MAILSCAVENGE For Scavenging Mail Folders The Lisp Library package MAILSCAVENGE is used to rebuild the internal pointers in a mail file that has been damaged. Lafite generally reports ``Can't parse file'' and terminates its Browse command when it detects damage in a file. The simplest remedy is to call MAILSCAVENGE, then browse the file again. (MAILSCAVENGE FILENAME ERRORMSGSTREAM TEMPDIR) [Function] This function scavenges the file named FILENAME. FILENAME defaults to extension MAIL and your Lafite directory, exactly as with Lafite's Browse command. If ERRORMSGSTREAM is specified, it is a stream on which MAILSCAVENGE writes information about what it is doing to correct the file. TEMPDIR is a host/directory specification for where MAILSCAVENGE should write its intermediate file. TEMPDIR defaults to {DSK}, unless you are on an 1108 without a local disk file system, in which case it defaults to the same directory as FILENAME. When MAILSCAVENGE finishes, it asks if you want to replace the original file with the scavenged file. If you reply "No", MAILSCAVENGE returns the name of the temporary file it wrote, which you can then rename or delete as you wish. Ordinarily, you should reply "Yes", unless you find the report of what MAILSCAVENGE had to correct to be suspicious. (MAILSCAVENGE.IN.PLACE FILENAME ERRORMSGSTREAM) [Function] This is similar to MAILSCAVENGE, but destructively scavenges the file in-place. This is faster than MAILSCAVENGE, but you have to be brave and assume MAILSCAVENGE is not overwriting anything valuable as it scans the file. $$Ô Ô TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN HELVETICAGACHA   ã  'I' A- & q i « "  F & <2Lz¹