1 A USER'S GUIDE TO SKETCH 1 A USER'S GUIDE TO SKETCH INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1. INTRODUCTION 6 2 What Sketch Is 1 Sketch is a drawing program for the Interlisp-D environment that enables you to interactively construct figures from a combination of text and graphics. Figures made with Sketch can be copy-selected into TEdit documents, providing a mixture of text and graphics in the same document. This manual was produced using TEdit and Sketch. A sketch consists of sketch elements such as text, lines, curves, boxes, circles, and ellipses. Each element has one or more positions (called control points) that determine its location and shape, and a set of properties such as brush that determine how it looks. A sketch is viewed in one or more sketch windows that provide a region and scale. Within a window, you can edit a sketch by adding or deleting elements, or by changing the locations of control points or the values of properties. Figure 1 is a simple example of a sketch. ((SKETCH a% figure% from% a% document SKETCHCONTEXT ((ROUND 1 0) (MODERN 10) (CENTER BASELINE) ( LINE 30.0 12) NIL NIL (CENTER CENTER) NIL T NIL NIL)) ((.1 48.0 NIL) (BOX (48.0 160.0 96.0 32.0) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (96.0 . 176.0) ("a box") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10) ((83.0 173.0 27.0 12.0)) NIL)) ((.1 24.0 NIL) (CIRCLE (160.0 . 96.0) (176.0 . 112.0) (ROUND 1 7) NIL 1.0)) ((.05 12.0 NIL) (TEXT (160.0 . 96.0) ("a" "circle") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10) ((157.0 99.0 6.0 12.0) (147.0 87.0 27.0 12.0)) NIL)) (( 0.0 24.0 NIL) (OPENCURVE ((96.0 . 160.0) (96.0 . 144.0) (128.0 . 128.0) (144.0 . 112.0)) ( ROUND 1 7) NIL (NIL (LINE 30 10.0) T) 1.0)) ((.159 95.5 NIL) (BOX (16.0 48.0 191.0 159.0) (ROUND 1 NIL) NIL 1.0 NIL)) ((.05 11.0 NIL) (TEXT (112.0 . 32.0) ("Figure 1. A sample sketch") 1.0 (CENTER BASELINE) (MODERN 10 (MEDIUM ITALIC REGULAR)) ((52.0 29.5 120.0 11.0)) NIL))) (0.0 27.0 224.0 185.0) 1.0 16.0 2 To Use This Manual 1 This manual is organized to guide you chronologically through the various stages of creating a sketch, from loading the program to illustrating a document with your finished sketch. It is designed so that when you are faced with a particular need, you can scan the table of contents and find the appropriate section. Some sections have introductions that describe their underlying concepts. These introductions should give you a better understanding of what you are doing in the how-to sections. Chapter 2, ``How to Perform Basic Sketch Operations,¹¹ gives you the information you need before you can begin to use Sketch, such as how to start the program and how to specify positions for sketch elements. Chapter 3, ``How to Create Sketch Elements,¹¹ tells you how to create and modify each kind of element (such as text, lines, bit maps) that can make up a drawing. Chapter 4, ``How to Manipulate Sketch Elements,¹¹ describes operations you use to edit a sketch once you have created some elements; for example, it tells you how to move elements from one part of the sketch to another. Chapter 5, ``How to Manipulate the Sketch Display,¹¹ describes how to display different parts of a sketch, how to navigate in a sketch, and how to use a special kind of display, the grid display. The last chapter, ``How to Use a Finished Sketch,¹¹ describes how to use a sketch in a TEdit document and how to save and print a sketch independently of TEdit. It is recommended that you first skim the manual, look at the figures (all of which were done with Sketch) and familiarize yourself with the set of capabilities Sketch provides. Pay particular attention to the table of contents and the first two chapters. You might want to try creating, editing, and printing a simple sketch, just to get the feel of the program. When you want to apply a particular Sketch feature, you can then go directly to the appropriate section. 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