This window is logged on DFTool.log.

BringOver started at  6-Jan-87 15:30:38 PST

BringOver of LispDove.df

[Pogo:PARC:Xerox]UCode/Dove/Public/LispDove.db!23 (11-Dec-86 11:36:18 PST)
	to new file LispDove.db? Always -  Yes...82510 bytes.

[Pogo:PARC:Xerox]UCode/Dove/Lisp/Private/MakeDoveMicroboot.bcd!3 (20-Nov-86 11:46:54 PST)
	to older file MakeDoveMicroboot.bcd (27-Oct-86 16:33:39 PST) Yes...36614 bytes.

[Pogo:PARC:Xerox]UCode/DF/LispDaybreakCPMicrocode.df!25 (11-Dec-86 14:17:58 PST)
	to new file <Tajo>DF>LispDaybreakCPMicrocode.df Yes...5607 bytes.

Nested BringOver of LispDaybreakCPMicrocode.df (with Using list)

[Pogo:PARC:Xerox]UCode/DoveCP/Lisp/Friends/dbLisp4K.fb!19 (11-Dec-86 11:17:53 PST)
	to older file dbLisp4K.fb (10-Nov-86 12:08:35 PST) Yes...63208 bytes.

[Pogo:PARC:Xerox]UCode/DoveCP/Lisp/Friends/dbLispB0.fb!16 (11-Dec-86 11:25:54 PST)
	to older file dbLispB0.fb (10-Nov-86 12:15:08 PST) Yes...62200 bytes.

[Pogo:PARC:Xerox]UCode/DoveCP/Lisp/Friends/dbLispB1.fb!16 (11-Dec-86 11:33:04 PST)
	to new file dbLispB1.fb Yes...48344 bytes.
End of nested BringOver of LispDaybreakCPMicrocode.df

Nested BringOver of LispDoveIOPIntegration.df (with Using list)
End of nested BringOver of LispDoveIOPIntegration.df

[Pebbles:OSBU North:Xerox]WMicroTools/DF/MakeDoveMicroBoot.df!8 (20-Nov-86 13:19:51 PST)
	to new file <Tajo>DF>MakeDoveMicroboot.df Yes...1792 bytes.

Nested BringOver of MakeDoveMicroboot.df (with Using list)
End of nested BringOver of MakeDoveMicroboot.df

[BamBam:OSBU North:Xerox]WMicro/DF/AllocSegs.df!18 (14-Nov-86 15:43:07 PST)
	to new file <Tajo>DF>AllocSegs.df Yes...3928 bytes.

Nested BringOver of AllocSegs.df (with Using list)

[BamBam:OSBU North:Xerox]WMicro/Dove/AllocSgs.loc!19 ( 7-Nov-86 21:58:18 PST)
	to older file AllocSgs.loc (24-Oct-86 13:48:56 PDT) Yes...114298 bytes.
End of nested BringOver of AllocSegs.df

[BamBam:OSBU North:Xerox]WMicro/DF/ExtendOpie.df!4 (28-Oct-86 18:18:53 PST)
	to new file <Tajo>DF>ExtendOpie.df Yes...1270 bytes.

Nested BringOver of ExtendOpie.df (with Using list)
End of nested BringOver of ExtendOpie.df

[BamBam:OSBU North:Xerox]WMicro/DF/KeyboardMouseHandlerDove.df!3 ( 7-Sep-86 19:22:46 PDT)
	to new file <Tajo>DF>KeyboardMouseHandlerDove.df Yes...2316 bytes.

Nested BringOver of KeyboardMouseHandlerDove.df (with Using list)
End of nested BringOver of KeyboardMouseHandlerDove.df

[BamBam:OSBU North:Xerox]WMicro/DF/MoveSegs.df!1 (27-Feb-86 12:47:24 PST)
	to new file <Tajo>DF>MoveSegs.df Yes...1250 bytes.

Nested BringOver of MoveSegs.df (with Using list)
End of nested BringOver of MoveSegs.df
End of BringOver of LispDove.df
12 files retrieved.

Total elapsed time for BringOver 00:03:27.