(FILECREATED " 6-Dec-85 16:33:58" {ERIS}<LISPUSERS>KOTO>RPC-EXAMPLEUSER.;1 5238 changes to: (VARS RPC-EXAMPLEUSERCOMS) (FNS DoATA DoATB DoComplex DoMega DoEncrypted DoUnencrypted)) (* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT RPC-EXAMPLEUSERCOMS) (RPAQQ RPC-EXAMPLEUSERCOMS ((FNS DoATA DoATB DoComplex DoMega DoEncrypted DoSimple DoUnencrypted) (VARS (testConv)))) (DEFINEQ (DoATA [LAMBDA (s) (* ht: "28-Sep-84 00:17") (PROG (r) (SETQ r (ArgTestA -128 123456 T "abcde" (QUOTE matchwell) s NIL testConv)) (RETURN (AND (EQ (fetch a1 of r) -127) (IEQP (fetch a2 of r) -123456) (NOT (fetch a3 of r)) (STREQUAL (fetch a4 of r) "abcde") (EQ (fetch a5 of r) (QUOTE matchwell]) (DoATB [LAMBDA (s) (* ht: "28-Sep-84 00:18") (PROG (r) (SETQ r (ArgTestB "abcde" -128 (QUOTE matchwell) s 123456 NIL NIL testConv)) (RETURN (AND (EQ (fetch b2 of r) -127) (IEQP (fetch b4 of r) -123456) (fetch b5 of r) (STREQUAL (fetch b1 of r) "abcde") (EQ (fetch b3 of r) (QUOTE matchwell]) (DoComplex [LAMBDA NIL (* ht: "30-Jul-85 10:52") (LET [(str (OPENSTRINGSTREAM "first string" (QUOTE INPUT] (PROG1 [Complex T NIL (QUOTE (T penery)) (QUOTE (T (NIL henery) 123456)) str (QUOTE (T twa)) NIL (QUOTE (T penery)) "second string" (QUOTE (T NIL flat "third string" atom)) (QUOTE (T NIL (T NIL yen "fourth string" nother) foo)) (QUOTE (T "s6" 2 (NIL "s4") (T "s5"))) (QUOTE (1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4)) (QUOTE (NIL ((T NIL yen "s1" a1) (NIL T twa "s2" a2)) ((T T henery "s3" a3] (CLOSEF str]) (DoMega [LAMBDA NIL (* ht: "30-Jul-85 14:45") (LET ((str (OPENSTREAM (QUOTE {NODIRCORE}) (QUOTE BOTH))) res) (for i from 0 to 239 do (\BOUT str 0)) (for i from 0 to 299 by 2 do (if (ZEROP (IMOD i 20)) then (printout T ".")) (if [NOT (fetch a of (SETQ res (Complex T T (QUOTE (T penery)) (BQUOTE (T (NIL henery) , i)) str (QUOTE (T twa)) NIL (QUOTE (T penery)) "second string" (QUOTE (T NIL flat "third string" atom)) (QUOTE (T NIL (T NIL yen "fourth string" nother) foo)) (QUOTE (T "s6" 2 (NIL "s4") (T "s5"))) (QUOTE (1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4)) (QUOTE (NIL ((T NIL yen "s1" a1) (NIL T twa "s2" a2)) ((T T henery "s3" a3] then (printout T T "Failure at " i ", result: " res T)) (for i from 1 to 2 do (\BOUT str i))) (for i from 300 to 699 by 15 do (if (ZEROP (IMOD i 90)) then (printout T "+")) (if [NOT (fetch a of (SETQ res (Complex T T (QUOTE (T penery)) (BQUOTE (T (NIL henery) , i)) str (QUOTE (T twa)) NIL (QUOTE (T penery)) "second string" (QUOTE (T NIL flat "third string" atom)) (QUOTE (T NIL (T NIL yen "fourth string" nother) foo)) (QUOTE (T "s6" 2 (NIL "s4") (T "s5"))) (QUOTE (1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4)) (QUOTE (NIL ((T NIL yen "s1" a1) (NIL T twa "s2" a2)) ((T T henery "s3" a3] then (printout T T "Failure at " i ", result: " res T)) (for i from 1 to 15 do (\BOUT str i))) (CLOSEF str) T]) (DoEncrypted [LAMBDA NIL (* ht: "25-Sep-84 21:19") ([LAMBDA (uid) (SETQ testConv (StartConversation (CAR uid) (CDR uid) "DictServer.auto" (QUOTE CBCCheck] (\INTERNAL/GETPASSWORD NIL]) (DoSimple [LAMBDA (n s) (* ht: "25-Sep-84 21:25") (enable SimpleFailed => (SELECTQ arg (badNum (goto bn)) (badString (printout T "string twice n" T) (sresume T)) (SHOULDNT)) (Simple n s NIL testConv) bn -> "bad number")]) (DoUnencrypted [LAMBDA NIL (* ht: "25-Sep-84 21:19") (SETQ testConv NIL]) ) (RPAQQ testConv NIL) (PUTPROPS RPC-EXAMPLEUSER COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (441 5126 (DoATA 451 . 972) (DoATB 974 . 1487) (DoComplex 1489 . 2235) (DoMega 2237 . 4290) (DoEncrypted 4292 . 4600) (DoSimple 4602 . 4984) (DoUnencrypted 4986 . 5124))))) STOP