;Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.

;-- stored as [Idun]<WDLion>Dove>IOPMacro.asm
;-- created on  14-Feb-84 11:13:22
;-- last edited by:
;--	KEK	11-Aug-86 16:57:43	:changes for multiple options support
;--	KEK	 1 Aug 85 18:37:33	:Changed ReadEEProm macro.
;--	JPM	22-Jul-85 13:46:58	:Changed order of loading parameters in NotifyClientCondition (load BX last since might be used in address specification).
;--	JPM	18-Jul-85  9:34:57	:Changed SetupOpieAddressInCXDX to use struc fields.
;--	JPM	16-Jul-85  9:25:16	:Added WORD PTR to client condition MOVs.
;--	JPM	28-Jun-85 13:07:01	:Separated SystemCalls into ROM and RAM portions (RAM empty for now).
;--	JPM	25-Jun-85 17:33:54	:Changed macros which use interruptName (no EXTRNs).
;--	JPM	24-Jun-85  9:13:53	:Changed ReadEEProm.
;--	JPM	18-Jun-85 13:15:01	:Add GetIntervalTimer; use SI for all taskPtr parms.
;--	JPM	24-May-85 13:40:15	:Remove alternate locking from MesaLockedOut macro
;--	JPM	15-May-85 13:52:31	:Opie redesign
;--	kEK    	 2-Mar-85 19:07:10	:add interruptTimeout
;--	kEK	19-Feb-85 14:49:37	:Add PUSH/POP ES to WaitForMumble. cleaned up code format
;--	VXS	26-Nov-84 16:19:25	:Fix bug in ClientCondition (include code inside generateEScall)
;--	VXS	20-Nov-84 22:17:23	:add conditionTimeout definition.
;--	VXS	15-Nov-84 13:50:25	:Add ControlRegister macro.
;--	VXS	 5-Nov-84 18:04:31	:add RegisterPCEStartRoutine, CallPCEStartRoutine
;--	VXS	 5-Nov-84 17:59:29	:Add SI-DI arg to restart for runtime determination of restart address
;--	VXS	15-Oct-84 10:19:33	:Install Reset macro
;--	VXS	12-Oct-84 18:32:25	:Install Restart macro
;--	VXS	10-Oct-84 18:36:41	:Changed Reset macro to do a software interrupt instead of inline code.
;--	VXS	 3-Oct-84 11:35:44	:Fix confusion on SetupOpieAddressInCXDX macro
;--	VXS	28-Sep-84 18:11:40	:Put delay test cx,[bx] instruction in MesaLockedOut macro
;--	VXS	20-Sep-84 19:50:58	:Fix NotifyClientCondition macro bugs
;--	VXS	19-Sep-84 17:30:01	:Add EstablishIOPAccess
;--	VXS	17-Sep-84 16:52:02	:Change NotifyClientcondition to use LEA instead of macro
;--	VXS	31-Aug-84 15:37:59	:Use a macro to generate System call instructions, and so can use it in IOPData.asm.
;--	VXS	31-Aug-84 15:28:58	:Added NotifyClientcondition macro, INT
;--	VXS	28-Aug-84 12:06:40	:Changed arg to SubInterrupt to be just interrupt name rather than interruptType
;--	VXS	27-Aug-84 17:48:59	:Added new SubInterrupt macro definition
;--	JPM	20-Aug-84 16:15:31	:Took spaces out of MesaLockedOut string compares
;--	VXS	21-Aug-84 18:01:35	:Added MinimumStackSize defintiion
;--	VXS	16-Aug-84 12:36:59	:Change Initialize Task for private stacks.
;--	VXS	 6-Aug-84 17:38:28	:Changed SoftwareInterruptBase to Type
;--	JPM	 6-Jul-84 11:20:29	:Removed MesaLockedOutMemToMem.
;--	JPM	 3-Jul-84 13:57:45	:Added ReadEEProm.
;--	FXB	 2-Jul-84 14:25:36	:added BindweedIntr Codemacro		
;--	JPM	 2-Jul-84 13:57:56	:Added MesaLockedOutMemToMem.
;--	JMM	27-Jun-84 15:17:44	:Compatible with Opie Version 1 release.
;--	ETN	26-Jun-84 15:20:54	:InitializeTask change.
;--	ETN	21-Jun-84 18:33:54	:Restored EstablishIOPAccess.
;--	JMM/ETN	21-Jun-84 18:33:54	:Deleted Converts, etc.
;--	JMM	10-Jun-84 17:14:13	:Version 1 release.

;			IOPMacro

;Generate INT Instructions using two data bytes

InterruptCode			EQU	0CDH

;The following must match the equivalent definition in HardOpie.asm. If it doesn't, an error will be generated by the linker.

%IF (%NES(%softwareIntrptVctType,Defined))
     THEN (
     PUBLIC	softwareIntrptVctType
     softwareIntrptVctType	EQU	96

;System Macros:

%*DEFINE		(SystemCalls)

%*DEFINE		(SystemCall (Name))
			    %Name%(SIVType)	EQU	softwareIntrptVctType+%n



;Lower level support macros:

;Macro to setup CX-DX with an Opie address if the argument isn't CX-DX

%*DEFINE		(SetupOpieAddressInCXDX (OpieAddressEA))
			    %IF (%NES(%OpieAddressEA,CX-DX))
			         THEN (
				 MOV	CX,%OpieAddressEA.OpieAddressHigh
				 MOV	DX,%OpieAddressEA.OpieAddressLow


;User called Macros:

%*DEFINE		(CallPCEStartRoutine)
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW CallPCEStartRoutineSIVType

%*DEFINE		(ControlRegister (mask, value))
			    %IF (%NES (%mask,CX))
			         THEN (MOV	CX, %mask
			    %IF (%NES (%value,AX))
			         THEN (MOV	AX, %value
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW ControlRegisterSIVType

%*DEFINE		(ConvertAddress (OpieAddressEA))  
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW ConvertAddressSIVType

%*DEFINE		(Disable (interruptName))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%interruptName,BX))
				 THEN (MOV  BX, %interruptName
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW DisableSIVType

%*DEFINE		(DisableInterruptsTillNextWait)  

%*DEFINE		(Enable	(interruptName))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%interruptName,BX))
				 THEN (MOV  BX, %interruptName
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW EnableSIVType

%*DEFINE		(EstablishHandlerAccess (handlerID))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%handlerID,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %handlerID
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW EstablishHandlerAccessSIVType

%*DEFINE		(EstablishIOPAccess (MapNo,OpieAddressEA))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%MapNo,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %MapNo
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW EstablishIOPAccessSIVType

%*DEFINE		(GetLockMask)   
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW GetLockMaskSIVType

%*DEFINE		(GetIntervalTimer)   
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW GetIntervalTimerSIVType

%*DEFINE		(GetWorkMaskForCondition	(conditionPtr))   
			    %IF	(%NES (%conditionPtr,BX))
				 THEN (MOV	BX, %conditionPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW GetWorkMaskSIVType

%*DEFINE		(InitializeTask	(handlerID, taskPtr, initLoc, initialStackPtr))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%handlerID,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %handlerID
			    %IF	(%NES (%taskPtr,SI))
				 THEN (MOV	SI, %taskPtr
			    %IF (%NES (%initLoc,CX-DX))
			    	 THEN (
				 MOV	CX, OFFSET %initLoc
				 MOV	DX, CS
			    %IF	(%NES (%initialStackPtr,DI))
				 THEN (MOV	DI, %initialStackPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW InitializeTaskSIVType

%*DEFINE		(Jam	(handlerID, taskPtr))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%handlerID,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %handlerID
			    %IF	(%NES (%taskPtr,SI))
				 THEN (MOV	SI, %taskPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW JamSIVType

%*DEFINE		(MesaLockedOut	(operation, dataPtr, dataRegOrVal, lockMask)) 
			    %IF	(%NES (%dataRegOrVal,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %dataRegOrVal
			    %IF	(%NES (%dataPtr,BX))
				 THEN (MOV	BX, %dataPtr
			    %IF	(%NES (%lockMask,CX))
				 THEN (MOV	CX, %lockMask
			    %IF	(%EQS (%operation,ADD))
				 THEN (MOV	DX, 0
				     %IF (%EQS (%operation,AND))
				          THEN (MOV	DX, 1
					      %IF (%EQS (%operation,OR))
				                   THEN (MOV	DX, 2
						       %IF (%EQS (%operation,XCHG))
				      			    THEN (MOV	DX, 3
							    )ELSE (MOV	DX, 4
			    DB		InterruptCode, LOW MesaLockedOutSIVType

%*DEFINE		(NotifyClientCondition (clientCondition))
		   	    %IF (%NES (%clientCondition,AX-BX-CX))
			         THEN (
				 MOV	AX, WORD PTR %clientCondition
				 MOV	CX, WORD PTR %clientCondition[4]
				 MOV	BX, WORD PTR %clientCondition[2]
			    DB InterruptCode, LOW NotifyClientConditionSIVType

%*DEFINE		(NotifyCondition (conditionPtr))
			    %IF	(%NES (%conditionPtr,BX))
				 THEN (MOV	BX, %conditionPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW NotifyConditionSIVType

%*DEFINE		(NotifyHandlerCondition (handlerID, conditionPtr))
			    %IF	(%NES (%handlerID,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %handlerID
			    %IF	(%NES (%conditionPtr,BX))
				 THEN (MOV	BX, %conditionPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW NotifyHandlerConditionSIVType

%*DEFINE		(ReadEEProm (eePromAddress, eePromVersion))
			    %IF	(%NES (%eePromVersion,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %eePromVersion
			    %IF	(%NES (%eePromAddress,BX))
			    	 THEN (MOV	BX, %eePromAddress
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW ReadEEPromSIVType

%*DEFINE		(RegisterPCEStartRoutine	(location))
			    %IF (%NES (%location,CX-DX))
			         THEN (
			  	 MOV	CX, OFFSET %location
				 MOV	DX, CS
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW RegisterPCEStartRoutineSIVType

%*DEFINE		(Reset	(deviceResetMask))
			    %IF	(%NES (%deviceResetMask,AX))
		    		 THEN (MOV	AX, %deviceResetMask
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW ResetSIVType

%*DEFINE		(Restart	(handlerID, taskPtr, initLoc, initialStackPtr))  
			    %IF	(%NES (%handlerID,AX))
				 THEN (MOV	AX, %handlerID
			    %IF	(%NES (%taskPtr,SI))
				 THEN (MOV	SI, %taskPtr
			    %IF (%NES (%initLoc,CX-DX))
			    	 THEN (
				 MOV	CX, OFFSET %initLoc
				 MOV	DX, CS
			    %IF	(%NES (%initialStackPtr,DI))
				 THEN (MOV	DI, %initialStackPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW RestartSIVType

%*DEFINE		(SubInterrupt (interruptName))
			    DB InterruptCode, LOW %interruptName

%*DEFINE 		(ThisTaskServices (interruptName, badInterruptProcLoc))
			    %IF	(%NES (%interruptName,BX))
				 THEN (MOV  BX, %interruptName
			    %IF (%NES (%badInterruptProcLoc,CX-DX))
			    	 THEN (
				 MOV	CX, OFFSET %badInterruptProcLoc
				 MOV	DX, CS
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW ThisTaskServicesSIVType

%*DEFINE		(WaitForCondition	(conditionParms))
			    %MATCH	(conditionPtr,timeoutInterval)	(%conditionParms)
			    %IF	(%EQS (%timeoutInterval,noTimeout) OR %EQS (%timeoutInterval,%()))		
				    %IF (%NES (%timeoutInterval,AX))
				         THEN (MOV	AX, %timeoutInterval
			    %IF	(%NES (%conditionPtr,BX))
				THEN (MOV	BX, %conditionPtr
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW WaitForConditionSIVType

%*DEFINE		(WaitForInterrupt	(timeoutInterval))  
			    %IF	(%EQS (%timeoutInterval,noTimeout) OR %EQS (%timeoutInterval,%()))		
				    %IF (%NES (%timeoutInterval,AX))
				         THEN (MOV	AX, %timeoutInterval
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW WaitForInterruptSIVType

%*DEFINE		(WaitForSystem)	
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW WaitForSystemSIVType

%*DEFINE		(WaitForTime	(interval))
			    %IF	(%NES (%interval,AX))
			        THEN (MOV	AX, %interval
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW WaitForTimeSIVType
;The following are defined in RAM:
%*DEFINE		(GetOptionsInterrupt(interruptMask, handlerInterruptNumber))
		 	    %IF (%NES (%interruptMask,DX))
			        THEN (MOV	DX, %interruptMask
		            %IF (%NES (%handlerInterruptNumber,CX))
			        THEN (MOV	CX, %handlerInterruptNumber
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW GetOptionsInterruptSIVType
%*DEFINE		(ReleaseDMAChannel)  
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW ReleaseDMAChannelSIVType
%*DEFINE		(WaitForDMAChannel)  
			    DB	InterruptCode, LOW WaitForDMAChannelSIVType
