(FILECREATED "31-Jan-86 17:45:55" {ERIS}<LISPUSERS>KOTO>DEFAULTSUBITEMFN.;1 1510 previous date: "31-Jan-86 17:01:44" {QV}<BRIGGS>LISP>DEFAULTSUBITEMFN.;1) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT DEFAULTSUBITEMFNCOMS) (RPAQQ DEFAULTSUBITEMFNCOMS ((* * redefine the DEFAULTSUBITEMFN to add the EVAL keyword to the subitem menu field) (FNS DEFAULTSUBITEMFN))) (* * redefine the DEFAULTSUBITEMFN to add the EVAL keyword to the subitem menu field) (DEFINEQ (DEFAULTSUBITEMFN [LAMBDA (MENU ITEM) (* edited: "31-Dec-85 16:41") (* rrb "17-Aug-84 17:24") (* default subitemfn for menus. Checks the fourth element of the item for an expression of the form (SUBITEMS a b c) or if the fourth element is (EVAL form) will return the value of form. MENU and ITEM will be available during the evaluation) (PROG (TEMP) (RETURN (if [AND (LISTP ITEM) (LISTP (SETQ TEMP (CDR ITEM))) (LISTP (SETQ TEMP (CDR TEMP))) (LISTP (SETQ TEMP (CDR TEMP] then (SELECTQ [CAR (SETQ TEMP (LISTP (CAR TEMP] (SUBITEMS (CDR TEMP)) (EVAL (EVAL (CADR TEMP))) NIL]) ) (PUTPROPS DEFAULTSUBITEMFN COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (528 1423 (DEFAULTSUBITEMFN 538 . 1421))))) STOP