(FILECREATED " 1-Aug-85 12:16:27" {IVY}<HTHOMPSON>LISP>RPC>LUPINE.;113 56288 changes to: (FNS \ServerComs \MakeUnmarshalRecord \MakeMarshalRecord) previous date: " 1-Aug-85 09:40:04" {IVY}<HTHOMPSON>LISP>RPC>LUPINE.;112) (* Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT LUPINECOMS) (RPAQQ LUPINECOMS [(DECLARE: DONTCOPY (RECORDS ArgSpec Fragment FunctionSpec FieldSpec LupineType RecordLayout TypeSpec)) (* Basic stub construction) (FNS Lupine \ServerComs \MakeUnmarshal \MakeUnmarshal1 \MakeUnmarshalRecord \FixedFetch \MakeArgsUnmarshal \ClientComs \MakeMarshal \MakeMarshal1 \MakeMarshalRecord \FixedStore \MakeArgsMarshal) (* Checking of declarations) (FNS \CheckSpec \CheckType \CheckType1 \CheckRecordDecl) (* Type table construction) (FNS \DeclareTypes \Allocate \AllocateRecord) (* Utilities) (FNS \TypeName \BaseType \TypeLayout \TypeSize \LupineNotFixed \StaticsFirst \IsStatic) (VARS \LupineGetFns \LupinePutFns \LupinePrimativeTypes \LupineInitialTypeTable \LupineNumberTypes \LupineNotFixedTypes \LupineDummyTypes \LupineStatics \LupineTypesWithParm) (GLOBALVARS \LupineGetFns \LupinePutFns \LupineStatics \LupineTypesWithParm \LupinePrimativeTypes \LupineDummyTypes \LupineNotFixedTypes \LupineNumberTypes \LupineInitialTypeTable) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (CONSTANTS (\FirstLupineUserCall 4) (\FirstLupineSignal 4]) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY [DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (RECORD ArgSpec (argName argType)) (RECORD Fragment (fixed . notFixed)) (RECORD FunctionSpec (fn . specs)) (RECORD FieldSpec (fieldName fieldType)) (RECORD LupineType (typeName . typeParm)) (RECORD RecordLayout (need . fields)) (RECORD TypeSpec (type typeType definedStubs typeSize . typeBits)) ] ) (* Basic stub construction) (DEFINEQ (Lupine [LAMBDA (packageName functionSpecList signalSpecList typeList lupineTypeString noServer noClient) (* ht: "31-Jul-85 11:47") (if (NOT (LITATOM packageName)) then (ERROR "package name must be an atom" packageName)) (if (AND functionSpecList (NLISTP functionSpecList)) then (ERROR "function spec must be a list" functionSpecList)) (if (AND signalSpecList (NLISTP signalSpecList)) then (ERROR "signal spec must be a list" signalSpecList)) (if (AND typeList (NLISTP typeList)) then (ERROR "type declarations must be a list" typeList)) (if (NOT lupineTypeString) then (printout T "type string defaulted to " [lupineTypeString←(MKSTRING (PACK (LIST packageName (GDATE) (ETHERHOSTNUMBER] T)) (if (NOT (STRINGP lupineTypeString)) then lupineTypeString←(MKSTRING lupineTypeString)) (RESETLST (RESETSAVE DFNFLG T) (LET ((typeTable (\DeclareTypes typeList)) sName cName) (for s in functionSpecList do (\CheckSpec s typeTable)) (for s in signalSpecList do (\CheckSpec s typeTable T)) [if (NOT noServer) then (SET sName←(PACK (LIST (U-CASE packageName) 'SERVERCOMS)) (\ServerComs packageName functionSpecList signalSpecList typeTable lupineTypeString)) (ADDFILE (PACK (LIST (U-CASE packageName) 'SERVER] [if (NOT noClient) then (SET cName←(PACK (LIST (U-CASE packageName) 'CLIENTCOMS)) (\ClientComs packageName functionSpecList signalSpecList typeTable lupineTypeString)) (ADDFILE (PACK (LIST (U-CASE packageName) 'CLIENT] (CONS sName cName]) (\ServerComs [LAMBDA ($packageName$ functionSpecList signalSpecList typeTable lupineTypeString) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 12:13") (DECLARE (SPECVARS $packageName$)) (LET ($fns$ dfn iName selTerms $rNames$ catchTerms labelTerms movds hideFn loads) (DECLARE (SPECVARS $fns$ $rNames$)) (* * the NCONC is because some stuff gets pushed onto $fns$ underneath here) $fns$←(NCONC (bind (i ← \FirstLupineUserCall) argNames nameMap rec rfl fn argSets end result for spec in functionSpecList unless (spec:fn= '*) collect [fn←(PACK (LIST spec:fn 'ServerStub] [argNames←(for aSpec in spec:specs as i from 1 until (if (U-CASE aSpec:argName)= 'RETURNS then result←aSpec) collect (CDAR (push nameMap (CONS aSpec:argName (PACK* 'l..arg i] [argSets←(for aSpec in (\StaticsFirst spec:specs typeTable) collect (LIST 'SETQ (CDR (ASSOC aSpec:argName nameMap)) (\MakeUnmarshal aSpec:argType spec:fn aSpec:argName typeTable] (end←(if result then (\MakeArgsMarshal result:argType fn 'RESULT 'l..result typeTable))) [APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, fn (l..cPup l..conv) (* Lupine generated stub) (DECLARE (SPECVARS l..cPup l..conv)) (PROG (l..result ,. argNames) ,. argSets (SETQ l..result (, (fetch fn of spec) ,. argNames)) (\StartReturn l..cPup) ,. end (RETURN l..cPup] [selTerms←(NCONC1 selTerms (BQUOTE (, i (, fn l..pup l..conv] (push movds (CONS spec:fn (CONS (PACK* 'Hidden. spec:fn) fn))) (add i 1) fn) $fns$) dfn←(PACK (LIST $packageName$ 'ServerDispatch)) (if signalSpecList then (bind (j ← \FirstLupineSignal) cName specs resultSpec margs umres for sSpec in signalSpecList unless (sSpec:fn= '*) do (specs←sSpec:specs) (margs←(if (U-CASE specs:1:argName)= 'ARGS then (\MakeArgsMarshal (pop specs):argType sSpec:fn 'SIGARGS 'arg typeTable))) (if (U-CASE specs:1:argName)= 'RETURNS then umres←(\MakeArgsUnmarshal specs:1:argType sSpec:fn 'RESULT typeTable)) [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, [SETQ cName (PACK (LIST 'Catch (fetch fn of sSpec] (arg l..conv) (* Lupine generated signal catcher) (DECLARE (USEDFREE l..cPup)) (\StartSignal l..cPup) (\AddPupWord l..cPup , j) ., margs (SETQ l..cPup (\Call l..cPup NIL l..conv)) , umres] [catchTerms←(NCONC catchTerms (APPEND (BQUOTE (, (fetch fn of sSpec)=> (sresume (, cName arg l..conv] (add j 1))) (* * the (, (QUOTE enable)) is to keep the form from being prettyprinted) [APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, dfn (l..pup request l..conv) (* Lupine generated dispatcher) (, 'enable ., catchTerms (SELECTQ request ., selTerms (SHOULDNT)) ., labelTerms] (push $fns$ dfn) iName←(PACK (LIST $packageName$ 'ServerInterface)) (if (NOT (BOUNDP iName)) then (SET iName NIL)) [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, (PACK (LIST 'Unexport $packageName$)) NIL (* Lupine generated interface) [UnexportInterface (OR , iName (ERROR "not exported" (QUOTE , $packageName$] (SETQ , iName NIL] [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, (PACK (LIST 'Export $packageName$)) (type instance version user password) (* Lupine generated interface) (if , iName then (ERROR "Already exported" (QUOTE , $packageName$))) (SETQ , iName (ExportInterface user password (OR type , lupineTypeString) instance version (FUNCTION , dfn] [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, [SETQ hideFn (PACK (LIST 'Hide $packageName$ 'ServerMovds] NIL (* Lupine generated utility) (for p in (QUOTE , movds) do (PUTD (CADR p) (GETD (CAR p))) (PUTD (CAR p)) (CHANGENAME (CDDR p) (CAR p) (CADR p] [LET [(files (NCONC1 (bind wh res for r in $rNames$ when (if wh←(WHEREIS r 'RECORDS) else (printout T T "Note - the record " r " is not on any known file" T)) do (pushnew res wh:1) finally (RETURN res)) 'SIGNAL] loads←(LIST (BQUOTE (DECLARE: DONTCOPY EVAL@COMPILE EVAL@LOAD (FILES (LOADCOMP) ., files] (BQUOTE ( (* Created by Lupine , (GDATE)) (FNS ,. $fns$) (VARS (, iName)) (GLOBALVARS , iName) ., loads (DECLARE: EVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE DOCOPY (FILES (SYSLOAD) RPC)) (P (COND ((EQ 'Y (ASKUSER 15 'N "Hide server fns (must have been already loaded)? ")) (, hideFn]) (\MakeUnmarshal [LAMBDA (type fn name typeTable pupName) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 08:57") (if type then (if (NOT pupName) then pupName← 'l..cPup) (LET (fragment) fragment←(\MakeUnmarshal1 type fn name typeTable 0 16 pupName) (if NOT (fragment:notFixed) then fragment:fixed else (BQUOTE (LET ((l..datum , (fetch fixed of fragment))) ., (fetch notFixed of fragment) l..datum]) (\MakeUnmarshal1 [LAMBDA (type fn name typeTable whereAreWe size pupName) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 09:09") (LET ((typeName (\TypeName type)) (typeParm (if (LISTP type) then type:typeParm)) afn typeSpec) (SELECTQ typeName ((RECORD SEQRECORD) (SHOULDNT)) [LIST (create Fragment fixed ←(BQUOTE (PROGN (SETQ , pupName (\CheckPupExhausted , pupName 2)) (for l..i from 1 to (\GetArgDblWord , pupName l..conv) collect , (\MakeUnmarshal (CAR typeParm) fn name typeTable pupName] [REF (* no-op except for SEQRECORDs) (LET ((trueType (\BaseType typeParm:1 typeTable)) typeSpec) (if (AND (LISTP trueType) trueType:typeName= 'SEQRECORD) then (* * have to back up one) (\MakeUnmarshalRecord (OR typeSpec←(for tte in typeTable thereis tte:typeType=trueType) (SHOULDNT)) fn name typeTable whereAreWe (if size=16 then typeSpec:typeSize else (SHOULDNT)) pupName) else (create Fragment fixed ←(LET [(nilCheck (BQUOTE (\GetArgBool , pupName l..conv] [if pupName= 'l..pup then nilCheck←(BQUOTE (PROG1 , nilCheck (SETQ l..pup l..cPup] (BQUOTE (if , nilCheck then NIL else , (\MakeUnmarshal (CAR typeParm) fn name typeTable pupName] [BITS (* Just a bit special) (create Fragment fixed ←(if (ILESSP size 16) then (\FixedFetch size type whereAreWe fn name typeTable) elseif whereAreWe~=0 then (HELP "bad layout") elseif (ILEQ typeParm:1 16) then (* * note that even if we get here with a BITS record of <16 size, we just get a whole word) (BQUOTE (\GetArgWord , pupName l..conv)) elseif typeParm:1=32 then (* closest we get to LONG CARDINAL) (BQUOTE (\GetArgDblWord , pupName l..conv)) else (SHOULDNT] (if (FMEMB typeName \LupinePrimativeTypes) then (if (ILESSP size 16) then (create Fragment fixed ←(\FixedFetch size type whereAreWe fn name typeTable)) elseif whereAreWe~=0 then (HELP "bad layout") elseif afn←(CDR (ASSOC typeName \LupineGetFns)) then (* * note that even if we get here with a BITS record of <16 size, we just get a whole word courtesy of the GetFns table entry) [create Fragment fixed ←(LET [(sr (BQUOTE (, afn , pupName ., (if typeParm then (LIST (KWOTE typeParm))) l..conv] (if pupName= 'l..cPup then sr else (BQUOTE (PROG1 , sr (SETQ l..pup l..cPup] else (SHOULDNT)) elseif typeSpec←(ASSOC typeName typeTable) then (if typeSpec:typeType:type= 'RECORD then (\MakeUnmarshalRecord typeSpec fn name typeTable whereAreWe (if (AND size=16 (IGREATERP typeSpec:typeSize 16)) then typeSpec:typeSize else size) pupName) else (\MakeUnmarshal1 typeSpec:typeType fn name typeTable whereAreWe size pupName)) else (ERROR "Invalid spec" (LIST fn name type]) (\MakeUnmarshalRecord [LAMBDA (spec fn name typeTable startBit bitWidth pupName) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 12:15") (LET ((fnName (PACK* 'Unmarshal $packageName$ spec:type '# startBit '# bitWidth)) (bits spec:typeBits) (seq? spec:typeType:typeName= 'SEQRECORD) fetches createExpr indirects umc notFixed someNot res seqSpec seqEltFetch seqSubSpec seqStatic?) [if (NOT (FMEMB fnName spec:definedStubs)) then (push $rNames$ spec:type) (if (ILESSP spec:typeSize bitWidth) then bits←(CONS (IPLUS bits:1 bitWidth-spec:typeSize) bits::1) elseif (AND (IGREATERP spec:typeSize bitWidth) (NOT (ZEROP startBit))) then (HELP "bad layout")) [fetches←(bind (whereAreWe ← startBit) (nFixed ← 0) last for field in spec:typeType:typeParm as size in bits join (if (AND (LISTP field:fieldType) field:fieldType:typeName= 'SEQUENCE) then (if seq? then (seqSpec←field) (seqSubSpec←field:fieldType:typeParm:1) (* * * This should be a call to \MakeUnmarshal1, but because of a CEDAR Lupine bug, is not (see below for more discussion) - If CEDAR is ever fixed, the call should be as follows: (SETQ seqEltFetch (\MakeUnmarshal1 seqSubSpec fn name typeTable whereAreWe size (QUOTE l..pup)))) [seqEltFetch←(\MakeUnmarshal seqSubSpec fn name typeTable (if seqStatic?←(\IsStatic seqSubSpec typeTable) then 'l..pup else 'l..cPup] else (SHOULDNT)) NIL elseif (\LupineNotFixed field typeTable) then (add nFixed 1) (someNot←T) NIL else (umc←(\MakeUnmarshal1 field:fieldType fn name typeTable whereAreWe size 'l..pup)) [if umc:notFixed then notFixed←(NCONC1 notFixed (BQUOTE (LET ((l..datum (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of field)) of l..datum))) ., (fetch notFixed of umc] (umc←umc:fixed) (whereAreWe←(LOGAND 15 (IPLUS whereAreWe size))) (if (NOT (ZEROP nFixed)) then (umc←(BQUOTE (PROGN (SETQ l..pup (\SkipWordsIn l..pup , (LLSH nFixed 1))) , umc))) (nFixed←0)) (last←(LIST field:fieldName '← umc))) finally (if (NOT (ZEROP nFixed)) then (last:3←(BQUOTE (PROG1 , (CADDR last) (SETQ l..pup (\SkipWordsIn l..pup , (LLSH nFixed 1] (createExpr←(BQUOTE (create , (fetch type of spec) ., fetches))) (if someNot then [indirects←(for field in spec:typeType:typeParm when (\LupineNotFixed field typeTable) collect (umc←(\MakeUnmarshal field:fieldType fn name typeTable 'l..cPup)) (BQUOTE (replace (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of field)) of l..datum with , umc] (notFixed←(NCONC notFixed indirects))) (createExpr←(if seq? then [LET (prelim term f nf) (* * the code in this comment is the way this **should** work, with only the non-statics following after, but in fact as CEDAR Lupine stands if a sequence%'s element type has any non-static parts, the WHOLE element gets repeated. There is a further patch associated with this higher up in this function. If this ever gets fixed, replace the if statement which follows this comment with this code: (if (fetch notFixed of seqEltFetch) then (SETQ f (fetch fixed of seqEltFetch)) (SETQ nf (fetch notFixed of seqEltFetch)) elseif (\LupineNotFixed (fetch fieldType of seqSpec) typeTable) then (SETQ prelim (BQUOTE (first (\SkipWordsIn l..pup (LLSH size 1))))) (SETQ nf (fetch fixed of seqEltFetch)) else (SETQ f (fetch fixed of seqEltFetch)))) (if seqStatic? then f←seqEltFetch else [prelim←(BQUOTE (first (\SkipWordsIn l..pup (ITIMES , (LRSH (\TypeSize seqSubSpec typeTable) 4) l..size] (nf←seqEltFetch)) [if nf then [term←(if f then (BQUOTE (LET ((l..datum (CAR l..p))) ., nf)) else (BQUOTE (RPLACA l..p , nf] (notFixed←(NCONC1 notFixed (BQUOTE (for l..p on (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of seqSpec)) of l..datum) do , term] (BQUOTE ((SETQ l..pup (\CheckPupExhausted l..pup 3)) (if (\GetArgBool l..pup l..conv) then NIL else (LET ((l..size (\GetArgDblWord l..pup l..conv))) (bind (l..result ← , createExpr) ., prelim for l..i from 1 to l..size collect , f finally (replace (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of seqSpec)) of l..result with $$VAL) (RETURN l..result] else (LIST createExpr))) [if (AND seq? notFixed) then notFixed←(LIST (BQUOTE (if l..datum then ., notFixed] (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, fnName (l..pup l..conv) (* Lupine generated stub) ., createExpr))) (* * must record the notFixed generated here so they get used if the function gets re-used) (PUT fnName 'LupineNotFixed notFixed) (push $fns$ fnName) (push spec:definedStubs fnName) else notFixed←(APPEND (GETP fnName 'LupineNotFixed] res←(BQUOTE (, fnName , pupName l..conv)) [if pupName= 'l..pup then (* * horrible kludge as our function may have reset l..cPup but our caller won%'t see that) (res←(LIST 'PROG1 res '(SETQ l..pup l..cPup)] (create Fragment fixed ← res notFixed ← notFixed]) (\FixedFetch [LAMBDA (size type whereAreWe fn name typeTable) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 08:54") (LET ((typeName (\TypeName type)) (typeParm (if (LISTP type) then type:typeParm)) ff bitNum form) (SELECTQ typeName (RECORD (SHOULDNT)) ((BOOLEAN BITS ENUMERATION) (* * compute the field descriptor) bitNum← (IPLUS (LLSH whereAreWe 4) size-1) (* * make the call to FETCHFIELD) ff← (BQUOTE (FETCHFIELD '(NIL 0 (BITS ., bitNum)) (\CurrentPupBase l..pup))) form← (SELECTQ typeName (BITS ff) [ENUMERATION (BQUOTE (CAR (NTH (QUOTE , typeParm) (ADD1 , ff] [BOOLEAN (BQUOTE (NOT (ZEROP , ff] (SHOULDNT)) (if (ZEROP whereAreWe) then (* * need to check there is room in the l..pup) (BQUOTE (PROGN (SETQ l..pup (\CheckPupExhausted l..pup 1)) , form)) elseif (IPLUS whereAreWe size)=16 then (* * must advance the counter) (BQUOTE (PROG1 , form (\IncrDataOffset l..pup 1))) else form)) (SHOULDNT]) (\MakeArgsUnmarshal [LAMBDA (spec fn multTypeName typeTable) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 08:51") (LET (resultSpec) (if (AND (LITATOM spec) resultSpec←(\BaseType spec typeTable) (LISTP resultSpec) resultSpec:typeName=multTypeName) then (* create the record) (push $rNames$ spec) [NCONC (LIST 'create spec) (for rSpec in (\StaticsFirst resultSpec:typeParm typeTable) join (BQUOTE (, (fetch fieldName of rSpec)← , (\MakeUnmarshal (fetch fieldType of rSpec) fn (fetch fieldName of rSpec) typeTable] else (\MakeUnmarshal spec fn 'l..result typeTable]) (\ClientComs [LAMBDA ($packageName$ functionSpecList signalSpecList typeTable lupineTypeString) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 09:39") (DECLARE (SPECVARS $packageName$)) (LET ($fns$ dfn selTerms iName cName typeSels $rNames$ sDisp sigTerms movds movdFn result loads) (DECLARE (SPECVARS $fns$ $rNames$)) iName←(PACK (LIST $packageName$ 'ClientInterface)) sDisp←(PACK (LIST 'Dispatch $packageName$ 'Signals)) (* * the NCONC is because some stuff gets pushed onto $fns$ underneath here) $fns$←(NCONC (bind (i ← \FirstLupineUserCall) argNames rec rfl fn argPuts end stubFn for spec in functionSpecList unless spec:fn= '* collect (fn←spec:fn) (stubFn←(PACK (LIST 'RPCClientStub. fn))) (argPuts←(for aSpec in (\StaticsFirst spec:specs typeTable) join (\MakeMarshal aSpec:argType aSpec:argName fn aSpec:argName typeTable))) [argNames←(NCONC (for aSpec in spec:specs until (if (U-CASE aSpec:argName)= 'RETURNS then result←aSpec) collect aSpec:argName) (LIST 'l..interfaceArg 'l..conv] (end←(if result then (\MakeArgsUnmarshal result:argType fn 'RESULT typeTable))) [APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, stubFn , argNames (* Lupine generated stub) (PROG [l..cPup (l..interface (OR l..interfaceArg (CAR , iName] (DECLARE (SPECVARS l..cPup)) (SETQ l..cPup (\StartCall (CAR l..interface) (CDR l..interface) l..conv)) (\AddPupWord l..cPup , i l..conv) ,. argPuts (SETQ l..cPup (\Call l..cPup (FUNCTION , sDisp) l..conv)) (RETURN (PROG1 , end (\RELEASE.PUP l..cPup] (push movds (CONS stubFn fn)) (add i 1) stubFn) $fns$) sigTerms←(bind (j ← \FirstLupineSignal) mres umargs specs for sSpec in signalSpecList unless sSpec:fn= '* collect (specs←sSpec:specs) (umargs←(if (U-CASE specs:1:argName)= 'ARGS then (\MakeArgsUnmarshal (pop specs):argType sSpec:fn 'SIGARGS typeTable))) (if (U-CASE specs:1:argName)= 'RETURNS then mres←(\MakeArgsMarshal specs:1:argType sSpec:fn 'RESULT 'l..result typeTable)) (PROG1 (BQUOTE (, j (PROG (l..result) (SETQ l..result (Signal (QUOTE , (fetch fn of sSpec)) , umargs)) (\StartReturn l..cPup) ., mres))) (add j 1))) (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, sDisp (l..cPup l..conv) (* Lupine generated dispatcher) (DECLARE (SPECVARS l..cPup l..conv)) (SELECTQ (\GetArgWord l..cPup l..conv) ., sigTerms (SHOULDNT)) l..cPup))) (push $fns$ sDisp) (if (NOT (BOUNDP iName)) then (SET iName NIL)) [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, (PACK (LIST 'Unimport $packageName$)) (l..interface) (* Lupine generated interface) (if l..interface then (if (FMEMB l..interface , iName) then (UnimportInterface l..interface) (SETQ , iName (DREMOVE l..interface , iName)) else (ERROR "not imported" l..interface)) else (for e in , iName do (UnimportInterface e)) (SETQ , iName NIL] [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, (PACK (LIST 'Import $packageName$)) (type instance version) (* Lupine generated interface) (CAR (push , iName (ImportInterface (OR type , lupineTypeString) instance version] [push $fns$ (CAR (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, (SETQ movdFn (PACK (LIST 'MovdsFor $packageName$))) NIL (* Lupine generated utility) (for p in (QUOTE , movds) do (PUTD (CDR p) (GETD (CAR p] [if $rNames$ then (LET [(files (bind wh res for r in $rNames$ when (if wh←(WHEREIS r 'RECORDS) else (printout T T "Note - the record " r " is not on any known file" T)) do (pushnew res wh:1) finally (RETURN res] loads←(LIST (BQUOTE (DECLARE: DONTCOPY EVAL@COMPILE EVAL@LOAD (FILES (LOADCOMP) ., files] (BQUOTE ( (* Created by Lupine , (GDATE)) (FNS ,. $fns$) (VARS (, iName)) (GLOBALVARS , iName) (P (, movdFn)) ., loads (DECLARE: EVAL@LOAD DONTEVAL@COMPILE DOCOPY (FILES (SYSLOAD) RPC]) (\MakeMarshal [LAMBDA (type val fn name typeTable pupName) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 08:57") (if type then (if (NOT pupName) then pupName← 'l..cPup) (LET (fragment) fragment←(\MakeMarshal1 type val fn name typeTable 0 16 pupName) (if NOT (fragment:notFixed) then fragment:fixed else (NCONC fragment:fixed (if val~= 'l..datum then [LIST (BQUOTE (LET ((l..datum , val)) ., (fetch notFixed of fragment] else fragment:notFixed]) (\MakeMarshal1 [LAMBDA (type val fn name typeTable whereAreWe size pupName) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 08:59") (LET ((typeName (\TypeName type)) (typeParm (if (LISTP type) then type:typeParm)) afn typeSpec) (SELECTQ typeName ((RECORD SEQRECORD) (SHOULDNT)) [LIST (create Fragment fixed ←(LIST (BQUOTE (PROGN (\CheckPupOverflow , pupName 4) (\AddPupDblWord , pupName (LENGTH , val) l..conv) (for l..v in , val do ., (\MakeMarshal (CAR typeParm) 'l..v fn name typeTable pupName] [REF (* no-op except for SEQRECORDs) (LET ((trueType (\BaseType typeParm:1 typeTable)) typeSpec) (if (AND (LISTP trueType) trueType:typeName= 'SEQRECORD) then (* * have to back up one) (\MakeMarshalRecord (OR typeSpec←(for tte in typeTable thereis tte:typeType=trueType) (SHOULDNT)) val fn name typeTable whereAreWe (if size=16 then typeSpec:typeSize else (SHOULDNT)) pupName) else (create Fragment fixed ←(LIST (BQUOTE (if , val then (\AddPupBoolean , pupName NIL l..conv) ., (\MakeMarshal (CAR typeParm) val fn name typeTable pupName) else (\AddPupBoolean , pupName T l..conv] [BITS (create Fragment fixed ←(if (ILESSP size 16) then (\FixedStore size type val whereAreWe fn name typeTable) elseif whereAreWe~=0 then (HELP "bad layout") elseif (ILEQ typeParm:1 16) then (* * note that even if we get here with a BITS record of <16 size, we just put a whole word) (LIST (BQUOTE (\AddPupWord , pupName , val l..conv))) elseif typeParm:1=32 then (* closest we get to LONG CARDINAL) (LIST (BQUOTE (\AddPupDblWord , pupName , val l..conv))) else (SHOULDNT] (if (FMEMB typeName \LupinePrimativeTypes) then (if (ILESSP size 16) then (create Fragment fixed ←(\FixedStore size type val whereAreWe fn name typeTable)) elseif whereAreWe~=0 then (HELP "bad layout") elseif afn←(CDR (ASSOC typeName \LupinePutFns)) then (* * note that if we get here with a BITS record of <16 size, we just get a whole word courtesy of the PutFns table entry) [create Fragment fixed ←(LIST (BQUOTE (, afn , pupName ., (if typeParm then (LIST (KWOTE typeParm))) , val l..conv] else (SHOULDNT)) elseif typeSpec←(ASSOC typeName typeTable) then (if typeSpec:typeType:type= 'RECORD then (\MakeMarshalRecord typeSpec val fn name typeTable whereAreWe (if (AND size=16 (IGREATERP typeSpec:typeSize 16) ) then typeSpec:typeSize else size) pupName) else (\MakeMarshal1 typeSpec:typeType val fn name typeTable whereAreWe size pupName)) else (ERROR "Invalid spec" (LIST fn name type]) (\MakeMarshalRecord [LAMBDA (spec val fn name typeTable startBit bitWidth pupName) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 12:16") (LET ((fnName (PACK* 'Marshal $packageName$ spec:type '# startBit '# bitWidth)) (bits spec:typeBits) (seq? spec:typeType:typeName= 'SEQRECORD) seqSpec seqSubSpec seqEltStore seqStatic? stores notFixed indirects mc someNot) [if (NOT (FMEMB fnName spec:definedStubs)) then (push $rNames$ spec:type) (if (ILESSP spec:typeSize bitWidth) then bits←(CONS (IPLUS bits:1 bitWidth-spec:typeSize) bits::1) elseif (AND (IGREATERP spec:typeSize bitWidth) (NOT (ZEROP startBit))) then (HELP "bad layout")) [stores←(bind (whereAreWe ← startBit) (nFixed ← 0) for field in spec:typeType:typeParm as size in bits join (if (AND (LISTP field:fieldType) field:fieldType:typeName= 'SEQUENCE) then (if seq? then (seqSpec←field) (seqSubSpec←field:fieldType:typeParm:1) (* * * This should be a call to \MakeMarshal1 but because of a CEDAR Lupine bug, is not (see below for more discussion) - If CEDAR is ever fixed, the call should be as follows: (SETQ seqEltStore (\MakeMarshal1 seqSubSpec (QUOTE l..datum) fn name typeTable whereAreWe size (QUOTE l..pup)))) [seqEltStore←(\MakeMarshal seqSubSpec 'l..datum fn name typeTable (if seqStatic?←(\IsStatic seqSubSpec typeTable) then 'l..pup else 'l..cPup] else (SHOULDNT)) NIL elseif (\LupineNotFixed field typeTable) then (add nFixed 1) (someNot←T) NIL else (mc←(\MakeMarshal1 field:fieldType (BQUOTE (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of field)) of l..datum)) fn name typeTable whereAreWe size 'l..pup)) [if mc:notFixed then notFixed←(NCONC1 notFixed (BQUOTE (LET ((l..datum (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of field)) of l..datum))) ., (fetch notFixed of mc] (mc←mc:fixed) (whereAreWe←(LOGAND 15 (IPLUS whereAreWe size))) (if (NOT (ZEROP nFixed)) then (PROG1 (CONS (BQUOTE (\SkipBytesOut l..pup , (LLSH nFixed 2))) mc) nFixed←0) else mc)) finally (if (NOT (ZEROP nFixed)) then $$VAL←(NCONC1 $$VAL (BQUOTE (\SkipBytesOut l..pup , (LLSH nFixed 2] (if someNot then [indirects←(for field in spec:typeType:typeParm when (\LupineNotFixed field typeTable) join (\MakeMarshal field:fieldType (BQUOTE (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of field)) of l..datum)) fn name typeTable 'l..cPup] (notFixed←(NCONC notFixed indirects))) [if seq? then (LET (code f nf) (* * the code in this comment is the way this **should** work, with only the non-statics following after, but in fact as CEDAR Lupine stands if a sequence%'s element type has any non-static parts, the WHOLE element gets repeated. There is a further patch associated with this higher up in this function. If this ever gets fixed, replace the if statement which follows this comment with this code: (if (fetch notFixed of seqEltStore) then (SETQ f (fetch fixed of seqEltStore)) (SETQ nf (fetch notFixed of seqEltStore)) elseif (\LupineNotFixed (fetch fieldType of seqSpec) typeTable) then (SETQ code (LIST (QUOTE (\SkipBytesOut l..pup (LLSH (LENGTH l..sequence) 2))))) (SETQ nf (fetch fixed of seqEltStore)) else (SETQ f (fetch fixed of seqEltStore)))) (if seqStatic? then f←seqEltStore else [code←(LIST (BQUOTE (\SkipBytesOut l..pup (ITIMES , (LRSH (\TypeSize seqSubSpec typeTable) 3) (LENGTH l..sequence] (nf←seqEltStore)) [if f then code←(LIST (BQUOTE (for l..datum in l..sequence do ., f] [if nf then notFixed←(NCONC1 notFixed (BQUOTE (for l..datum in (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of seqSpec)) of l..datum) do ., nf] stores←(BQUOTE ((\CheckPupOverflow l..pup 6) (if l..datum then (LET ((l..sequence (fetch (, (fetch type of spec) , (fetch fieldName of seqSpec)) of l..datum))) (\AddPupBoolean l..pup NIL l..conv) (\AddPupDblWord l..pup (LENGTH l..sequence) l..conv) ., stores ., code) else (\AddPupBoolean l..pup T l..conv] [if (AND seq? notFixed) then notFixed←(LIST (BQUOTE (if l..datum then ., notFixed] (APPLY* (FUNCTION DEFINEQ) (BQUOTE (, fnName (l..pup l..datum l..conv) (* Lupine generated stub) ., stores))) (* * must record the notFixed generated here so they get used if the function gets re-used) (PUT fnName 'LupineNotFixed notFixed) (push $fns$ fnName) (push spec:definedStubs fnName) else notFixed←(APPEND (GETP fnName 'LupineNotFixed] (create Fragment fixed ←(LIST (BQUOTE (, fnName , pupName , val l..conv))) notFixed ← notFixed]) (\FixedStore [LAMBDA (size type val whereAreWe fn name typeTable) (* ht: " 1-Aug-85 09:10") (LET ((typeName (\TypeName type)) (typeParm (if (LISTP type) then type:typeParm)) rf bitNum form) (SELECTQ typeName (RECORD (SHOULDNT)) ((BOOLEAN BITS ENUMERATION) (* * compute the field descriptor) bitNum← (IPLUS (LLSH whereAreWe 4) size-1) (* * make the call to FETCHFIELD) form← (SELECTQ typeName (BITS val) [ENUMERATION (BQUOTE (for l..i from 0 as l..t in (QUOTE , typeParm) do (if (EQ l..t , val) then (RETURN l..i)) finally (Signal 'BoundsCheck (CONS , val (QUOTE , typeParm] (BOOLEAN (BQUOTE (if , val then 1 else 0))) (SHOULDNT)) rf← (BQUOTE (REPLACEFIELD '(NIL 0 (BITS ., bitNum)) (\CurrentPupPosition l..pup) , form)) (if (ZEROP whereAreWe) then (* * need to check there is room in the l..pup) (BQUOTE ((\CheckPupOverflow l..pup 2) , rf)) elseif (IPLUS whereAreWe size)=16 then (* * must advance the counter - must use LIST here because BQUOTE causes NCONC problems) (LIST rf '(\IncrPupLength l..pup 2)) else (LIST rf))) (SHOULDNT]) (\MakeArgsMarshal [LAMBDA (spec fn multTypeName varName typeTable) (* ht: "31-Jul-85 11:44") (LET (resultSpec) (if (AND (LITATOM spec) resultSpec←(\BaseType spec typeTable) (LISTP resultSpec) resultSpec:typeName=multTypeName) then (* unpack a record) (push $rNames$ spec) (for rBit in (\StaticsFirst resultSpec:typeParm typeTable) join (\MakeMarshal rBit:fieldType (BQUOTE (fetch (, spec , (fetch fieldName of rBit)) of , varName)) fn rBit:fieldName typeTable)) else (\MakeMarshal spec varName fn varName typeTable]) ) (* Checking of declarations) (DEFINEQ (\CheckSpec [LAMBDA (spec typeTable sigFlg) (* ht: "31-Jul-85 11:35") (if (NLISTP spec) then (ERROR "each spec must be a list" spec)) (if spec:fn~= '* then (if (NOT (LITATOM spec:fn)) then (ERROR "the fn/signal of a spec must be an atom" spec:fn)) (if (NLISTP spec:specs) then (if spec:specs then (ERROR "the arg specs of a spec must be a list" spec:specs))) (if (OR spec:specs=NIL (U-CASE spec:specs:1:argName)= 'RETURNS) then (printout T "Note: " spec:fn " has no args" T)) (bind aSpec argsAlready [an ←(if (AND (NOT sigFlg) (GETD (fetch fn of spec))) then (ARGLIST (fetch fn of spec] for specP on spec:specs do (if (U-CASE specP:1:argName)= 'RETURNS then (if specP::1 then (ERROR "RETURNS must be the last spec" specP) else (GO $$OUT)) else aSpec←specP:1) (if sigFlg then (if (AND (U-CASE specP:1:argName)= 'ARGS (NOT argsAlready)) then argsAlready←T else (ERROR "first and only arg spec for a signal must be called ARGS")) (\CheckType aSpec typeTable NIL T) else (if an then [if aSpec:argName=an:1 then (pop an) else (ERROR "arg name not right" (CONS aSpec:argName (pop an] else (if (NOT (LITATOM aSpec:argName)) then (ERROR "arg name must be litatom" aSpec)) (if (GETD spec:fn) then (printout T "Note: spec has more arguments than function" , spec:fn , aSpec T))) (\CheckType aSpec typeTable)) finally (if an then (printout T "Note: spec has fewer arguments than function" , spec:fn T))) (LET ((last spec:-1)) (if (U-CASE last:argName)= 'RETURNS then (\CheckType last typeTable NIL T) else (printout T "Note: " spec:fn " has no result" T]) (\CheckType [LAMBDA (spec typeTable inDecl inSpecial inRef inSeq) (* ht: "30-Jul-85 09:01") (\CheckType1 spec (\TypeName spec:argType) (if (LISTP spec:argType) then spec:argType:typeParm) typeTable inDecl inSpecial inRef inSeq]) (\CheckType1 [LAMBDA (spec typeName typeParm typeTable inDecl inSpecial inRef inSeq) (* ht: "31-Jul-85 15:57") (LET (trueType) (if (FMEMB typeName \LupinePrimativeTypes) then (if (FMEMB typeName \LupineTypesWithParm) then (if (NOT typeParm) then (ERROR "Must have type parm for type" spec)) (SELECTQ typeName ((LIST REF SEQUENCE) (if (AND typeName= 'SEQUENCE (NOT inSeq)) then (ERROR "SEQUENCE field can occur only in SEQRECORDs" spec) ) (\CheckType spec:argType typeTable NIL NIL typeName= 'REF)) (BITS (if (NOT (AND (NUMBERP typeParm:1) (IGREATERP typeParm:1 0) (OR (ILEQ typeParm:1 16) typeParm:1=32) typeParm::1=NIL)) then (ERROR "BITS type must have exactly one numeric parameter in [1..16] U [32]" spec))) ((RECORD RESULT SIGARGS) (if (NOT inDecl) then (ERROR "In line RECORDs/RESULTs/SIGARGSs not allowed - must be pre-declared as a named type" spec)) (\CheckRecordDecl spec typeParm) (for fs in typeParm do (\CheckType fs typeTable))) (SEQRECORD (if (NOT inDecl) then (ERROR "In line SEQRECORDs not allowed - must be pre-declared as a named type" spec)) (\CheckRecordDecl spec typeParm) (if [NOT (for fieldSpecPointer on typeParm thereis (PROG1 (if (U-CASE (\TypeName fieldSpecPointer:1:fieldType))= 'SEQUENCE then (if fieldSpecPointer::1 then (ERROR "SEQUENCE must be the last field of a SEQRECORD" spec) else T)) (\CheckType fieldSpecPointer:1 typeTable NIL NIL NIL T] then (ERROR "SEQRECORD must end with a SEQUENCE field" spec)) (if (NOT (FMEMB (\TypeName typeParm:-2:fieldType) \LupineNumberTypes)) then (printout T "Warning - next to last field in SEQRECORD not a numeric type?" , spec))) NIL) elseif typeParm then (ERROR "Shouldnt have type parm for type" spec)) elseif (ASSOC typeName typeTable) then (if typeParm then (ERROR "Shouldnt have type parm for user-defined type" spec)) (trueType←(\BaseType typeName typeTable)) (if (LISTP trueType) then (if (AND (FMEMB trueType:typeName \LupineDummyTypes) (NOT inSpecial)) then (ERROR "Can't use RESULT/SIGARGS except from RETURNS/ARGS spec" spec) elseif (AND trueType:typeName= 'SEQRECORD (NOT inRef)) then (ERROR "Must get to SEQRECORD via a REF, not directly" spec))) else (ERROR "Not a type" spec]) (\CheckRecordDecl [LAMBDA (spec fieldSpecs) (* ht: "30-Jul-85 09:41") (LET ((recFields (RECORDFIELDNAMES spec:fieldName))) (if (NOT recFields) then (ERROR "No record declaration for record type" spec)) (if [NOT (AND (LENGTH recFields)=(LENGTH fieldSpecs) (for fieldSpec in fieldSpecs always (FMEMB fieldSpec:fieldName recFields] then (ERROR "Field names in type declaration don't match up with those of record" (LIST recFields spec]) ) (* Type table construction) (DEFINEQ (\DeclareTypes [LAMBDA (typeDecls) (* ht: "31-Jul-85 14:50") (bind newEntry (typeTable ←(APPEND \LupineInitialTypeTable)) allocation for ty in typeDecls unless ty:type= '* do (if (NOT (AND ty:type (LITATOM ty:type))) then (ERROR "type declaration must begin with an atomic type name" ty)) (if (OR NOT (ty:typeType) ty::2) then (ERROR "there must be one and only one type in a type declaration" ty)) (if (U-CASE ty:type)= 'INCLUDE then (if (AND ty:typeType (LITATOM ty:typeType)) then typeTable←(NCONC typeTable (\DeclareTypes (EVALV ty:typeType))) else (ERROR "INCLUDE must be of the form (INCLUDE <litatom>)" ty)) else (\CheckType ty typeTable T) (newEntry←(create TypeSpec type ← ty:type typeType ← ty:typeType)) (if (NOT (AND (LISTP ty:typeType) (FMEMB (U-CASE ty:typeType:typeName) \LupineDummyTypes))) then (allocation←(\Allocate ty:typeType typeTable)) (newEntry:typeSize←allocation:need) (newEntry:typeBits←allocation:fields)) (push typeTable newEntry)) finally (RETURN typeTable]) (\Allocate [LAMBDA (type typeTable subFlg) (* ht: "29-Jul-85 13:38") (let ((typeName (\TypeName type)) (typeParm (if (LISTP type) then type:typeParm)) res rRes) res←[SELECTQ typeName ((STRING ATOM LIST STREAM ARB FIXP REF SEQUENCE) 32) (SSMALLP 16) ((RECORD SEQRECORD) rRes← (\AllocateRecord typeName typeParm typeTable) (if subFlg then rRes:need else rRes)) (if (FMEMB typeName \LupinePrimativeTypes) then (let [(need (SELECTQ typeName (BOOLEAN 1) (BITS typeParm:1) [ENUMERATION (IMAX 1 (bind (max ←(SUB1 (LENGTH typeParm))) until (ZEROP max) count max←(LRSH max 1] (SHOULDNT] (if (IGREATERP need 16) then (SHOULDNT "Too big") else need)) else (* user defined type) (fetch typeSize of (\TypeLayout typeName typeTable] (if subFlg then (LIST res) else (OR (LISTP res) (create RecordLayout need ← res fields ←(LIST res]) (\AllocateRecord [LAMBDA (typeName typeParm typeTable) (* ht: "24-Jul-85 19:33") (bind (bitsLeft ← 16) (wordsUsed ← 0) left sub need for t in typeParm join (sub←(\Allocate t:fieldType typeTable T)) (need←sub:1) (if (IGREATERP need bitsLeft) then (if (ZEROP bitsLeft) then (* * run out - fix it) (add wordsUsed 1) elseif bitsLeft~=16 then (* * expand the leftmost bit of the last thing to fit) (add left:1 bitsLeft) (add wordsUsed 1)) (bitsLeft←16) (if (IGREATERP need 15) then (* * must be some number of words) (add wordsUsed (LRSH need 4)) (need←0) else bitsLeft←bitsLeft-need) else bitsLeft←bitsLeft-need) (left←sub) finally (if (ZEROP bitsLeft) then (add wordsUsed 1) elseif (AND (NOT (ZEROP wordsUsed)) bitsLeft~=16) then (* * only sub-word records are allowed to be not a multiple of 16 - pad) (add left:1 bitsLeft) (add wordsUsed 1)) (RETURN (create RecordLayout need ←(if (ZEROP wordsUsed) then 16-bitsLeft else (LLSH wordsUsed 4)) fields ← $$VAL]) ) (* Utilities) (DEFINEQ (\TypeName [LAMBDA (type) (* ht: "26-Jul-85 09:14") (LET ((typen (if (LISTP type) then type:typeName else type))) (if (FMEMB (U-CASE typen) \LupinePrimativeTypes) then (U-CASE typen) else typen]) (\BaseType [LAMBDA (type typeTable) (* ht: "26-Jul-85 09:04") (LET ((typeName (\TypeName type))) (if (FMEMB typeName \LupinePrimativeTypes) then type else (\BaseType (fetch typeType of (\TypeLayout typeName typeTable)) typeTable]) (\TypeLayout [LAMBDA (typeName typeTable) (* ht: "24-Jul-85 11:32") (OR (ASSOC typeName typeTable) (HELP "Type not defined" typeName]) (\TypeSize [LAMBDA (type typeTable) (* ht: "31-Jul-85 09:21") (LET ((typeName (\TypeName type)) entry) (if entry←(ASSOC typeName typeTable) then entry:typeSize elseif (FMEMB typeName \LupineNotFixedTypes) then 32 else 16]) (\LupineNotFixed [LAMBDA (field typeTable) (* ht: "26-Jul-85 09:08") (FMEMB (\TypeName (\BaseType field:fieldType typeTable)) \LupineNotFixedTypes]) (\StaticsFirst [LAMBDA (specs typeTable) (* ht: "25-Jul-85 16:13") (bind nonStatics for s in specs when (if (U-CASE s:argName) ~= 'RETURNS then (if (\IsStatic s:argType typeTable) else (nonStatics←(NCONC1 nonStatics s)) NIL)) collect s finally (RETURN (NCONC $$VAL nonStatics]) (\IsStatic [LAMBDA (type typeTable) (* ht: "26-Jul-85 09:01") (LET* ((trueType (\BaseType type typeTable)) (typeName (\TypeName trueType))) (OR (MEMB typeName \LupineStatics) (AND typeName= 'RECORD (for f in trueType:typeParm always (\IsStatic f:fieldType typeTable]) ) (RPAQQ \LupineGetFns ((SSMALLP . \GetArgSmallp) (FIXP . \GetArgDblWord) (BOOLEAN . \GetArgBool) (STRING . \UnmarshalString) (ATOM . \UnmarshalAtom) (STREAM . \UnmarshalStream) (ENUMERATION . \GetArgEnum) (ARB . \UnmarshalArb))) (RPAQQ \LupinePutFns ((SSMALLP . \AddPupSmallp) (FIXP . \AddPupDblWord) (BOOLEAN . \AddPupBoolean) (STRING . \MarshalString) (ATOM . \MarshalAtom) (STREAM . \MarshalStream) (ENUMERATION . \AddPupEnum) (ARB . \MarshalArb) (BITS . \AddPupWord))) (RPAQQ \LupinePrimativeTypes (SSMALLP FIXP BOOLEAN STRING ATOM STREAM ENUMERATION ARB BITS LIST RECORD RESULT SIGARGS REF SEQRECORD SEQUENCE)) (RPAQQ \LupineInitialTypeTable ((CARDINAL (BITS 16) NIL 16 16) (* the next is not true, but is as close as we get) (LONGCARDINAL (BITS 32) NIL 32 32))) (RPAQQ \LupineNumberTypes (FIXP SSMALLP ENUMERATION BITS)) (RPAQQ \LupineNotFixedTypes (STRING ATOM STREAM ARB LIST REF)) (RPAQQ \LupineDummyTypes (RESULT SIGARGS)) (RPAQQ \LupineStatics (SSMALLP FIXP BOOLEAN ENUMERATION BITS)) (RPAQQ \LupineTypesWithParm (ENUMERATION BITS LIST REF SEQRECORD SEQUENCE RECORD RESULT SIGARGS STREAM)) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (GLOBALVARS \LupineGetFns \LupinePutFns \LupineStatics \LupineTypesWithParm \LupinePrimativeTypes \LupineDummyTypes \LupineNotFixedTypes \LupineNumberTypes \LupineInitialTypeTable) ) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (DECLARE: EVAL@COMPILE (RPAQQ \FirstLupineUserCall 4) (RPAQQ \FirstLupineSignal 4) (CONSTANTS (\FirstLupineUserCall 4) (\FirstLupineSignal 4)) ) ) (PUTPROPS LUPINE COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1984 1985)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (1927 41866 (Lupine 1937 . 3894) (\ServerComs 3896 . 10088) (\MakeUnmarshal 10090 . 10591) (\MakeUnmarshal1 10593 . 14438) (\MakeUnmarshalRecord 14440 . 21191) (\FixedFetch 21193 . 22459 ) (\MakeArgsUnmarshal 22461 . 23349) (\ClientComs 23351 . 28912) (\MakeMarshal 28914 . 29503) ( \MakeMarshal1 29505 . 33204) (\MakeMarshalRecord 33206 . 39582) (\FixedStore 39584 . 41109) ( \MakeArgsMarshal 41111 . 41864)) (41904 48155 (\CheckSpec 41914 . 44112) (\CheckType 44114 . 44394) ( \CheckType1 44396 . 47570) (\CheckRecordDecl 47572 . 48153)) (48192 52259 (\DeclareTypes 48202 . 49540 ) (\Allocate 49542 . 50805) (\AllocateRecord 50807 . 52257)) (52282 54490 (\TypeName 52292 . 52610) ( \BaseType 52612 . 52939) (\TypeLayout 52941 . 53132) (\TypeSize 53134 . 53457) (\LupineNotFixed 53459 . 53670) (\StaticsFirst 53672 . 54111) (\IsStatic 54113 . 54488))))) STOP