1 KOTO RELEASE NOTES 1 KOTO RELEASE NOTES KOTO RELEASE OVERVIEW 1 KOTO RELEASE OVERVIEW 1 1. KOTO RELEASE OVERVIEW 6 2 Introduction 1 The Koto release of Interlisp-D provides a wide range of added functionality, increased performance and improved reliability. Central among these is that Koto is the first release of Interlisp that supports the new Xerox 1185/1186 artificial intelligence work stations, including the new features of these work stations such as the expanded 19" display and the PC emulation option. Of course, like previous releases of Interlisp, Koto also supports the other current members of the 1100 series of machines, specifically the 1132 and various models of the 1108. Notable new software features include a growing collection of library and system support for features of CommonLisp, including CommonLisp arrays, bignums, catch and throw, and a variety of special forms and functions; numerous improvements to the XNS and TCP/IP networking code; a revised CHAT interface which permits different communication options and a variety of different terminal handlers, including VT100 and TEK 4010 emulation; a complete rewrite of the RS232 code for improved speed and functionality; support for the Xerox extended character set, which permits the use of an enormous variety of different character sets and fonts in strings, documents and Lisp data structures; a range of user interface improvements to the text editor; significant extensions and generalizations to the device independent graphics interface; support for the low-cost Xerox 4045 laser printer; and, via the Busmaster, interface support for a wide variety of industry standard bus peripherals. In addition, the Koto release is accompanied by the first complete revision of the Interlisp Reference Manual since 1983. This revision is a comprehensive and total rewrite which has packaged the manual into three conveniently sized and organized binders covering both the Interlisp language, its environment and its I/O. Collectively, these new features and the many minor bug fixes and improvements that have been made to the system constitute a major expansion of its functionality. The rest of this document reviews all of these changes in a comprehensive manner, and provides detailed information as to the way in which the system has changed. 2 Summary of Major Incompatibilities 1 The Koto release contains fixes for over 450 problem reports. Many of these were minor details which were never noticed by the average user. Some, however, were of major impact to one or more users and are summarized in this document. In Koto, as with other Interlisp releases, we have made a strong effort to retain a high degree of backward compatibility with past releases. However, there are a number of areas in which we have felt it necessary to make small incompatible changes in existing interfaces to extend their functionality. Incompatible changes are clearly indicated for each area in the sections that follow. The principal instances of this are summarized below: Keyboard 1 f New meaning for META key f Several key assignments have changed Window System 1 f New semantics for: DOATTACHEDWINDOWCOM, DOATTACHEDWINDOWCOM2, and DOMAINWINDOWCOMFN (internal subfunctions of ATTACHEDWINDOW package) f Semantics of WINDOWCOMACTION = MAIN in ATTACHWINDOW changed slightly Arithmetic 1 f New arbitrary precision arithmetic; negative arguments to RADIX are no longer allowed Storage 1 f CDR of non-list causes error (setting of CAR/CDRERR) f RPLSTRING and RPLCHARCODE not guaranteed to modify substrings Communications 1 f New meaning for SPP.OPEN argument WHENCLOSED f SPP.EOMP superseded by EOFP 2 Changes Affecting Intermezzo Release Users 1 The following forward incompatibilities should also be noted by those users wishing to switch freely between the Intermezzo and Koto releases: f The Koto 1108 Local File System cannot be read by Intermezzo sysouts. f Code compiled with the Koto compiler will not necessarily run in Intermezzo. f The TEdit file format has changed, so that documents written in Koto TEdit cannot be read by Intermezzo TEdit, unless the "Old Format" Put command is used. 2 How to Use this Document 1 All changes are described in more detail in the sections that follow. Three major categories are defined. They are: f Features f Bug Fixes f Library Packages Within these categories, descriptions are organized roughly by system and then by importance. Most of the principal changes have already been summarized above. At the beginning of each section, you will find a list of system areas that have changed for the Koto release. 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