changes to%:  (VARS EQUATIONSCOMS)
                    (FNS FS.Box FS.Display FS.MakeItem FS.Extract FS.Insert)

      previous date%: "20-Apr-87 17:15:59" {PHYLUM}<LISPUSERS>LYRIC>EQUATIONS.;2)

(* "
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.



(* ;;; "EQUATION module: Part 1 of 3")

                                                             (* ; "functions for image object")

        (FNS EQIO.CreateFns EQIO.Create EQIO.Imagebox EQIO.Display EQIO.ButtonEventIn EQIO.Copy 
             EQIO.CopyList EQIO.Get EQIO.Put EQIO.WhenDeleted EQIO.SelectRegion EQIO.Selection 
             EQIO.DefaultSelectFn EQIO.MakeSelectionMenu)

(* ;;; "functions to handle individual equation props and data")

        (FNS EQIO.EqnType EQIO.EqnDataList EQIO.SetDataList EQIO.EqnData EQIO.EqnProperty 
             EQIO.AllProps EQIO.Specify EQIO.GetInitialProps EQIO.NumPieces EQIO.NewStructure)

(* ;;; "functions to handle equation specification info")

        (FNS EQIO.AddType EQIO.GetInfo EQIO.SetInfo EQIO.TypeProp EQIO.ResetTypeProps EQIO.IsDefined 
             EQIO.GetBox EQIO.GetDataSpec EQIO.GetDataSpecList EQIO.GetDataPosition 
             EQIO.GetDataSelectRegion EQIO.MakeSpec EQIO.MakeDataSpec)

(* ;;; "variable specification")

        (GLOBALVARS EquationInfo EquationTypeMenu EquationImageFns UnknownEquationData 
        (VARS (EquationImageFns NIL))
        (INITVARS EquationInfo (EquationDefaultSelectFn 'EQIO.DefaultSelectFn))
        (P                                                   (* ; 
                             "needed to force the getfn to be recognized before any new eqns defined")

           (SETQ EquationImageFns (EQIO.CreateFns)))
        (VARS UnknownEquationData)
        (PROP ARGNAMES EQIO.TypeProp EQIO.NumPieces EQIO.AllProps EQIO.EqnProperty)
               (ADDVARS (NLAMA)
                      (LAMA EQN.ObjEditWindow EQN.ContinueFlg EQN.PieceNumber EQN.ResultObj 
                            EQN.ResultWindow EQN.EditWindow EQIO.TypeProp EQIO.NumPieces 
                            EQIO.AllProps EQIO.EqnProperty)))

(* ;;; "EQUATIONEDIT module: Part 2 of 3")

                                                             (* ; "functions to edit data pieces")

        (FNS EQN.AbortEdit EQN.StopEdit EQN.ContinueEdit EQN.FinishEdit EQN.MakeEditWindow 
             EQN.SetUpEdit EQN.StartEdit EQN.StartNextEdit EQN.UpdateEdit EQN.DefaultData 

(* ;;; "hooks to control behavior of equation subeditor")

        (FNS EQN.Equation EQN.NextPiece EQN.FinishEqn EQN.NoUpdateAbort EQN.PreventUpdate EQN.CharFn 
             EQN.TEditSpecialChar EQN.SnuggleWindows EQN.SnuggleMainWindow)

(* ;;; "functions to handle equation fonts")

        (FNS EQN.EquationFontNumber EQN.EquationFont EQN.GetEqnFont EQN.MakeFS)

(* ;;; "utilities")

        (FNS EQN.AdjustWindow EQN.CheckWindowSize)
        (FNS EQN.SubEditorP EQN.WindowFromText EQN.EditWindow EQN.ResultWindow EQN.ResultObj 
             EQN.PieceNumber EQN.ContinueFlg EQN.ValidEditWindow EQN.ObjEditWindow)
        (FNS EQN.Make)
        (GLOBALVARS EquationFontSpecs)
        (VARS EquationFontSpecs)
        (PROP ARGNAMES EQN.ObjEditWindow EQN.ContinueFlg EQN.PieceNumber EQN.ResultObj 
              EQN.ResultWindow EQN.EditWindow)
               (ADDVARS (NLAMA)
                      (LAMA EQN.ObjEditWindow EQN.ContinueFlg EQN.PieceNumber EQN.ResultObj 
                            EQN.ResultWindow EQN.EditWindow)))

(* ;;; "FORMATSTRING module: Part 3 of 3")

        (FNS FS.Box FS.Copy FS.Display FS.Get FS.Put FS.ItemFont FS.ItemValue FS.ItemShift 
             FS.MakeItem FS.Extract FS.ExtractFont FS.ExtractShift FS.Insert FS.AllowedChar 

(* ;;; "Now load EQUATIONFORMS")


(* ;;; "EQUATION module: Part 1 of 3")

(* ; "functions for image object")


  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 10:50")
           (FUNCTION EQIO.Imagebox)
           (FUNCTION EQIO.Put)
           (FUNCTION EQIO.Get)
           (FUNCTION EQIO.Copy)
           (FUNCTION EQIO.ButtonEventIn)
           (FUNCTION NILL)
           (FUNCTION NILL)
           (FUNCTION NILL)
           (FUNCTION EQIO.WhenDeleted)
           (FUNCTION NILL)
           (FUNCTION NILL)
           (FUNCTION NILL])

  [LAMBDA (kind dataList fontSpec objectProps)               (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 10:50")
          (* makes an equation image object of specified kind and data)
          (* fontSpec, if non-NIL, is used as fontSpec prop of eqn)
          (* objectProps specifies properties for this object --
          if NIL then default props for this kind will be used)

    (PROG [(obj (IMAGEOBJCREATE (CONS kind dataList)
                          ((AND (BOUNDP 'EquationImageFns)
                                (IMAGEFNSP EquationImageFns))
                          (T (SETQ EquationImageFns (EQIO.CreateFns]
             ((NOT objectProps)
              (SETQ objectProps (COPYALL (EQIO.GetInfo kind 'objProps]
          (EQIO.AllProps obj objectProps)
             (fontSpec (EQIO.EqnProperty obj 'fontSpec (COND
                                                          ((NUMBERP fontSpec)
                                                           (EQN.GetEqnFont fontSpec))
                                                          (T fontSpec]
          (RETURN obj])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj imageStream)                               (* THH "21-May-85 12:13")
                                                             (* determines size of equation)
    (PROG ((spec (EQIO.Specify eqnObj imageStream)))
          (RETURN (COND
                     (spec (EQIO.GetBox spec))
                     (T (FS.Box UnknownEquationData imageStream])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj imageStream)                               (* thh%: "31-May-85 09:30")
                                                             (* displays equation)
    (PROG [(curX (DSPXPOSITION NIL imageStream))
           (curY (DSPYPOSITION NIL imageStream))
           (spec (EQIO.Specify eqnObj imageStream T))
           (invertPiece (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.ObjEditWindow eqnObj)))
                              (RETURN (COND
                                         (editWindow (EQN.PieceNumber editWindow))
                                         (T NIL]
             [spec (for i from 1 to (EQIO.NumPieces eqnObj) bind data pos (desc ← (fetch YDESC
                                                                                     of (EQIO.GetBox
                      do (SETQ data (EQIO.EqnData eqnObj i))
                         (SETQ pos (EQIO.GetDataPosition (EQIO.GetDataSpec spec i)))
                            ((AND pos data)
                             (MOVETO (PLUS curX (fetch XCOORD of pos))
                                    (PLUS curY (fetch YCOORD of pos)
                                          (MINUS desc))
                             (FS.Display data imageStream (EQ invertPiece i]
             (T (FS.Display UnknownEquationData imageStream invertPiece])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj windowStream selection relX relY window textStream button)
                                                             (* thh%: "19-Mar-86 09:23")
                                                             (* handles button press in equation)
    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.EditWindow window))
           [CHOICEMENU (CONSTANT (create MENU
                                        CENTERFLG ← T
                                        ITEMS ← '((Select 'SELECT "Select the image object")
                                                  (Edit 'EDIT "Edit selected piece of the equation"]
          [SETQ underEdit (AND editWindow (EQ eqnObj (EQN.ResultObj editWindow]
                                                             (* non-NIL if eqnObj is currently 
                                                             being edited)
          (RETURN (COND
                     ((OR (KEYDOWNP 'RSHIFT)
                          (KEYDOWNP 'LSHIFT)
                          (KEYDOWNP 'CTRL))
          (* note%: using COPYBUTTONEVENTIN fn instead of this test doesnt work since it 
          is never called)

          (* abort sub edit when obj specially selected in main window)

                                (EQN.AbortEdit window)
                         (T NIL)))
                     (T (SPAWN.MOUSE)
                        (OR (COND
                               [(EQ button 'LEFT)            (* check for direct selection of piece 
                                                             within the equation)
                                (AND (EQ (MENU CHOICEMENU)
                                     (LET ((piece# (EQIO.Selection eqnObj windowStream relX relY)))
                                             (piece# (EQN.StartEdit eqnObj window piece#)
                                             (T NIL]
                               [(EQ button 'MIDDLE)          (* use menu to allow selection of 
                                                             piece to edit)
                                (LET ((selectFn (EQIO.GetInfo (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj)
                                        ((NOT selectFn)
                                         (SETQ selectFn EquationDefaultSelectFn)))
                                        ((AND selectFn (SETQ piece# (APPLY* selectFn eqnObj)))
                                         (EQN.StartEdit eqnObj window piece#)
                                        (T NIL]
                               (T NIL))
                            (LET [(wholeEditFn (EQIO.GetInfo (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj)
          (* treat as top level selection and check for edits of global properties)

                                    (underEdit (EQN.AbortEdit window)))
                                    ((AND wholeEditFn (APPLY* wholeEditFn eqnObj window button))
                                    (underEdit 'CHANGED)
                                    (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj)                                           (* THH "12-Jul-85 10:40")
    (LET ((dataList (EQIO.EqnDataList eqnObj)))
         (EQIO.Create (COPY (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj))
                (for data in dataList collect (FS.Copy data))
                (EQIO.CopyList (EQIO.AllProps eqnObj])

  [LAMBDA (list)                                             (* THH "12-Jul-85 10:44")
          (* copies list down to atoms or strings but sets anything else to NIL)
          (* datatype values set to NIL -- allows caching such data only)

       ((OR (ATOM list)
            (STRINGP list))
       ((LISTP list)
        (for item in list collect (EQIO.CopyList item)))
       (T                                                    (* set value to NIL)

  [LAMBDA (fileStream)                                       (* thh%: "24-May-85 08:47")
    (PROG ((kind (READ fileStream))
           (dataList (FS.Get fileStream)))
          (RETURN (EQIO.Create kind dataList NIL (READ fileStream])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj fileStream)                                (* THH "21-May-85 12:19")
    (PRIN2 (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj)
    (FS.Put (EQIO.EqnDataList eqnObj)
    (PRIN2 (EQIO.AllProps eqnObj)

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj window)                                    (* thh%: "15-May-85 11:27")
          (* called when eqnObj is about to be deleted from edit window)
                                                             (* abort any sub edit of this object)
    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.ValidEditWindow (EQN.EditWindow window)
             (editWindow (EQN.AbortEdit window])

  [LAMBDA (spec data piece# imageStream)                     (* THH "21-May-85 12:13")
                                                             (* determines selection region for 
                                                             piece in eqnObj)
    (PROG ((dataSpec (EQIO.GetDataSpec spec piece#)))
          (RETURN (COND
                     ((EQIO.GetDataSelectRegion dataSpec))
                     [data (PROG ((dataBox (FS.Box data imageStream))
                                  (pos (EQIO.GetDataPosition dataSpec)))
                                 (RETURN (create REGION
                                                LEFT ← (fetch XCOORD of pos)
                                                BOTTOM ← (DIFFERENCE (fetch YCOORD of pos)
                                                                (fetch YDESC of dataBox))
                                                WIDTH ← (fetch XSIZE of dataBox)
                                                HEIGHT ← (fetch YSIZE of dataBox]
                     (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj imageStream relX relY)                     (* thh%: "31-May-85 09:31")
          (* returns piece number of data within which selection was made, if any)
          (* note%: if slection region for a piece is zero size, then cannot select that 
          (* new TEdit%: relY is measured from baseline of object so must adjust since 
          eqn forms measure regions w.r.t. l.l. corner of box)

    (PROG ((spec (EQIO.Specify eqnObj imageStream))
          (RETURN (COND
                     [spec (add relY (fetch YDESC of (EQIO.GetBox spec)))
                           (SETQ piece# (for i from 1 to (EQIO.NumPieces eqnObj) bind region
                                           do (SETQ region (EQIO.SelectRegion spec (EQIO.EqnData
                                                                                    eqnObj i)
                                                                  i imageStream))
                                                 ((AND region (INSIDEP region relX relY))
                                                  (RETURN i]
                     (T                                      (* unknown equation --
                                                             not able to select)

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj)                                           (* thh%: "31-May-85 08:34")
          (* provides a menu-based selection of a part of the equation --
          returns the piece# of the part selected or NIL if no part was selected)
          (* this is useful for selecting parts whose select region on the screen is zero 

    (PROG ((type (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj))
             [(EQIO.GetInfo type 'variable?)
              (SETQ menu (EQIO.EqnProperty eqnObj 'selectionMenu))
                 ((NOT (type? MENU menu))
                  (SETQ menu (EQIO.MakeSelectionMenu type (EQIO.NumPieces eqnObj)))
                  (EQIO.EqnProperty eqnObj 'selectionMenu menu]
             (T (SETQ menu (EQIO.TypeProp type 'selectionMenu))
                   ((NOT (type? MENU menu))
                    (SETQ menu (EQIO.MakeSelectionMenu type (EQIO.NumPieces eqnObj)))
                    (EQIO.TypeProp type 'selectionMenu menu]
          (RETURN (COND
                     (menu (MENU menu))
                     (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (type numPieces)                                   (* thh%: "19-Mar-86 09:30")
          (* creates a selection menu for the specified type of equation)
          (* numPieces may be NIL if this is an unknown type of equation)

       [(AND (FIXP numPieces)
             (IGREATERP numPieces 0))
        (PROG [(pieceNames (EQIO.GetInfo type 'pieceNames]
              (RETURN (create MENU
                             CENTERFLG ← T
                             TITLE ← "Eqn piece?"
                             ITEMS ← (for i from 1 to numPieces bind name
                                        collect (SETQ name (CAR pieceNames))
                                                 (name (SETQ pieceNames (CDR pieceNames))
                                                       (LIST name i))
                                                 (T i]
       (T NIL])

(* ;;; "functions to handle individual equation props and data")


  [LAMBDA (eqnObj)                                           (* THH " 2-May-85 12:59")
                                                             (* returns type of equation)

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj)                                           (* THH " 2-May-85 12:59")
                                                             (* returns list of data pieces in the 

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj newDataList)                               (* thh%: " 3-Jun-85 08:34")
          (* replaces entire data list of eqn -- caller must make sure any props, e.g.
          numPieces, are suitably adjusted)


  [LAMBDA (eqnObj piece#)                                    (* THH " 2-May-85 13:52")
    (CAR (NTH (EQIO.EqnDataList eqnObj)

  [LAMBDA eqn                                                (* THH " 8-May-85 08:48")
                                                             (* gets and sets individual eqn props)
                                                             (* eqn is of form (eqnObj prop 
       ((IEQP eqn 2)
               (ARG eqn 2)))
       ((IEQP eqn 3)
        (PROG [(props (IMAGEOBJPROP (ARG eqn 1)
                 (props (LISTPUT props (ARG eqn 2)
                               (ARG eqn 3)))
                 (T (SETQ props (LIST (ARG eqn 2)
                                      (ARG eqn 3]
              (IMAGEOBJPROP (ARG eqn 1)
                     'props props])

  [LAMBDA eqn                                                (* THH " 8-May-85 08:48")
                                                             (* gets and sets all props for eqnObj)
                                                             (* eqn is of form (eqnObj {newProps}))
       ((IEQP eqn 1)
        (IMAGEOBJPROP (ARG eqn 1)
       ((IEQP eqn 2)
        (IMAGEOBJPROP (ARG eqn 1)
               (ARG eqn 2])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj imageStream draw?)                         (* THH " 2-May-85 13:45")
          (* returns specification for equation on imageStream, and if draw? is not NIL, 
          draws the non-data parts of the equation)

    (PROG [(formFn (EQIO.GetInfo (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj)
          (RETURN (COND
                     (formFn (APPLY* formFn eqnObj imageStream draw?))
                     (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (type)                                             (* thh%: "31-May-85 09:02")
          (* gets initial prop list to use when new equation of specified type is created)

    (PROG ([props (COPY (EQIO.GetInfo type 'objectProps]
           (initialPropFn (EQIO.GetInfo type 'initialPropFn))
             ((AND initialPropFn (SETQ newProps (APPLY* initialPropFn type)))
                 [props (repeatwhile newProps do (LISTPUT props (CAR newProps)
                                                        (CADR newProps))
                                                 (SETQ newProps (CDDR newProps]
                 (T (SETQ props newProps]
             ([AND props (LISTGET props 'numPieces)
                   (NOT (EQIO.GetInfo type 'variable?]
          (* this equation does not allow a variable number of pieces)

              (ERROR "EQIO.GetInitialProps: can't specify numPieces for fixed size eqn type = " type)
          (RETURN props])

  [LAMBDA eqn                                                (* thh%: "31-Jul-85 08:49")
          (* gets or sets current number of parts for eqn --
          args are (eqnObj {newValue}))

       ((IGREATERP eqn 0)
        (PROG ((eqnObj (ARG eqn 1))
               type value)
              (SETQ type (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj))
              (RETURN (COND
                         [(IEQP eqn 1)
                             ([AND (EQIO.GetInfo type 'variable?)
                                   (FIXP (SETQ value (EQIO.EqnProperty eqnObj 'numPieces]
                             (T                              (* not variable or different number of 
                                                             parts not specified)
                                (EQIO.GetInfo type 'numPieces]
                         ((EQIO.GetInfo type 'variable?)
                          (EQIO.EqnProperty eqnObj 'numPieces (ARG eqn 2))
                          (EQIO.NewStructure eqnObj))
                         (T (ERROR "EQIO.NumPieces: equation has fixed # of parts, type = " type])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj)                                           (* thh%: " 3-Jun-85 09:21")
          (* called when eqn structure is changed --
          e.g. different number of parts -- to reset any saved menus, etc.)

    (EQIO.EqnProperty eqnObj 'selectionMenu NIL)
    (PROG [(changeFn (EQIO.GetInfo (EQIO.EqnType eqnObj)
             (changeFn (APPLY* changeFn eqnObj])

(* ;;; "functions to handle equation specification info")


  [LAMBDA (type formFn numPieces PROPS)                      (* THH " 1-Jul-85 08:37")
                                                             (* creates info for new equation type)
    [PROG ((newValue (APPEND (LIST 'formFn formFn 'numPieces numPieces)
          (PUTPROP type 'equationInfo newValue)
             ((NOT (MEMB type EquationInfo))
              (push EquationInfo type]
    (EQIO.ResetTypeProps type])

  [LAMBDA (type info)                                        (* thh%: "28-Jun-85 15:17")
                                                             (* returns specified info for equation 
    (LISTGET (GETPROP type 'equationInfo)

  [LAMBDA (type info newValue)                               (* thh%: "28-Jun-85 15:38")
          (* allows setting particular equation info items for previously defined 
          equation types)

       ((EQIO.IsDefined type)
        (LET [(spec (GETPROP type 'equationInfo]
                (spec (LISTPUT spec info newValue)
                      (PUTPROP type 'equationInfo spec)
                      (EQIO.ResetTypeProps type)
                (T (ERROR "EQIO.SetInfo: warning -- no specifications for eqn type = " type])

  [LAMBDA type                                               (* thh%: "31-May-85 09:11")
          (* associates properties with equation types --
          e.g. can be used to store selection menus for equations with fixed number of 
                                                             (* args are (type prop {newValue}))
       ((IEQP type 2)
        (LISTGET (GETPROP (ARG type 1)
               (ARG type 2)))
       ((IEQP type 3)
        (PROG [(list (GETPROP (ARG type 1)
                 (list (LISTPUT list (ARG type 2)
                              (ARG type 3)))
                 (T (SETQ list (LIST (ARG type 2)
                                     (ARG type 3]
              (PUTPROP (ARG type 1)
                     'equationProps list])

  [LAMBDA (type)                                             (* THH " 1-Jul-85 08:36")
          (* removes all props associated with this equation type --
          called when type info redefined)

    (SETQ EquationTypeMenu NIL)
    (PUTPROP type 'equationProps NIL])

  [LAMBDA (type)                                             (* thh%: "28-Jun-85 15:27")
          (* returns type if it is a currently defined equation type, else NIL)

       ((MEMB type EquationInfo)
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (specification)                                    (* THH " 2-May-85 13:22")
                                                             (* gets image box)
    (CAR specification])

  [LAMBDA (specification piece#)                             (* THH " 2-May-85 13:26")
                                                             (* gets data spec for corresponding 
    (CAR (NTH specification (ADD1 piece#])

  [LAMBDA (specification)                                    (* THH "12-Jul-85 10:22")
    (CDR specification])

  [LAMBDA (dataSpec)                                         (* THH " 2-May-85 13:26")
    (CAR dataSpec])

  [LAMBDA (dataSpec)                                         (* THH " 2-May-85 13:26")
    (CDR dataSpec])

  [LAMBDA (box dataSpecList)                                 (* THH " 2-May-85 13:26")
                                                             (* constructs specification)
    (CONS box dataSpecList])

  [LAMBDA (position selectRegion)                            (* THH " 2-May-85 13:26")
    (CONS position selectRegion])

(* ;;; "variable specification")


(GLOBALVARS EquationInfo EquationTypeMenu EquationImageFns UnknownEquationData 

(RPAQQ EquationImageFns NIL)

(RPAQ? EquationInfo NIL)

(RPAQ? EquationDefaultSelectFn 'EQIO.DefaultSelectFn)
                                                             (* ; 
                             "needed to force the getfn to be recognized before any new eqns defined")

(SETQ EquationImageFns (EQIO.CreateFns))

(RPAQQ UnknownEquationData (((Gacha 10)
                             "[unknown equation]")))

(PUTPROPS EQIO.TypeProp ARGNAMES (NIL (type prop {newValue})

(PUTPROPS EQIO.NumPieces ARGNAMES (NIL (eqnObj {newValue})

(PUTPROPS EQIO.AllProps ARGNAMES (NIL (eqnObj {newValue})

(PUTPROPS EQIO.EqnProperty ARGNAMES (NIL (eqnObj prop {newValue})



(ADDTOVAR LAMA EQN.ObjEditWindow EQN.ContinueFlg EQN.PieceNumber EQN.ResultObj EQN.ResultWindow 
                     EQN.EditWindow EQIO.TypeProp EQIO.NumPieces EQIO.AllProps EQIO.EqnProperty)

(* ;;; "EQUATIONEDIT module: Part 2 of 3")

(* ; "functions to edit data pieces")


  [LAMBDA (mainWindow)                                       (* thh%: " 3-May-85 11:17")
                                                             (* terminates any eqn edit without 
                                                             allowing any continuation)
    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.EditWindow mainWindow)))
             ((WINDOWP editWindow)
              (EQN.ContinueFlg editWindow NIL)
              (EQN.StopEdit mainWindow])

  [LAMBDA (mainWindow)                                       (* thh%: " 3-May-85 10:31")
                                                             (* terminates any eqn edit)
    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.EditWindow mainWindow)))
             ((WINDOWP editWindow)
              (EQN.FinishEdit editWindow)
              (TEDIT.QUIT (TEXTSTREAM editWindow))
              (CLOSEW editWindow])

  [LAMBDA (window)                                           (* thh%: "28-Jun-85 14:14")
          (* called after sub edit quits to see if eqn edit should continue with next 
          (* continueFlg is NIL to stop, T to continue incrementing by 1, FIXP to 
          increment by that amount once, (FIXP . end) to increment up/down to end
          (end = NIL to contnue until no more)%, or a function to determine next piece 
          from current piece (NIL to end))
          (* selection is pending delete for selections that continue beyond current 

    [PROG [(process (WINDOWPROP (EQN.ResultWindow window)
                           'PROCESS]                         (* return TTY process to result window)
             (process (TTY.PROCESS process]
    (PROG ((continueFlg (EQN.ContinueFlg window))
           (newPiece# (EQN.PieceNumber window))
           increment end)
                 ((EQ continueFlg T)
                  (add newPiece# 1)
                 ((NULL continueFlg)
                 [(FIXP continueFlg)                         (* treat pieces as circular list)
                  (LET [(oldPiece# newPiece#)
                        (numPieces (EQIO.NumPieces (EQN.ResultObj window]
                       (SETQ newPiece# (IMOD (PLUS oldPiece# continueFlg)
                          ((ZEROP newPiece#)
                           (SETQ newPiece# numPieces)))
                       (SETQ continueFlg NIL)
          (* this is a one-shot continuation so continueFlg for new edit to NIL)

                       (NOT (IEQP newPiece# oldPiece#]
                 ((LISTP continueFlg)
                     [(AND (FIXP (SETQ increment (CAR continueFlg)))
                           (NOT (ZEROP increment))
                           (OR (FIXP (SETQ end (CDR continueFlg)))
                               (NULL end)))
                      (add newPiece# increment)
                         ((NULL end)                         (* always continue)
                         ((MINUSP increment)
                          (IGEQ newPiece# end))
                         (T (ILEQ newPiece# end]
                     (T                                      (* bad format list --
                                                             don't continue)
                 ((LITATOM continueFlg)
                  (SETQ newPiece# (APPLY* continueFlg newPiece#))
                                                             (* continue if the function returned a 
                                                             valid piece number)
                  (FIXP newPiece#))
                 (T (ERROR "EQN.ContinueEdit: Invalid value for continueFlg = " continueFlg)
                    NIL))                                    (* continue with edit of newPiece#)
          (* * continuation of edit requested -- start new edit)

              (EQN.StartNextEdit (EQN.ResultObj window)
                     (EQN.ResultWindow window)
                     newPiece# continueFlg (COND
                                              (continueFlg 'PENDINGDEL)
                                              (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (window)                                           (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 11:06")
                                                             (* returns edited data to calling 
    (PROG ((mainWindow (EQN.ResultWindow window)))
          (EQN.ObjEditWindow (EQN.ResultObj window)
          (EQN.AbortEdit window)                             (* abort any sub edits)
          (EQN.UpdateEdit mainWindow (WINDOWPROP window 'NOUPDATE))
          (EQN.EditWindow mainWindow NIL))
          (* return T to allow TEdit to quit without user confirmation)


  [LAMBDA (mainWindow XSIZE YSIZE)                           (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 11:34")
                                                             (* creates window for subeditor)
    (LET ((editWindow (CREATEW (CREATEREGION 0 0 (fetch (REGION WIDTH) of (WINDOWPROP mainWindow
                                      (PLUS 10 (HEIGHTIFWINDOW (TIMES 2 YSIZE)
                             "Eqn edit" NIL T)))
         (ATTACHWINDOW editWindow mainWindow 'BOTTOM 'LEFT 'LOCALCLOSE)
          (* note%: edit window is justified -- later may automatically reshape it as new 
          text is entered)

         (WINDOWADDPROP editWindow 'CLOSEFN 'DETACHWINDOW)   (* edit window will be detached when 
          (* * allow main and edit windows to be independently reshaped)

          (* * make windows snuggle after reshape)

         (WINDOWADDPROP editWindow 'RESHAPEFN 'EQN.SnuggleWindows)
         (WINDOWADDPROP mainWindow 'RESHAPEFN 'EQN.SnuggleWindows)

  [LAMBDA (editWindow mainWindow eqnObj continueFlg piece#)  (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 10:59")
                                                             (* sets up props for sub edit)
    (EQN.ResultWindow editWindow mainWindow)
    (EQN.ResultObj editWindow eqnObj)
    (EQN.ContinueFlg editWindow continueFlg)
    (EQN.PieceNumber editWindow piece#)
    [WINDOWPROP editWindow 'TEDIT.MENU.COMMANDS '(Find Looks Substitute Character% Looks
                                                       (Equation 'EQN.Equation)
                                                       (Exit 'Quit "exit from equation editor"
                                                             (SUBITEMS (Next% Piece 'EQN.NextPiece)
                                                                    (Finish% Eqn 'EQN.FinishEqn)
                                                                    (Abort 'EQN.NoUpdateAbort 
                                                        "Terminates eqn editor without changing eqn."
    (EQN.ObjEditWindow eqnObj editWindow])

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj mainWindow piece# continueFlg initialSEL)  (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 11:21")
          (* Starts edit of specified piece of eqnObj which is currently in TEdit 
          mainWindow. Starts new edit only if piece exists.)
                                                             (* continueFlg determines action on 
                                                             normal exit)
                                                             (* initialSEL is initial selection or 
                                                             char number)
    (EQN.AbortEdit mainWindow)                               (* abort any previous eqn edit)
       ((AND (IGREATERP piece# 0)
             (ILEQ piece# (EQIO.NumPieces eqnObj)))
        (PROG ((data (EQIO.EqnData eqnObj piece#))
               editWindow editStream box len)
              (SETQ box (FS.Box data (DECODE/WINDOW/OR/DISPLAYSTREAM mainWindow)))
              (SETQ editWindow (EQN.MakeEditWindow mainWindow (fetch XSIZE of box)
                                      (fetch YSIZE of box)))
              [TEDIT NIL editWindow NIL (APPEND '(QUITFN EQN.FinishEdit AFTERQUITFN EQN.ContinueEdit 
                                                        CHARFN EQN.CharFn)
                                               (LIST 'PROMPTWINDOW (OR (TEXTPROP (TEXTSTREAM 
                                                                       (GETPROMPTWINDOW mainWindow]
                                                             (* sub edit uses same prompt window as 
                                                             main editor)
              (EQN.SetUpEdit editWindow mainWindow eqnObj continueFlg piece#)
              (SETQ editStream (TEXTSTREAM editWindow))
              (SETQ len (FS.Insert data editStream))
                 ((EQ initialSEL 'PENDINGDEL)
                  (TEDIT.SETSEL editStream 1 len 'RIGHT T))
                 ((FIXP initialSEL)
                  (TEDIT.SETSEL editStream initialSEL 0 'RIGHT))
                 ((type? SELECTION initialSEL)
                  (TEDIT.SETSEL editStream initialSEL)))
              (EQN.EditWindow mainWindow editWindow)
                 ((NOT (EQN.SubEditorP mainWindow))
          (* this is a main edit window -- make sure sub edits are aborted when main edit 
          is done (don't call EQN.FinishEdit since want QUITFN to return NIL to allow 
          user to confirm quit at top level))

                  (TEXTPROP (TEXTSTREAM mainWindow)
                         'EQN.AbortEdit]                     (* old TEdit version%:
                                                             (WINDOWPROP mainWindow
                                                             (QUOTE TEDIT.QUITFN)
                                                             (QUOTE EQN.FinishEdit)))

  [LAMBDA (eqnObj mainWindow newPiece# continueFlg initialSEL)
                                                             (* thh%: "29-May-85 10:10")
          (* if another piece of eqnObj exists, starts an edit of it)

    (EQN.StartEdit eqnObj mainWindow newPiece# continueFlg initialSEL)
          (* mark obj as changed to allow display indication of new piece being edited)


  [LAMBDA (mainWindow noChangeFLG)                           (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 09:52")
                                                             (* updates sub edit in mainWindow)
          (* noChangeFLG non-NIL means main eqn not changed, but still must notify TEdit 
          obj is changed to update display, e.g. uninvert edited piece)

    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.EditWindow mainWindow))
           value datum eqnObj piece# ptr)
             ((WINDOWP editWindow)
              (SETQ eqnObj (EQN.ResultObj editWindow))
                 ((NOT noChangeFLG)
                  (EQN.UpdateEdit editWindow)                (* get updates of any sub edits)
                  (SETQ piece# (EQN.PieceNumber editWindow))
                  (SETQ value (FS.Extract (TEXTSTREAM editWindow)))
                  (SETQ datum (EQIO.EqnDataList eqnObj))
                  (SETQ ptr (NTH datum piece#))
                     (ptr (RPLACA ptr value))
                     (T                                      (* put value on end of datum)
                        (EQIO.SetDataList eqnObj (NCONC1 datum value]
              (EQN.CheckWindowSize mainWindow eqnObj)
              (TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED (TEXTSTREAM mainWindow)

  [LAMBDA (type fontSpec numPieces dataList)                 (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 09:44")
          (* gets list of default data items to use for equation specified type)
                                                             (* currently just a single item --
          (* if dataList is specified its values are used as the default data --
          either directly if the item is a format string or with default font for the 
          piece if it is a string)

       ((NOT numPieces)
        (SETQ numPieces (EQIO.GetInfo type 'numPieces]
    (PROG [(initialData (EQIO.GetInfo type 'initialData]
              ((AND initialData (LITATOM initialData))
               (APPLY* initialData fontSpec type numPieces dataList))
                  ((NLISTP initialData)
                   (SETQ initialData NIL)))
               (PROG ((fontNumber (EQN.EquationFontNumber fontSpec)))
                          (for i from 1 to numPieces bind initial item
                             collect (SETQ initial (pop initialData))
                                   (SETQ item (pop dataList)) 
          (* each piece of the equation consists of a single-item format string
          (unless specified otherwise by value in dataList))

                                      ((AND item (LISTP item))
                                      ((IMAGEOBJP item)
                                       (LIST item))
                                      (T (LIST (FS.MakeItem [EQN.EquationFont (PLUS fontNumber
                                                                                       ((FIXP initial
                                                                                       (T 0]
                                                         (item (MKSTRING item))
                                                         (T " "]
                         (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA NIL                                                (* THH " 1-Jul-85 08:42")
                                                             (* returns menu of equation types)
       ((AND (BOUNDP 'EquationTypeMenu)
             (type? MENU EquationTypeMenu))
       (T                                                    (* compute menu from EquationInfo)
          (SETQ EquationTypeMenu (create MENU
                                        ITEMS ← (SORT (for item in EquationInfo bind label
                                                         collect (SETQ label (EQIO.GetInfo
                                                                  (label (LIST label (KWOTE item)))
                                                                  (T item)))
                                        TITLE ← "Equation Types"])

(* ;;; "hooks to control behavior of equation subeditor")


  [LAMBDA (textStream)                                       (* thh%: "31-May-85 08:58")
          (* allows insertion of an equation at current selection in textStream)

    (PROG ((type (MENU (EQN.TypeMenu)))
           currentFont window eqnObj props)
             (type (SETQ currentFont (FS.ExtractFont textStream))
                   (SETQ window (EQN.WindowFromText textStream))
                   (SETQ props (EQIO.GetInitialProps type))
                   (SETQ eqnObj (EQIO.Create type (EQN.DefaultData type currentFont
                                                         (LISTGET props 'numPieces))
                                       currentFont props))
                   (EQN.CheckWindowSize window eqnObj)
                   (TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT eqnObj textStream)
                   (EQN.StartEdit eqnObj window 1 T 'PENDINGDEL)
          (* must mark obj changed to allow display to indicate obj is being edited)
          (* TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED can not be called directly from EQN.StartEdit because 
          that fcn is called by the button fcn)

                   (TEDIT.OBJECT.CHANGED textStream eqnObj])

  [LAMBDA (textStream)                                       (* thh%: "29-May-85 10:11")
                                                             (* aborts edit and continues with next 
                                                             piece of eqn)
    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.WindowFromText textStream))
          (SETQ mainWindow (EQN.ResultWindow editWindow))
             ((WINDOWP mainWindow)
              (EQN.ContinueFlg editWindow (COND
                                             ((EQN.ContinueFlg editWindow))
                                             (T 1)))
              (EQN.StopEdit mainWindow])

  [LAMBDA (textStream)                                       (* thh%: " 3-May-85 11:53")
                                                             (* aborts edit without any 
    (PROG ((editWindow (EQN.WindowFromText textStream))
          (SETQ mainWindow (EQN.ResultWindow editWindow))
             ((WINDOWP mainWindow)
              (EQN.AbortEdit mainWindow])

  [LAMBDA (textStream)                                       (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 11:21")
                                                             (* aborts equation editor without 
                                                             updating eqn in main window)
    (EQN.PreventUpdate (EQN.WindowFromText textStream))
    (EQN.FinishEqn textStream])

  [LAMBDA (window)                                           (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 11:21")
                                                             (* prevents any update of this or any 
       ((WINDOWP window)
        (WINDOWPROP window 'NOUPDATE T)
        (EQN.PreventUpdate (EQN.EditWindow window])

  [LAMBDA (textObj charcode)                                 (* thh%: "19-Aug-85 08:31")
                                                             (* prevents control chars from being 
                                                             inserted into the document)
          (* allows any char that can be used in a format string and a few special 
          editing chars%: backspace & delete)
                                                             (* allows NEXT syntax char to exit 
                                                             from editor)
    (LET ((syntax (EQN.TEditSpecialChar textObj charcode)))
            ((EQ syntax 'NEXT)
          (* next syntax key pressed -- see if this should quit eqn editor)

                ((TEDIT.FIND (TEXTSTREAM textObj)
                        ">>*<<" NIL NIL T)                   (* special char -- let TEdit advance 
                                                             to next slot)
                (T                                           (* force exit)
                   (EQN.FinishEdit (EQN.WindowFromText textObj))
                                                             (* TEDIT.QUIT does not automatically 
                                                             call the QUITFN)
                   (TEDIT.QUIT (TEXTSTREAM textObj))
            (syntax                                          (* special character)
            ((FS.AllowedChar charcode)                       (* this character can be in format 
            (T                                               (* don't allow this char to be 
               (FLASHWINDOW (EQN.WindowFromText textObj))

  [LAMBDA (textObj charcode)                                 (* thh%: "16-Aug-85 09:35")
          (* if charcode is a control character for edit specified by textObj returns its 
          syntax class, else NIL)
          (* this may not correspond exactly to the procedure TEdit uses to determine 
          syntax of a character -- need to also check terminal table??)

         (SETQ syntax (TEDIT.GETSYNTAX charcode table))
            ((EQ syntax 'NONE)
             (SETQ syntax NIL)))

  [LAMBDA (window)                                           (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 12:07")
                                                             (* reshape fn for independently 
                                                             reshapeable attached windows)
          (* * move attached windows)

          (* Does not work correctly when window itself has attached windows ??)
          (* * move main window)

    (EQN.SnuggleMainWindow window])

  [LAMBDA (window)                                           (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 11:44")
                                                             (* moves all windows in main window 
    (LET ((mainW (MAINWINDOW window))
            ((AND (WINDOWP mainW)
                  (NOT (EQ mainW window)))
             (SETQ region (WINDOWREGION window))             (* position main window above window)
          (* note that MOVEW must be rejected by window so that moving main window wont 
          also move attached window)

                              `(WINDOWDELPROP %, window REJECTMAINCOMS MOVEW))
                    (MOVEW mainW (fetch (REGION LEFT) of region)
                           (PLUS (fetch (REGION BOTTOM) of region)
                                 (fetch (REGION HEIGHT) of region]
             (EQN.SnuggleMainWindow mainW])

(* ;;; "functions to handle equation fonts")


  [LAMBDA (fontSpec)                                         (* thh%: "31-Jul-85 08:48")
          (* returns number of the font to use for normal size parts of the equation)
          (* fontSpec can be a number which then corresponds to the size of the font)

       ((NOT fontSpec)
        (SETQ fontSpec DEFAULTFONT)))
    (PROG [(size (OR (NUMBERP fontSpec)
                     (FONTPROP fontSpec 'SIZE]
          (RETURN (for i from 1 to (ARRAYSIZE EquationFontSpecs)
                     smallest (ABS (DIFFERENCE (FONTPROP (ELT EquationFontSpecs i)

  [LAMBDA (n)                                                (* thh%: " 5-Dec-85 11:26")
                                                             (* returns equation font number n)
    (COPY (ELT EquationFontSpecs (MAX 1 (MIN (ARRAYSIZE EquationFontSpecs)

  [LAMBDA (fontSpec)                                         (* thh%: "31-Jul-85 08:52")
    (EQN.EquationFont (EQN.EquationFontNumber fontSpec])

  [LAMBDA (item fontSpec)                                    (* thh%: "31-Jul-85 08:58")
                                                             (* constructs a single element format 
       ((IMAGEOBJP item)
        (LIST item))
       ((LISTP item)
       (T (LIST (FS.MakeItem fontSpec (MKSTRING item])

(* ;;; "utilities")


  [LAMBDA (editWindow dWidth dHeight)                        (* thh%: " 6-Dec-85 12:09")
                                                             (* reshapes subeditor window to have 
                                                             extra width and height)
    (PROG ((region (WINDOWPROP editWindow 'REGION))
           (attachedWindows (ATTACHEDWINDOWS editWindow))
           newHeight howAttached)
          (SETQ newHeight (MAX (HEIGHTIFWINDOW 10 T)
                               (PLUS (fetch HEIGHT of region)
          (* want to shape this window only, not any attached windows --
          depends on correctly setting props when edit windows created)
                                                             (* SETQ howAttached (for window in 
                                                             attachedWindows collect
                                                             (DETACHWINDOW window)))
          (SHAPEW editWindow (create REGION
                                    LEFT ← (fetch LEFT of region)
                                    BOTTOM ← (DIFFERENCE (fetch BOTTOM of region)
                                                    (DIFFERENCE newHeight (fetch HEIGHT of region)))
                                    WIDTH ← (MAX (WIDTHIFWINDOW 10)
                                                 (PLUS (fetch WIDTH of region)
                                    HEIGHT ← newHeight))
          (* reattach the windows -- note that LOCALCLOSE is assumed for all windows)
          (* for window in attachedWindows as how in howAttached do
          (ATTACHWINDOW window editWindow (CAR how)
          (CDR how) (QUOTE LOCALCLOSE)))


  [LAMBDA (window eqnObj)                                    (* thh%: "29-May-85 08:52")
          (* makes sure window can contain new obj --
          currently only checks based on height of new obj, assuming YDESC not too large)

       ((EQN.SubEditorP window)                              (* only adjust for subeditors
                                                             (They contain a single line of text))
                           (DECODE/WINDOW/OR/DISPLAYSTREAM window)))
               (height (WINDOWPROP window 'HEIGHT))
              (SETQ extraHeight (DIFFERENCE (MIN 400 (TIMES 2 (fetch YSIZE of box)))
          (* for now require window to be twice as high as object so don't have to check 
          YDESC -- should work for most cases)

                 ((IGREATERP extraHeight 0)
                  (EQN.AdjustWindow window 0 extraHeight])

  [LAMBDA (window)                                           (* thh%: "28-May-85 09:27")
          (* non-NIL if window has a eqn subeditor running in it)

    (EQN.ResultWindow window])

  [LAMBDA (textObjORStream)                                  (* thh%: "28-Jun-85 14:32")
                                                             (* gets window corresponding to a text 
                                                             object or stream)
          (* note%: \WINDOW field actually is a list whose only element is the window)

    (LET [(w (fetch \WINDOW of (TEXTOBJ textObjORStream]
         (OR (WINDOWP w)
             (WINDOWP (CAR w))
             (ERROR "EQN.WindowFromText: unable to find window for textobj/stream = " textObjORStream

  [LAMBDA window                                             (* thh%: " 3-May-85 08:55")
                                                             (* returns or sets window of any sub 
       [(IEQP window 1)
        (PROG [(w (WINDOWPROP (ARG window 1)
                         'EditWindow]                        (* test for valid window)
              (RETURN (COND
                         ((WINDOWP w)
                             ((AND (OPENWP w)
                                   (EQ (EQN.ResultWindow w)
                                       (ARG window 1)))
                             (T (WINDOWPROP (ARG window 1)
                                       'EditWindow NIL)
                         (T NIL]
       ((IEQP window 2)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG window 1)
               (ARG window 2)))
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA editWindow                                         (* THH " 2-May-85 16:20")
                                                             (* returns or sets main window for a 
                                                             sub edit)
       ((IEQP editWindow 1)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
       ((IEQP editWindow 2)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
               (ARG editWindow 2)))
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA editWindow                                         (* THH " 2-May-85 16:25")
                                                             (* returns or sets object being edited)
       ((IEQP editWindow 1)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
       ((IEQP editWindow 2)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
               (ARG editWindow 2)))
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA editWindow                                         (* THH " 2-May-85 16:37")
                                                             (* returns or sets number of piece 
                                                             being edited)
       ((IEQP editWindow 1)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
       ((IEQP editWindow 2)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
               (ARG editWindow 2)))
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA editWindow                                         (* THH " 2-May-85 16:25")
                                                             (* returns or sets continuation flag)
                                                             (* THH " 2-May-85 13:35")
       ((IEQP editWindow 1)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
       ((IEQP editWindow 2)
        (WINDOWPROP (ARG editWindow 1)
               (ARG editWindow 2)))
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (editWindow eqnObj)                                (* THH " 8-May-85 09:44")
          (* returns editWindow if it is a window currently being used to edit eqnObj, 
          else NIL)

       ((AND (WINDOWP editWindow)
             (OPENWP editWindow)
             (EQ (EQN.ResultObj editWindow)
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA eqn                                                (* THH " 8-May-85 10:01")
                                                             (* gets or sets edit window for eqnObj)
                                                             (* eqn is of the form
                                                             (eqnObj {newEditWindow}))
    (PROG (editWindow eqnObj)
             ((AND (IGREATERP eqn 0)
                   (SETQ eqnObj (ARG eqn 1))
                   (IMAGEOBJP eqnObj))
              (RETURN (COND
                         ((IEQP eqn 1)
                          (SETQ editWindow (IMAGEOBJPROP eqnObj 'editWindow))
                             ((EQN.ValidEditWindow editWindow eqnObj))
                             (editWindow                     (* remove invalid edit window prop)
                                    (IMAGEOBJPROP eqnObj 'editWindow NIL)
                             (T NIL)))
                         ((IEQP eqn 2)
                          (SETQ editWindow (EQN.ValidEditWindow (ARG eqn 2)
                          (IMAGEOBJPROP eqnObj 'editWindow editWindow])

  [LAMBDA (type dataList fontSpec PROPS)                     (* thh%: " 9-Jan-86 10:12")
          (* creates equation of specified type with given dataList --
          for variable piece eqns PROPS should include numPieces)

       ((EQIO.IsDefined type)
        (LET [(numPieces (LISTGET PROPS 'numPieces]
             (EQIO.Create type (EQN.DefaultData type fontSpec (COND
                                                                 ((EQIO.GetInfo type 'variable?)
                                                                 (numPieces (ERROR 
                                                                "Can't specify numPieces for type = " 
                                                                 (T NIL))
                    fontSpec PROPS)))
       (T (ERROR "Unknown equation type = " type])

(GLOBALVARS EquationFontSpecs)

(RPAQ EquationFontSpecs (READARRAY-FROM-LIST 3 (QUOTE POINTER) 1 (QUOTE ((TimesRoman 8) (TimesRoman 10
) (TimesRoman 12) NIL))))

(PUTPROPS EQN.ObjEditWindow ARGNAMES (NIL (eqnObj {newEditWindow})

(PUTPROPS EQN.ContinueFlg ARGNAMES (NIL (editWindow {continueFlg})

(PUTPROPS EQN.PieceNumber ARGNAMES (NIL (editWindow {pieceNumber})

(PUTPROPS EQN.ResultObj ARGNAMES (NIL (editWindow {resultObj})

(PUTPROPS EQN.ResultWindow ARGNAMES (NIL (editWindow {resultWindow})

(PUTPROPS EQN.EditWindow ARGNAMES (NIL (window {editWindow})



(ADDTOVAR LAMA EQN.ObjEditWindow EQN.ContinueFlg EQN.PieceNumber EQN.ResultObj EQN.ResultWindow 

(* ;;; "FORMATSTRING module: Part 3 of 3")


  [LAMBDA (data imageStream)                                 (* thh%: "27-May-87 10:02")
          (* determines box within which data will be displayed on imageStream --
          data is a list whose elements are either image objs or lists of the form
          (FontSpec String Shift))
          (* added adjustment for shift -- assumes data still spans baseline)

    (for item in data bind (width ← 0)
                           (ascent ← 0)
                           (descent ← 0)
                           (scale ← (DSPSCALE NIL imageStream))
       do (PROG ((itemWidth 0)
                 (itemAscent 0)
                 (itemDescent 0)
                 fullFont imageBox shift)
                   ((IMAGEOBJP item)
                    (SETQ imageBox (APPLY* (IMAGEOBJPROP item 'IMAGEBOXFN)
                                          item imageStream))
                    (SETQ itemWidth (fetch XSIZE of imageBox))
                    (SETQ itemAscent (DIFFERENCE (fetch YSIZE of imageBox)
                                            (fetch YDESC of imageBox)))
                    (SETQ itemDescent (fetch YDESC of imageBox)))
                   ((FS.RealStringP item)
                    (SETQ fullFont (FONTCREATE (FS.ItemFont item)
                                          NIL NIL NIL imageStream))
                    (SETQ shift (TIMES scale (FS.ItemShift item)))
                    (SETQ itemWidth (STRINGWIDTH (FS.ItemValue item)
                    [SETQ itemAscent (PLUS shift (FONTPROP fullFont 'ASCENT]
                    (SETQ itemDescent (DIFFERENCE (FONTPROP fullFont 'DESCENT)
                (add width itemWidth)
                (SETQ ascent (MAX ascent itemAscent))
                (SETQ descent (MAX descent itemDescent)))
       finally (RETURN (create IMAGEBOX
                              XSIZE ← width
                              YSIZE ← (PLUS ascent descent)
                              YDESC ← descent
                              XKERN ← 0])

  [LAMBDA (data)                                             (* THH "21-May-85 12:38")
          (* constructs a copy of data -- data is a list whose elements are either image 
          objs or lists of the form (FontSpec String))

    (for item in data collect (COND
                                 ((IMAGEOBJP item)
          (* note%: COPYALL doesn't call imageobj copyfn so it can't be used here)

                                  (APPLY* (IMAGEOBJPROP item 'COPYFN)
                                 (T (COPYALL item])

  [LAMBDA (data imageStream invert?)                         (* thh%: "27-May-87 10:02")
          (* displays data on imageStream -- data is a list whose elements are either 
          image objs or lists of the form (FontSpec String Shift))
                                                             (* added shift)
    (PROG ((scale (DSPSCALE NIL imageStream))
           xStart yStart)
             (invert? (SETQ xStart (DSPXPOSITION NIL imageStream))
                    (SETQ yStart (DSPYPOSITION NIL imageStream]
          [for item in data do (COND
                                  ((IMAGEOBJP item)
                                   (PROG ((xPos (DSPXPOSITION NIL imageStream))
                                          (yPos (DSPYPOSITION NIL imageStream)))
                                         (APPLY* (IMAGEOBJPROP item 'DISPLAYFN)
                                                item imageStream)
                                         (MOVETO (PLUS xPos (fetch XSIZE
                                                               of (APPLY* (IMAGEOBJPROP item
                                                                         item imageStream)))
                                                yPos imageStream)))
                                  ((FS.RealStringP item)
                                   (PROG [(oldFont (DSPFONT NIL imageStream))
                                          (shift (TIMES scale (FS.ItemShift item]
                                         (DSPFONT (FS.ItemFont item)
                                            ((NOT (ZEROP shift))
                                             (RELMOVETO 0 shift imageStream)))
                                         (PRIN1 (FS.ItemValue item)
                                         (DSPFONT oldFont imageStream)
                                            ((NOT (ZEROP shift))
                                             (RELMOVETO 0 (MINUS shift)
             (invert? (PROG ((box (FS.Box data imageStream)))
                            (DSPFILL (create REGION
                                            LEFT ← xStart
                                            BOTTOM ← (DIFFERENCE yStart (fetch YDESC of box))
                                            WIDTH ← (fetch XSIZE of box)
                                            HEIGHT ← (fetch YSIZE of box))
                                   'INVERT imageStream])

  [LAMBDA (fileStream)                                       (* thh%: "13-Jun-85 09:17")
          (* reads data from fileStream -- data is a list whose elements are either image 
          objs or lists of the form (FontSpec String))
                                                             (* also reads a list of such data 
    (HREAD fileStream])

  [LAMBDA (data fileStream)                                  (* THH " 2-May-85 14:31")
          (* puts data on fileStream -- data is a list whose elements are either image 
          objs or lists of the form (FontSpec String))
                                                             (* also writes a list of such data 
    (HPRINT data fileStream])

  [LAMBDA (dataItem)                                         (* thh%: "15-May-85 11:29")
                                                             (* returns font spec of single data 
       ((LISTP dataItem)
        (CAR dataItem))
       (T NIL])

  [LAMBDA (dataItem)                                         (* THH "21-May-85 12:28")
                                                             (* returns string of single data item 
                                                             or image object)
       ((LISTP dataItem)
        (CADR dataItem))
       ((IMAGEOBJP dataItem)

  [LAMBDA (dataItem)                                         (* thh%: "27-May-87 09:57")
                                                             (* shift is number of points to move 
       ((LISTP dataItem)
        (OR (CADDR dataItem)
       (T 0])

  [LAMBDA (fontSpec string shift)                            (* thh%: "27-May-87 09:48")
                                                             (* makes data item from fontSpec and 
                                                             string with shift)
       ((AND shift (NOT (ZEROP shift)))
        (LIST fontSpec string shift))
       (T (LIST fontSpec string])

  [LAMBDA (stream)                                           (* thh%: "27-May-87 10:23")
                                                             (* extracts data from TEdit stream)
    (SETFILEPTR stream 0)                                    (* BIN gets imageObj or individual 
    (PROG ((EOFptr (GETEOFPTR stream))
           (CHcount 0)
           data result)
          [SETQ data (while (ILESSP CHcount EOFptr) collect (add CHcount 1)
                                                          (CONS CHcount (BIN stream]
                                                             (* data has (ch# . item))
                                                             (* now combine characters into strings 
                                                             and get font information)
          [SETQ data (for item in data collect item unless (AND (NUMBERP (CDR item))
                                                                (NOT (FS.AllowedChar (CDR item]
                                                             (* remove control characters, e.g.
                                                             CR, LF, tab...)
          [SETQ result (while data bind item fontSpec shift
                          collect (SETQ item (CAR data))
                                (SETQ data (CDR data)) 
          (* note that imageobjs are not copied so changes to returned obj will also 
          change original)

                                   ((IMAGEOBJP (CDR item)))
                                   (T (SETQ fontSpec (FS.ExtractFont stream (CAR item)))
                                      (SETQ shift (FS.ExtractShift stream (CAR item)))
                                      (PROG ([string (MKSTRING (CHARACTER (CDR item]
                                             (nextItem (CAR data)))
                                            (while [AND nextItem (NOT (IMAGEOBJP (CDR nextItem)))
                                                        (EQUAL fontSpec (FS.ExtractFont stream
                                                                               (CAR nextItem)))
                                                        (EQUAL shift (FS.ExtractShift stream
                                                                            (CAR nextItem]
                                               do [SETQ string (CONCAT string (CHARACTER (CDR 
                                                  (SETQ data (CDR data))
                                                  (SETQ nextItem (CAR data)))
                                            (RETURN (FS.MakeItem fontSpec string shift]
          (RETURN (COND
                     ((AND result (FS.RealStringP (CAR result)))
                                                             (* first item is a string)
          (* preserve initial font by including a null string item at beginning of list)
                                                             (* this item has zero shift)
                        (CONS (FS.MakeItem (FS.ExtractFont stream (COND
                                                                     ((ZEROP EOFptr)
                                                                     (T 1)))

  [LAMBDA (stream selOrCh#)                                  (* thh%: "20-Feb-86 14:05")
                                                             (* gets font spec for specified 
    (PROG ((looks (TEDIT.GET.LOOKS stream selOrCh#)))
          (RETURN (LIST (LISTGET looks 'FAMILY)
                        (LISTGET looks 'SIZE)
                        (LIST (LISTGET looks 'WEIGHT)
                              (LISTGET looks 'SLOPE)
                              (LISTGET looks 'EXPANSION])

  [LAMBDA (stream selOrCh#)                                  (* thh%: "27-May-87 10:26")
                                                             (* gets upward shift in points for 
                                                             specified selection)
    (LET ((looks (TEDIT.GET.LOOKS stream selOrCh#))
            ((SETQ shift (LISTGET looks 'SUPERSCRIPT))
            ((SETQ shift (LISTGET looks 'SUBSCRIPT))
             (MINUS shift))
            (T 0])

  [LAMBDA (data stream)                                      (* thh%: "27-May-87 10:43")
                                                             (* inserts data list into TEdit stream)
    (for item in data bind (length ← 0)
                           shift do [COND
                                       ((IMAGEOBJP item)
                                        (add length 1)
                                        (TEDIT.INSERT.OBJECT item stream))
                                       [(FS.RealStringP item)
                                        (add length (NCHARS (FS.ItemValue item)))
                                        (SETQ shift (FS.ItemShift item))
                                           [(ZEROP shift)
                                            (TEDIT.INSERT stream (FS.ItemValue item)
                                                   (FONTCREATE (FS.ItemFont item]
                                           [(MINUSP shift)
                                            (TEDIT.INSERT stream (FS.ItemValue item)
                                                   `(FONT ,(FS.ItemFont item) SUBSCRIPT
                                                          ,(MINUS shift]
                                           (T (TEDIT.INSERT stream (FS.ItemValue item)
                                                     `(FONT ,(FS.ItemFont item) SUPERSCRIPT
                                       (T                    (* null string -- preserve font info)
                                          (TEDIT.CARETLOOKS stream (FONTCREATE (FS.ItemFont item]
       finally (RETURN length])

  [LAMBDA (charcode)                                         (* thh%: "19-Aug-85 08:29")
          (* returns T if charcode can be included in format strings)

    (IGEQ charcode (CHARCODE " "])

  [LAMBDA (item nullOk)                                      (* thh%: "31-Jul-85 08:11")
    (AND (LISTP item)
         (OR nullOk (NOT (EQUAL "" (FS.ItemValue item])

(* ;;; "Now load EQUATIONFORMS")

(PUTPROPS EQUATIONS COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986 1987))
  (FILEMAP (NIL (4577 19207 (EQIO.CreateFns 4587 . 5120) (EQIO.Create 5122 . 6388) (EQIO.Imagebox 6390
 . 6802) (EQIO.Display 6804 . 8415) (EQIO.ButtonEventIn 8417 . 12258) (EQIO.Copy 12260 . 12641) (
EQIO.CopyList 12643 . 13214) (EQIO.Get 13216 . 13481) (EQIO.Put 13483 . 13782) (EQIO.WhenDeleted 13784
 . 14278) (EQIO.SelectRegion 14280 . 15427) (EQIO.Selection 15429 . 16933) (EQIO.DefaultSelectFn 16935
 . 18173) (EQIO.MakeSelectionMenu 18175 . 19205)) (19281 25283 (EQIO.EqnType 19291 . 19542) (
EQIO.EqnDataList 19544 . 19884) (EQIO.SetDataList 19886 . 20283) (EQIO.EqnData 20285 . 20464) (
EQIO.EqnProperty 20466 . 21394) (EQIO.AllProps 21396 . 21911) (EQIO.Specify 21913 . 22410) (
EQIO.GetInitialProps 22412 . 23544) (EQIO.NumPieces 23546 . 24789) (EQIO.NewStructure 24791 . 25281)) 
(25350 29812 (EQIO.AddType 25360 . 25873) (EQIO.GetInfo 25875 . 26225) (EQIO.SetInfo 26227 . 26868) (
EQIO.TypeProp 26870 . 27816) (EQIO.ResetTypeProps 27818 . 28140) (EQIO.IsDefined 28142 . 28427) (
EQIO.GetBox 28429 . 28649) (EQIO.GetDataSpec 28651 . 28984) (EQIO.GetDataSpecList 28986 . 29131) (
EQIO.GetDataPosition 29133 . 29273) (EQIO.GetDataSelectRegion 29275 . 29419) (EQIO.MakeSpec 29421 . 
29657) (EQIO.MakeDataSpec 29659 . 29810)) (31365 48469 (EQN.AbortEdit 31375 . 31887) (EQN.StopEdit 
31889 . 32336) (EQN.ContinueEdit 32338 . 35990) (EQN.FinishEdit 35992 . 36725) (EQN.MakeEditWindow 
36727 . 38146) (EQN.SetUpEdit 38148 . 39325) (EQN.StartEdit 39327 . 42628) (EQN.StartNextEdit 42630 . 
43147) (EQN.UpdateEdit 43149 . 44546) (EQN.DefaultData 44548 . 47233) (EQN.TypeMenu 47235 . 48467)) (
48536 56444 (EQN.Equation 48546 . 49805) (EQN.NextPiece 49807 . 50532) (EQN.FinishEqn 50534 . 51063) (
EQN.NoUpdateAbort 51065 . 51478) (EQN.PreventUpdate 51480 . 51915) (EQN.CharFn 51917 . 54002) (
EQN.TEditSpecialChar 54004 . 54723) (EQN.SnuggleWindows 54725 . 55316) (EQN.SnuggleMainWindow 55318 . 
56442)) (56498 58237 (EQN.EquationFontNumber 56508 . 57267) (EQN.EquationFont 57269 . 57611) (
EQN.GetEqnFont 57613 . 57794) (EQN.MakeFS 57796 . 58235)) (58266 61407 (EQN.AdjustWindow 58276 . 60236
) (EQN.CheckWindowSize 60238 . 61405)) (61408 67292 (EQN.SubEditorP 61418 . 61651) (EQN.WindowFromText
 61653 . 62310) (EQN.EditWindow 62312 . 63390) (EQN.ResultWindow 63392 . 63942) (EQN.ResultObj 63944
 . 64412) (EQN.PieceNumber 64414 . 64963) (EQN.ContinueFlg 64965 . 65528) (EQN.ValidEditWindow 65530
 . 65964) (EQN.ObjEditWindow 65966 . 67290)) (67293 68410 (EQN.Make 67303 . 68408)) (69618 85553 (
FS.Box 69628 . 71874) (FS.Copy 71876 . 72516) (FS.Display 72518 . 75504) (FS.Get 75506 . 75975) (
FS.Put 75977 . 76448) (FS.ItemFont 76450 . 76811) (FS.ItemValue 76813 . 77219) (FS.ItemShift 77221 . 
77601) (FS.MakeItem 77603 . 78025) (FS.Extract 78027 . 81951) (FS.ExtractFont 81953 . 82556) (
FS.ExtractShift 82558 . 83121) (FS.Insert 83123 . 85112) (FS.AllowedChar 85114 . 85351) (
FS.RealStringP 85353 . 85551)))))