1 A USER'S GUIDE TO SKETCH 1 A USER'S GUIDE TO SKETCH HOW TO CREATE SKETCH ELEMENTS 1 HOW TO CREATE SKETCH ELEMENTS 1 3. How to Create Sketch Elements 6 The elements a sketch consists of are text, boxed text, lines, boxes, polygons, curves, closed curves, circles, ellipses, arcs, arrowheads, and bit maps. This chapter explains how to create and change each kind of element, and how to change the way new elements will look. 2 To Use Text in a Sketch 1 In Sketch, text is provided by text elements. Each text element has some characters, a control point that positions it, and properties that determine the way it looks (e.g., boldness, font family) and how it is justified relative to its position (e.g., left, right, or center justification). A new text element is added by typing it in (see the section To Type In Text, below). You edit existing text elements by selecting within them and typing (see the sections To Insert Characters Into a Piece of Existing Text and To Replace Characters in a Piece of ExistingText). The size, font family, boldness, and italic properties, and the location of the text relative to its position, are changed using the Change command (see the section To Change the Way Text Looks). In a sketch window, the three mouse buttons provide quick access to text editing and line drawing. Figure 8 summarizes these mouse button functions. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T)) ((.05 14.0 NIL) (TEXT (185.0 . 136.0) ( "positions" "type-in") 1.0 (RIGHT BASELINE) (MODERN 14 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((129.0 140.0 56.0 14.0) (139.0 126.0 46.0 14.0)) NIL)) ((.1 32.0 NIL) (WIRE ((233.0 . 116.0) (233.0 . 136.0) (201.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 12.0 NIL) (BOX (229.0 88.0 8.0 24.0) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.1 12.0 NIL) (BOX (245.0 88.0 8.0 24.0) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.1 40.0 NIL) (CLOSEDWIRE ((249.0 . 116.0) (249.0 . 156.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL 1.0)) ((.1 12.0 NIL) (BOX (261.0 88.0 8.0 24.0) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.1 28.0 NIL) (WIRE ((265.0 . 116.0) (265.0 . 136.0) (293.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 14.0 NIL) (TEXT (301.0 . 132.0) ("extends text" "selection") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 14 ( MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((301.0 136.0 80.0 14.0) (301.0 122.0 56.0 14.0)) NIL)) ((.05 14.0 NIL) (TEXT (249.0 . 164.0) ("draws lines") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 14 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((214.0 161.0 71.0 14.0)) NIL)) ((.0585427 11.70854 NIL) (TEXT (256.0 . 16.0) ( "Figure 8. Mouse button text-editing and line-drawing functions") 1.170854 (CENTER BASELINE) ( MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((83.71606 12.87939 345.4019 11.70854)) NIL)) ((0.0 37.84978 NIL) (WIRE ((221.3121 . 45.84978) (221.3121 . 121.5493)) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL NIL .1472365) ) ((.001992101 5.976303 NIL) (ARC (227.2884 . 45.84978) (221.3121 . 45.84978) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL .1472365 NIL (227.2884 . 39.8735) NIL)) ((0.0 21.91303 NIL) (WIRE ((271.1145 . 39.8735 ) (227.2884 . 39.8735)) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL NIL .1472365)) ((.001992093 5.97628 NIL) (ARC (271.1145 . 45.84978) (271.1145 . 39.8735) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL .1472365 NIL (277.0908 . 45.84978) NIL)) ((0.0 37.84978 NIL) (WIRE ((277.0908 . 121.5493) (277.0908 . 45.84978)) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL NIL .1472365)) ((0.0 21.91303 NIL) (WIRE ((227.2884 . 127.5256) (271.1145 . 127.5256)) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL NIL .1472365)) ((.001992101 5.976303 NIL) (ARC (227.2884 . 121.5493) (227.2884 . 127.5256) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL .1472365 NIL (221.3121 . 121.5493) NIL)) ((.001992106 5.976319 NIL) (ARC (271.1145 . 121.5493) (277.0908 . 121.5493) (ROUND 15.90439 0) NIL .1472365 NIL (271.1145 . 127.5256) NIL))) (72.59295 9.366832 367.6481 165.0904) 1.170854 8.0 To Type In Text 1 Move the cursor to where you would like the text to be and press the left mouse button. The caret shape ( 1`) will appear. Type the text. Typing a carriage return will start another line. If a vertical bar (00000000000000) appears instead of a caret, the position you selected is in existing text (see the following sections). You cannot create a new text element in the middle of an existing text element. Any characters you type will be added to the existing text. To create a new text element, hold down the left button and move the cursor until the vertical bar (00000000000000) changes into the caret shape ( 1`). At this point you can create a new text element by typing new text. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (LEFT BASELINE) ( LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (184.0 . 32.0) ( "Figure 9. Steps to insert new text") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((107.0 29.0 154.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (216.0 . 56.0) ("2. Type the text." " In this case, %"a box.%"") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) (( 216.0 59.0 76.0 12.0) (216.0 47.0 107.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.06400001 56.0 NIL) (BOX (216.0 80.0 112.0 64.0) (ROUND 2.0 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)!  p.#1!8!! !! 1!t.#} ( 256.0 112.0 42.0 34.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)$8l``} (96.0 88.0 21.0 36.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.06400001 56.0 NIL) (BOX (56.0 80.0 112.0 64.0) (ROUND 2.0 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (56.0 . 56.0) ("1. Put the cursor where" " the new text should be.") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((56.0 59.0 125.0 12.0) (56.0 47.0 145.0 12.0)) NIL))) (38.0 27.0 294.0 120.0) 1.0 8.0 When characters are typed, a new piece of text is centered around the position of the caret. The alignment of the text relative to this position can be changed. For example, the text can be changed so that this position is its left edge. See the sections To Change the Justification of Text and To Change the Properties of New Text. To Insert Characters Into a Piece of Existing Text 1 Move the cursor to the place in the text where you want to insert the characters and click the left button. When you press the left button, the vertical bar (00000000000000) will appear between the characters. Type the characters. The typed characters will appear where the vertical bar is. If you hold the left button down while moving the cursor, the vertical bar will follow. If you place the cursor over a piece of text and the vertical bar does not appear, the text may be contained in a group or it may be overflow from a text box. If it is in a group, you can edit this text only by ungrouping it first. See the section To Use Groups. If it is overflow from a text box, you can reshape the text box to make it large enough to hold the text. See the section To Change the Size of a Text Box. You can insert characters at the beginning of a text element by selecting the left half of the first character. The vertical bar will appear in front of the first character when the cursor is positioned correctly. If you move out of the text, the vertical bar will change to a caret shape ( 1`). If you type when the caret shape is visible, you will create a new text element rather than inserting characters into the existing one. You can insert characters at the end of a text element by selecting the right half of the last character. To Replace Characters in a Piece of Existing Text 1 Move the cursor to in front of the first character to be replaced; press and release the left button. A vertical bar (00000000000000) will appear in front of that character. Move the cursor to the last character to be replaced; press and release the right button. After you press the right button, the text that will be replaced when you type is shown white-on-black. Type the new characters (see figure 10). ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (LEFT TOP) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)& x H< 0D 0 Hz ``00} (104.0 80.0 72.0 28.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)&x H<0D0Hz ``00} (236.0 80.0 47.0 28.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((0.0 4.0 NIL) (WIRE ((64.0 . 60.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((0.0 50.0 NIL) (WIRE ((340.0 . 60.0) (440.0 . 60.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (340.0 . 52.0) ("3. Type the new text." " In this case, %"B.%"") 1.0 (LEFT TOP) ( MODERN 8 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((340.0 42.0 77.0 11.0) (340.0 31.0 70.0 11.0)) NIL)) (( .1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)(x!< D z!} (368.0 80.0 52.0 31.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.06 52.0 NIL) (BOX (340.0 60.0 104.0 60.0) (ROUND 2.0 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((0.0 44.0 NIL) (WIRE ((204.0 . 60.0) (292.0 . 60.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.06 56.0 NIL) (BOX (204.0 60.0 112.0 60.0) (ROUND 2.0 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((0.0 4.0 NIL) (WIRE ((316.0 . 112.0) (316.0 . 104.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((0.0 4.0 NIL) (WIRE ((204.0 . 112.0) (204.0 . 104.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (204.0 . 52.0) ("2. Move the cursor to after" " the characters to be deleted" " and click the right button.") 1.0 (LEFT TOP) (MODERN 8 ( MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((204.0 42.0 125.0 11.0) (204.0 31.0 141.0 11.0) (204.0 20.0 135.0 11.0)) NIL)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (256.0 . 8.0) ("Figure 10. Steps to edit existing text") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((171.5 5.0 169.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 54.0 NIL) (WIRE ((172.0 . 60.0) (64.0 . 60.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.06 56.0 NIL) (BOX (64.0 60.0 112.0 60.0) (ROUND 2.0 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((0.0 4.0 NIL) (WIRE ((64.0 . 68.0) (64.0 . 60.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (64.0 . 52.0) ( "1. Put the cursor in front of" " the characters to be deleted" " and click the left button.") 1.0 (LEFT TOP) (MODERN 8 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((64.0 42.0 99.0 11.0) (64.0 31.0 109.0 11.0) (64.0 20.0 98.0 11.0)) NIL))) (18.0 6.0 428.0 117.0) 1.0 4.0 To Delete Characters in a Piece of Existing Text 1 Select the characters using the left and right buttons as described above in the section To Replace Characters in a Piece of Existing Text and press the delete key. To Delete Text During Type-in 1 When you are typing text, you can use the backspace (BS) key to delete the previous character, and control-W to delete the previous word. 2 To Change the Way Text Looks 1 You can change the properties of text by using the Change command. After selecting the Change command, select a piece of text or a collection of pieces of text (see the section To Select Sketch Elements) that you wish the change to apply to. You will then be presented with a menu (see figure 11) of possible ways of changing the text. To Change the Bold and Italic Properties of Text 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to the control point of the text (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 11 will appear. Select one of the items Bold, Unbold, Italic, or Unitalic. Bold will make the selected text element appear in bold letters. Unbold will remove the bold property from the text if it was previously bold. Italic will make the selected text element appear in italics. Unitalic will change italic text to roman text. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)uNt㟌Nv-ou-n6{m[mmlVnn{`0`` 0`` 0`` 0`g>0`llm3600`llo3600`llo370`llm360`lll3600`g`30`0`0`0`0` 0` `0` `0`|>f0`l` cf`0`xl` c<`0`0o `0`xl `<`0`l` cf`0`|g>f80`0`0`0`0`lq0`l00``00`ϟ>~|π0` lcc0lf0` lcc0lf0` lc0lf0` l`c0lf0` lcc0lf0`>cc0`0`0`0`0` p0` 0` 0`}Ǎ>0`3flͱ630`8f`ͱ630`fgͿ630`flͰ0630`3flͱ630`fgm010`0`0`0`0`0`f  0`l  0`l  0`  0`l{  0`l  0`l  0`0f;  0`c  0`0`0`0`0`0` 00` 00`>~|0` cc06 0` cc00` cc010`; cc0va0` cc060` >c0`0`0`0`0`>0`30`30l`0`30l`0`?0l`0`1l`0`1l`0`1l`0`10`?߀0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`7~0`66660`66660`66660`66660`66660`7~0`0`0`0`0` 0` 0` 0`獟0`ͱ0`Ͱ0`Ͱ0`ͱ0`ͱ0`m0`0`0`0`0` 0` 0` 0`ߛ獟0`ٌͱ0`ـͰ0`هͰ0`ٌͱ0`ٌͱ0`m0`0`0`0`0``c0`` f0` 0`ϟ>lgo0` llf1llf10` lf1ln f0` f?lgf0` l f00laf 0` llf1llf0`c0gf0``0`60`0`0`0` 00` 0 0`ϟ|>c0`0٘c0`030`060` 0Ø0`0٘0`ό 0` 0`l0`80`0``0``00``0 0`?~|>c0`cc0٘c0`cc030`cc060`cc0Ø0`cc0٘0`?c 0` 0`cl0`>80`0`0`c00``00`c<}0`60cfc10`60cpc00`60c63Ϸ0`1c366f30`1c3673 0`1c3633 0`1c36030`1c366f30`?933ó0`00`0`0`0`0`10`00`}0`f10`f1f0`f1l0`f1,0`f1<0`f0`0`0`p0`0a`80a``0a`0aoy0all`c0all`a0aloxa0a;ll`0all``0alg~xv``0``0``0`0} (96.0 40.0 128.0 263.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (160.0 . 24.0) ( "Figure 11. Menu offered for changing text elements") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((38.0 21.0 244.0 10.0)) NIL))) (16.0 22.0 286.0 270.0) 1.0 8.0 To Change the Size of Text 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to the control point of the text (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 11 will appear. Select one of the items Smaller Font, Larger Font, or Set Font Size. Smaller Font will make the characters appear in the next smaller font. Larger Font will make the characters appear in the next larger font. Set Font Size will prompt you for a size to make the text. Note: The font size is changed at the scale in which the text was originally entered. If you are viewing the text from a zoomed view (a window that has had its scale changed) the text size may not change. Or it may change more than a single size. If you have difficulty getting the size you want, enter a new piece of text, adjust its size, make the original piece of text have the same size (see the section To Make Several Pieces of Text Look Alike), and then delete the new text. To Change the Font Family of Text 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to the control point of the text (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 11 will appear. Select the item Different Font. A menu of the known font families and the item Other will appear. Select the name of the family you want or, if it is not there, select Other. If Other is selected, a small window with the message New family: will appear above the sketch window. The caret will be blinking in it. Type the name of a font family, ending with a carriage return. If the selected or entered font family is not available in the size of the selected text element, a message is printed and nothing is changed. When selecting the control point of the text, you can also select more than one text or text box element (see the section To Select Sketch Elements). If more than one text element is selected, any that have the same size as the first selected text element are changed to the new font family. Note: the search for fonts encompasses any directories on DISPLAYFONTDIRECTORIES and may take a few minutes. (If font file servers are down or slow, it may take even longer.) If Sketch doesn't find a font that you believe exists, you can make that font the default font, both family and size (see the section To Change the Properties of New Text) and retry the change. To Change the Justification of Text 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to the control point of the text (which will be marked with a  ```````), and click the left button. The menu shown in figure 11 will appear. Select one of the items Left Justify, Center Justify, Right Justify, Top Justify, Bottom Justify, Middle Justify, or Baseline Justify. These commands will change where the text appears relative to its control point. Table 1 shows the effects of the different commands on horizontal and vertical justification. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T)) ((.05 15.0 NIL) (TEXT (32.0 . 216.0) ( "Horizontal") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 14 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((32.0 213.0 72.0 15.0)) NIL)) ((.05 15.0 NIL) (TEXT (136.0 . 256.0) ("Vertical") 1.0 (RIGHT TOP) (MODERN 14 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((83.0 242.0 53.0 15.0)) NIL)) ((.1 192.0 NIL) (WIRE ((140.0 . 260.0) ( 140.0 . 68.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 432.0 NIL) (WIRE ((28.0 . 164.0) (460.0 . 164.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 112.0 NIL) (WIRE ((140.0 . 212.0) (28.0 . 260.0)) ( ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (124.0 . 140.0) ("Left" "Justify") 1.0 ( RIGHT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((101.0 143.0 23.0 12.0) (86.0 131.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (124.0 . 92.0) ("Right" "Justify") 1.0 (RIGHT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((93.0 95.0 31.0 12.0) (86.0 83.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (180.0 . 236.0) ("Baseline" "Justify") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 ( BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((157.0 239.0 47.0 12.0) (161.0 227.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (260.0 . 236.0) ("Middle" "Justify") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((241.0 239.0 39.0 12.0) (241.0 227.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) ( TEXT (340.0 . 236.0) ("Top" "Justify") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR) ) ((329.0 239.0 22.0 12.0) (321.0 227.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (420.0 . 236.0) ("Bottom" "Justify") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((400.0 239.0 41.0 12.0) (401.0 227.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.1 432.0 NIL) (WIRE ((28.0 . 212.0) ( 460.0 . 212.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 432.0 NIL) (WIRE ((28.0 . 116.0) (460.0 . 116.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 432.0 NIL) (WIRE ((28.0 . 260.0) (460.0 . 260.0) ( 460.0 . 68.0) (28.0 . 68.0) (28.0 . 260.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((420.0 . 192.0) (420.0 . 184.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((424.0 . 188.0) (416.0 . 188.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (180.0 . 188.0) ( "Play") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((170.0 185.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (260.0 . 188.0) ("Play") 1.0 (CENTER CENTER) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((250.0 182.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (420.0 . 188.0) ( "Play") 1.0 (CENTER BOTTOM) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((410.0 188.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL )) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (340.0 . 188.0) ("Play") 1.0 (CENTER TOP) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((330.0 177.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((340.0 . 192.0) ( 340.0 . 184.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((344.0 . 188.0) (336.0 . 188.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((260.0 . 192.0) (260.0 . 184.0)) ( ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((264.0 . 188.0) (256.0 . 188.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL ) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((180.0 . 192.0) (180.0 . 184.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((184.0 . 188.0) (176.0 . 188.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 192.0 NIL) (WIRE ((220.0 . 260.0) (220.0 . 68.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 192.0 NIL) (WIRE ((300.0 . 260.0) (300.0 . 68.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 192.0 NIL) ( WIRE ((380.0 . 260.0) (380.0 . 68.0)) (ROUND 2 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE (( 180.0 . 144.0) (180.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((260.0 . 144.0) (260.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((340.0 . 144.0) ( 340.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((420.0 . 144.0) (420.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((424.0 . 140.0) (416.0 . 140.0)) ( ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((344.0 . 140.0) (336.0 . 140.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL ) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((264.0 . 140.0) (256.0 . 140.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((184.0 . 140.0) (176.0 . 140.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) (( .05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (180.0 . 140.0) ("Play") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((180.0 137.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (260.0 . 140.0) ("Play") 1.0 (LEFT CENTER) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((260.0 134.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (340.0 . 140.0) ("Play") 1.0 (LEFT TOP) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((340.0 129.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (420.0 . 140.0) ("Play") 1.0 (LEFT BOTTOM) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((420.0 140.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) ( WIRE ((180.0 . 100.0) (180.0 . 92.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE (( 184.0 . 96.0) (176.0 . 96.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((260.0 . 100.0) (260.0 . 92.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((264.0 . 96.0) ( 256.0 . 96.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((340.0 . 100.0) (340.0 . 92.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((344.0 . 96.0) (336.0 . 96.0)) ( ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((420.0 . 100.0) (420.0 . 92.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((424.0 . 96.0) (416.0 . 96.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0 )) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (180.0 . 96.0) ("Play") 1.0 (RIGHT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((159.0 93.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (260.0 . 96.0) ( "Play") 1.0 (RIGHT CENTER) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((239.0 90.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (340.0 . 96.0) ("Play") 1.0 (RIGHT TOP) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((319.0 85.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (420.0 . 96.0) ("Play") 1.0 (RIGHT BOTTOM) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((399.0 96.0 21.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE ((28.0 . 56.0) (28.0 . 48.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.1 8.0 NIL) (WIRE (( 32.0 . 52.0) (24.0 . 52.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (252.0 . 28.0) ("Table 1. How the justification properties" "affect the position of text relative to its control point") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 ( MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((156.0 30.0 192.0 10.0) (129.5 20.0 245.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.05 9.0 NIL) (TEXT (36.0 . 48.0) ("- control point of the text") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (HELVETICA 8 ( MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((36.0 46.0 124.0 9.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (124.0 . 188.0) ("Center" "Justify") 1.0 (RIGHT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (BOLD REGULAR REGULAR)) ((85.0 191.0 39.0 12.0) (86.0 179.0 38.0 12.0)) NIL))) (24.0 14.0 440.0 249.0) 1.0 4.0 To Make Several Pieces of Text Look Alike 1 Select the Change command, hold down one of the shift keys, move the cursor to the control point of the text that looks the way you want, and click the left button. Using the procedure described in the section To Use Menus and Submenus, select the text elements you want to change to look like this one. When finished, release all the mouse buttons and the shift key. The menu shown in figure 11 will appear. Select the item Look Same. This will make all the selected text items be the same font size, face, and alignment as the one you selected first. The change is made to both boxed and unboxed text. This command is convenient for making text that was entered at different scales look the same. 2 To Use Boxed Text 1 Sketch has the capability of framing text and justifying text within the frame. The element that supports this is called a text box. Whenever the caret is inside a text box, the characters typed become part of the text within the box. The text in a box is broken into lines between words so that each line fits within the width of the box. If a single word in the text is wider than the box, it spills over. If there are more lines than fit in the height of the box, they spill over also. The characters outside the box cannot be selected for editing; the box must be enlarged to allow these to be edited. A text box can be created by boxing a text element (see To Put a Box Around Existing Text), by typing a control-carriage return (see To Create a Box to Put Text In), or by using the $ 00%0HR0ȉR0U0Ԏ%00 command (see To Create a Sized Box to Put Text In). The justification properties of the text specify the position of the text within the box (see To Reposition the Text Within a Box). The text inside a text box has the same looks properties as a text element (see the sections To Use Text in a Sketch and To Change the Way Text in a Box Looks). The frame around the text is called its box. It has control points at its upper-right and lower-left corners. Moving one of these changes the size of the box (see To Change the Size of a Text Box). The box has thickness and dashing pattern properties that affect the frame (see To Change the Border Thickness of a Text Box and To Make a Dashed Border Around a Text Box) and a filling property that shades the part of the box not occupied by text (see To Change the Filling of a Text Box). Figure 12 shows some examples of text boxes. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.04 20.0 NIL) (TEXTBOX (408.0 88.0 40.0 40.0) ("A") 1.0 (CENTER CENTER) (HELVETICA 18 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((422.0 98.0 12.0 19.0)) NIL (ROUND 8.0 0) NIL (32800 NIL))) ((.048 48.0 NIL) (TEXTBOX (56.0 80.0 96.0 48.0) ("centered " "middle-justified " "text box ") 1.0 (CENTER CENTER) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((83.0 110.0 42 12) ( 65.5 98.0 77 12) (83.0 86.0 42 12)) NIL (ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL)) ((.048 48.0 NIL) (TEXTBOX (168.0 80.0 96.0 48.0) ("top " "left-justified text" "box ") 1.0 (LEFT TOP) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((171.0 113 16 12) (171.0 101 82 12) (171.0 89 21 12)) NIL (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL (43605 NIL))) ((.08 56.0 NIL) (TEXTBOX (280.0 64.0 112.0 80.0) ("larger " "bottom " "right-justified " "text box") 1.0 (RIGHT BOTTOM) (MODERN 12 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((355 108.0 34 14) (347 94.0 42 14) (313 80.0 76 14) (343 66.0 46 14)) NIL (ROUND 1 0) NIL ({(READBITMAP)(16 16 "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@" "H@H@")} NIL))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (232.0 . 48.0) ("Figure 12. Examples of text boxes") 1.0 ( CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((153.0 45.0 158.0 10.0)) NIL))) (50.0 38.0 410.0 111.0) 1.0 8.0 To Put a Box Around Existing Text 1 Select the Change command from the command menu, move the cursor to the control point of the text you wish to box, and press and release the left button. A large menu titled Change Text How? will appear (see figure 11). Select the Box the Text item. The text will become part of a text box. To Create a Box to Put Text In 1 Hold down the control key and press the return key. If the caret is inside a text box, a new text box of the same size will appear below it. Any characters typed will now go into the new box. If the caret is not in a text box, a new box will appear at the current cursor position. Note: you should hold down the control key until the new box appears. To Create a Sized Box to Put Text In 1 Select the $ 00%0HR0ȉR0U0Ԏ%00 command from the command menu, move the cursor to one corner of the desired box location, press and hold the left button, move the cursor to the diagonally opposite corner, and release the button. While you are moving to the opposite corner, a gray outline of the box will be shown. When you release the button, the gray outline will be replaced by a solid one. You can stop this command by releasing the button when the cursor is outside the window. To Change the Size of a Text Box 1 Move either control point of the text box using one of the point-moving methods described in the section To Move Elements. To Change the Border Thickness of a Text Box 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to one of the corner points of the text box (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 14 will appear. Select the item Box Thickness. This will bring up a menu titled Change Size How? that contains the items Smaller Line, Larger Line, and Set Line Size. Selecting Smaller Line will make the box outline be one size smaller than it is. Selecting Larger Line will make it one size larger than it is. Selecting Set Line Size will bring up a number pad menu (see figure 13). In this case, you should enter the size in screen points (1/72 of an inch) that you want the box thickness to be. The box thickness can be set to zero with the Set Line Size command, but the Smaller Line command will not make it less than one. If the thickness is zero, the box around the text won't appear, but any filling will remain and the text will still justify itself within the box's boundary. o```@` ` XÀD!Ň`nj"d$@"D FH`>@'>T DO` @$ T DH`"@$@"( DH`Ȇ@b#( DG`````@`@`NjHÀ` "P$@` `` P@`H"H$B`DÂ````````Q`&``Q````=`%&`=`%F`%&`````<`8f3`x` ``03``3`0~`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`08>`0x03`0X00`0|>`0f3`3`f3`<````````<` f3`f3`<3`0f`0f``f3``<````````< `f `f`fm`fo`fm`0fl`0<f````````` Figure 13. The number pad menu for entering line thickness To Make a Dashed Border Around a Text Box 1 You can make the border of a text box dashed by specifying a dashing pattern (see the section To Make a Dashed Line). A dashing pattern is a sequence of numbers that indicates how many brush marks should be on and off. To specify a dashing pattern, first select the Change command, then move the cursor to one of the corner points of the text box (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 14 will appear. Select the Dashing item. This will bring up a menu titled New Dashing Pattern?, similar to the one shown in figure 34, that contains several dashing patterns and the items Other and No Dashing. Selecting one of the dashing patterns will make the border have that pattern. Selecting the Other item will bring up a series of number pad menus in which you enter, alternatively, the size of the black portion of the pattern and the size of the white portion of the pattern. The pattern can have as many alternations as you like. Number pad menus will continue to appear until you enter zero. When you enter zero, a menu is brought up showing what your new dashing pattern looks like and requesting confirmation. If you like the pattern, select Yes. If you don't like it, select No. If you select No, you will be given a chance to enter another series of sizes. If you select Yes, the box outline will be dashed according to your pattern. The pattern you entered will be remembered and will appear in the dashing menu next time you change the dashing. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)v]oΜsjntyз[mimamommqnvq\ϙ٘٘ϙ   >ϙlٳ lg8 lc lg ll٘ٳϘϏ~``c``a`a~oa3cll`a8cll`acll`acll`c33cll`~clg` `m`m` `m~m60`m60`m60`m60`m60`m300  a a|>fl` cfaxl` cf9} (120.0 88.0 118.0 93.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (176.0 . 80.0) ( "Figure 14. Change menu for text boxes") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((86.0 77.0 180.0 10.0)) NIL))) (44.0 69.0 227.0 107.0) 1.0 8.0 To Change the Filling of a Text Box 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to one of the control points of the text box (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 14 will appear. Select the Filling item. From this point, follow the procedure given in the section To Change the Filling of a Box. To Change the Way Text in a Box Looks 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to one of the corner points of the text box (which will be marked with a  ```````), and press and release the left button. The menu shown in figure 14 will appear. Select the item The Text. The menu shown in figure 15 will appear. Select one of the items Different Font, Smaller Font, Larger Font, Set Font Size, Bold, Unbold, Italic, or Unitalic. The action of these items is described in the section To Change the Way Text Looks. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (RIGHT BASELINE) ( LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (232.0 . 24.0) ( "Figure 15. Menu offered for changing boxed text elements") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 ( MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((94.5 21.0 275.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.254 146.0 NIL) (GROUP (91.0 26.0 292.0 254.0) (((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)u????߿?ާ:qw;k?ߖmߖn?߷m=߶ڭ?޶m߶?+q7O=??000000003`q0666 ٙ066706670666ٙ0666` ٙ030ٙ0000068p06a00a0ϟ?>06am6306al16306a?6306a 016306al1630a110000080`0`0>ϟ06fc030fc033c06fc06fc033Ϙa00000 |a0  3 q0 6 q0 6y0 y0 6=m0 6 m0 6 g0 l3g0l1|c00000000x?>~|0͌101 0y101;00͌1`0xp1~|000000f `06 006 006 006 006 006 00f `000000000?0c0c0c0c0c0?00000 0 00 π0 f0 f0 0 f0 f0 sπ00000 0 00 oπ0 llf0 llf0 ll0 llf0 llf0lsπ000000100300ϟ63Ϸ066366f3063673 03633 063603066366f301Ϙ3ó000000``c0`` f0` 0gϾlgo0lfllf10lfln f0olgf0llaf 0lfllf0ggf0`060000`c00` f00 0}>lgo0mllf10aln f0algf0alaf 0allf0agf0`0160000`10`00}0c10c1f0c1l0c1,0c1<09000p000 00 00|`013`01`0101s0130ف00p 000``l0``l0`l 0g>c03llm٘c03llm303llm603llmØ03llm٘03g 0 0l08000c00`00xxc<}0͍60cfc10 ፶60cpc00|y7c1 `f0f} (120.0 128.0 106.0 144.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (168.0 . 112.0) ( "Figure 19. Menu of textures that can fill boxes") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((60.5 109.0 215.0 10.0)) NIL))) (40.0 108.0 258.0 164.0) 1.0 8.0 If the filling you want is shown on the menu, select it. If you want to remove the filling from a box, select the No Filling item. To create a shade that is not on the menu, select either the 4x4 Shade or the 16x16 Shade item. Selecting either item will cause the Interlisp-D shade editor to appear (see figure 20). The 4x4 Shade item will allow you to create a 4-bit-by-4-bit shade. The 16x16 Shade item will allow you to create a 16-bit-by-16-bit shade. Construct the shade you want in the lower part of the window by turning points black with the left button and white with the middle button. Selecting Quit will cause the box to be filled with the newly constructed shade. The shade you created will be added to the menu for future selection. Advanced user note: the function (SK.CACHE.FILLING SHADE) can be called to add a filling to the menu. "8" " " " " " 8 ??: 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU : 5UUUU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 ?? Figure 20. The Interlisp-D shade editor To change the thickness, dashing, or brush shape of a box's border, see the section To Change the Way Lines in Elements Look. 2 To Add Polygons to a Sketch 1 Select the  8psp8` command from the Sketch command menu. The cursor will change to p0` @@` 0p and an      will follow the cursor. Move the cursor to each vertex of the polygon and click the left button. When you select a point, it is marked with a  . When you have selected all the points, move the cursor outside the window and click the left button. The points you selected will become the control points of the polygon. To abort, move the cursor outside the window and click the left button before selecting any points. Figure 21 shows some examples of polygons. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL POINTS)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (234.0 74.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (236.0 76.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) ( 240.0 . 80.0))) ((0.0 36.0 NIL) (CLOSEDWIRE ((48.0 . 128.0) (88.0 . 152.0) (120.0 . 120.0) (96.0 . 88.0) (64.0 . 96.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (58.0 90.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (60.0 92.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (64.0 . 96.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (90.0 82.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (92.0 84.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (96.0 . 88.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (42.0 122.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (44.0 124.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (48.0 . 128.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (114.0 114.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (116.0 116.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (120.0 . 120.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (82.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (84.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (88.0 . 152.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (154.0 74.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (156.0 76.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (160.0 . 80.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (330.0 74.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (332.0 76.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (336.0 . 80.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (154.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (156.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (160.0 . 152.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (274.0 154.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (276.0 156.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (280.0 . 160.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (274.0 98.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (276.0 100.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (280.0 . 104.0))) ((0.0 40.0 NIL) (CLOSEDWIRE ((160.0 . 152.0) ( 240.0 . 80.0) (160.0 . 80.0) (240.0 . 152.0)) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) ( GROUP (234.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (236.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (240.0 . 152.0))) ((0.0 44.0 NIL) (CLOSEDWIRE ((280.0 . 160.0) (336.0 . 80.0) (328.0 . 168.0) (280.0 . 104.0) (368.0 . 120.0)) (ROUND 8.0 0) NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (322.0 162.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (324.0 164.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (328.0 . 168.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (362.0 114.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (364.0 116.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (368.0 . 120.0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (208.0 . 56.0) ( "Figure 21. Three examples of polygons with control points highlighted") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) ( MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((44.0 53.0 328.0 10.0)) NIL))) (42.0 44.0 334.0 131.0) 1.0 8.0 You can move any of the control points (using one of the point-moving commands described in the section To Move Elements, below) to change the polygon. 2 To Add Curves to a Sketch 1 There are two kinds of curves you can add to a sketch: open curves and closed curves. This section tells you how to add each kind of curve. To Add an Open Curve 1 Select the  00p`x< command from the Sketch command menu. The cursor will change to p0` @@` 0p and an      will follow the cursor. Move the cursor to the points you want the curve to go through and click the left button. When you select a point, it is marked with a  . When you have selected all the points, move the cursor outside the window and click the left button. The points where you clicked will become the control points of the curve. To abort, move the cursor outside the window and click the left button before selecting any points. Figure 22 shows some examples of curves. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL POINTS)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (234.0 74.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (236.0 76.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) ( 240.0 . 80.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (58.0 90.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX ( 60.0 92.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (64.0 . 96.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP ( 90.0 82.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (92.0 84.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (96.0 . 88.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (42.0 122.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (44.0 124.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (48.0 . 128.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (114.0 114.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (116.0 116.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (120.0 . 120.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (82.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (84.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (88.0 . 152.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (154.0 74.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (156.0 76.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (160.0 . 80.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (154.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (156.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (160.0 . 152.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (274.0 98.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (276.0 100.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (280.0 . 104.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (322.0 162.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (324.0 164.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (328.0 . 168.0))) ((0.0 36.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((48.0 . 128.0) ( 88.0 . 152.0) (120.0 . 120.0) (96.0 . 88.0) (64.0 . 96.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (274.0 154.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (276.0 156.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (280.0 . 160.0))) ((0.0 44.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((280.0 . 160.0) (368.0 . 120.0) (280.0 . 104.0) (328.0 . 168.0) (336.0 . 80.0)) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (234.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (236.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (240.0 . 152.0))) ((0.0 40.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((160.0 . 80.0) (240.0 . 152.0) (160.0 . 152.0) (240.0 . 80.0)) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (362.0 114.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (364.0 116.0 8.0 8.0 ) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (368.0 . 120.0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (240.0 . 56.0) ( "Figure 22. Four examples of curves with control points highlighted") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) ( MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((86.0 53.0 308.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 60.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((416.0 . 64.0) (432.0 . 72.0) (400.0 . 88.0) (432.0 . 104.0) (400.0 . 120.0) (432.0 . 136.0) (400.0 . 152.0) (416.0 . 160.0) (416.0 . 184.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL (NIL (LINE 30.0 12.0)) 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (410.0 58.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX ( 412.0 60.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (416.0 . 64.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP ( 426.0 66.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (428.0 68.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (432.0 . 72.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (394.0 82.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (396.0 84.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (400.0 . 88.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (426.0 98.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (428.0 100.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (432.0 . 104.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (394.0 114.0 12.0 12.0 ) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (396.0 116.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (400.0 . 120.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (426.0 130.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (428.0 132.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (432.0 . 136.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP ( 394.0 146.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (396.0 148.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (400.0 . 152.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (410.0 154.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (412.0 156.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (416.0 . 160.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (410.0 178.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (412.0 180.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (416.0 . 184.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (330.0 74.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (332.0 76.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (336.0 . 80.0)))) (41.0 36.0 409.0 156.0) 1.0 8.0 You can move any of the control points (using one of the point-moving commands described in the section To Move Elements) to change the shape of the curve. In general, when you construct a curve, the closer together the points are the sharper the curve is; the farther apart they are, the smoother it is. The best way to learn how the control points affect the shape is to enter lots of different curves and move their points around. To Add a Closed Curve 1 Select the  0>sa`<060`fp0g`pp00pp> command from the Sketch command menu. The cursor will change to <~``c``a`a~oa3cll`a8cll`acll`acll`c33cll`~clg` `3||maaa3a`v|} (104.0 72.0 91.0 88.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (144.0 . 56.0) ( "Figure 27. Menu of ways to change an arc") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((47.5 53.0 193.0 10.0)) NIL))) (13.0 52.0 261.0 103.0) 1.0 8.0 Select the Angle item. A number pad menu titled Enter Arc Angle in Degrees will appear (see figure 28). Enter the number of degrees that the arc should span by selecting digits from the number pad. When you are done, select the OK item. The selected arc (or arcs) will be changed to span the indicated number of degrees. The third control point (the angle point) is moved to accomplish this. To abort the command, select the Abort item from the number pad. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NEITHER (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.1 4.0 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {( BMOBJ.GETFN3)000000c g` l` l`0 c f la`0 c la0 c  la0 clf ` l`0ag0`0 `000`0`0`00` llll`0` llf ll0` of0` l f `0` l lla0`0`0 `0000000000000000Ry^IyRA^yހyR I^yT Qր I0>pcc000 000a0`qaqaaaaa0aa8?3a801ax0ax~acaၘcc>> c cc>0c0c`c`c`>>ccgo{πscc>0} (104.0 96.0 135.0 135.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (160.0 . 80.0) ("Figure 28. Number pad menu for changing the angle of an arc") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((16.0 77.0 288.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 16.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((80.0 . 144.0) (88.0 . 144.0) (112.0 . 144.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL (NIL (LINE 30.0 12.0) T) 1.0)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (72.0 . 144.0) ("Read out of" "current entry") 1.0 (RIGHT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((11.0 147.0 61.0 12.0) (2.0 135.0 70.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 20.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((224.0 . 96.0) (240.0 . 96.0) (248.0 . 104.0) (248.0 . 128.0) (256.0 . 136.0) (256.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((0.0 24.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((224.0 . 184.0) (240.0 . 184.0) (248.0 . 176.0) (248.0 . 144.0) (256.0 . 136.0) (256.0 . 136.0)) ( ROUND 1.0 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (264.0 . 136.0) ("Selectable" "digits and " "commands") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((264.0 145.0 51.0 12.0) (264.0 133.0 54.0 12.0) (264.0 121.0 52.0 12.0)) NIL))) (-1.0 68.0 322.0 160.0) 1.0 8.0 To Reverse the Direction of an Arc 1 Select the Change command, move the cursor to one of the control points of the arc (which will be marked with a  ```````), and click the left button. The menu shown in figure 27 will appear. Select the Direction item. A menu titled Which Way Should the Arc Go? with the items Clockwise and Counterclockwise will appear. Select Clockwise if you want the arc to go in a clockwise direction. Select Counterclockwise if you want the arc to go in a counterclockwise direction. Figure 29 shows the same arc with different directions. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (LEFT BASELINE) ( LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.01686548 50.59645 NIL) (ARC (32.0 . 120.0) (80.0 . 136.0) (ROUND 3.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL (32.0 . 184.0) NIL)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (26.0 114.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (28.0 116.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (32.0 . 120.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (74.0 130.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (76.0 132.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (80.0 . 136.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (26.0 178.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (28.0 180.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (32.0 . 184.0))) ((0.0 24.0 NIL) (WIRE ((32.0 . 120.0) (80.0 . 136.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((0.0 32.0 NIL) (WIRE ((32.0 . 120.0) (32.0 . 184.0)) ( ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (128.0 . 40.0) ( "Figure 29. The direction of an arc") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((50.5 37.0 155.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.009803628 29.41088 NIL) (ARC (32.0 . 120.0) (60.0 . 129.0) (ROUND 1 0) NIL 1.0 (NIL (LINE 30.0 8.0)) (32.0 . 150.0) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT ( 16.0 . 56.0) ("Counterclockwise") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) (( 16.0 53.0 88.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.01686548 50.59645 NIL) (ARC (208.0 . 128.0) (256.0 . 144.0) (ROUND 3.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL (208.0 . 192.0) T)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (202.0 186.0 12.0 12.0 ) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (204.0 188.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (208.0 . 192.0))) ((0.0 32.0 NIL) (WIRE ((208.0 . 128.0) (208.0 . 192.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ( (.009803628 29.41088 NIL) (ARC (208.0 . 128.0) (236.0 . 137.0) (ROUND 1 0) NIL 1.0 (NIL ( LINE 30.0 8.0)) (208.0 . 158.0) T)) ((0.0 24.0 NIL) (WIRE ((208.0 . 128.0) (256.0 . 144.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL NIL 1.0)) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (250.0 138.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (252.0 140.0 8.0 8.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (256.0 . 144.0))) ((.012 6.0 NIL) (GROUP (202.0 122.0 12.0 12.0) (((.008000002 4.0 NIL) (BOX (204.0 124.0 8.0 8.0) ( ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 NIL))) (208.0 . 128.0))) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (184.0 . 56.0) ( "Clockwise") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((184.0 53.0 49.0 12.0)) NIL))) (12.0 27.0 254.0 171.0) 1.0 8.0 2 To Use Arrowheads in a Sketch 1 Arrowheads can be added to lines, open curves, and arcs. An arrowhead can be added to either or both ends of an element. It is then a property of the element and moves with it if it moves. An arrowhead has a shape, a size, and an angle (see figure 30). The default arrowhead shape, size, and angle specify what a newly added arrowhead looks like. If you want to add several arrowheads that look alike, it is easiest to change the default arrowhead properties (see the section To Change the Properties of New Arrowheads) before you add the arrowheads. The shape, size, and angle of arrowheads on existing elements can be changed using the Change command. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30 12) NIL LEFT (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (208.0 . 8.0) ( "Figure 30. Sample arrowheads") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) (( 136.0 5.0 144.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 50.0 NIL) (WIRE ((48.0 . 108.0) (148.0 . 108.0)) (ROUND 1 NIL) (NIL (LINE 30 10.0) T) NIL 1.0)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (188.0 . 108.0) ( "Size: 10, angle: 30, v-shape ") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((188.0 105.0 130.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (188.0 . 76.0) ( "Size: 16, angle: 60, triangle shape ") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((188.0 73.0 179.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (188.0 . 40.0) ( "Size: 8, angle: 150, v-shape, and" "Size: 12, angle: 30, v-shape ") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((188.0 43.0 151.0 12.0) (188.0 31.0 130.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 48.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((144.0 . 76.0) (120.0 . 84.0) (92.0 . 68.0) (48.0 . 84.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL (NIL (CLOSEDLINE 60 16.0) T) 1.0)) ((.02358908 70.76723 NIL) (ARC (104.0 . 100.0) (56.0 . 48.0) (ROUND 2.0 0) NIL 1.0 ((LINE 150 8.0) (LINE 30 12.0)) (144.0 . 40.0) NIL))) (35.0 2.0 329.0 120.0) 1.0 4.0 To Add an Arrowhead to an Existing Element 1 Select the Change command from the command menu, then select the element or elements you wish to add an arrowhead (or arrowheads) to using the procedure described in the section To Select Sketch Elements. You can include elements that do not allow arrowheads (such as text or circles) as long as the element first selected does. A menu will appear that contains all of the properties that can be changed in the first element you selected. It will include the item Arrowheads. Select it. The menu shown on the left in figure 31 will appear. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (112.0 . 56.0) ( "Figure 31. The menus for changing arrowheads." "The left one specifies which end of the line or curve will be changed." "The right one specifies how it changes") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR) ) ((0.0 63.0 224.0 10.0) (-45.5 53.0 315.0 10.0) (24.0 43.0 176.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL ) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)BQsMΟΜm-_[{m߆wwm߾wwm@@0@0@>}@c0@c0@0@`0@c0@>0p@@@@@0@ 0@ 0@ >@@ @ @ @ @ @@1@@@>@3@3@3>@?1@1@1@1@1@?@@@@@?@00@0@07>@?6٘@06@06@06@06@06@@@@@@0@0@|@330@80@0@30@330@@@@@} (16.0 88.0 72.0 85.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.1 4.0 NIL) ( SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)i{<ߝ9ӎmlmo_}l??mm3ѱ񱿰q0 a a013m`3 1 1{3 1{3 1c9  aπ3llm3 ll o3 l 3 ll` `00xf`f 6f|6f6ffvaaa3 f1 f1 f1 f10 f1ñ0??<<ߏ1cff1cp1c><1cf1cff1?;<} (64.0 72.0 117.0 76.0) 1.0 (0 . 0)))) (-11.0 44.0 261.0 98.0) 1.0 8.0 Selecting one of the dashing patterns will make all the lines in the selected element(s) dashed with that pattern. Selecting the item No Dashing will make all the lines be solid; that is, it will remove the dashing from them. Selecting the item Other will prompt you for a new dashing pattern. A dashing pattern is a sequence of numbers that indicates how many brush marks should be on and off. For example, the pattern (1 4 3 8) is A <<<<, that is one on, four off, three on, eight off, repeated. When you select Other, a number pad menu with the title Number of Points On will appear. Enter the number of points you want to have on. When you have finished, select OK. A number pad menu with the title Number of Points Off will appear. Enter the number of points you want to have off. When you have finished, select OK. Number pads will continue to appear, giving you a chance to specify as long a dashing pattern as you like. After you have entered the last number in your dashing pattern, select OK when the number pad display has zero in it. A menu with the title Is This Pattern OK?, similar to the one shown in figure 35, will appear. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (96.0 . 56.0) ( "Figure 35. The menu presented to confirm a new dashing pattern") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((-56.5 53.0 305.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {( BMOBJ.GETFN3)^5o>>~>c)UV6660R00cc`fcQU66v0"00cccfg!3B00>~c>??AVUVUW??UWO>AU>!98gQWy>y6a)UW>y3UU|>|)y>ϮQWy>I6a!UW<| ?`AUWUVU000B`AV00"`!UVRgc`QUp*6a6`)0V363UV30*61)UV30R63QUsp"6a66`!B``AVUVUV UV BAU"<!>c>c<>R<>>QVcccc c*f;c)UVc6c6 cVf0`UUc66 *f0`)c6`6 `R0`QVcc c"0c!UV>> >~B0>AUVUVU01030AV060!UUUUUUUUUUUV30QUUUUUUUUUUUcv760)0c6630UV3663`)UUUUUUUUUUUV6c6661QUUUUUUUUUUU6cs671!3AVUUUUUUUUUUUVUUUUUUUUUUUVUUUUUUUUUUUV `UUUUUUUUUUU} (104.0 88.0 188.0 105.0) 1.0 (0 . 0)))) (64.0 68.0 255.0 129.0) 1.0 8.0 To Change the Properties of New Text 1 Move the cursor over the Defaults command, press the left button, and slide out the right side through the triangle. The middle menu shown in figure 39 will appear. Move the cursor over the Text item and slide out the right through the triangle. The right menu shown in figure 39 will appear. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (200.0 . 72.0) ( "Figure 39. Submenu for the Text subcommand of the Defaults command") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) ( MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((32.0 69.0 336.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {( BMOBJ.GETFN3)s  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  x<UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU #  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU   xUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  UUUUUUUUU_U  UUUUUUUUUXU   UUUUUUUUUXU  UUUUUUUUUXU  UUUUUUUUUXU   UUUUUUUUUXU Àπ pUUUUUUUUUXU  UUUUUUUUUXU  UUUUUUUUUXU  U ? U   H U  XU À HU  π U ?  00800U  0`0`0l0`0  `0```U ` 0 `` 0a0`0`1`1U ` 01`0`0`1`1  I0a`0`0`1`1U ͍0a0 `0`1`1 mY1m0l0`1l1U  m18080`080 ? mHU m U  00800U 1`00`0l0`0 01`0```U 0?0 71͌`10`0`1`1U 11xy`10`0`1`1 11f`y`10`0`1`1U 1&yXy`10 `0`1`1 01l10l0`1l1U 09X080080`080 0U 0&y?x f|U 1 1 00U 110 0`00 1010 `0U 100 111͜10a01U 11110`01 11H1a0`01U 11نـ1a0a01 1X10m01U 000800 0HU 0نـ U  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  ߏπHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ` X`UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  HEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  πUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU   UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  ?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ?x 0`pEUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU g9f<'?{m y0?83?|<`0  00 0@ ``<`0| |00|0@ ``<`0 000@ ``G`6 606@ o|`|~ ~|0|~|@ nl`T0 @ lll`0@ lll`TxDx@ lll`x||@ ll`DvR@g`UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@`R@`UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@`B@`|UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@?@?||UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@|@08sp8?\UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@3|@3|UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@3|?B@3|]|||~|UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@33|R@x<~8?}lƫUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@lR@lUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@8B@|8||~|UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@`@``UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ ``D@ LJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ aR@ `UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ f`R@ f`UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@B@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@@@} (32.0 104.0 364.0 102.0) 1.0 (0 . 0)))) (19.0 84.0 390.0 130.0) 1.0 8.0 To Change the Properties of New Lines 1 Move the cursor over the Defaults command, press the left button, and slide out the right side through the triangle. The menu shown in figure 38 will appear. Move the cursor over the Line item and slide out the right through the triangle. A menu containing the items Size, Shape, Add Arrowhead, and Mouse Line Specs will appear. Selecting the item Size will prompt you for a number that will become the thickness of any new lines, curves, circles, etc. Selecting the item Shape will prompt you for a brush shape that will become the shape of any new lines, curves, circles, etc. Selecting the item Add Arrowhead will prompt you for which end or ends, if any, of new lines, curves, and arcs should automatically get arrowheads. To change the characteristics new arrowheads have, see below. Selecting the item Mouse Line Specs enables you to choose whether lines created by middle buttoning in the window should be connected. To Change the Properties of New Arcs 1 Move the cursor over the Defaults command, press the left button, and slide out the right side through the triangle. A menu that contains (among others) the item Arc will appear (see figure 41). Still holding down the left button, move to over Arc and slide out the right side through the triangle. A menu with the items Clockwise and Counterclockwise will appear (see figure 41). Selecting Clockwise will make new arcs go from their radius point to their angle point in a clockwise direction. Selecting Counterclockwise will make new arcs go from their radius point to their angle point in a counterclockwise direction. The line thickness of arcs is the same as the thickness of lines. See To Change the Properties of New Lines if you want to change arc thickness. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (176.0 . 80.0) ( "Figure 41. Submenu to change the default direction of arcs") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 ( MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((39.0 77.0 274.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)2j@@8UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@?@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@|@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ @  UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@  B@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ l`R@| l`UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ oR@? lUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ l`B@gUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@p@``UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@p0@00UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@0xB@px||}|x~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@``vvdžR@p``Ƕ ƫUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@?``Ƕ|R@``ǶƣUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@``ǶB@``||~~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@߀UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@B@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ lR@߀gUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@R@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@l`B@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@ߘ߀UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ G@ @llTǀ @߀g lga @ lcT a @ lg g@l` llD lmal`@ la `@ `` la@ `` al al@ ``Dallal`@ oo@ nl`W@ lll`|@ lll`W@ lll`\@ ll`G39<x@g3?Tf0@3?0@?\||||||͆x||@y90vنƪ@y|0`@?0`|@?|0`ٶ@|f6`Ͷƪ@08sp8?\<|~|`|||||@3|@3|U@3|?D@3|]|||~|@33|R@x<~8?}lƫUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@lR@lUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@8B@|8||~|UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@`@``UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ ``D@ LJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ aR@ `UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ f`R@ f`UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@B@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@@@@} (32.0 96.0 300.0 100.0) 1.0 (0 . 0)))) (18.0 76.0 328.0 129.0) 1.0 8.0 To Change the Properties of New Arrowheads 1 Move the cursor over the Defaults command, press and hold the left button, and slide the cursor to the right through the triangle. The menu shown in figure 42 will appear. In this new menu, with the left button still held down, position the cursor over the Arrowhead item and slide it to the right again. A menu containing the commands Size, Angle, and Type will appear (see figure 42). ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (CENTER BASELINE) (LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.1 4 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB * `5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*p5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB80*805UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB8p*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB<*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*>UUUUUUBp@*p@5UUUUUUB0@*0@5UUUUUUBp@x| *p@5UUUUUUB>@ @@ UB@ @| @@ UB@|@ @@`x| UB@@8 @@  UB0 |` UB | x|| UBxx88'88x s83 UBs9󄓓3@ s9󄓐3 UB`󄓓3 g󄓓3 UBg038ǀ xǏUBljlamUB@Llaꪂ퍍@_la UB@0Xllj@0XlgUB@| @` @0@ ` UB|@x0  @00@ UB@x0 @ @6@ UB@|@ x@@| UB@@ @@f UB@@l ̀퍍@@< UB@0@8 @0@| UB@|| @ @0@ UB|@x0x ` @000UB@x0x *@65UUUUUUB@||*@5UUUUUUB@*@5UUUUUUB~| @*@5UUUUUUB *@5UUUUUUB @ *@ l`5UUUUUUB|~|@ @ 5UUUUUUB@ *@f `5UUUUUUBf*5UUUUUUB3*95UUUUUUB99*99399`5UUUUUUB999?\`*9σ9σ`5UUUUUUB9?39g*39319ll`lle5UUUUUUBρlf`llljlfllo5UUUUUUBlflll *lc`lld5UUUUUUBXgÇg*<@5UUUUUUBf@*@5UUUUUUB|x~ ꪪv5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB` `5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB` *n`5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB>`~*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBg gj*ll` axe5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBlf`{jlfe5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBlfj*lc`{d5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBgÇ*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*5UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB*05UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB0`*} (48.0 72.0 221.0 128.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (152.0 . 56.0) ( "Figure 42. Menu of ways to change the default properties of arrowheads") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) ( MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((-17.5 53.0 339.0 10.0)) NIL))) (-17.33523 46.22727 339.0 160.8324) .9630682 8.0 From this new menu, select the arrowhead property you want to change. Selecting Size will bring up a number pad menu titled New Arrowhead Size in Screen Pts and giving the current default arrowhead size (length of the edges). Enter the number you want to become the size of new arrowheads, then select OK. You can abort the Size command by selecting Abort from the number pad menu. Selecting Angle will bring up a number pad menu titled New Head Angle in Degrees, which gives the current number of degrees of the angle between the edges of new arrowheads. Enter the angle you want, then select OK. To abort, select the Abort item from the number pad menu. Selecting the item Type will bring up a menu with the items V-Shape and Triangle, from which you can select the type of end you want new arrowheads to have. If you select V-Shape, your arrowheads will consist of two lines from the head. If you select Triangle, new arrowheads will be triangles (two lines from the head and a line connecting their endpoints). After this, whenever you add an arrowhead it will have the specified property. 2 To Use Bit Maps in a Sketch 1 You can include bit maps and other types of image objects in Sketch drawings. This section describes the procedures for dealing with bit maps because they are a particularly useful kind of image object, but many of the procedures described here apply to other image objects as well. You can place a bit map in a sketch with the standard copy-select mechanism. A bit map has a single control point at its lower-left corner and can be moved, copied, and deleted like other elements. Advanced user note: applying the Change command to an image object or pressing a button down while over its image in the sketch window calls that object's BUTTONEVENTINFN, which is often an editor for the object. To Insert a Bit Map From the Screen 1 Move the cursor into the sketch window and click the left button. A caret ( 6c) will appear. (If it doesn't appear, click again.) Move the cursor into the background (i.e., so it is not in a window). Hold down the copy key. On 1108 and 1186 keyboards, this can be either shift key or the Copy key; on Alto-style keyboards, it is either shift key. A menu with the single item Snap will appear. Select it. The cursor will change to $$ . Move the cursor to one corner of the region of the screen you want to include in the sketch. Press the left button. Holding the left button down, move the cursor to the opposite corner and release the button. While the left button is down, the region will be highlighted in gray. When you release the button, the message Move the figure into place and press the left button will appear in a small window above the sketch window. If this doesn't happen, you probably forgot to click in the sketch window first, and the bit map was inserted into whatever window was active. When the message appears, move the cursor into the sketch window and place the bit map image where you want it. When it is positioned, click the left button to insert the bit map. To Insert a Bit Map of a Pop-Up Menu 1 Images of pop-up menus are often useful in illustrating documentation (see, for example, figures 38 and 42). To insert a pop-up menu in a sketch, you must break the process that is popping it up using the following procedure. While the pop-up menu is visible, type the help interrupt character. Initially this is control-G (that is, hold the control key down and type G); however some systems move it onto control-H. When you have typed the help interrupt character, a menu containing the names of all the current processes will appear. Select the process that has popped up the menu, which is usually marked with an asterisk. It is often the process Mouse. If you selected the correct process, a break window will appear and the menu will still be on the screen. If the menu disappears, you broke the wrong process; move the cursor into the break window that appeared, press the middle button, and select OK from the menu that appears. This will continue the process you did break. Bring up the pop-up menu again, type the help interrupt character, and select a different process from the menu. When you get the pop-up menu image to stay up, follow the procedure described above in To Insert a Bit Map From the Screen. Important: when you have finished getting the image, move the cursor into the break window that appeared, press the middle button, and select OK from the menu that appears. This will continue the process that popped up the menu. If you forget this, strange things will happen when you next use the pop-up menu. It is often helpful to consider the background onto which the pop-up menu will appear. This is because you often get parts of the background when you copy a menu image. And the bit map editor Trim command (see below and figure 43) only trims away white space. So if there are black background bits, you will have to edit them out using the bit map editor (see the next section). This step can sometimes be avoided by changing the background to white (by typing (CHANGEBACKGROUND WHITESHADE) into the Interlisp Executive window). It is also helpful to move other windows away from the area where the pop-up menu will appear. To Touch Up a Bit Map 1 Move the cursor over the bit map's image in the sketch window and press the left button. The menu shown in figure 43 will appear. Select the Hand Edit item. The cursor will change into  00000000, and a large box outline will appear. This outline is the region the bit map editor will occupy. Move the box to the place on the screen where you want the bit map editor window to reside and click the left button. The bit map editor window will appear at that location (see figure 44). ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (LEFT BASELINE) ( LINE 30.0 12) NIL LAST (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.1 4.0 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)cγ:qI<m-o%msmm}m;cm8 0~ 0c xa  xa Ha  a  a  a  c ~7aaa6aaasasa#a>0 `a01lc8 `a0`l  300`l 3??`0F 300`l0f 00`l` 00`lf  001mc3 6  ?m>1 7l7o0al6`l 010al6`l 0a03ff` 0`03fg` ` 0ff` 0`0 bF` 0a0 ` 0a0 ` 010 `00߿ a~0>0 0qac0c8 0qaanjyaanjya#Čmaa3maagaa3gac6c3lca~6>1o߆aaa `0aaaanj`0aaaanj`00a aaČ`0aa0aa0aaaa0aa0aa0aaal0aaߘal0 ?0?0 0 6aac>0 l!acaf30 ـl!aaal300s0aaal300s0aal?00s?aaal{1300aaal1?00axaa130ك0axaca;a0a8a>a?af0a0~~?0c1c00xa3a0xa3a0Haa?aa0aa0aa0cc00~~? } (72.0 88.0 196.0 196.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL) (TEXT (168.0 . 64.0) ( "Figure 43. Menu of commands to edit a bit map." "You obtain this menu by pressing the left button" "when the cursor is over a bit map image in a sketch window") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 ( MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((56.0 71.0 224.0 10.0) (55.5 61.0 225.0 10.0) (31.0 51.0 274.0 10.0)) NIL))) (-11.0 42.0 354.0 237.0) 1.0 8.0 Edit the image by pressing the left or middle button in the large area at the bottom of the window. The image can be scrolled using the normal scroll bars if not all of it appears in the editing area. To quit, press the middle button while in the gray area at the upper-right part of the window. A menu will appear. Select OK to have the changes you made put back into the sketch. Select Stop if you want your changes disregarded. After you exit the bit map editor, the image in the sketch window is often incorrect. See the section How to Clean Up the Display for instructions on making it pretty again. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (HELVETICA 10) (LEFT BASELINE) ( LINE 30.0 12) NIL LAST (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL POINTS)) ((0.0 36.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((368.0 . 280.0) (336.0 . 280.0) (296.0 . 280.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL (NIL (LINE 30.0 12.0) T) 1.0)) ((.1 4.0 NIL) (SKIMAGEOBJ {(BMOBJ.GETFN3)FfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdI?י%߇m33333333333333333333333333333334m߿mfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdm߿mm?ߙ33333333333333333333333333333334UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTxFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT𪪪 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTUUU@ UUU@ UUU@ UUU@ UUU@ UUU@ UUU@ UUU@UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUU@UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUUUUUU@UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUU@UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@ UUU@U@UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUD UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUDUUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUD UUUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUDUUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUD UUU@UUU@UUU@UUUUUDUUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@ UUU@UUU@UUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@ UUUUUUU@UUU@UUUUUUU@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@U@UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@ UUUUUUUUU@} (32.0 80.0 329.0 225.0) 1.0 (0 . 0))) ((.05 10.0 NIL ) (TEXT (184.0 . 40.0) ("Figure 44. A bit map editor window") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((101.0 37.0 166.0 10.0)) NIL)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (16.0 . 64.0 ) ("In this area, pressing the left button adds new points;" "pressing the middle one erases them.") 1.0 (LEFT BASELINE) (MODERN 8 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((16.0 66.0 249.0 11.0) (16.0 55.0 167.0 11.0)) NIL)) ((0.0 44.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((8.0 . 72.0) (0.0 . 104.0) (88.0 . 152.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL (NIL (LINE 30.0 12.0) T) 1.0)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (360.0 . 280.0) ( "In this gray area, the" "middle button will" "bring up a menu that" "includes the command" "to quit.") 1.0 (LEFT TOP) (MODERN 8 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((360.0 270.0 95.0 11.0) ( 360.0 259.0 85.0 11.0) (360.0 248.0 97.0 11.0) (360.0 237.0 101.0 11.0) (360.0 226.0 35.0 11.0)) NIL)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (24.0 . 256.0) ("This is the" "actual size of" "the bit map" "being edited.") 1.0 (RIGHT TOP) (MODERN 8 (MEDIUM REGULAR REGULAR)) ((-23.0 246.0 47.0 11.0) (-38.0 235.0 62.0 11.0) (-28.0 224.0 52.0 11.0) (-37.0 213.0 61.0 11.0) ) NIL)) ((0.0 8.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((16.0 . 264.0) (16.0 . 272.0) (32.0 . 280.0)) (ROUND 1 0) NIL (NIL (LINE 30.0 12.0) T) 1.0))) (-27.0 36.0 475.0 268.0) 1.0 8.0 Another useful bit map editor command is Trim, available from the Operations on Bitmaps menu shown in figure 43. Trim will remove all the edge rows and columns that contain only white bits, making it easier to place lines and text around the bit map and saving storage space. To Put a Border Around a Bit Map 1 Move the cursor over the bit map's image in the sketch window and press the left button. The menu shown in figure 43 will appear. Select the Add Border item. This will prompt you for the number of bits you want in the border, then allow you to edit a four-by-four shade that will be put in the border. You can add multiple borders. For example, many of the bit maps in this document have two points of white surrounded by one point of black. For a complete description of the bit map editor, see the EditBitMap documentation in the Lisp Library Packages Manual. 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