(FILECREATED "29-May-85 14:17:38" {PHYLUM}<LANNING>LISP>USERS>LOADPATCHES.;3 2611 changes to: (FNS LoadPatches) previous date: "19-Apr-85 16:28:23" {PHYLUM}<LANNING>LISP>USERS>LOADPATCHES.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT LOADPATCHESCOMS) (RPAQQ LOADPATCHESCOMS ((* File created by LANNING) (FNS LoadPatches))) (* File created by LANNING) (DEFINEQ (LoadPatches [LAMBDA (directory ldflg afterDate) (* smL "29-May-85 14:17") (* * Load all DCOM files from the directory) (DECLARE (GLOBALVARS COMPILE.EXT)) (LET [(afterIDate (if afterDate then (OR (IDATE afterDate) 0) else 0)) (files (NCONC (for file in (FILDIR (CONCAT directory "*." COMPILE.EXT)) collect (FILENAMEFIELD file (QUOTE NAME))) (for file in (FILDIR (CONCAT directory "*.")) collect (FILENAMEFIELD file (QUOTE NAME] (* Remove duplications) (SETQ files (INTERSECTION files files)) (* Use the DCOM file if there is one) [SETQ files (for file in files collect (OR (INFILEP (CONCAT directory file "." COMPILE.EXT)) (INFILEP (CONCAT directory file] (* We could have picked up files that existed in a subdirectory -- but they got turned into NIL in the INFILEP) (SETQ files (DREMOVE NIL files)) (* Now sort the files by date) [SETQ files (for file in files collect (CONS file (GETFILEINFO file (QUOTE ICREATIONDATE] [SETQ files (SORT files (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (X Y) (LESSP (CDR X) (CDR Y] (* Finally, load the files made after the given date) (for file in files when (GREATERP (CDR file) afterIDate) do (SELECTQ ldflg (HIDDEN (* Load the file, but don't put it on FILELST) (LOAD? (CAR file) T) (SETQ FILELST (DREMOVE (FILENAMEFIELD (CAR file) (QUOTE NAME)) FILELST))) (LOAD? (CAR file) ldflg))) files]) ) (PUTPROPS LOADPATCHES COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (434 2529 (LoadPatches 444 . 2527))))) STOP