1 LISP LIBRARY PACKAGES MANUAL 1 LISP LIBRARY PACKAGES MANUAL TELERAID 1 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING 1 TELERAID 6 Interlisp-D has facilities for looking at the state of a workstation's virtual memory over the network, and for looking inside a sysout file. The following documentation is in two principal parts. The first describes how to use the TeleRaid interactive debugger to remotely debug one workstation from another. The second describes the underlying implementation of TeleRaid and a little bit about how to write programs that, in effect, extend TeleRaid. TELERAID loads the files READSYS, RDSYS, REMOTEVMEM, and VMEM. The standard use of TeleRaid is to debug a workstation that has halted at a maintenance panel halt (MP code other than 1108, 1109). Pressing the Undo key when the machine is in this state transfers control to a small TeleRaid server that responds to simple commands over the network. While the TeleRaid server is running, the cursor changes to TeleRaid''. Also, the previous contents of the maintenance panel are restored. On the 1100 and 1132 workstations, the counterpart to a maintenance panel halt is a call to the low-level debugger Raid. From Raid, the command R puts the workstation into the TeleRaid server. In this document, the term debuggee'' is used to denote the machine running the TeleRaid server, i.e., the one being debugged, while debugger'' refers to the machine that is viewing the debuggee's virtual memory (usually by running the function TELERAID). (TELERAID HOST RAIDIX) [Function] Enters an interactive debugger viewing the virtual memory of HOST, which must denote a machine running a TeleRaid server. HOST is either a host name or a pup address. RAIDIX is an optional number denoting the radix in which values are printed and numbers are accepted as input; if not specified, it defaults to 8 (octal). The only other accepted value for RAIDIX at present is 16, for hexadecimal input and output. If you don't know a machine's pup name or address, you can find out by typing control-P on the debuggee: control-P changes the maintenance panel to show the machine's pup host number in decimal radix. If the debugger is on the same physical Ethernet as the debuggee, you can use that pup host number directly as the HOST argument. Otherwise, you must convert the pup host number to octal and use the general form of a pup address, which is a string of the form "net#host#". For example, (TELERAID 12) debugs the machine whose pup address is 12 decimal on the same network. (TELERAID "13#14#") debugs host 14 octal (12 decimal) on network 13 octal. Note: if the control-P command displays zero in the maintenance panel, it means the machine does not have a pup host number assigned, or the halt occurred so quickly after booting that the Ethernet has not been fully initialized. In this case, TELERAID cannot be used. 2 Interactive TeleRaid Commands 1 The TeleRaid debugger is modeled after the Raid debugger that runs in BCPL on the 1100 and 1132 workstations. Each command is a single character, followed by arguments appropriate to the command. In the description of the commands that follows, unless otherwise specified, numbers are assumed to be typed in the default radix (octal unless you have specified a different RAIDIX in the call to TELERAID). For casual users, the L command followed by several F commands generally provide the most useful information. Many of the other commands require some knowledge of the internal representation of Lisp objects and stack frames, something that this document does not attempt to provide. L shows the stack of the debuggee, as a back trace consisting of a numbered sequence of frame names. The first frame is usually \MP.ERROR if you got here by a maintenance panel halt. control-L type shows the stack of the debuggee starting at some other place. The argument type is a single letter denoting which stack to view. The system has a number of special contexts'', which are areas of stack space used by certain system routines. Legal values of type are P (page fault), G (garbage collector, K (keyboard handler), H (hard return), S (stack manipulator), R (reset), and M (miscellaneous). The most interesting of these for most users is P, which for MP code 9305 shows the stack in which the address fault occurred. In addition, type F lets you view the stack starting at an arbitrary stack frame%follow F with an octal number denoting the frame (as in the control-X command, below). K type Changes the type of stack linK that the L and control-L commands follow to be type, which is either A or C. The default is to follow CLinks (control links). ALinks follow the chain of free variable access instead. After displaying a particular stack with the L or control-L commands, the following commands view individual frames from that stack: F number Prints the contents of frame number, where number is the number next to the frame name in the back trace. Note that unlike most other commands, number is in decimal. The frame is printed in two parts, a "basic" frame containing the function's arguments and a frame "extension" containing control information, the function's local (PROG) variables, and dynamic values. On the left-hand side of the printout are the octal contents of each cell of the frame, with an interpretation, usually as a Lisp value, on the right. line-feed or control-J Shows the next frame (closer to the root of the stack). Same as F n+1, where n is the number of the frame most recently viewed. Immediately after an L or control-L command, n is zero, so line-feed views the first frame. ^ Shows the previous frame. Same as F n$1. D atom Shows the definition cell for atom. A definition cell containing all zeros denotes an undefined function. A definition cell whose left half is less than 400 denotes an interpreted definition; you can use the V command (below) to have it printed as a Lisp expression. A atom Shows the top-level value of atom. P atom Shows the property list of atom. C atom Prints (using PRINTCODE) the code definition for atom. V hi lo Interprets the virtual address hi, lo as a Lisp value and attempts to print it. Virtual addresses appearing in stack frames are already interpreted for you by the F command, as are those in value cells (the A command) and property lists (the P command), but you may want to use the V command if you found a virtual address inside some other structure. B hi lo count Prints out count words of the raw contents of the virtual memory starting at virtual address hi, lo. This is most useful for examining the contents of a datatype, which other commands simply print as its virtual address, i.e., in the form {type}#hi,lo. _ hi lo number Sets the contents of the word at virtual address hi, lo to be number. This command obviously should be used with care. control-V atom atomicValue Sets the top-level value of atom to be atomicValue. Only litatoms and small integers are acceptable values to set. In addition, if the previous value was not a litatom or small integer, it is not reference counted correctly, so will not be garbage collected. U Displays the debuggee's screen on your own (just the screen bit map, not the cursor). Typing any character restores your own screen. control-Y Enters a Lisp executive under TeleRaid, where you can evaluate arbitrary Lisp expressions, or call some of the functions listed below to perform TeleRaid operations for which there is no command. Use the executive's OK command to return to TeleRaid. Q Quits TeleRaid without affecting the debuggee. control-N Executes the control-N TeleRaid command in the debuggee, i.e., causes the debuggee to resume execution, and quits TeleRaid. This command should not be used unless you are sure that the debuggee is resumable. The following commands are mainly of use for stack wizards. A stack "address" is a number in the default radix denoting where the object of interest starts. W address Walks'' sequentially through the system stack (i.e., by stack address, not by control or access links) starting at address, showing the stack frame type and its name (for frame extensions). W 14000 shows the entire user stack. If address is not given, it defaults to zero, which only works for READSYS (see next section). control-F address Prints the basic frame stored at address. control-X address Prints the frame extension stored at address. S address Prints raw contents of the stack (as with the B command) starting at address. The following functions do not have corresponding TeleRaid commands, but may be useful to call in the executive obtained from the control-Y command. They can be used to try to patch a broken sysout back into shape, or to at least save some of the work out of a workstation in a maintenance panel halt. Further functions like these can be written using the functions described in the next section. (VLOADFNS FN) [Function] Reads the EXPR definition of FN from the remote environment and stores it locally on FN's EXPR property. FN can be a single litatom or a list of litatoms. (VLOADVAR VAR) [Function] Locally sets the variable VAR to be the remote top-level value of VAR. (VSAVEWORK) [Function] Attempts to figure out what has changed and not been saved in the remote environment by looking at CHANGEDFNSLST, CHANGEDVARSLST and the property lists of files on FILELST. For each changed function or variable, it asks you whether to save it, and if so, it uses VLOADFNS or VLOADVAR to fetch it. You can then save the functions or variables from the locally running Lisp. VSAVEWORK does not know how to save records, properties, etc., although a knowledgeable programmer could use the functions described in the next section to extend VSAVEWORK. (VUNSAVEDEF FN) [Function] Attempts to do a remote unsavedef'' by going down the VGETPROPLIST of FN, looking for properties CODE, BROKEN, and ADVISED. If it finds one, it stores the corresponding code object in FN's remote definition cell, and prints a message saying what it has done. For example, if you've managed to break something that's used by the interpreter, and have thus gotten into a recursive break, you might be able to recover by VUNSAVEDEFing it then doing a control-D on the remote machine. (VYANKDEF NEWSYMBOL OLDSYMBOL) [Function] Yanks'' the definition from function OLDSYMBOL and stores it into NEWSYMBOL. For example, (VYANKDEF 'PRINTBELLS 'NILL) turns off ringing of the bell in the remote environment. Caution: VUNSAVEDEF and VYANKDEF do not adjust reference counts, or interact correctly with BREAK and ADVISE. They should be thought of as emergency patches designed to get the system running long enough to save state and bail out. In particular, do not call UNBREAK or UNADVISE on a function that you have applied VUNSAVEDEF to, and do not alter or remove its CODE, BROKEN, or ADVISED property. Similarly, do not redefine the function OLDSYMBOL that you have yanked a definition from. 2 Implementation of TeleRaid 1 TeleRaid is implemented in two parts: ReadSys, which reads'' a remote system's virtual memory, and VRaid, the interactive debugger described above. The remote virtual memory can be either a workstation running a TeleRaid server or a Sysout file. The functions inside TeleRaid look like normal Lisp functions, but they are designed to operate on the remote virtual memory, rather than the normal (local) virtual memory. The remote'' versions of functions normally begin with V.'' In general, TeleRaid is not a facility for the casual user. It is mostly used by system implementors performing very low-level debugging. The set of functions described here is a partial list, intended to help the serious programmer who has some interest in doing this kind of debugging. (READSYS FILE WRITEABLE) [Function] Opens the remote virtual memory FILE, which should be the name of a file in Sysout format. If WRITEABLE is true, then the file is opened for write access, so that commands that alter the virtual memory (e.g., the _ and control-V commands) are permitted. The main use for this is to patch sysouts in simple ways (e.g., by changing a global flag from NIL to T). FILE can also be a list of one element, the pup address of a machine running a TeleRaid server, in the same form as the HOST argument to TELERAID. In this case, WRITEABLE is ignored. On the 1100 and 1132 workstations, the virtual memory backing file LISP.VIRTUALMEM of a logged-out Lisp can also be examined by READSYS. For example, you can poke around at the virtual memory of the Lisp on partition 1 while running in partition 2 by doing (READSYS '{DSK1}LISP.VIRTUALMEM). Don't try this on your own Lisp.virtualmem, of course, since that file is continually changing as Lisp runs. If FILE is NIL, READSYS closes any open virtual memory file, clears its data structures and reverts to examining no virtual memory. (VRAID RAIDIX) [Function] Runs the TeleRaid interactive debugger on the virtual memory most recently opened by READSYS. The functions and macros described below directly manipulate the remote virtual memory. You can call them directly in the Lisp executive under TeleRaid that you get by using the control-Y command, or at the top level after calling READSYS. You can also, of course, write your own programs to use these functions. In order to use any of the macros below, you must LOADFROM the source file VMEM. In the following functions, a "pointer" means a pointer into the remote virtual memory (the argument PTR), a 24-bit integer. All other arguments refer to local objects. Functions that fetch out of or store into the remote virtual memory operate on pointers. You can create a local copy of the structure denoted by a pointer by calling V\UNCOPY. You cannot do the invese, i.e, create remote copies of local structures%the only local objects that you can translate into the remote virtual memory are litatoms (assuming the same atom exists remotely) and small integers. Caution: The functions that store into the remote memory should be used with care. None of these functions perform the proper reference counting. Therefore, if you are storing a value that ought to be reference-counted (roughly speaking, anything other than a litatom or small integer) and/or overwriting such a value, the garbage collector may get confused when the remote memory is resumed. (VVAG2 HI LO) [Function] Returns a pointer with hiloc (top 8 bits) HI and loloc (low 16 bits) LO. (VHILOC PTR) [Macro] Returns the high part of PTR, i.e., (LRSH PTR 16). (VLOLOC PTR) [Macro] Returns the low part of PTR, i.e., (LOGAND PTR 177777Q). (VADDBASE PTR D) [Macro] Remote \ADDBASE: Returns a pointer that is D words beyond PTR, i.e., (IPLUS PTR D). (V\UNCOPY PTR) [Function] Returns a local copy of the remote structure pointed to by PTR. \UNCOPY only knows how to copy "ordinary" structures: litatoms, integers (not bignums), strings and lists. All other pointers, either as the argument to V\UNCOPY or inside structures copied by V\UNCOPY, are converted to local objects of type REMOTEPOINTER that print in the way that datatypes conventionally print%their contents are not copied. (V\COPY X) [Function] Returns a remote pointer to the local object X, which must be a litatom or small integer. (VGETTOPVAL ATOM) [Function] Returns a pointer to ATOM's top-level value. (VGETVAL ATOM) [Function] Returns a local copy of ATOM's top-level value, i.e., (V\UNCOPY (VGETTOPVAL ATOM)). (VSETTOPVAL ATOM VAL) [Function] Sets ATOM's top-level value to be VAL, which must be a litatom or small integer. (VGETPROPLIST ATOM) [Function] Returns a pointer to ATOM's property list. (VGETDEFN ATOM) [Function] Returns a pointer to ATOM's function definition. (VTYPENAME PTR) [Function] Returns the type name of PTR. (VGETBASE0 PTR) [Function] The most primitive fetching function: Returns the 16-bit integer stored in location PTR. (VPUTBASE0 PTR VAL) [Function] The most primitive storing function: Stores the 16-bit integer VAL into location PTR. (VGETBASE PTR D) [Macro] (VPUTBASE PTR D) [Macro] (VGETBASEBYTE PTR D) [Macro] (VGETBASEPTR PTR D) [Macro] (VPUTBASEPTR PTR D VAL) [Macro] These are remote versions of \GETBASE, \PUTBASE, \GETBASEBYTE, \GETBASEPTR and \PUTBASEPTR, respectively. They are implemented in terms of VGETBASE0 and VPUTBASE0. 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