;Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. ;-- IORegion locations for the boot handler. ;-- stored as [Iris]Dove>ROMDefs.asm ; ;-- last edited by: ;-- RDH 17-Sep-85 12:08:50 ;Change maintPanelBkGrdRightPad and maintPanelBkGrdHeight for prettier mp codes. ;-- RDH 14-Sep-85 10:08:50 ;Change timeoutInterval to seconds instead of millisecs. ;-- RDH 14-Sep-85 9:04:37 ;Add oneSecond. ;-- RDH 13-Sep-85 19:21:18 ;Add constants for cursor visibility: maintPanelBkGrdRightPad, maintPanelBkGrdHeight. ;-- RDH 13-Sep-85 17:12:16 ;Changed timeout interval to 35000 (thirty five seconds). ;-- RDH 12-Sep-85 14:37:06 ;Made icondatastructure smaller since there is no more mouse tracking and ICON segment was never used. ;-- RDH 12-Sep-85 14:14:25 ;Add hideCursorDisplayOn. ;-- RDH 12-Sep-85 12:02:22 ;Add timeOutDisab and timeOutEnab. ;-- RDH 12-Sep-85 11:34:41 ;Add backToUI and bootSystem. ;-- RDH 11-Sep-85 16:32:29 ;Add timeoutInterval. ;-- kek 5-Sep-85 19:40:32 ;mp code definitions ;-- RDH 17-Aug-85 17:39:22 ;Add niceCursorDisplayOn. ;-- RDH 14-Aug-85 11:49:32 ;Fold in UI stuff. ;-- JPM 15-Jul-85 17:04:07 ;Added constants from ROMEthBt.asm. ;-- JPM 11-Jul-85 10:03:32 ;Took fields out of floppy context (will use floppy IOCB def), added CallHandlerInitProc. ;-- JMM 19-Jun-85 15:19:54 ;Added macro. ;-- JPM 21-May-85 12:54:14 ;Diagnostic boot changes. ;-- JMM 4-Apr-85 15:01:14 ; ;-- JMM 6-Feb-85 9:21:27 ;Add boot error constants section. ;-- JMM 28-Jan-85 18:25:43 ;Add macro section. ;-- JMM 25-Nov-84 16:04:38 ;Added floppy changes. ;-- JPM 3-Nov-84 11:21:53 ;Remove EthIOFce from INCLUDEs, add Floppy IOCB skeletal structure. ;-- BKI/JMM 24-Oct-84 16:14:15 ;First release. ;NAME ROMBDefs ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;--------------------------------------------------------- ;Constants for STRUC definitions. ;-------------------------------- BootJumpTable STRUC startRAMOpie DW ? ;An IOP Start block will result in an IOP startRAMOpieCS DW ? ;address being saved here for later entry. iopEntry DW ? iopEntryCS DW ? processBootBlock DW ? BootJumpTable ENDS ;----------------------- ;BootTimeVariables STRUC ;device DW ? ;1-Disk, 2-Ethernet, 3-Floppy, 4-RS232C. ;mode DW ? ;0-Normal, 1-Fast boot ;showUserInterface DW ? ;0-yes, #0-no. ;bootRetryCount DW ? ;initially 0, incremented per failure ;reincarnationFlag DW ? ;For task reinitialization - 0 => tasks ;to use local RAM otherwise main memory. ;emulatorID DW 3 DUP(?) ;Initially 0, updated by boot executive. ;loaderID DW 3 DUP(?) ;Initially 0, updated by boot executive. ;diagnosticsType DW ? ;Initialized at boot-time. 0 => short ;diagnostics - user has set EEPROM to ;indicate desire for a diagnostics boot. ;#0=> long diagnostics boot - user has ;manually requested diagnostics at boot ;time! ;BootTimeVariables ENDS ;----------------------- ;Device types: ;------------- disk EQU 1 floppy EQU 2 ethernet EQU 3 experimental EQU 4 rs232C EQU 4 ;----------------------- ;Boot types: ;----------- normal EQU 0 diagnostic EQU 1 ;----------------------- ;Boot ICON STRUC's and constants: ;-------------------------------- ICONDataStructure STRUC ICONLeftImagePtr DW ? ;Pointer to image of ICON symbols 0 => no symbol. ICONRightImagePtr DW ? ;Pointer to image of ICON symbols 0 => no symbol. ICONOffset DW ? ;This is this ICONs offset in display memory. ;ICONSegment DW ? ;This is this ICON's segment in display memory. ;leftBoundary DW ? ;Left icon edge from the left of the screen in bits. ;rightBoundary DW ? ;Right icon edge from the left of the screen in bits. bootingProcedure DW ? ;Offset to procedure that does selected boot. invertedICON DB ? ;0 => not inverted else inverted. bootDevice DB ? ;0 => no device present here. typeOfBoot DB ? ;0 => normal boot, otherwise diag. boot. previousICON DW ? ;0 => this is the first icon. nextICON DW ? ;0 => this is the last icon. ICONDataStructure ENDS cursorPosition STRUC x DW ? y DW ? cursorPosition ENDS totalLengthOfICON EQU 672 ;In bits. lengthOfICON EQU 64 ; widthOfICON EQU 24 ;Lines. ICONVerticalDiplacement EQU 10 ;Trial and error for visual appeal. ICONHorizontalDiplacement EQU 5+lengthOfICON ;Trial and error for visual appeal. displayON EQU 11101010B ;Bit 3 set enables the display. niceCursorDisplayOn EQU 10001010B ;High nibble makes cursor AND with bitmap. Bit 3 set enables the display. hideCursorDisplayOn EQU 0CAH niceMPDisplayOn EQU 04AH ;---------------- ;Misc. constants: ;---------------- numberOfSoftKeys EQU 10 crossOver64KbBank EQU 01000H distanceFromBottom EQU 30 ;Number of scan lines from bottom of icons to bottom of display. ICONBottomEdge EQU 10 ;???jmm:85-03-27 ICONInnerDepth EQU 24 ;scan lines in icon button ICONByteLength EQU 8 ;length and width are the same thing here. ICONBitWidth EQU 64 ;Depth is up and down. vertIconOffsetInButton EQU 4 ;scan lines leftIconOffsetInButton EQU 1 ;bytes rightIconOffsetInButton EQU 5 ;bytes threeSeconds EQU 3000 timeoutInterval EQU 35 ;Number of seconds to wait before starting default booting This is 10 seconds plus the 25 where 25 is the approx time it takes for the daybreak display to be clearly visible from a cold start. maintPanelBkGrdRightPad EQU 0F0H ;High 4 bits of byte quantity are set. maintPanelBkGrdHeight EQU 20 ;mpcodeCursorXPos + Cursor height + mpcodeCursorXPos. mpcodeCursorXPos EQU 2 ;Leave space between mpcode and border. mpcodeCursorYPos EQU 2 ;Leave space between mpcode and border. backToUI EQU 1 ;For communication with diagnostics in finishMode. bootSystem EQU 0 ;For communication with diagnostics timeOutEnab EQU 1 ;Allow timeouts in boot device selection. timeOutDisab EQU 0 ;Wait indefinitely for user. inverted EQU -1 notInverted EQU 0 numberOfICONs EQU 4 wordBitSize EQU 16 byteLength EQU 8 wordLength EQU 16 fatDaisy EQU 0 fatDaybreak EQU 0 doveDisplayBasePage EQU 0 ;In decimal page numbers. fatDaybreakDisplayBasePage EQU 0 ;In decimal page numbers. fatDaisyDisplayBasePage EQU 0 ;slimDaybreakDisplayBasePage EQU 768 slimDaybreakDisplayBasePage EQU 0 ;jmm:84-12-04:UntilGAPmoves. slimDaisyDisplayBasePage EQU 512 ;fatDaybreakDisplayMemSize EQU 1024 ;In decimal page numbers. daisyDisplayMemSize EQU 256 fatDaybreakDisplayMemSize EQU 256 slimDaybreakDisplayMemSize EQU 256 byteWordAlignMask EQU 0FEH wordWordAlignMask EQU 0FFFEH dontCare EQU 0 setAtRunTime EQU 0 status EQU 0 nullOffset EQU 0 pageSizeInBytes EQU 0200H ;----------------------- ;Disk ROM boot constants and STRUC's: ;------------------------------------ DiskBootContext STRUC diskIOCBDone DB (SIZE Condition) DUP (?) diskBootIOCB DB 156 DUP (?) ;SIZE DiskIOCBRecord in DskIOFce.def DiskBootContext ENDS ;----------------------- ;Ethernet ROM boot constants and STRUC's: ;---------------------------------------- srcOffset EQU 6 typeFieldOffset EQU 12 checksumOffset EQU 14 lengthOffset EQU 16 srcHostOffset EQU 36 bfnOffset EQU 46 seqNumberOffset EQU 52 bootDataOffset EQU 54 maximumBootBufferSize EQU bootDataOffset+pageSizeInBytes bfnSize EQU 6 ;bytes encapsulation EQU checksumOffset tenSeconds EQU 10000 ;(in milliseconds) oneSecond EQU 1000 ;(in milliseconds) EtherBootContext STRUC etherIOCB DB 40 DUP (?) ;jpm 84-11-2 >= SIZE(ethernetIOCB) etherIOCBDone DB (SIZE Condition) DUP (?) noResponseTimer DW ? retryCount DW ? romRetryEntry DD ? initialBufPtr DW ? ;place to load next piece of EtherInitialDove.db EtherBootContext ENDS ;----------------------- ;Floppy ROM boot constants and STRUC's: ;-------------------------------------- FloppyBootContext STRUC floppyIOCBDone DB (SIZE Condition) DUP (?) floppyIOCB DB 152 DUP (?) FloppyBootContext ENDS ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Convenience macros: ;------------------- ; %*Define (MultiplyByTwo (register)) (ROL %register, 1) %*Define (DivideBy2 (register)) (SHR %register, 1) %*Define (DivideBy4 (register)) (SHR %register, 2) %*Define (ByteSwap (wordToSwap)) (%wordToSwap SHL 8 OR %wordToSwap SHR 8) %*Define (CallHandlerInitProc (handlerID)) ( MOV DI, %handlerID SHL DI, 2 PUSH DS PUSH ES CALL DWORD PTR HandlerInitProcTable[DI] POP ES POP DS ) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Booting error numbers: ;------------------- ; bootingError EQU -1 noBufferSpace EQU 0101H noLoadSpace EQU 0202H unKnownBootBlock EQU 0303H noRAMStartAddress EQU 0404H diskROMBootError EQU 0405H ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Maintenance Panel Codes: ;------------------- ; mpStartBooting EQU 0100D mpDeviceUnknown EQU 0113D mpFetchInitial EQU 0149D mpRunInitial EQU 0150D mpInitialError EQU 0151D mpFetchMesaDove EQU 0199D mpRunMesaDove EQU 0200D mpMesaDoveError EQU 0201D mpRunGerm EQU 0501D mpFloppyCleaning EQU 0077D