(FILECREATED "19-Feb-86 23:31:16" {ERIS}<LISP>KOTO>PATCHES>INTERPRESSPATCH.;1 2240 changes to: (VARS INTERPRESSPATCHCOMS) (FNS ENDPAGE.IP BEGINPAGE.IP ENDPREAMBLE.IP)) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT INTERPRESSPATCHCOMS) (RPAQQ INTERPRESSPATCHCOMS ((FNS BEGINPAGE.IP ENDPAGE.IP ENDPREAMBLE.IP))) (DEFINEQ (BEGINPAGE.IP [LAMBDA (IPSTREAM) (* FS "19-Feb-86 23:21") (* * (UNINTERRUPTABLY (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM BEGINPAGE) (replace IPPAGESTATE of (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM) with (QUOTE PAGE)))) (* * Allow interrupts in case disk full * *) (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM BEGINPAGE) (replace IPPAGESTATE of (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM) with (QUOTE PAGE]) (ENDPAGE.IP [LAMBDA (IPSTREAM) (* FS "19-Feb-86 23:24") (SHOW.IP IPSTREAM) (* * (UNINTERRUPTABLY (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM ENDPAGE) (replace IPPAGESTATE of (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM) with NIL))) (* * Allow interrupts in case disk full, bad arg * *) (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM ENDPAGE) (replace IPPAGESTATE of (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM) with NIL]) (ENDPREAMBLE.IP [LAMBDA (IPSTREAM) (* FS "19-Feb-86 23:20") (PROG ((IPDATA (fetch IPDATA of IPSTREAM))) (replace IPPREAMBLEFONTS of IPDATA with (DREVERSE (fetch IPPAGEFONTS of IPDATA))) (* Reverse on tenuous assumption that first fonts are more frequent) (replace IPPREAMBLENEXTFRAMEVAR of IPDATA with (fetch IPNEXTFRAMEVAR of IPDATA)) (* * (UNINTERRUPTABLY (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM ENDPREAMBLE) (replace IPPAGESTATE of IPDATA with NIL))) (* * Allow interrupts in case disk full * *) (APPENDOP.IP IPSTREAM ENDPREAMBLE) (replace IPPAGESTATE of IPDATA with NIL]) ) (PUTPROPS INTERPRESSPATCH COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (376 2154 (BEGINPAGE.IP 386 . 846) (ENDPAGE.IP 848 . 1309) (ENDPREAMBLE.IP 1311 . 2152)) ))) STOP