(DEFINE-FILE-INFO PACKAGE "IL" READTABLE "INTERLISP" BASE 10) (FILECREATED "11-Sep-87 14:14:11" |{EG:PARC:XEROX}<LANNING>LISP>USERS>WHO-LINE.;2| 71602 changes to%: (VARS WHO-LINECOMS) (PROPS (WHO-LINE MAKEFILE-ENVIRONMENT)) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE-ENTRY*) (FUNCTIONS WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE) previous date%: " 9-Jun-87 08:58:11" |{EG:PARC:XEROX}<LANNING>LISP>USERS>WHO-LINE.;1|) (* " Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. ") (PRETTYCOMPRINT WHO-LINECOMS) (RPAQQ WHO-LINECOMS ((DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (PROP MAKEFILE-ENVIRONMENT WHO-LINE) (PROP FILETYPE WHO-LINE)) (* ;;; "Define a WHO-LINE window that displays the current state of a number of user specified attributes.") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Public fn for manipulating the who-line") (FNS INSTALL-WHO-LINE-OPTIONS) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Some fns that compute useful values for the who-line, and act as nice button event fns") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current logged in user") (FNS WHO-LINE-USERNAME WHO-LINE-CHANGE-USER WHO-LINE-AFTER-LOGIN) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* *WHO-LINE-USER-ENTRY*) (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY DONTEVAL@LOAD (ADDVARS (\SYSTEMCACHEVARS *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* ) (\AFTERLOGINFNS WHO-LINE-AFTER-LOGIN ))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the current machine name") (FNS WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME-ENTRY*) (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY DONTEVAL@LOAD (ADDVARS (\SYSTEMCACHEVARS *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* ))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current tty process package") (FNS CURRENT-TTY-PACKAGE SET-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY SET-TTY-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY ) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-NAME-CACHE* *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-ENTRY*) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current tty process readtable") (FNS CURRENT-TTY-READTABLE-NAME SET-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY SET-TTY-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-READTABLE-ENTRY*) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current tty process") (FNS WHO-LINE-TTY-PROCESS CHANGE-TTY-PROCESS-INTERACTIVELY) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-TTY-PROC-ENTRY*) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the currently connected directory") (FNS WHO-LINE-CURRENT-DIRECTORY SET-CONNECTED-DIRECTORY-INTERACTIVELY) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES* *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY* *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORY-ENTRY*) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current VMem utilization") (FNS WHO-LINE-VMEM WHO-LINE-SAVE-VMEM) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM* *WHO-LINE-VMEM-ENTRY*) (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY DONTEVAL@LOAD (FILES (LOADCOMP) LLFAULT) (P (CHECKIMPORTS '(LLPARAMS) T))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the percent of symbol-space currently used") (FUNCTIONS WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE* *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE-ENTRY*) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the current time") (FNS WHO-LINE-TIME WHO-LINE-SET-TIME) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-TIMER* *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME* *WHO-LINE-TIME-ENTRY*) (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (APPENDVARS (\SYSTEMTIMERVARS (*WHO-LINE-TIMER* SECONDS )))) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Some as yet un-debugged entries. Try at your own risk.") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the machine-active entry") (FNS WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE \UPDATE-WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-FLAG \PERIODICALLY-WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD* *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* *WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE-ENTRY*) (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (APPENDVARS (\SYSTEMTIMERVARS (*WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* MILLISECONDS)))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current reader profile") (FNS CURRENT-PROFILE SET-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY SET-TTY-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-PROFILE-ENTRY*) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the state of the current TTY process") (FNS WHO-LINE-TTY-STATE WHO-LINE-WHAT-IS-RUNNING) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-STATE* *WHO-LINE-STATE-UNINTERESTING-FNS* *WHO-LINE-TTY-STATE-ENTRY*) (PROP WHO-LINE-STATE AWAIT.EVENT BLOCK EXCHANGEPUPS GETPUP SENDPUP WAIT.FOR.TTY \TTYBACKGROUND \WAITFORSYSBUFP \\getkey \SENDLEAF PUTSEQUIN \LEAF.READPAGES) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Default options for the who-line") (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE-ENTRIES* *WHO-LINE-ANCHOR* *WHO-LINE-NAME-FONT* *WHO-LINE-VALUE-FONT* *WHO-LINE-DISPLAY-NAMES?* *WHO-LINE-COLOR* *WHO-LINE-TITLE* *WHO-LINE-BORDER* *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-INTERVAL*) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Internal fns") (FNS REDISPLAY-WHO-LINE PERIODICALLY-UPDATE-WHO-LINE SETUP-WHOLINE-TIMER UPDATE-WHO-LINE WHEN-WHO-LINE-SELECTED-FN WHO-LINE-COPY-INSERT) (FNS WHO-LINE-REDISPLAY-INTERRUPT) (VARIABLES *WHO-LINE* *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER*) (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (APPENDVARS (\SYSTEMTIMERVARS (*WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* TICKS)))) (FUNCTIONS INVERT-WHO-LINE-ENTRY) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (RECORDS WHO-LINE-ENTRY)) (* ; "Macros that lets us lock down the Who-Line while we evaluate some forms") (FUNCTIONS WITH-WHO-LINE WITH-AVAILABLE-WHO-LINE) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Initialize the who-line") (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (P (INSTALL-WHO-LINE-OPTIONS)) (ADDVARS (BACKGROUNDFNS PERIODICALLY-UPDATE-WHO-LINE))))) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (PUTPROPS WHO-LINE MAKEFILE-ENVIRONMENT (:PACKAGE "IL" :READTABLE "INTERLISP" :BASE 10)) (PUTPROPS WHO-LINE FILETYPE :COMPILE-FILE) ) (* ;;; "Define a WHO-LINE window that displays the current state of a number of user specified attributes.") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Public fn for manipulating the who-line") (DEFINEQ (INSTALL-WHO-LINE-OPTIONS (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 18-Mar-87 11:17 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Install new descriptions of the values to be displayed in the who-line.") (* ;;; "Each description is a list of four items: then name of the value, a form that will compute the value, the maximum number of characters in the resulting value, and an optional function that will be FUNCALLed if/when that item is moused in the who-line.") (* ;;; "") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Create the who-line window if it isn't there already") (* ;; "") (if (NOT (AND (BOUNDP '*WHO-LINE*) (WINDOWP *WHO-LINE*))) then (SETQ *WHO-LINE* (CREATEW (CREATEREGION 0 0 100 20) NIL NIL T)) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'LOCK (CREATE.MONITORLOCK "WHO-LINE"))) (WITH-WHO-LINE *WHO-LINE* (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALID NIL) (OPENW *WHO-LINE*) (LET ((CURRENT-LEFT 0) ENTRIES) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Make sure the who-line has all the correct window properties") (* ;; "") (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'REPAINTFN 'REDISPLAY-WHO-LINE) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'BUTTONEVENTFN 'WHEN-WHO-LINE-SELECTED-FN) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'DISPLAY-NAMES? *WHO-LINE-DISPLAY-NAMES?*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR *WHO-LINE-ANCHOR*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'NAME-FONT *WHO-LINE-NAME-FONT*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALUE-FONT *WHO-LINE-VALUE-FONT*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'COLOR *WHO-LINE-COLOR*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'TITLE *WHO-LINE-TITLE*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'BORDER *WHO-LINE-BORDER*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'UPDATE-INTERVAL (FIX (TIMES *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-INTERVAL* (SELECTQ (MACHINETYPE) (DORADO 1680) (DANDELION 34.746) (DOVE 62.5) 1)))) (SETQ *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* (SETUP-WHOLINE-TIMER *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER*)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Create and fill in the who-line entries that go on the window.") (* ;; "This entails computing the positions of the entries in the who-line") (* ;; "") (SETQ ENTRIES (for ITEM in *WHO-LINE-ENTRIES* bind (DISPLAY-NAMES? ← (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'DISPLAY-NAMES?)) (VALUE-FONT ← (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALUE-FONT)) (NAME-FONT ← (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'NAME-FONT)) collect (LET ((ENTRY (create WHO-LINE-ENTRY NAME ← (CL:FIRST ITEM) FORM ← (CL:SECOND ITEM)))) (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY ENTRY (* ;; "") (* ;; "Leave a little space (the size of an %"A%") between the previous value and this name") (* ;; "") (SETQ NAME-START (PLUS (STRINGWIDTH "A" VALUE-FONT) CURRENT-LEFT)) (if DISPLAY-NAMES? then (SETQ CURRENT-LEFT (PLUS NAME-START (STRINGWIDTH NAME NAME-FONT)))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "The value is displayed after the name, with a little space between them") (* ;; "") (SETQ VALUE-START (PLUS CURRENT-LEFT (STRINGWIDTH "A" VALUE-FONT))) (SETQ VALUE-END (PLUS VALUE-START (TIMES (CL:THIRD ITEM) (STRINGWIDTH "A" VALUE-FONT))) ) (* ; "Leave a little extra space after each value") (SETQ CURRENT-LEFT (PLUS VALUE-END (STRINGWIDTH "A" VALUE-FONT))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Set the when-selected-fn") (* ;; "") (SETQ WHEN-SELECTED-FN (CL:FOURTH ITEM)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "And the reset-form") (* ;; "") (SETQ RESET-FORM (CL:FIFTH ITEM)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "And return the filled in entry") (* ;; "") ENTRY)))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Reshape the window to hold the new in info") (* ;; "") (LET ((HORIZ-ANCHOR (if (POSITIONP (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR)) then (fetch XCOORD of (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR)) else (OR (for anchor in (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR) thereis (MEMB anchor '(:LEFT :CENTER :JUSTIFY :RIGHT))) (ERROR "No horizontal anchor specified" (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR))))) (VERT-ANCHOR (if (POSITIONP (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR)) then (fetch YCOORD of (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR)) else (OR (for anchor in (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR) thereis (MEMB anchor '(:TOP :BOTTOM))) (ERROR "No vertical anchor specified" (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ANCHOR))))) (WIDTH (WIDTHIFWINDOW CURRENT-LEFT (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'BORDER))) (HEIGHT (HEIGHTIFWINDOW (MAX (FONTPROP (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'NAME-FONT) 'HEIGHT) (FONTPROP (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALUE-FONT) 'HEIGHT)) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'TITLE) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'BORDER)))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Make sure the window fits on the screen (i.e. doesn't run off the edge, and is justified against left and right sides if the user wants).") (* ;; "If the items don't fit, change the length of each item so they do.") (* ;; "Do this by distributing the %"pain%" among all the entries in the who-line.") (* ;; "") (if (OR (GREATERP WIDTH SCREENWIDTH) (EQ HORIZ-ANCHOR :JUSTIFY)) then (for ENTRY in ENTRIES bind (REMAINING-ADJUSTMENT ← (DIFFERENCE SCREENWIDTH WIDTH)) (REMAINING-VALUE-SIZE ← (for ENTRY in ENTRIES sum (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY ENTRY (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END VALUE-START)))) (RUNNING-ADJUSTMENT ← 0) ENTRY-ADJUSTMENT do (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY ENTRY (* ;; "") (* ;; "Figure out how much this entry value gets adjusted.") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Note that, by keeping track of the remaing adjustment needed, we avoid problems with round-off.") (* ;; "") (SETQ ENTRY-ADJUSTMENT (QUOTIENT (TIMES REMAINING-ADJUSTMENT (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END VALUE-START) ) REMAINING-VALUE-SIZE)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Update this entry size & position") (* ;; "") (add NAME-START RUNNING-ADJUSTMENT) (add VALUE-START RUNNING-ADJUSTMENT) (add RUNNING-ADJUSTMENT ENTRY-ADJUSTMENT) (add VALUE-END RUNNING-ADJUSTMENT)) finally (SETQ WIDTH SCREENWIDTH))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Set the who-line window size so it can't be reshaped") (* ;; "") (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'MAXSIZE (CONS WIDTH HEIGHT)) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'MINSIZE (CONS WIDTH HEIGHT)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "The anchor-point decribes where on the screen the who-line should be placed.") (* ;; "The CAR should be one of :JUSTIFY, :LEFT, :RIGHT, or :CENTER.") (* ;; "The CADR should be one of :TOP, :BOTTOM, or :CENTER.") (* ;; "") (SHAPEW *WHO-LINE* (CREATEREGION (SELECTQ HORIZ-ANCHOR ((:JUSTIFY :LEFT) 0) (:RIGHT (DIFFERENCE SCREENWIDTH WIDTH)) (:CENTER (QUOTIENT (DIFFERENCE SCREENWIDTH WIDTH) 2)) HORIZ-ANCHOR) (SELECTQ VERT-ANCHOR (:TOP (DIFFERENCE SCREENHEIGHT HEIGHT)) (:BOTTOM 0) (:CENTER (QUOTIENT (DIFFERENCE SCREENHEIGHT HEIGHT ) 2)) VERT-ANCHOR) WIDTH HEIGHT))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "The values should be centered vertically between the top and the bottom of the window") (* ;; "") (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALUE-BOTTOM (PLUS (FONTPROP (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALUE-FONT) 'DESCENT) (QUOTIENT (DIFFERENCE (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'HEIGHT) (FONTPROP (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALUE-FONT) 'HEIGHT)) 2))) (* ;; "Cache a bitmap that is the same size as the inside of the who-line, and a display stream onto the bitmap.") (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'TEMP-STREAM (DSPCREATE (BITMAPCREATE (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'WIDTH) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'HEIGHT)))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Install the entries") (* ;; "") (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ENTRIES ENTRIES) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Finally, update the window") (* ;; "") (REDISPLAY-WHO-LINE *WHO-LINE*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALID T))))) ) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Some fns that compute useful values for the who-line, and act as nice button event fns") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current logged in user") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-USERNAME (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 14-Jan-87 12:45 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the name of the currently logged in user. Avoid consing up a new string if possible.") (* ;;; "") (* ;; "") (* ;; "The cached value in *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* gets invalidated by an entry on the list of \SYSTEMCACHEVARS") (* ;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER*)) (if *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* then *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* else (SETQ *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* (USERNAME NIL NIL T)))) ) (WHO-LINE-CHANGE-USER (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "17-Nov-86 11:19") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Change the currently logged in user") (* ;;; "") (if (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Change user?" CENTERFLG ← T ITEMS ← (QUOTE (("Yes" T "Log in as a different user") ("No" NIL "Don't change the current user"))))) then (LOGIN))) ) (WHO-LINE-AFTER-LOGIN (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 20-Jan-87 10:25 by smL") (SETQ *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* NIL))) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* NIL "Cached name of the current logged in user") (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-USER-ENTRY* '("User" (WHO-LINE-USERNAME) 10 WHO-LINE-CHANGE-USER (SETQ *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER* NIL)) "Who-Line entry for displaying the name of the currently logged in user" ) (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY DONTEVAL@LOAD (ADDTOVAR \SYSTEMCACHEVARS *WHO-LINE-CURRENT-USER*) (ADDTOVAR \AFTERLOGINFNS WHO-LINE-AFTER-LOGIN) ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the current machine name") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 14-Jan-87 12:46 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the name of the curren workstation. Avoid consing up a new string if possible.") (* ;;; "") (* ;; "") (* ;; "The cached value in *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* gets invalidated by an entry on the list of \SYSTEMCACHEVARS") (* ;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME*)) (if *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* then *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* else (SETQ *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* (ETHERHOSTNAME)))) ) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* NIL "Cached name of the current machine, for the Who-Line") (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME-ENTRY* '("on" (WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME) 10 NIL (SETQ *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME* NIL)) "Who-Line entry for displaying the name of the current machine" ) (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY DONTEVAL@LOAD (ADDTOVAR \SYSTEMCACHEVARS *WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME*) ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current tty process package") (DEFINEQ (CURRENT-TTY-PACKAGE (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 17-Mar-87 17:52 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the name of the current package of the current TTY process") (* ;;; "") (LET ((PACKAGE (PROCESS.EVALV (TTY.PROCESS) '*PACKAGE*))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "The *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-NAME-CACHE* AList is used to cache computed package names with terminating %":%"'s.") (* ;; "This lets us display the name with a colon w/o having to allocate new strings all the time.") (* ;; "") (OR (CDR (ASSOC PACKAGE *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-NAME-CACHE*)) (PUTASSOC PACKAGE (CONCAT (OR (CAR (CL:PACKAGE-NICKNAMES PACKAGE)) (CL:PACKAGE-NAME PACKAGE)) ":") *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-NAME-CACHE*))))) (SET-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 18-Mar-87 13:13 by smL") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Let the user interactivly change the current package") (* ;; "") (LET ((PACKAGE (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Select package" ITEMS ← (SORT (for PACKAGE in (CL:LIST-ALL-PACKAGES) bind PACKAGE-NAME collect (SETQ PACKAGE-NAME (CL:PACKAGE-NAME PACKAGE)) `(,(CONCAT (OR (CAR (CL:PACKAGE-NICKNAMES PACKAGE)) PACKAGE-NAME) ":") ',PACKAGE-NAME ,(CONCAT "Set the current package to " PACKAGE-NAME ":"))) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X Y) (ALPHORDER (CAR X) (CAR Y))))) CENTERFLG ← T)))) (if PACKAGE then (if (SHIFTDOWNP 'SHIFT) then (WHO-LINE-COPY-INSERT (CONCAT PACKAGE ":")) else (CL:IN-PACKAGE PACKAGE)))))) (SET-TTY-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "28-Oct-86 09:49") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Interactivly let the user change the package of the current TTY process") (* ;;; "") (PROCESS.EVAL (TTY.PROCESS) (QUOTE (SET-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY)) T)) ) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-NAME-CACHE* (LIST NIL) "An AList used to cache package names, together with their terminating ':'s" ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-ENTRY* '("Pkg" (CURRENT-TTY-PACKAGE) 10 SET-TTY-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY (SETQ *WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-NAME-CACHE* (LIST NIL))) "Who-Line entry for displaying the package of the current TTY process" ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current tty process readtable") (DEFINEQ (CURRENT-TTY-READTABLE-NAME (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "28-Oct-86 19:13") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the name of the readtable of the current TTY process") (* ;;; "") (OR (READTABLEPROP (PROCESS.EVALV (TTY.PROCESS) (QUOTE *READTABLE*)) (QUOTE NAME)) "Unknown")) ) (SET-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "10-Nov-86 18:36") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Let the user interactivly change the current readtable") (* ;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS \READTABLEHASH)) (LET ((READTABLE (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Select readtable" ITEMS ← (LET ((READTABLES NIL)) (MAPHASH \READTABLEHASH (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (VALUE NAME) (push READTABLES (LIST NAME VALUE))))) (SORT READTABLES (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X Y) (ALPHORDER (CAR X) (CAR Y)))))) CENTERFLG ← T)))) (if (READTABLEP READTABLE) then (SETQ *READTABLE* READTABLE)))) ) (SET-TTY-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "28-Oct-86 09:51") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Interactivly let the user change the package of the current TTY readtable") (* ;;; "") (PROCESS.EVAL (TTY.PROCESS) (QUOTE (SET-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY)) T)) ) ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-READTABLE-ENTRY* '("Rdtbl" (CURRENT-TTY-READTABLE-NAME) 10 SET-TTY-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY) "Who-Line entry for displaying the name of the ReadTable of the current TTY process" ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current tty process") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-TTY-PROCESS (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "28-Oct-86 09:54") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the name of the current TTY process") (* ;;; "") (PROCESSPROP (TTY.PROCESS) (QUOTE NAME))) ) (CHANGE-TTY-PROCESS-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "10-Nov-86 18:36") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS \PROCESSES)) (LET ((NEW-PROC (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Give TTY to process" CENTERFLG ← T ITEMS ← (SORT (for PROC in \PROCESSES collect (LIST (PROCESSPROP PROC (QUOTE NAME)) PROC)) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X Y) (ALPHORDER (CAR X) (CAR Y))))))))) (if NEW-PROC then (TTY.PROCESS NEW-PROC)))) ) ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-TTY-PROC-ENTRY* '("Tty" (WHO-LINE-TTY-PROCESS) 15 CHANGE-TTY-PROCESS-INTERACTIVELY) "Who-Line entry for displaying the name of the current TTY process" ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the currently connected directory") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-CURRENT-DIRECTORY (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 9-Jun-87 08:15 by smL") (* ;;; "Get the currently connected directory") (* ;; "First, update the cached directory / namestring pair to reflect the current TTY proc") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY*)) (* ;; "The connected directory is looked up in the TTY process, in case one day it becomes a per-process var") (LET ((CONNECTED-DIRECTORY (PROCESS.EVALV (TTY.PROCESS) '*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*))) (* ; "The CAR contains the path, the CDR contains a string version of the path") (if (NEQ CONNECTED-DIRECTORY (CAR *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY*)) then (* ; "The connected directory has changed") (change (CAR *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY*) CONNECTED-DIRECTORY) (* ; "Put the host name last, since that is least important") (change (CDR *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY*) (if (CL:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY CONNECTED-DIRECTORY) then (CONCAT (CL:PATHNAME-DIRECTORY CONNECTED-DIRECTORY) " on {" (CL:PATHNAME-HOST CONNECTED-DIRECTORY) "}") else (CONCAT "{" (CL:PATHNAME-HOST CONNECTED-DIRECTORY) "}"))) (* ; "Update the list of known directories") (LET ((DIR-NAME (U-CASE (CL:NAMESTRING CONNECTED-DIRECTORY)))) (if (NOT (MEMBER DIR-NAME *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES*)) then (MERGEINSERT DIR-NAME *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES*))))) (* ;; "Return the namestring of the current dir") (CDR *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY*))) (SET-CONNECTED-DIRECTORY-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 9-Jun-87 08:57 by smL") (* ;;; "Let the user interactivly change the current connected directory") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES*)) (* ;; "If the user selects an item while holding down a shift key, copy-insert the name of the directory instead of connecting to it") (if (SHIFTDOWNP 'SHIFT) then (LET ((NEW-DIRECTORY (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Type in directory name:" ITEMS ← *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES*)))) (if NEW-DIRECTORY then (WHO-LINE-COPY-INSERT NEW-DIRECTORY))) else (LET ((NEW-DIRECTORY (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Connect to:" ITEMS ← (CONS "* Other *" *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES*))))) (if NEW-DIRECTORY then (if (STRING-EQUAL NEW-DIRECTORY "* Other *") then (CLEARW PROMPTWINDOW) (SETQ NEW-DIRECTORY (PROMPTFORWORD "Connect to directory " (CL:NAMESTRING (PROCESS.EVALV (TTY.PROCESS) ' *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* )) NIL PROMPTWINDOW NIL 'TTY NIL))) (if NEW-DIRECTORY then (ALLOW.BUTTON.EVENTS) (* ; "Should do this in the current TTY process, in case the conntected directory is a per-process var") (CNDIR NEW-DIRECTORY))))))) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORIES* `(,LOGINHOST/DIR) "Cached list of known directories for the Who-Line Directory entry" ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY* (LET ((NAMESTRING (CL:NAMESTRING *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*) )) (CONS (PATHNAME NAMESTRING) (MKSTRING NAMESTRING))) "Cached name of the current connected directory for the Who-Line Directory entry" ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-DIRECTORY-ENTRY* '("Dir" (WHO-LINE-CURRENT-DIRECTORY) 30 SET-CONNECTED-DIRECTORY-INTERACTIVELY (SETQ *WHO-LINE-LAST-DIRECTORY* (CONS NIL NIL))) "Who-Line entry for displaying the name of the currently connected directory" ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current VMem utilization") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-VMEM (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 14-Jan-87 12:57 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Compute the percentage of vmem in use.") (* ;;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM* \LASTVMEMFILEPAGE \InterfacePage \IFPValidKey)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Compute the percentage of vmem in use. The ratio is the amount in use (computed by (VMEMSIZE)) divided by the amount available (stored in \LASTVMEMFILEPAGE). We multiply by 100 to get a percentage, round to an integer, and do it all in such a way as to ensure we don't cons any FIXPs.") (* ;; "The basic code here is due to Mike Dixon.") (* ;; "") (LET* ((ONE-PERCENT-VMEM (IQUOTIENT (IPLUS \LASTVMEMFILEPAGE 50) 100)) (VMEM-PERCENT (IQUOTIENT (IPLUS (VMEMSIZE) (RSH ONE-PERCENT-VMEM 1)) ONE-PERCENT-VMEM)) (VMEM-CONSISTENT? (.VMEM.CONSISTENTP.))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "We cache the last VMem info and the string-translation of it in the var *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*. That way, we don't have to alloc a new string all the time. We do, however, have to make sure the cached info in correct.") (* ;; "") (if (NOT (AND (EQ VMEM-CONSISTENT? (CADR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*)) (EQP VMEM-PERCENT (CAR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*)))) then (change (CAR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*) VMEM-PERCENT) (change (CADR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*) VMEM-CONSISTENT?) (change (CADDR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*) (CONCAT (if VMEM-CONSISTENT? then " " else "*") VMEM-PERCENT "%%"))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Return the info string") (* ;; "") (CADDR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM*)))) (WHO-LINE-SAVE-VMEM (LAMBDA NIL (* smL "29-Oct-86 11:22") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Save the VMem, if the user really wants to") (* ;;; "") (if (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Save VMem?" CENTERFLG ← T ITEMS ← (QUOTE (("Yes" T) ("No" NIL))))) then (SAVEVM))) ) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM* (LIST 0 NIL NIL) "Cached value for storing the last VMem information for the Who-Line VMem entry" ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-VMEM-ENTRY* '("VMem" (WHO-LINE-VMEM) 5 WHO-LINE-SAVE-VMEM (SETQ *WHO-LINE-LAST-VMEM* (LIST 0 NIL NIL))) "Who-Line entry for displaying the current VMem utilization" ) (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY DONTEVAL@LOAD (FILESLOAD (LOADCOMP) LLFAULT) (CHECKIMPORTS '(LLPARAMS) T) ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the percent of symbol-space currently used") (CL:DEFUN WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE NIL "Return a string describing the percentage of symbol space in use" (LET ((TOTAL-SYMBOL-SPACE (UNFOLD (CL:1+ \LastAtomPage) WORDSPERCELL)) (SYMBOL-SPACE-IN-USE (FOLDHI \AtomFrLst CELLSPERPAGE))) (* ;; "Only recompute the display string when the fraction of space has changed. This saves us the effort of CONSing up the string each time.") (CL:UNLESS (AND (EQL (CL:FIRST *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE*) TOTAL-SYMBOL-SPACE) (EQL (CL:SECOND *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE*) SYMBOL-SPACE-IN-USE)) (CL:SETF (CL:FIRST *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE*) TOTAL-SYMBOL-SPACE (CL:SECOND *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE*) SYMBOL-SPACE-IN-USE (CL:THIRD *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE*) (CL:FORMAT NIL "~3D%%" (- 100 (ROUND (- 100 (/ (CL:* SYMBOL-SPACE-IN-USE 100) TOTAL-SYMBOL-SPACE))))))) (CL:THIRD *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE*))) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE* (LIST NIL NIL NIL "Remembers the previous who-line symbol space") ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE-ENTRY* '("Syms" (WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE) 4 NIL (SETQ *WHO-LINE-SYMBOL-SPACE* (LIST NIL NIL NIL))) "Who-line entry for displaying percent of symbol space in use" ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the current time") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-TIME (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 14-Jan-87 12:48 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the current time as a string. Avoid CONSing as much as possible.") (* ;;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-TIMER* *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME*)) (if (TIMEREXPIRED? *WHO-LINE-TIMER* (QUOTE SECONDS)) then (* ;; "") (* ;; "Reset the timer, and return the new time") (* ;; "") (LET ((NOW (IDATE))) (SETQ *WHO-LINE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER (DIFFERENCE 60 (REMAINDER NOW 60)) (CONSTANT (SETUPTIMER 0 NIL (QUOTE SECONDS))) (QUOTE SECONDS))) (SETQ *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME* (GDATE NOW (CONSTANT (DATEFORMAT NO.SECONDS)) *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME*)) *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME*) else (* ;; "") (* ;; "The timer hasn't expired, so the old time is good enough") (* ;; "") *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME*)) ) (WHO-LINE-SET-TIME (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 17-Mar-87 18:20 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Set the time from the network, if the user really wants to") (* ;;; "") (COND ((SHIFTDOWNP 'SHIFT) (* ;; "Selection with a shift key down causes the current time to be bksysbuf'ed") (WHO-LINE-COPY-INSERT *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME*)) ((MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Set time?" CENTERFLG ← T ITEMS ← '(("Yes" T) ("No" NIL)))) (* ;; "The user wants to reset the time") (SETTIME))))) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER (DIFFERENCE 60 (REMAINDER (IDATE) 60)) NIL 'SECONDS) "Timer for controlling updates of the Who-Line Time entry" ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME* (DATE (DATEFORMAT NO.SECONDS)) "Cached value for the Who-Line Time entry" ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-TIME-ENTRY* '("Time" (WHO-LINE-TIME) 15 WHO-LINE-SET-TIME (PROGN (SETQ *WHO-LINE-OLD-TIME* (DATE (DATEFORMAT NO.SECONDS))) (SETQ *WHO-LINE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER (DIFFERENCE 60 (REMAINDER (IDATE) 60)) NIL 'SECONDS)))) "Who-Line entry for displaying the current time of day" ) (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (APPENDTOVAR \SYSTEMTIMERVARS (*WHO-LINE-TIMER* SECONDS)) ) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Some as yet un-debugged entries. Try at your own risk.") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the machine-active entry") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 20-Apr-87 09:58 by smL") (* ;;; "Update the who-line active indicator, if it is time") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE* *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD*)) (if (TIMEREXPIRED? *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* 'MILLISECONDS) then (* ;; "A second has passed, so update the indicator if we can") (\UPDATE-WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-FLAG *WHO-LINE*) (* ;; "Reset the timer") (SETQ *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD* *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* 'MILLISECONDS))) (* ;; "Always return the same thing") " ")) (\UPDATE-WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-FLAG (LAMBDA (WINDOW) (* ; "Edited 20-Apr-87 09:58 by smL") (* ;;; "Flip the active-indicator in the who-line") (for ENTRY in (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'ENTRIES) thereis (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY ENTRY (AND (LISTP FORM) (EQ (CAR FORM) 'WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE))) finally (if $$VAL then (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY $$VAL (BLTSHADE BLACKSHADE WINDOW VALUE-START 2 (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END VALUE-START) (DIFFERENCE (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'HEIGHT) 4) 'INVERT)))))) (\PERIODICALLY-WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 14-Jan-87 12:50 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Update the who-line active indicator, if it is time") (* ;;; "This is designed to be run on the \PERIODIC.INTERRUPT hook.") (* ;;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* *WHO-LINE* *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD*)) (if (TIMEREXPIRED? *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* (QUOTE MILLISECONDS)) then (* ;; "") (* ;; "A second has passed, so update the indicator if we can") (* ;; "") (* ;; "But only if the who-line is on the top") (* ;; "") (if (AND (OPENWP *WHO-LINE*) (TOPWP *WHO-LINE*)) then (* ;; "") (* ;; "The who-line is on the top, so we can update it") (* ;; "") (\UPDATE-WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-FLAG *WHO-LINE*)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Reset the timer") (* ;; "") (SETQ *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD* *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* (QUOTE MILLISECONDS))))) ) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD* 500 "Interval between updating the Who-Line activity entry") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD* NIL 'MILLISECONDS) "Timer for controlling updating of the Who-Line activity entry" ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE-ENTRY* '("" (WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE) 2 NIL (SETQ *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* (SETUPTIMER *WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-PERIOD* NIL 'MILLISECONDS))) "Who-Line entry for displaying the activity of the machine" ) (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (APPENDTOVAR \SYSTEMTIMERVARS (*WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-TIMER* MILLISECONDS)) ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing / changing the current reader profile") (DEFINEQ (CURRENT-PROFILE (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 12-Jan-87 14:36 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Return the name of the current reader profile of the current TTY process") (* ;;; "") (XCL:PROFILE-NAME (PROCESS.EVALV (TTY.PROCESS) (QUOTE XCL:*PROFILE*)))) ) (SET-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 12-Jan-87 14:33 by smL") (* ;; "") (* ;; "Let the user interactivly change the current reader profile") (* ;; "") (LET ((PROFILE (MENU (create MENU TITLE ← "Select profile" ITEMS ← (SORT (for PROFILE in (XCL:LIST-ALL-PROFILES) bind PROFILE-NAME collect (XCL:PROFILE-NAME PROFILE))) CENTERFLG ← T)))) (if PROFILE then (XCL:RESTORE-PROFILE PROFILE)))) ) (SET-TTY-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 12-Jan-87 14:33 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Interactivly let the user change the reader profile of the current TTY process") (* ;;; "") (PROCESS.EVAL (TTY.PROCESS) (QUOTE (SET-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY)) T)) ) ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-PROFILE-ENTRY* '("Profile" (CURRENT-PROFILE) 10 SET-TTY-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY) "Who-Line entry for displaying the current read/write profile" ) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Showing the state of the current TTY process") (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-TTY-STATE (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 17-Apr-87 18:26 by smL") (* ;;; "Find out what state the current TTY process is in") (LET ((PROC (TTY.PROCESS))) (COND ((NULL PROC) (* ;; " No tty process? Never happens now, but maybe allowed in future.") "") ((EQ PROC (THIS.PROCESS)) (* ;; " Check explicitly for us being tty, since in that case PROC is not a valid stack pointer (we're running).") "Who-Line") ((PROCESS.EVALV PROC '*WHO-LINE-STATE*)) ((NOT (PROCESS.FINISHEDP PROC)) (for I from 0 by -1 bind FRAMENAME while (SETQ FRAMENAME (STKNTHNAME I PROC)) unless (MEMB FRAMENAME *WHO-LINE-STATE-UNINTERESTING-FNS*) do (* ;; " Walk back process looking for interesting frame name. This search is non-linear in that each iteration takes a little longer, but we expect it to terminate early.") (RETURN (OR (GETPROP FRAMENAME 'WHO-LINE-STATE) FRAMENAME)))))))) (WHO-LINE-WHAT-IS-RUNNING (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 14-Jan-87 12:51 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "When run under a (PROCESS.EVAL <proc> '(WHO-LINE-WHAT-IS-RUNNING) T), returns the name of the current running frame in the process") (* ;;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS *WHO-LINE-STATE-UNINTERESTING-FNS*)) (PROG ((POS-HOLDER (CONSTANT (LIST NIL))) POS) (* ;; "") (* ;; "We use the POS-HOLDER to hold an old stack pointer, so that we don't have to alloc one") (* ;; "") (SETQ POS (STKPOS (QUOTE \PROCESS.EVAL1) NIL NIL (CAR POS-HOLDER))) (COND (POS (change (CAR POS-HOLDER) POS)) (T (RETURN NIL))) LP (SETQ POS (STKNTH 1 POS POS)) (COND ((NULL POS) (RETURN NIL)) ((MEMB (STKNAME POS) *WHO-LINE-STATE-UNINTERESTING-FNS*) (* ; "Ignore any uninteresting fns") (GO LP)) (T (RETURN (PROG1 (STKNAME POS) (RELSTK POS))))))) ) ) (CL:DEFVAR *WHO-LINE-STATE* NIL "Cached state shown in the Who-Line State entry") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-STATE-UNINTERESTING-FNS* '(BLOCK ERRORSET OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK MONITOR.AWAIT.EVENT AWAIT.EVENT SI::*UNWIND-PROTECT*) "Uninteresting fns to skip over in the Who-Line State entry" ) (CL:DEFPARAMETER *WHO-LINE-TTY-STATE-ENTRY* '("State" (WHO-LINE-TTY-STATE) 15 NIL (SETQ *WHO-LINE-STATE* NIL)) "Who-Line entry for showing the running state of the current TTY process" ) (PUTPROPS AWAIT.EVENT WHO-LINE-STATE "Block") (PUTPROPS BLOCK WHO-LINE-STATE "Block") (PUTPROPS EXCHANGEPUPS WHO-LINE-STATE "Net I/O") (PUTPROPS GETPUP WHO-LINE-STATE "Net I/O") (PUTPROPS SENDPUP WHO-LINE-STATE "Net I/O") (PUTPROPS WAIT.FOR.TTY WHO-LINE-STATE "TTY wait") (PUTPROPS \TTYBACKGROUND WHO-LINE-STATE "TTY wait") (PUTPROPS \WAITFORSYSBUFP WHO-LINE-STATE "TTY wait") (PUTPROPS \\getkey WHO-LINE-STATE "TTY wait") (PUTPROPS \SENDLEAF WHO-LINE-STATE "Net I/O") (PUTPROPS PUTSEQUIN WHO-LINE-STATE "Net I/O") (PUTPROPS \LEAF.READPAGES WHO-LINE-STATE "Net I/O") (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Default options for the who-line") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-ENTRIES* `(,*WHO-LINE-USER-ENTRY* ,*WHO-LINE-PACKAGE-ENTRY* , *WHO-LINE-READTABLE-ENTRY* ,*WHO-LINE-TTY-PROC-ENTRY* ,*WHO-LINE-DIRECTORY-ENTRY* ,*WHO-LINE-VMEM-ENTRY* ,*WHO-LINE-TIME-ENTRY*) "List of all the entries to show in the Who-Line" ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-ANCHOR* '(:CENTER :BOTTOM) "Location to place the Who-Line" ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-NAME-FONT* (FONTCREATE '(HELVETICA 8 BOLD)) "Font to use to show entry labels in the Who-Line" ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-VALUE-FONT* (FONTCREATE '(GACHA 8)) "Font to use to show the entry values in the Who-Line" ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-DISPLAY-NAMES?* T "Flag for enabling or disabling the display of entry names in the Who-Line") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-COLOR* :WHITE "Color of the Who-Line -- one of :WHITE or :BLACK") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-TITLE* NIL "The window title of the Who-Line") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-BORDER* 2 "The border width of the Who-Line window") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-INTERVAL* 100 "Update interval for the Who-Line, in milliseconds") (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Internal fns") (DEFINEQ (REDISPLAY-WHO-LINE (LAMBDA (WINDOW) (* ; "Edited 17-Apr-87 19:06 by smL") (* ;;; "Redisplay the entire who-line, including the names of the fields") (WITH-WHO-LINE WINDOW (* ;; "") (* ;; "Set the display characteristics of the window, according to its color") (DSPSOURCETYPE (SELECTQ (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'COLOR) (:WHITE 'INPUT) (:BLACK 'INVERT) (ERROR "Illegal color for Who-Line" (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'COLOR))) WINDOW) (DSPTEXTURE (SELECTQ (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'COLOR) (:WHITE WHITESHADE) (:BLACK BLACKSHADE) (ERROR "Illegal color for Who-Line" (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'COLOR))) WINDOW) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Clear the window") (CLEARW WINDOW) (for ITEM in (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'ENTRIES) do (replace (WHO-LINE-ENTRY INVERTED?) of ITEM with NIL)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Display the labels if we should") (if (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'DISPLAY-NAMES?) then (DSPFONT (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'NAME-FONT) WINDOW) (for ITEM in (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'ENTRIES) bind (FONT ← (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'NAME-FONT)) do (MOVETO (fetch (WHO-LINE-ENTRY NAME-START) of ITEM) (PLUS (FONTPROP FONT 'DESCENT) (QUOTIENT (DIFFERENCE (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'HEIGHT) (FONTPROP FONT 'HEIGHT)) 2)) WINDOW) (PRIN1 (fetch (WHO-LINE-ENTRY NAME) of ITEM) WINDOW))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Display the values") (DSPFONT (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'VALUE-FONT) WINDOW) (UPDATE-WHO-LINE WINDOW (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'ENTRIES) T) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Reset the timer for the next update") (SETQ *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* (SETUP-WHOLINE-TIMER *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER*))))) (PERIODICALLY-UPDATE-WHO-LINE (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 18-Mar-87 11:31 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "Update the current who-line window every so often. This is designed to be placed on the list of BACKBROUNDFNS.") (* ;;; "") (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS \IDLING)) (if (AND (BOUNDP '*WHO-LINE*) (NOT \IDLING) (TIMEREXPIRED? *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* 'TICKS)) then (* ; "Don't bother to wait and update if the window is owned by someone.") (WITH-AVAILABLE-WHO-LINE *WHO-LINE* (if (AND (OPENWP *WHO-LINE*) (GETWINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALID)) then (UPDATE-WHO-LINE *WHO-LINE* (GETWINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ENTRIES)))) (SETQ *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* (SETUP-WHOLINE-TIMER *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER*))))) (SETUP-WHOLINE-TIMER (LAMBDA (OLD-TIMER) (* ; "Edited 18-Mar-87 11:14 by smL") (SETUPTIMER (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'UPDATE-INTERVAL) OLD-TIMER 'TICKS))) (UPDATE-WHO-LINE (LAMBDA (WINDOW WHO-LINE-ENTRIES ALWAYS?) (* ; "Edited 17-Apr-87 19:05 by smL") (* ;;; "Update the window to show the current who-line stats") (WITH-WHO-LINE WINDOW (* ;; "") (* ;; "Update all the entries that have changed") (for ENTRY in WHO-LINE-ENTRIES bind (VALUE-BOTTOM ← (GETWINDOWPROP WINDOW 'VALUE-BOTTOM)) (STREAM ← (GETWINDOWPROP WINDOW 'TEMP-STREAM)) (HEIGHT ← (GETWINDOWPROP WINDOW 'HEIGHT)) (BLACK-WINDOW-P ← (EQ (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'COLOR) :BLACK)) do (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY ENTRY (* ; "If the node is inverted, the user is mousing it, so don't update it") (if (NOT INVERTED?) then (if ALWAYS? then (EVAL RESET-FORM)) (LET ((VALUE (EVAL FORM))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Only update if the value has changed, or we are ordered to.") (if (OR ALWAYS? (NOT (EQUAL VALUE PREV-VALUE))) then (* ;; "") (* ;; "Print the new value") (MOVETO VALUE-START VALUE-BOTTOM STREAM) (BLTSHADE BLACKSHADE STREAM VALUE-START 0 (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END VALUE-START) HEIGHT 'ERASE) (DSPFONT (DSPFONT NIL WINDOW) STREAM) (PRIN1 VALUE STREAM) (if BLACK-WINDOW-P then (BLTSHADE BLACKSHADE STREAM VALUE-START 0 (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END VALUE-START) HEIGHT 'INVERT)) (BITBLT STREAM VALUE-START 0 WINDOW VALUE-START 0 (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END VALUE-START) HEIGHT 'PAINT) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Save the value.") (* ;; "We are worried that a form may be re-using a value (to minimize CONS-ing), so we store a copy of the value rather than the real value.") (SETQ PREV-VALUE (COPYALL VALUE)))))))))) (WHEN-WHO-LINE-SELECTED-FN (LAMBDA (WINDOW) (* ; "Edited 17-Mar-87 18:10 by smL") (* ;;; "") (* ;;; "The button has gone down in the who-line window.") (* ;;; "If the user selects an item, and it has a when-selected-fn, funcall that fn.") (* ;;; "") (WITH-WHO-LINE WINDOW (TOTOPW WINDOW) (GETMOUSESTATE) (bind (REGION ← (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'REGION)) (ENTRIES ← (WINDOWPROP WINDOW 'ENTRIES)) INVERTED-ITEM CURRENT-ITEM while (MOUSESTATE (NOT UP)) do (* ;; "") (* ;; "If cursor has left the window, quit tracking") (* ;; "") (if (NOT (INSIDEP REGION LASTMOUSEX LASTMOUSEY)) then (SETQ CURRENT-ITEM NIL) (GO $$OUT)) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Find out what item we are currently on") (* ;; "") (SETQ CURRENT-ITEM (for ENTRY in ENTRIES thereis (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY ENTRY (AND (GEQ (LASTMOUSEX WINDOW) NAME-START) (LEQ (LASTMOUSEX WINDOW) VALUE-END) (NOT (NULL WHEN-SELECTED-FN )))))) (* ;; "") (* ;; "Invert the current choice") (* ;; "") (if (NEQ INVERTED-ITEM CURRENT-ITEM) then (if INVERTED-ITEM then (INVERT-WHO-LINE-ENTRY INVERTED-ITEM WINDOW)) (if CURRENT-ITEM then (INVERT-WHO-LINE-ENTRY CURRENT-ITEM WINDOW)) (SETQ INVERTED-ITEM CURRENT-ITEM)) finally (* ;; "") (* ;; "The button went up. If we were on an item, let it know") (* ;; "") (if INVERTED-ITEM then (INVERT-WHO-LINE-ENTRY INVERTED-ITEM WINDOW)) (if CURRENT-ITEM then (with WHO-LINE-ENTRY CURRENT-ITEM (if WHEN-SELECTED-FN then (APPLY* WHEN-SELECTED-FN) (EVAL RESET-FORM)))))))) (WHO-LINE-COPY-INSERT (LAMBDA (X) (* ; "Edited 18-Mar-87 13:11 by smL") (LET ((TTY-WINDOW (WFROMDS (PROCESS.TTY (TTY.PROCESS NIL))))) (if (OR (IMAGEOBJP X) (AND (WINDOWP TTY-WINDOW) (WINDOWPROP TTY-WINDOW 'COPYINSERTFN))) then (COPYINSERT X) else (BKSYSBUF X NIL))))) ) (DEFINEQ (WHO-LINE-REDISPLAY-INTERRUPT (LAMBDA NIL (* ; "Edited 20-Apr-87 11:32 by smL") (* ;;; "Update the current who-line window because the user has requested it via an interrupt.") (if (BOUNDP '*WHO-LINE*) then (* ;; "Update the Who-Line, if it is available") (WITH-AVAILABLE-WHO-LINE *WHO-LINE* (if (AND (OPENWP *WHO-LINE*) (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'VALID)) then (* ; "Flash the Who-line to let people know that it is being updated") (CLOSEW *WHO-LINE*) (OPENW *WHO-LINE*) (* ; "The update the entries") (UPDATE-WHO-LINE *WHO-LINE* (WINDOWPROP *WHO-LINE* 'ENTRIES))))) )) ) (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE* NIL "The who-line window") (DEFGLOBALVAR *WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* NIL "Timer for controlling updating of the Who-Line") (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (APPENDTOVAR \SYSTEMTIMERVARS (*WHO-LINE-UPDATE-TIMER* TICKS)) ) (DEFMACRO INVERT-WHO-LINE-ENTRY (ENTRY WINDOW) `(WITH WHO-LINE-ENTRY ,ENTRY (BLTSHADE BLACKSHADE ,WINDOW NAME-START 0 (DIFFERENCE VALUE-END NAME-START) NIL 'INVERT) (CHANGE INVERTED? (NOT INVERTED?)))) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (DECLARE%: EVAL@COMPILE (RECORD WHO-LINE-ENTRY (NAME FORM NAME-START VALUE-START VALUE-END PREV-VALUE WHEN-SELECTED-FN INVERTED? RESET-FORM)) ) ) (* ; "Macros that lets us lock down the Who-Line while we evaluate some forms") (DEFMACRO WITH-WHO-LINE (WHO-LINE &BODY FORMS) "Evaluate the forms with the who-line locked down" `(WITH.MONITOR (WINDOWPROP ,WHO-LINE 'LOCK) ,@FORMS)) (DEFMACRO WITH-AVAILABLE-WHO-LINE (WHO-LINE &BODY FORMS) "Evaluate the forms with the who-line locked down, if the who-line is available" (LET ((LOCK (CL:GENSYM))) `(LET ((,LOCK (OBTAIN.MONITORLOCK (WINDOWPROP ,WHO-LINE 'LOCK) T))) (CL:UNWIND-PROTECT (* ; "Only eval the forms if we got the lock") (COND (,LOCK ,@FORMS)) (* ;; "Now for the cleanup forms") (COND ((EQ ,LOCK T) (* ; "Had the lock before, so no need to release it") NIL) ((NULL ,LOCK) (* ; "Couldn't get the lock, so no need to release it") NIL) (T (* ; "We got the lock, and need to release it") (RELEASE.MONITORLOCK ,LOCK))))))) (* ;;; "----------------------------------------------------------------------") (* ;;; "Initialize the who-line") (DECLARE%: DONTEVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE (INSTALL-WHO-LINE-OPTIONS) (ADDTOVAR BACKGROUNDFNS PERIODICALLY-UPDATE-WHO-LINE) ) (PUTPROPS WHO-LINE COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986 1987)) (DECLARE%: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (9557 24655 (INSTALL-WHO-LINE-OPTIONS 9567 . 24653)) (24915 25837 (WHO-LINE-USERNAME 24925 . 25417) (WHO-LINE-CHANGE-USER 25419 . 25725) (WHO-LINE-AFTER-LOGIN 25727 . 25835)) (26501 26980 (WHO-LINE-HOST-NAME 26511 . 26978)) (27529 30158 (CURRENT-TTY-PACKAGE 27539 . 28491) ( SET-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY 28493 . 29912) (SET-TTY-PACKAGE-INTERACTIVELY 29914 . 30156)) (30880 31932 ( CURRENT-TTY-READTABLE-NAME 30890 . 31144) (SET-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY 31146 . 31680) ( SET-TTY-READTABLE-INTERACTIVELY 31682 . 31930)) (32284 32856 (WHO-LINE-TTY-PROCESS 32294 . 32472) ( CHANGE-TTY-PROCESS-INTERACTIVELY 32474 . 32854)) (33209 37521 (WHO-LINE-CURRENT-DIRECTORY 33219 . 35467) (SET-CONNECTED-DIRECTORY-INTERACTIVELY 35469 . 37519)) (38563 40963 (WHO-LINE-VMEM 38573 . 40710) (WHO-LINE-SAVE-VMEM 40712 . 40961)) (43983 45421 (WHO-LINE-TIME 43993 . 44735) ( WHO-LINE-SET-TIME 44737 . 45419)) (47219 49852 (WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE 47229 . 48007) ( \UPDATE-WHO-LINE-ACTIVE-FLAG 48009 . 48977) (\PERIODICALLY-WHO-LINE-SHOW-ACTIVE 48979 . 49850)) (50811 51736 (CURRENT-PROFILE 50821 . 51066) (SET-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY 51068 . 51471) ( SET-TTY-PROFILE-INTERACTIVELY 51473 . 51734)) (52075 54058 (WHO-LINE-TTY-STATE 52085 . 53246) ( WHO-LINE-WHAT-IS-RUNNING 53248 . 54056)) (57021 67407 (REDISPLAY-WHO-LINE 57031 . 59591) ( PERIODICALLY-UPDATE-WHO-LINE 59593 . 60722) (SETUP-WHOLINE-TIMER 60724 . 60942) (UPDATE-WHO-LINE 60944 . 64012) (WHEN-WHO-LINE-SELECTED-FN 64014 . 67011) (WHO-LINE-COPY-INSERT 67013 . 67405)) (67408 68542 (WHO-LINE-REDISPLAY-INTERRUPT 67418 . 68540))))) STOP