Date:  4 Nov 86 15:59 PST
Subject: LispUsers module for converting old lispxmacros
To: LispCoreUsers↑

I wrote a little function to convert my old lispxmacros to new-style defcommands.  In case anyone else would find this useful, I put it on {ERIS}<LispUsers>LispCore>LISPXCONVERT.DCOM.  The file consists of a single function

(LISPXCONVERT macronames editflg)	[Function]

macronames is a list of names of old lispxmacros to be converted.  Each is turned into a DEFCOMMAND in an obvious way.  If editflg is true, the editor will be called with the entire list of DEFCOMMAND's before they are passed to EVAL (and hence installed).  Returns list of names.

After you do this, of course, FILES? knows you have defined some things of type COMMANDS and will let you dispatch them to whatever files you like.

This tool doesn't try to do anything smart; just convert things so you have a place to start.  In particular, it has no way of knowing that a particular LISPXHISTORYMACROS command is designed to return NIL, the old way of having a command that returns no values.  If you have such commands, you should change the command's type from :INPUT to :EVAL in the editor, and make the form return (CL:VALUES).