1 XEROX 1108 USER'S GUIDE 1 XEROX 1108 USER'S GUIDE SYSTEM TOOLS 1 SYSTEM TOOLS 1 6. SYSTEM TOOLS 6 2 Introduction 1 When the Xerox 1108 is in the base state (a bouncing white rectangle on a dark background), the Lisp SystemTool, Profile Tool and On-line Diagnostics can be invoked and the Lisp Volume can be booted. Base state is entered by doing a 1-boot. If the bouncing white rectangle does not appear, make sure you have correctly preloaded the software, as described in the previous chapter. Each of these tools displays its own window. Although not specifically labeled, each window is divided into the following regions: · Herald Name displays the version date and time · Message Subwindow displays any error messages · Parameter Subwindow specifies all data parameters · Command Subwindow specifies all command parameters · File Subwindow displays interactive messages to user Parameter fields are selected with the left mouse button. Parameter menus are available in some cases, and they may be selected by pressing either both mouse buttons on a two-button mouse, or using the middle mouse button on a three-button mouse. Hereafter, parameter selection will be referred to as being available through the middle mouse button. The DELETE key may be used to delete a selection. The NEXT key may be used to advance to the next field in the window. Users unfamiliar with the mouse and window manipulations are strongly encouraged to read the on-line help command from the Diagnostics tool which provides in depth details on their usage. 2 The Profile Tool 1 The Profile Tool enables the user to select a number of default parameters which will appear in the SystemTool window for installing fresh Interlisp-D. The defaults may be changed there if necessary. Summary: · To activate the tool, click middle mouse button · Select the parameters you wish to set or change · Select Set Profile! command · Confirm the mouse icon (left button is positive confirmation; others are negative confirmation) · Select Quit! Profile Tool Window Image Parameter Items 1 The Profile Tool has the following parameter items: User/User Password: Your NS/Pup user and password names associated with Login to remote file server. (For pup user, name should be followed by registry, like YourName.pa) It is not necessary to supply the password in the Profile Tool. It may be entered in the System Tool Window. If a password is supplied, it is stored on the disk in an unencrypted form. Domain/Organization: Your domain and organization name. If you do not use an NS file server, these parameters have no meaning and should be left blank. Device: Selects the type of device on which the Lisp sysout file is stored. The choices are Pup-FS, NS-FS, Floppy and Local-Disk. Volume: Volume name for changing volume password. Current Password: Current password string, initially assigned to volume name. New Password: New password string, consisting of at least 5 characters. NS File-Pathname: Complete file pathname of the Lisp sysout file to be retrieved from an NS file server. PUP File-Pathname: Complete file pathname of the Lisp sysout file to be retrieved from a PUP file server. Floppy File Name: The filename on the floppy diskette from which the Lisp sysout file is to be loaded. Default Volume for SystemTool: Volume name to appear when SystemTool window is activated. Default Volume for Stop Key: Designated target Lisp volume from STOP key when volume is unprotected. 2 The Lisp System Tool 1 Summary: · To activate the tool, click left mouse button · Select the parameters you wish to set or change · Select approprIate command · Confirm the mouse icon (left button is positive confirmation; others are negative confirmation) System Tool Window Image Parameter Items 1 The Lisp SystemTool supports the following parameter items: Document: Used in conjunction with the Help! command. The General document displays the write-up of the Lisp System Tool. The ErrorMsg document displays the meanings of the error messages you may encounter when selecting a command in the file subwindow. The file sub-window may be scrolled on the left hand side. Device: Device specification of the Lisp sysout to be installed. For example, if PUP-FS is chosen, then the file specified under 'PUP File-Pathname' in the Profile window is selected. File: The file pathname of the Lisp sysout file to be retrieved from the device selected. The syntax of the file pathname depends on the particular file system on your host machine. Note that the Host name is enclosed in angle brackets, not the curly brackets generally used. On a Xerox Pup file server, the file pathname looks like [Host]SubDirectory>FileName. ext!version A typical example would be [Rosebowl%]Fugue>Lisp.sysout On a Xerox product (NS) file server, the file pathname looks like (Host:Domain:Organization)Directory/ SubDirectory/FileName.ext!version A typical example would be (Phylex:XSIS North:Xerox)Demo/Demo.sysout An equivalent but shorter way would be (Phylex:)Demo.sysout if the domain and organization parameters are set appropriately On a Unix file server the file pathname looks like [host]lisp.sysout On a VAX-VMS file server the file pathname looks like [Host] FileName.ext;version A typical example would be [Taos]Lisp.sys On a DEC-2060 TOPS-20 file server, the file pathname looks like [Host] FileName.Sys.version A typical example would be [Sumex-2060] Lisp.sysout Volume Menu: Contains the menu of all the volume names when your disk is partitioned. Use the middle-button to pop up and select the volume name desired. Volume Size: Shows the size of the logical volume named by the Volume parameter. Free Pages: Shows the available free pages on the logical volume named by the Volume: parameter. VMem Size: Shows the actual size in pages of the Lisp virtual memory on the logical volume named by the Volume: parameter. This number should be the same as returned by the function VMEMSIZE just prior to logging out of Interlisp. Volume Size: Shows the size of the logical volume named by the Volume: parameter. Volume Password: The password string for selected volume. Max VMem Size: Shows the maximum size of Interlisp's virtual memory on the logical volume named by the Volume: parameter. Volume Boot File: Shows leader note for the volume boot file, indicating the origin of the boot file. User/User Password: Your NS/Pup user and password names associated with Login to remote file server. (For pup user, name should be followed by registry, like YourName.pa) Domain/Organization: Your domain and organization name. If you do not use an NS file server, these parameters have no meaning and should be left blank. Command Items 1 Sysin! Installs the remote file named in the File: parameter from the selected device into the logical volume. If the operation is successful, the VMem file will be automatically expanded(to your volume size) for you. If you desire to have a different VMem size, you may use the SetMax VMem! command to alter it. This command can be aborted with the STOP key. Erase! Erases the contents of the logical volume specified by the Volume: parameter. Set Max VMem! Alters Interlisp's virtual memory file size on the logical volume. Your VMem file is automatically created for you during the Sysin operation. Pilot attempts to allocate contiguous space when the file is first created. There are also continuing performance penalties for accessing a fragmented file, which may result from growing the file one or more times. Make Script! This command allows you to set up your own customized disk partitioning. Make Script! brings up a new window which allows you to enter the volume names and sizes. Up to 9 volumes may be specified. To enter your partition, first select the disk type that corresponds to your disk type. Your disk type should be one of {10, 29, 42, 80} megabytes. The Free Pages: parameter will be dynamically updated when the next volume name is entered. When partitioning a disk, it is imperative to use all the disk pages available. If this is not done and then later the disk is damaged, the physical volume may be unscavengeable. For this reason, the tool explicitly makes the last volume to take the remaining pages in the disk. When you are finished with the volume specification, click the Make Script! command which will ask you for Installation Utility floppy. At the end of the operation you have added an entry to the Installation Menu that appears when you boot the Installation Utility floppy. In order to actually repartition the rigid disk, you must do a 2-boot on the Installation Utility floppy and select the "USER SPECIFIED PARTITION" option in the Installation Menu. (See Software Installation chapter.) Sysin & Boot! Performs the Sysin function followed by the Boot function if no error is raised during the Sysin operation. Remote List! Enumerates all the file names on the specified file pathname that matches the wild card. Wild card characters *(string of 0 or greater length) and # (string of 1 length) are supported. Copy VMem! Cross-copies the virtual memory from one logical volume (Source) to another logical volume (Destination). This command does not copy the entire contents of the logical volume, but only the number of pages specified by the VMemSize: parameter of the source volume. The Copy VMem! command brings up its own window explained below. Source Volume: The logical volume name (e.g., Lisp, Lisp2, Lisp3), from which the Lisp virtual memory will be copied. Dest. Volume: The logical volume name (e.g., Lisp, Lisp2, Lisp3) to which the Lisp virtual memory will be copied. Start! Starts copying the virtual memory. There is a confirming mouse icon for this command. When the virtual memory has been copied, the user can respond to the confirmation message to boot the Destination volume, or he can cancel the confirmation and Quit! Quit! Returns to the bouncing white square. Scavenge! Scavenge performs a logical file-scavenge on the volume selected. This command is used whenever you suspect the integrity of your disk volume. It is recommended whenever you encounter strange behaviors on your system. At the end of this operation, it produces an MSScavenge.log file in that volume. Reading this file will reveal the damaged files which have been repaired if any. The file subwindow message is: Volume = Lispn Scavenging...done Volume repaired, file log complete N files on volume No problems found Floppy! Floppy disk utility. Brings up a subwindow with several options. Info! Displays floppy name, single or double density, single or double sided, number of free pages and largest free block. List! Lists files as called for in Pattern field. The wildcards * and # are supported here. Format! Formats the Floppy specified in the Floppy Name field. Duplicate! Duplicates a floppy. This command will only work if there is a rigid disk volume available with at least 2250 free pages. Quit! Returns to Main Window for Floppy! Boot! Boots the volume specified by the Volume: parameter. Help! Prints on-line help and error messages. Quit! Deactivates the window. Make Script, Copy VMem and Floppy Subwindows 2 The On-line DIagnostics Tool 1 The programs for these on-line diagnostics tests are stored on the SystemTools Volume, and are accessible from the bouncing white square. These tests are for the Display, Keyboard, Echo Test (Ethernet), RS232 Loopback, Floppy Drive and Ethernet Statistics. All of the tests are documented on-line, and can be accessed by selecting the the Help! command. Summary: · To activate, click the right mouse button from the bouncing white square · Select the test to be executed · Select the parameter(s) for the test · Select the Start! command · Select Help! for documentation Details: To read all of the documentation, you may find it convenient to use the middle mouse button to invoke the Window Manager, activate Zoom with the horizontal arrow, and then move the top line of the file sub-window upward by using the left mouse button positioning the cursor on the box to the right of this line. Diagnostics Window Image Parameter Items 1 Type of test to be executed: Display, Keyboard, Echo, RS232 Loopback,Floppy Drive, Ethernet Stats For details, please review the on-line documentation before starting these tests. Command Items 1 Help!: Used with parameter "None", displays the complete documentation on how to use the Diagnostics window, including the Window Manager. Used with one of the test parameters, displays the complete documentation for that test. Start! and or Cancel!: Start the selected test or quit the Diagnostics program. Note that the Start! command is located in the window invoked when you select one of the tests . 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