; DAIS0G002.def= 5 revs up from DaisyRevC.Def

;Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
;-- stored as [Iris]<WMicro>Dove>HardDefs.asm

%*DEFINE(Revision)(Hardware: G, DefsVersion: 002)
;end Revision macro definition

;Last Edited By:
;	JAC    	 24-Jan-86 10:49:04	:change 8259OptionsSlave definitions
;	JGS    	 27-Sep-85 12:25:47	:DisplayTypePort is 0ECCCH not 0ECC0H.
;	JPM    	 11-Sep-85  8:57:09	:Add i8274NonVectored and appropriate constant changes.
;	JPM    	  2-Aug-85 16:32:59	:Fix EEProm segment offsets.
;	KEK	 19-Jun-85 13:29:31	:remove fixed EEPDefs definitions (put into ROMEEP.asm, RAMEEP.asm, and BadPage.asm), added eep segment offsets. Remove duplicate defs 8259Mas, 8259Slv, also Ctl and IntCtl...
;	JPM    	  6-Jul-85 10:36:35	:Add i80186Flags (from HardOpie).
;	JPM    	  2-Jul-85  8:09:55	:Add i8274VarVect.
;	JPM    	 25-Jun-85 16:56:49	:Take out software-determined EEProm constants (except byte/word flag for IOPKernl).
;	KEK	 19-Jun-85 13:29:31	:add in EEProm section, containing old EEPDefs.asm and HardEEP.asm.
;	JPM    	 30-May-85 16:53:35	:change i8259MasterICW3 for B0.
;	KEK	 21-May-85 11:04:37	:add DisplayTypePort and DisplayTypeMask.
;	KEK	 25-Apr-85 16:10:33	:more 8274 defs (used by IOPInit). Corrected 18259OptionsSlaveICW2 vector number. add some i8259OptionsSlave defs.
;	KEK	  5-Mar-85 11:18:16	:add ETCH TWO comment (WriteCtlReg defs).
;	KEK	  26-Feb-85 21:00:32	:Add machine distinguishing constants, retraceLatch port constant, add 8274 equates.
;	VXS     15-Nov-84 12:06:42	:Add symbols for Control Register.
;	VXS      7-Nov-84 13:33:59	:Remove ClearResetsMask
;	VXS      5-Nov-84 15:44:53	:Add defs for daybreak map register numbers
;	VXS     11-Oct-84 10:07:23	:Add Device Reset information
;	VXS      9-Oct-84 11:52:19	:Changed FDCDMADataReg to base+4 - 6 works too, but it decodes the bits seperately anyway.
;	VXS      4-Oct-84 14:41:15	:Add daybreakMapIOAddressBase
;	VXS      3-Oct-84 16:59:26	:Added FloppyTimer, since the timer is hardwired to timer 1.
;	VXS      1-Oct-84 18:46:27	:Added definitions for Floppy DMA (uses internal 186 DMA controller)
;	VXS     17-Sep-84 14:05:10	:Change def of TRUE to -1 instead of 0FFFF so that can use it for bytes
;	FXB   	15-Aug-84 16:29:29	:Made changes for Rev 0G002 for AKTsang
;	VXS      6-Aug-84 18:30:34	:Add OptionsSlaveInServiceRegAddr
;	VXS      6-Aug-84 12:53:55	:Use new symbols instead of *CtlrBase ones
;	VXS      3-Aug-84 18:54:20	:Added def for 8259 masterInServceRegAddr
;	VXS      3-Aug-84 17:52:15	:Added Mas and Slv defs back in as duplicates for compatibility, also Ctl and IntCtl
;	VXS      3-Aug-84 14:08:21	;changed i186*CtlAddr to i186*IntCtlAddr for clarity
;	VXS      3-Aug-84 14:05:39	:Added i186Intrchannelfor*
;	VXS     3-Aug-84 11:49:18	:Changed convention for 8259 expansion from *Exp* to *Optionsslave*
;	VXS     3-Aug-84 11:31:41	:Put in Revision macro, which is documentation of what version of this file and what hardware revision its for
;	VXS     3-Aug-84 10:31:18	:Removed defs specific to chips and moved them to *Defs.asm
;	VXS     3-Aug-84 10:21:15  	:changes *Mas symbols to *Master, *Slv to *Slave
;	FXB     1-Aug-84 16:23:51 	 :added expansion intr cntlr constants
;	JBinkley 22-Jun-84 16:20:40
;	P. PxE  for JBinkley 6-Jun-84 13:49:52
;					:Changed ICW3 to reflect slave mode of 8274
; 					  changed ISR & IRR for 8259 read.
;	JBinkley 20-Apr-84 13:14:22

; updated to RevC Build by JBinkley 12-Apr-84  6:39:12
; first written by JBinkley 21-Oct-83 with Geoff Thompson

; This file defines IO addresses for the Daisy IOP.
; It also includes operation constants for hardware that is central to the system,
; such as the 8259 interrupt controller, the 80186 processor operation constants, etc.
; There are now seperate files for the peripheral chip operating constants, of
; the form <chipname>Defs.asm.

; It should be INCLUDE-ed  in all
;   hardware dependent code modules.

; DO NOT REFER TO "iAPX 86/88, 186/188 User's Manual
;                  Programmer's Reference",   May 1983.
; Refer, instead, to the 186 Application's Note
;     by Ken Shoemaker, March, 1983
;     or to the 186 Data Sheet.

; Conventions for labels:
;	Intn	=	Internal
;	Intr	=	Interrupt
;	Ctl	=	Control
;	Ctlr	=	Controller
; Chip identifiers --
;	i186	=	Intel 80186
;	i8259=	Intel 8259
;	i8251=	Intel 8251
; Normally, each new word in a label occurs with the first character
; capitalized. The exception is when the previous word is all CAPS,
; as in: PACSvalue. (When a name is defined by Intel, we use their
; convention.)


; i80186 Internal Peripheral Control Block  (PCB)

; This section defines the various control register addresses in the
;   80186  on-chip Peripheral Control Block  (PCB)

; After RESET, the relocation reg = 20FFH.  This means the
;   PCB will be mapped into I/O space, &
;   base address of  PCB = 0FF00H.

; PCB can be relocated to any 256-byte boundary.
; For Daisy, the PCB is specified at the upper-most 256 bytes of
;   the I/O space  (i.e., default i186 locations)

PCBbase	EQU	0FF00h

; Chip  Select  Control  Register  Locations
UMCSaddr	EQU	PCBbase + 0A0h	;Upper Mem (ROM) Chip Select
LMCSaddr	EQU	PCBbase + 0A2h	;Lower Mem (RAM) Chip Select
PACSaddr	EQU	PCBbase + 0A4h	;Peripherial Chip Select
					; & PCS 0-3 Ready bits
MMCSaddr	EQU	PCBbase + 0A6h	;Middle Mem (RAM) Chip Select
MPCSaddr	EQU	PCBbase + 0A8h	;Middle Mem Range
					; & PCS 4-6 Ready bits


; Chip  Select  Control  Register  Values

; (See i186ControlBlockProgramming.doc for more detailed documentation)
; See Intel  uP & P Handbook, 1983,  pp.3-39  to 3-43.
; All memory sizes are specified in bytes.

; Upper Memory Chip Select
;   16 KBytes of EPROM, base @ 0FC000h, 0 WS, RDY ignored
UMCSvalue	EQU	0FC3Ch	; ← (0038h -OR- 0004h -OR- FC00h)

; Lower Memory Chip Select
;   16 KBytes of SRAM, base @ 000000h, 0 WS, wait for RDY
LMCSvalue	EQU	003F8h	; ← (0038h -OR- 0000h -OR- 03C0h)

; Middle Memory Chip Select
;   Possible 64 KBytes of SRAM, as 4  16K chunks
;   Only first 16 KBytes chunk is implemented,
;   base @ 010000h, 0 WS, wait for RDY
MMCSvalue	EQU	011F8h	; ← (01F8h -OR- 0000h -OR- 1000h)

; Middle Memory / Peripheral Chip Select
;   Possible 64 KBytes of SRAM, as 4  16K chunks
;   (addresses 010000 to 013FFF installed)
;   7 PCS' lines, mapped into I/O space
;   PCS4-6: 0 WS, RDY ignored
MPCSvalue	EQU	088BCh	; ← (8038h -OR- 0800h -OR- 0080h -OR- 0004h)

; Peripheral Chip Select
;   Base @ 0000H,
;   PCS0-3: 1 WS, RDY ignored
PACSvalue	EQU	0003Dh	; ← (0038h -OR- 0005h -OR- 0000h)


;  Other 80186 Internal Control registers addresses
i186RelocationRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+0FEh	;Relocation Register
i186Timer0IntCtlAddr	EQU	PCBbase+032h	;Timer 0 Interrupt Control Register
i186Timer1IntCtlAddr	EQU	PCBbase+038h	;Timer 1 Interrupt Control Register
i186Timer2IntCtlAddr	EQU	PCBbase+03Ah	;Timer 2 Interrupt Control Register

;Definitions for i186 internal DMA 0

i186DMA0IntCtlAddr	EQU	PCBbase+034h	;DMA 0 Interrupt Control Register
i186DMA0LowSourcePtr	EQU	PCBbase+0C0h	;DMA 0 Low order source pointer
i186DMA0HighSourcePtr	EQU	PCBbase+0C2h	;DMA 0 High order source pointer
i186DMA0LowDestPtr	EQU	PCBbase+0C4h	;DMA 0 Low order destination pointer
i186DMA0HighDestPtr	EQU	PCBbase+0C6h	;DMA 0 High order destination pointer
i186DMA0TransferCount	EQU	PCBbase+0C8h	;DMA 0 transfer count
i186DMA0ControlWord	EQU	PCBbase+0CAh	;DMA 0 control word

;Definitions for i186 internal DMA 0

i186DMA1IntCtlAddr	EQU	PCBbase+036h	;DMA 1 Interrupt Control Register
i186DMA1LowSourcePtr	EQU	PCBbase+0D0h	;DMA 1 Low order source pointer
i186DMA1HighSourcePtr	EQU	PCBbase+0D2h	;DMA 1 High order source pointer
i186DMA1LowDestPtr	EQU	PCBbase+0D4h	;DMA 1 Low order destination pointer
i186DMA1HighDestPtr	EQU	PCBbase+0D6h	;DMA 1 High order destination pointer
i186DMA1TransferCount	EQU	PCBbase+0D8h	;DMA 1 transfer count
i186DMA1ControlWord	EQU	PCBbase+0DAh	;DMA 1 control word

i186IntVectorRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+020h	;Interrupt Vector Register
i186EOIRegAddr		EQU	PCBbase+022h	;Specific EOI Register
i186IntrMaskRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+028h	;Interrupt mask register
i186PriorityMaskAddr	EQU	PCBbase+02Ah	;Priority Level Register
i186InServiceRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+02Ch	;In Service register
i186IntrRequestAddr	EQU	PCBbase+02Eh	;Interrupt Request Register
i186IntrStatusAddr	EQU	PCBbase+030h	;Interrupt Status Register

; 80186 Timer I/O Addresses

i186Timer0MCWAddr	EQU	PCBbase+056h	;Mode/Control Word
i186Timer1MCWAddr	EQU	PCBbase+05Eh	;Mode/Control Word
i186Timer2MCWAddr	EQU	PCBbase+066h	;Mode/Control Word

i186Timer0CountBAddr	EQU	PCBbase+054h	;Max Count B
i186Timer1CountBAddr	EQU	PCBbase+05Ch	;Max Count B

i186Timer0CountAAddr	EQU	PCBbase+052h	;Max Count A
i186Timer1CountAAddr	EQU	PCBbase+05Ah	;Max Count A
i186Timer2CountAAddr	EQU	PCBbase+062h	;Max Count A

i186Timer0CountRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+050h	;Count Reg
i186Timer1CountRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+058h	;Count Reg
i186Timer2CountRegAddr	EQU	PCBbase+060h	;Count Reg


; 80186 Internal Control registers values

i186RelocationRegvalue	EQU	060FFh	;RMX mode & default location
i186IntrVectorRegvalue	EQU	0038h	;Vectors types start at 038h

;The following channel requirements are imposed by the 186 hardware in iRMX mode.

i186IntrChannelforTimer0	EQU	0
i186IntrChannelforDMA0		EQU	2
i186IntrChannelforDMA1		EQU	3
i186IntrChannelforTimer1	EQU	4
i186IntrChannelforTimer2	EQU	5

i186IntrMaskforTimer0	EQU	NOT(1 SHL i186IntrChannelforTimer0)
i186IntrMaskforDMA0	EQU	NOT(1 SHL i186IntrChannelforDMA0)
i186IntrMaskforDMA1	EQU	NOT(1 SHL i186IntrChannelforDMA1)
i186IntrMaskforTimer1	EQU	NOT(1 SHL i186IntrChannelforTimer1)
i186IntrMaskforTimer2	EQU	NOT(1 SHL i186IntrChannelforTimer2)

; EOI Commands for internal interrupt controller

i186EOItimer0		EQU	i186IntrChannelforTimer0
i186EOIdma0		EQU	i186IntrChannelforDMA0
i186EOIdma1		EQU	i186IntrChannelforDMA1
i186EOItimer1		EQU	i186IntrChannelforTimer1
i186EOItimer2		EQU	i186IntrChannelforTimer2


;80186 Flag structure

i80186Flags	RECORD	reserved15to12:4, i80186OF:1, i80186DF:1, i80186IF:1,
&			i80186TF:1, i80186SF:1, i80186ZF:1, reserved5:1,
&			i80186AF:1, reserved3:1, i80186PF:1, reserved1:1,
&			i80186CF:1
		PURGE	reserved15to12, reserved5, reserved3, reserved1


; Peripherial  Device  Base  Addresses
;   Peripherial Chip Selects are mapped into I/O space
;   and start at address 0000H.
;  Note : Base address of PCS's must be an integer multiple of 1K.

PCSBase	EQU	0h		; defined in PACS
PCS0Base	EQU	PCSBase + 0h
PCS1Base	EQU	PCSBase + 080h
PCS2Base	EQU	PCSBase + 100h
PCS3Base	EQU	PCSBase + 180h
PCS4Base	EQU	PCSBase + 200h
PCS5Base	EQU	PCSBase + 280h
PCS6Base	EQU	PCSBase + 300h

; ---------------------------------------------------

; PCS.0'  --  used for Peripherial Controllers,  1 w.s.
;   (8 bit Data Bus Devices)

; --- new names as of August 3, 1984 ---

i8259MasterBase	EQU	PCS0Base + 00h	;A6-A4 = 0
i8259SlaveBase	EQU	PCS0Base + 10h	;A6-A4 = 1
i8254Base	EQU	PCS0Base + 20h	;A6-A4 = 2
i8251Base	EQU	PCS0Base + 30h	;A6-A4 = 3
i8274DCommBase	EQU	PCS0Base + 40h	;A6-A4 = 4
i8272Base	EQU	PCS0Base + 50h	;A6-A4 = 5
i8259OptionsSlaveBase	EQU	PCS0Base + 60h	;A6-A4 = 6
i8255Base		EQU	PCS0Base + 70h	;A6-A4 = 7

; ---------------------------------------------------

; PCS.1'  --  used for miscellaneous I/O,  0 w.s.
;   (16 bit Data Bus Devices)

DisplayTypePort	EQU	0ECCCH		;read this to get display size data
DisplayTypeMask	EQU	01H		;if bit0 = 0,then 19" display else 15".

ReadInputPort	EQU	PCS1Base + 0h		;A6-A4 = 000b, R --80h
ReadHostProm	EQU	PCS1Base + 10h		;A6-A4 = 001b, R --90h
ClrRingLatch	EQU	PCS1Base + 20h		;A6-A4 = 010b, R --A0h
ClrMesaIntr	EQU	PCS1Base + 30h		;A6-A4 = 011b, R --B0h
ClrENetIntr	EQU	PCS1Base + 40h		;A6-A4 = 100b, R --C0h
ClrRetraceIntr	EQU	PCS1Base + 50h		;A6-A4 = 101b, R --D0h

;a word IN instruction to this port will address the arbiter:

ArbCmdBase	EQU	PCS1Base + 70h		;A6-A4 = 111b, R --Fxh

;The arbiter control will accept any combination of the bits below, and perform
; the multiple functions specified:

AllowPCCmdOffset	EQU	08H		;add this to ArbCmdBase
AllowRDCmdOffset	EQU	04H		;add this to ArbCmdBase
HoldIOPCmd		EQU	02H		;add this to ArbCmdBase

WriteCtlReg	EQU	PCS1Base + 0h		;A6-A4 = 000b, W --80h
  CRSpeakerData			EQU	8000H
  CREnableTimer0		EQU	4000H
  CRFDDMotorOn			EQU	2000H
  CRFDDInUse			EQU	1000H
  CRTimer1GenerateFloppyTC	EQU	0800H
  CREEPromAccess		EQU	0400H
  CRRS232AInternalClock		EQU	0200H
  CRRS232BEnableClockSend	EQU	0100H
;ETCH TWO DEFS! (some are already defined by the ETCH ONE defs above)
  CRNotBlockSysMem		EQU	8000H	;'1 enables memory!
; CREnableTimer0		EQU	4000H
; CRFDDMotorOn			EQU	2000H
; CRFDDInUse			EQU	1000H
; CRTimer1GenerateFloppyTC	EQU	0800H
  CRFDDLowSpeed			EQU	0400H	;low = '1, hi = '0
; CRRS232AInternalClock		EQU	0200H
; CRRS232BEnableClockSend	EQU	0100H
  CRDriveSel3			EQU	0080H
  CRDriveSel2			EQU	0040H
  CRDriveSel1			EQU	0020H
  CRDriveSel0			EQU	0010H
  CRSelect250KbDataRate		EQU	0008H	;signal "5H/8L"
  CRPcomp2			EQU	0004H
  CRPcomp1			EQU	0002H
  CRPcomp0			EQU	0001H
  CRFloppyMask			EQU	3CFFH
WriteLED	EQU	PCS1Base + 10h		;A6-A4 = 001b, W --90h
ENetAttn	EQU	PCS1Base + 20h		;A6-A4 = 010b, W --A0h
WriteCSReg	EQU	PCS1Base + 30h		;A6-A4 = 011b, W --B0h
WriteResetReg	EQU	PCS1Base + 40h		;A6-A4 = 100b, W --C0h
WriteConfigReg	EQU	PCS1Base + 50h		;A6-A4 = 101b, W --D0h

allResetBits	EQU	07FFH		;All bits

;The following constant is used for a LOOP $ between clearing the reset bit
; for a device and setting it again to ensure that the reset signal is held
; low for the proper amount of time. It should be adjusted so that the device
; with the longest reset time is accounted for.

clocksPerusec			EQU	8	;running at 8MHz
clocksPerLOOP			EQU	16D	;from Intel handbook

usecsPerLOOP			EQU	clocksPerLOOP/clocksPerusec

maximumResetDelayinusecs	EQU	32D	;twice the floppy's requirement.
maximumResetDelayCount		EQU	maximumResetDelayinusecs/usecsPerLOOP

;Here are the individual device reset bit masks.

resetEthernetController		EQU	1
resetRS232CController		EQU	2
resetFloppyController		EQU	4
resetKeyboardUART		EQU	8
resetUmbilicalController	EQU	10h
resetKeyboardController		EQU	20h
resetMesaProcessor		EQU	40h
resetPCProcessor		EQU	80h
resetDiskController		EQU	100h
resetDiskDMAController		EQU	200h
resetExpansionChannel		EQU	400h

;Here are some composite device reset masks.

resetKeyboardHardware	EQU	resetKeyboardUART + resetKeyboardController
resetDiskHardware	EQU	resetDiskController + resetDiskDMAController


; Interrupt  Controller -- Master i8259A

; [Programming information on Page 2-120 of
; the Intel '84 Microsystem Components Handbook]


i8259MasterAddr0	EQU	i8259MasterBase +0h	;A1 = 0
i8259MasterAddr1	EQU	i8259MasterBase +2h	;A1 = 1

i8259MasterInServiceRegAddr	EQU	i8259MasterAddr0
					;OCW3 (A1=0) is in-service register when i8259ISRread
					; is given

i8259MasterRequestRegAddr	EQU	i8259MasterAddr0
					;OCW3(A1=0) is also interrupt request register when
					; i8259IRRread is given

i8259MasterMaskRegAddr		EQU	i8259MasterAddr1
					;This is always the mask register (read from where its written)

i8259MasterICW1	EQU	011h	;ICW1, edge triggered, cascade mode, ICW4 needed
i8259MasterICW2	EQU	020h	;interrupt types 20h-27h
%IF(%i8274NonVectored) THEN (
i8259MasterICW3 	EQU	060H	;i8274 not a slave in non-vectored mode
) ELSE (
i8259MasterICW3 	EQU	070H	;IR4 - slave i8274 --for ETCH TWO!!!
;i8259MasterICW3 	EQU	0E8h	;IR3 - slave i8274 --for ETCH ONE!!!
) FI
				;IR5 - slave i8259
				;IR6 - slave i80186
				;IR7 - slave expansion slot -- for ETCH ONE!!!
i8259MasterICW4	EQU	011h	;SFNM, Not Buffered, Normal EOI, 86/88 mode

i8259MasterOCW1	EQU	0FFh	;Nothing is enabled
i8259MasterOCW2	EQU	0C7h	;IR7 has lowest priority
i8259MasterOCW3	EQU	008h	;Not special mask mode
i8259MasterDebuggerInEOI EQU 61h  ;specific EOI for debugger Int Handler

i8259AllEnabled 	EQU	00000000B ;All interrupts are enabled...
i8259AllInhibited	EQU	0FFh	;All interrupts are inhibited...
i8259EnableIR0		EQU	0FEh	;Enable IR0 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR1		EQU	0FDh	;Enable IR1 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR2		EQU	0FBh	;Enable IR2 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR3		EQU	0F7h	;Enable IR3 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR4		EQU	0EFh	;Enable IR4 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR5		EQU	0DFh	;Enable IR5 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR6		EQU	0BFh	;Enable IR6 (for OCW1)
i8259EnableIR7		EQU	07Fh	;Enable IR7 (for OCW1)

i8259EOIforIR0		EQU	060h	;Specific EOI for IR0 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR1		EQU	061h	;Specific EOI for IR1 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR2		EQU	062h	;Specific EOI for IR2 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR3		EQU	063h	;Specific EOI for IR3 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR4		EQU	064h	;Specific EOI for IR4 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR5		EQU	065h	;Specific EOI for IR5 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR6		EQU	066h	;Specific EOI for IR6 (for OCW2)
i8259EOIforIR7		EQU	067h	;Specific EOI for IR7 (for OCW2)

i8259EOINonSpecific	EQU	20h	;Non-specific EOI for 8259s

i8259ISRread		EQU	00Bh	;Read In-Service-Register on
					;next Rd pulse (for OCW3)
i8259IRRread		EQU	00Ah	;Read Intr-Request-Register on
					;next pulse Rd pulse (for OCW3)
;To read IMR of i8259, set A1 = 1


; Interrupt  Controller -- Slave i8259A

; [Programming information on Page 2-120 of
; the Intel '84 Microsystem Components Handbook]

i8259SlaveAddr0	EQU	i8259SlaveBase +0h	;A1 = 0
i8259SlaveAddr1	EQU	i8259SlaveBase +2h	;A1 = 1
i8259SlaveICW1	EQU	011h	;ICW1, edge triggered, cascade mode, ICW4 needed
i8259SlaveICW2	EQU	030h	;interrupt types 30h-37h
i8259SlaveICW3 	EQU	005h	;This slave is connected to IR5 of the master
i8259SlaveICW4	EQU	001h	;not SFNM, Not Buffered, Normal EOI, 86/88 mode

i8259SlaveOCW1	EQU	0FFh	;Nothing is enabled
i8259SlaveOCW2	EQU	0C7h	;IR7 has lowest priority
i8259SlaveOCW3	EQU	008h	;Not special mask mode

i8259SlaveInServiceRegAddr	EQU	i8259SlaveAddr0
					;OCW3 (A1=0) is in-service register when i8259ISRread
					; is given

i8259SlaveRequestRegAddr	EQU	i8259SlaveAddr0
					;OCW3(A1=0) is also interrupt request register when
					; i8259IRRread is given

i8259SlaveMaskRegAddr		EQU	i8259SlaveAddr1
					;This is always the mask register (read from where its written)


; Interrupt  Controller -- Expansion slot i8259A

; [Programming information on Page 2-120 of
; the Intel '84 Microsystem Components Handbook]

i8259OptionsSlaveAddr0	EQU	i8259OptionsSlaveBase +0h	;A1 = 0
i8259OptionsSlaveAddr1	EQU	i8259OptionsSlaveBase +2h	;A1 = 1

i8259OptionsSlaveICW1	EQU	013h	;ICW1, edge triggered, single, ICW4 needed
i8259OptionsSlaveICW2	EQU	000h	;no interrupt vector generated
;i8259OptionsSlaveICW3 ******** not used *********
i8259OptionsSlaveICW4	EQU	001h	;not SFNM, Not Buffered, Normal EOI, 86/88 mode
i8259Poll	EQU	00CH		;i8259 in poll mode

i8259OptionsSlaveOCW1	EQU	0FFh	;Nothing is enabled
i8259OptionsSlaveOCW2	EQU	0C7h	;IR7 has lowest priority
i8259OptionsSlaveOCW3	EQU	008h	;Not special mask mode

i8259OptionsSlaveInServiceRegAddr	EQU	i8259OptionsSlaveAddr0
					;OCW3 (A1=0) is in-service register when i8259ISRread
					; is given

i8259OptionsSlaveRequestRegAddr	EQU	i8259OptionsSlaveAddr0
					;OCW3(A1=0) is also interrupt request register when
					; i8259IRRread is given

i8259OptionsSlaveMaskRegAddr	EQU	i8259OptionsSlaveAddr1
					;This is always the mask register (read from where its written)

;-- This section is for Daybreak dependent hardware parameters.
daybreakMapIOAddressBase	EQU	0E010H
	daybreakMapRegisterNumberBase	EQU	0
daybreakMapIOAddressPCBase	EQU	0E010H
	daybreakMapRegisterNumberPCBase	EQU	daybreakMapRegisterNumberBase
daybreakMapIOAddressIOPBase	EQU	0E018H
	daybreakMapRegisterNumberIOPBase	EQU	8

;-- This section defines IOP device addresses.
;-- Device control symbols appear in the respective definitions file for the
;--  device.

;  Intel (i8251)
KeyBdUartData		EQU	i8251Base + 0h	;A1 = 0, R/W
KeyBdUartCtl		EQU	i8251Base + 2h	;A1 = 1, W
KeyBdUartStatus		EQU	i8251Base + 2h	;A1 = 1, R


;Timers  (i8254)

; [Programming information on Page 2- of
; the Intel '84 Microsystem Components Handbook]

i8254Count0	EQU	i8254Base + 0h	;A2-A1 = 00h, R/W
i8254Count1	EQU	i8254Base + 2h	;A2-A1 = 01h, R/W
i8254Count2	EQU	i8254Base + 4h	;A2-A1 = 10h, R/W
i8254Ctlr	EQU	i8254Base + 6h	;A2-A1 = 11h, W


; RS232C Channels (i8274)

; [Programming information on Page ???]

i8274DCommADataAddr	EQU	i8274DCommBase + 0h	;A2-A1 = 00b
i8274DCommACtlrAddr	EQU	i8274DCommBase + 4h	;A2-A1 = 10b
i8274DCommBDataAddr	EQU	i8274DCommBase + 2h	;A2-A1 = 01b
i8274DCommBCtlrAddr	EQU	i8274DCommBase + 6h	;A2-A1 = 11b

i8274WriteRegister0	EQU	0
i8274WriteRegister1	EQU	1
i8274WriteRegister2	EQU	2
i8274WriteRegister3	EQU	3
i8274WriteRegister4	EQU	4
i8274WriteRegister5	EQU	5
i8274WriteRegister6	EQU	6
i8274WriteRegister7	EQU	7
i8274ReadRegister0	EQU	0
i8274ReadRegister1	EQU	1
i8274ReadRegister2	EQU	2

i8274EOIPort		EQU	i8274DCommACtlrAddr
i8274EOICommand		EQU	038h			;can only be sent to chA.
i8274RstChannelCommand	EQU	18H
i8274RstRxCRCCommand	EQU	50H
i8274RstTXCRCCommand	EQU	90H
i8274RstIntrCommand	EQU	010h			;for either ch.
i8274RstErrorCommand	EQU	030h			;for either ch.
%IF(%i8274NonVectored) THEN (
i8274OpieInitCommand	EQU	00010100B		;RTS',non-vectored, 8086 mode,
					;  Rx* priority, both interrupt run.
) ELSE (
i8274OpieInitCommand	EQU	00110100B		;RTS',vectored, 8086 mode,
					;  Rx* priority, both interrupt run.
) FI
i8274VarVect		EQU	04H			;WR1, ch. B: variable vectored interrupts


; Burdock Umbilical Port (i8255)

; [Programming information on
; the Intel '82 Data Component Catalog]

i8255portA	EQU	i8255Base+0h	;(R,W)
i8255portB	EQU	i8255Base+2h	;(R,W)
i8255portC	EQU	i8255Base+4h	;(R,W)
i8255ctl	EQU	i8255Base+6h	;(W only) mode instruction, bit set/reset


; Floppy Disc Controller (i8272)
; [Programming information on Page 9-146 of
; the Intel '82 Data Component Catalog]

FDCStatusReg		EQU	i8272Base + 0h		;A1 = 0
FDCDataReg		EQU	i8272Base + 2h		;A1 = 1
FDCDMADataReg		EQU	i8272Base + 4h		;A2, A1 = 1, 0
FDCMotorPort		EQU	WriteCtlReg		;its in the general control register

;Timer 1 external clock is connected to FDC

FloppyTimerMCWAddr	EQU	i186Timer1MCWAddr	;Timer 1 is used by Floppy.
FloppyTimerMaxCountReg	EQU	i186Timer1CountAAddr	;Timer 1 is used by Floppy.
FloppyTimerCountReg	EQU	i186Timer1CountRegAddr	;Timer 1 is used by Floppy.
FloppyTimerIntCntrlReg	EQU	i186Timer1IntCtlAddr	;Timer 1 is used by Floppy.

;Definitions for 186 DMA controller connected to floppy disk:

FloppyDMAIntCtlAddr	EQU	i186DMA0IntCtlAddr	;DMA 0 Interrupt Control Register
FloppyDMALowSourcePtr	EQU	i186DMA0LowSourcePtr	;DMA 0 Low order source pointer
FloppyDMAHighSourcePtr	EQU	i186DMA0HighSourcePtr	;DMA 0 High order source pointer
FloppyDMALowDestPtr	EQU	i186DMA0LowDestPtr	;DMA 0 Low order destination pointer
FloppyDMAHighDestPtr	EQU	i186DMA0HighDestPtr	;DMA 0 High order destination pointer
FloppyDMATransferCount	EQU	i186DMA0TransferCount	;DMA 0 transfer count
FloppyDMAControlWord	EQU	i186DMA0ControlWord	;DMA 0 control word

;ResetFDC		EQU	PCS1Base + 4h		See Above...
;ResetFDCnRS232	EQU	PCS1Base + 4h		See Above...


; Ethernet controller equates (i82586)
; (Fill in later...)

; Processor Interrupt Source types

; Constant Equates
; System memory sizes
OneK		EQU	1024		;Used for calculations
LowRamStart	EQU	0		;Start at Absolute 0
LowRamSize	EQU	16*OneK		;16K bytes (16384d=04000h)
MidRamStart	EQU	01000h		;Start at Address 010000
MidRamSize	EQU	16*OneK		;16K bytes (16384d=04000h)
StackSize	EQU	256		;256 bytes (100h)
RomStart	EQU	0FC00h		;Start at absolute FFC00h
RomSize	EQU	16*OneK		;16K bytes (16384d=04000h)
NumOfInterrupts	EQU	256		;256 Interrupt Types

; EEProm Definitions:

;ETCH ONE/HYBRID Data for WriteConfigReg (from HardDefs)
;EEPEnable		EQU	8000H
;EEPWriteDataMask	EQU	1000H
;EEPClk			EQU	0100H

;ETCH TWO Data for WriteConfigReg (from HardDefs)
EEPEnable		EQU	1000H
EEPWriteDataMask	EQU	8000H
EEPClk			EQU	2000H

;Data for ReadInputReg (from HardDefs)
EEPReadDataMask		EQU	0800H
EEPStatusReady		EQU	0800H

;Command codes
EEPCmdRead		EQU	80H	;10aaaaaa, where aaaaaa = word address
EEPCmdWrite		EQU	40H	;01aaaaaa
EEPCmdErase		EQU	0C0H	;11aaaaaa
EEPCmdEWEnable		EQU	30H	;0011xxxx, where xxxx = don't care
EEPCmdEWDisable		EQU	00H	;0000xxxx
EEPCmdReset		EQU	20H	;0010xxxx

;Word or byte offset constants

bytesInEEProm		EQU	128

byteEEPromOffset	EQU	0000H
wordEEPromOffset	EQU	0100H

;Segment offset constants (high byte must be 00/10/20H shl'ed by 1 for IOPKernl)

ROMsegment		EQU	0000H
RAMSegment		EQU	2000H
badPageSegment		EQU	4000H

; Daisy Daybreak Distinction:

machineIDPort	EQU	0080H		;query here to get a machine ID.
machineIDMask	EQU	0060H		;only these 2 bits hold the ID.
Daisy		EQU	0020H		;machine ID = this if Daisy.
Daybreak	EQU	0060H		;machine ID = this if Daybreak.


;	End of HardDefs