;Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.

;-- stored as [Idun]<WDLion>Dove>IOPDefs.asm
;-- created on  14-Feb-84 11:13:22
;-- This file contains public definitions which Opie exports to its clients.
;-- Any hardware dependent defintions which Opie uses can be found in
;-- hardOpie.asm, and Opie's private definitions are found in OpieDefs.asm.
;-- last edited by:

;--	JPM	24-Jul-85 12:00:42	:Added extendedBusPageOpieAddress
;--	JPM	26-Jun-85 15:40:03	:Removed Crash macro
;--	JPM	24-Jun-85  9:11:00	:Change taskContextBlock again
;--	JPM	20-Jun-85 10:25:05	:Change taskContextBlock
;--	JPM	15-May-85 13:42:34	:Opie redesign
;--	KEK	11-Mar-85 17:40:56	:fixed returnSPSS fatfinger
;--	KEK	 2-Mar-85 19:07:37	:add returnSPSS, remove unexpaectedInterrupt and WatchDogTimeout.
;--	VXS	27-Nov-84 11:48:31	:Change DW to DB SIZE QueueEntry in TCB definition.
;--	VXS	20-Nov-84 22:15:55	:Move def of conditionTimeout to IOPMacro.asm
;--	VXS	20-Nov-84 17:06:21	:Take out hardware dependent non-exported definitions and move them into HardOpie.asm
;--	VXS	20-Nov-84 15:13:45	:change TCB structure item queue to taskQueue to avoid naming conflict.
;--	VXS	15-Nov-84 11:53:21	:Add ControlRegData to IOPEFCB
;--	VXS	14-Nov-84 12:59:30	:Introduce QueueEntry structure
;--	VXS	 5-Nov-84 16:07:55	:Add map register memory image.
;--	VXS	 1-Nov-84 13:19:02	:add conditionTimeout definition
;--	VXS	17-Oct-84 16:34:14	:change floppy and options DMA channels to i186IntrChannelforDMA0 and i186IntrChannelforDMA1
;					: instead of 1 and 2.  Also change to using i186IntrChannelforTimer2 for the IOPE timer.
;--	VXS	16-Oct-84 19:26:32	:Add byte to TCB to make it an even number of words. 
;--	VXS	12-Oct-84 18:19:09	:add new location to TCB so can restart a task. 
;--	VXS	11-Oct-84 11:39:44	:Added mesa page map stuff to IOPE FCB 
;--	VXS	11-Oct-84 10:10:30	:Remove Allow? macros 
;--	VXS	 4-Oct-84 19:15:42	:Add OpieAddressLow to be consistent with OpieAddressHigh alias. 
;--	VXS	 4-Oct-84 18:05:23	:Add AllowRDC and AllowPC macro definitions for SystemLoop 
;--	VXS	 4-Oct-84 17:24:28	:Add map register assignments. 
;--	VXS	 4-Oct-84 15:48:25	:Add TCB location generalMapData 
;--	VXS	 3-Oct-84 16:58:18	:Moved FloppyTimer stuff to HardDefs since timer 1 is hardwired to floppy stuff.
;--	VXS	 1-Oct-84 19:54:31	:Changed some "sizeof" variables to use SIZE of the structure rather than use number by hand
;--	VXS	 1-Oct-84 19:04:27	:Added definitions to allocate timer 0 to the floppy disk handler
;--					 Corrected Spelling of IOPETimeIntCntrlReg to IOPETimerIntCntrlReg
;--	VXS	 1-Oct-84 16:13:19	:Remove client condition definition bit (8000)
;--	VXS	26-Sep-84 15:46:20	:Changed GENONLY listing stuff at Interruptcontrollers macro call
;--	VXS	25-Sep-84 12:48:20	:Eliminate MesaLogicalByte from Opie Addresses
;--	VXS	24-Sep-84 18:30:22	:Change GEN to GENONLY for better listings.
;--	VXS	18-Sep-84 20:22:01	:Fix save,gen, restore stuff to be in first column
;--	VXS	17-Sep-84 18:47:01	:Add symbols for interrupt trouble routine AX indicator values
;--	VXS	17-Sep-84 17:04:20	:Add save,gen,restore around macro expansions to show symbol definitions
;--	VXS	 6-Sep-84 14:26:26	:Add new Crash macro.
;--	VXS	27-Aug-84 15:58:46	:Add i8259OptionsSlaveIntrptMaskPort symbol.
;--	VXS	27-Aug-84 15:26:33	:Redefine Opie Addresses
;--	VXS	23-Aug-84 15:53:58	:change sizeOf???Available in IOPEFCB to endOf
;--	VXS	22-Aug-84 16:57:58	:Added i186LogicalOpieAddress (for ds:offset things)
;--	VXS	22-Aug-84 11:12:35	:Put in equates for Opie Addresses, Make IOPEFCB same size as TCBs are (why? find out later)
;--	VXS	14-Aug-84 12:32:57	:Change taskcontextblock for private stacks (take out entryipcs, put in taskSPSS)
;--	VXS	14-Aug-84 12:05:25	:Get rid of sizeofTCB
;--	VXS	 7-Aug-84 13:58:01	:Change IntrptVctBase to IntrptVctType for correctness
;--					: Also SoftwareInterruptBase ← Type
;--	VXS	 3-Aug-84 13:20:26	:Take out hardware stuff, will now be found in HardDefs.asm
;--	VXS	19-Jul-84 18:16:47	:Put in $GEN directive
;--	VXS	12-Jul-84 16:35:09	:Moved Devices macro here so IOregion can use it
;--	VXS	11-Jul-84 16:28:56	:Took out device specific symbol defs, put them into
;					: seperate Definitions files.
;--	JPM	11-Jul-84 11:24:39	:added EEProm indexes (first pass per PJT, 25-Jun-84)
;--	VXS	 9-Jul-84 18:23:32	:fixed erroneous definition of i8259EOINonSpecific
;--	VXS	 5-Jul-84 16:14:29	:changed sizeofICB def to use SIZE
;					:removed individual ICB symbol definitions, replaced
;					: with Devices macro in IOPData.asm
;					:Fixed error in EOI command port
;--	JPM	 3-Jul-84 14:31:37	:added wordsInEEProm
;--	FXB	29-Jun-84 16:18:18	:added Umbilical Handler constants
;--	JMM	27-Jun-84 15:07:10	:Compatible with Opie Version 1 release.
;--	VXS	24-Jun-84 14:36:36	:Changed i80186SlaveIntrptOn to include all
;					 slave interrupt channels on the master
;--	ETN	26-Jun-84 15:30:15	:TCB struc.
;--	JMM	22-Jun-84  7:06:32	:Misc. fixes.
;--	ETN	21-Jun-84 18:33:26	:Remove IORegion EQUs
;--	JMM	19-Jun-84 22:05:24	:Misc. fixes.
;--	JMM	17-Jun-84  6:39:19	:structure updates.
;--	JMM	10-Jun-84 17:29:33	:Version 1 release.


; Constant Equates

LowNibbleMask	EQU	0FH
HighNibbleMask	EQU	0F0H
Null		EQU	0H
Nibble		EQU	4H


Condition		STRUC

TCBLinkPtr		DW	?
Condition		ENDS
sizeOfCondition	EQU	SIZE Condition

nonNilPtr		EQU	8000H		;Since 0 is a valid offset, high bit in TCBLinkPtr
						; signifies non-null ptr
preNotifyFlag		EQU	0001H		;If in the TCBLinkPtr for condition variable,
						; means prenotify has happened.
ClientCondition	STRUC  

handlerID		DB	?	;ID of client
conditionRelMaskPtr	DB	?	; = (maskPtr - conditionPtr)
conditionPtr		DW	?	;in client's IORegion segment
clientMask		DW	?	;if 0, conditionRelMaskPtr ignored
ClientCondition	ENDS  

sizeOfClientCondition	EQU	SIZE ClientCondition

;Here are definitions for Opie Addresses.
;An Opie address is a 32 bit quantity which is capable of describing the various
; address spaces and variations on those address spaces encountered in the IOP.
;The addresses are defined as a structure here for clarity, but it may be
; more convenient in actual coding to just use the type equates, and not use
; the structure offsets.
;Although this is not guaranteed for all future releases, the type field can
; be thought of as being broken up into 3 fields:
;	Bits 7-6	Logical Address Space Selector
;	Bits 5-4	Format Determination (Nil, Byte, Word, Page)
;	Bits 3-0	Base Specification (dependent on Logical Address Space)
;There are several types of nil Opie Address, but only one is really supported.
;See OpieAddresses.txt for further discussion of these types.
;mesaLogical is mesaVirtual with real memory guaranteed to be behind the involved pages.

nilOpieAddress			EQU	0
extendedBusOpieAddress		EQU	010H
extendedBusPageOpieAddress	EQU	030H
IOPLogicalOpieAddress		EQU	050H
IOPIORegionOpieAddress		EQU	051H
PCLogicalOpieAddress		EQU	090H
mesaLogicalWordOpieAddress	EQU	0E0H
mesaEnvBaseWord			EQU	0E1H
mesaLogicalPageOpieAddress	EQU	0F0H

OpieAddress		STRUC

OpieAddressA15toA0	DW	?	;bits 15 to 0
OpieAddressA23toA16	DB	?	;bits 23 to 16
OpieAddressType		DB	?	;first byte is type, see equates above

OpieAddress		ENDS

;If OpieAddressType = IOPIORegionOpieAddress

OpieAddressHandlerID	EQU	BYTE PTR OpieAddressA23toA16

;For accessing the high word as a word (low provided for consistency):

OpieAddressHigh		EQU	WORD PTR OpieAddressA23toA16
OpieAddressLow		EQU	WORD PTR OpieAddressA15toA0

;Map register assignments (machine independent)

PCEMapRegisterBase	EQU	0	;base is zero

IORegionMapRegister	EQU	8+0		;Has lower 16k shadowed by EPROM.
mesaVMMapRegister	EQU	8+1
comRecMapRegister	EQU	8+2
comSendMapRegister	EQU	8+3
floppyDMAMapRegister	EQU	8+4
optionDMAMapRegister	EQU	8+5
generalMapRegister	EQU	8+6
spareMapRegister	EQU	8+7		;Has upper 16K shadowed by EPROM.

QueueEntry		STRUC

IOPEQueueType		DB	?		;e.g. system, timer
nextHandlerID		DB	?		;ID of next task in queue
nextTCBLinkPtr		DW	?		;offset of next task

QueueEntry		ENDS

taskContextBlock	STRUC

taskQueue		DB	(SIZE QueueEntry) DUP (?)
taskCondition		DW	?	;if in waitForCondition state
taskICPtr		DW	?	;set by ThisTaskServices
taskSP			DW	?	;holds stack pointer while waiting
returnSPSS		DW	?	;holds return-from-int addresses
			DW	?
taskState		DB	?	;Bits 7-4 Previous state, Bits 3-0 Present state.
taskHandlerID		DB	?	;set by InitializeTask
timerValue		DW	?	;counted down by timer

taskContextBlock	ENDS

ICBcodeBytes		EQU	6	;PUSHA, CALL FAR GenericInterruptProcessing

interruptContext	STRUC		;do not alter the order of the fields!

interruptStatus		DB	?	;task waiting, active, timed out, ...
interruptHandlerID	DB	?	;for task servicing this interrupt
interruptTCBLinkPtr	DW	?	;task (set by ThisTaskServices)
interruptTimerValue	DW	?	;counted down by watchdog (set by WaitForInterrupt)
watchdogLinkPtr		DW	?	;next IC in watchdog queue
troubleIPCS		DW	?	;proc called for unexpected interrupt
			DW	?	; (set by ThisTaskServices)
interruptMask		DB	?	;used for enable/disable
interruptSlaveEOIcmd	DB	?	;used to clear interrupt
interruptController	DW	?	;link to controller STRUC (private)

interruptContext	ENDS
sizeOfIC		EQU	(SIZE interruptContext)	;in bytes!

variableSizeOfIC	EQU	interruptMask-interruptStatus
					;***equals number of bytes in the
					; interruptContext that are variable

interruptContextBlock	STRUC

ICBcode			DB	ICBCodeBytes DUP (?)
ICBcontext		DB	(SIZE InterruptContext) DUP (?)

interruptContextBlock	ENDS
sizeOfICB		EQU	(SIZE interruptContextBlock)	;in bytes!

%*DEFINE(softwareIntrptVctType)()	;tell IOPMacro this is not defined.