAR is undoable. 1 (RESET.INTERRUPTS PERMITTEDINTERRUPTS SAVECURRENT?) [Function] 1 PERMITTEDINTERRUPTS is a list of interrupt character settings to be performed, each of the form (CHAR TYP/FORM HARDFLG). The effect of RESET.INTERRUPTS is as if (INTERRUPTCHAR CHAR TYP/FORM HARDFLG) were performed for each item on PERMITTEDINTERRUPTS, and (INTERRUPTCHAR OTHERCHAR NIL) were performed on every other existing interrupt character. If SAVECURRENT? is non-NIL, then RESET.INTERRUPTS returns the current state of the interrupts in a form that could be passed to RESET.INTERRUPTS, otherwise it returns NIL. This can be used with a RESET.INTERRUPTS that appears in a RESETFORM, so that the list is built at "entry", but not upon "exit". 1 (LISPINTERRUPTS) [Function] 1 Returns the initial default interrupt character settings for Interlisp-D, as a list that RESET.INTERRUPTS would accept. 1 (INTERRUPTABLE FLAG) [Function] 1 if FLAG=NIL, turns interrupts off. If FLAG=T, turns interrupts on. Value is previous setting. INTERRUPTABLE compiles open. Any interrupt character typed while interrupts are off is treated the same as any other character, i.e. placed in the input buffer, and will not cause an interrupt when interrupts are turned back on. 1  ()KKT/KT((1(.((7((MODERN MODERN MODERNMODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))    HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN  G  IRM.GET.CREFq IRM.GET.CREFd  IRM.GET.CREF    IRM.GET.CREF' F ;~ D u6" $--  VM. HRULE.GETFNMODERN   T , IRM.GET.CREF[ IRM.GET.CREF#   /    ` F   /$* \ :jKf *  6  !  IRM.GET.CREF  HRULE.GETFNMODERN   HRULE.GETFNMODERN M ! =  O = HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN Y HRULE.GETFNMODERN  HRULE.GETFNMODERN 4   HRULE.GETFNMODERN U8z 30. TERMINAL INPUT/OUTPUT 6 Most input/output operations in Interlisp can be simply modeled as reading or writing on a linear stream of bytes. However, the situation is much more complex when it comes to controlling the user's "terminal," which includes the keyboard, the mouse, and the display screen. For example, Interlisp coordinates the operation of these separate I/O devices so that the cursor on the screen moves as the mouse moves, and any characters typed by the user appear in the window currently containing a flashing cursor. Most of the time, this system works correctly without need for user modification. The purpose of this chapter is to describe how to access the low-level controls for the terminal I/O devices. It documents the use of interrupt characters, the keyboard characters that generate interrupts. Then, it describes terminal tables, used to determine the meaning of the different editing characters (character delete, line delete, etc.). Then, the "dribble file" facility that allows terminal I/O to be saved onto a file is presented (("Dribble Files" . TERM)). Finally, the low-level functions that control the mouse and cursor, the keyboard, and the screen are documented. ((](.? PAGEHEADING DRAFTMESSAGE(MODERNMODERN ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8))  HRULE.GETFNT IRM.GET.CREFuiz