(FILECREATED "25-Jun-84 18:23:38" {PHYLUM}<BLUEBONNET>DMRUSSELL>PPFNS.;8 10172 changes to: (VARS PPFNS) (FNS PPKernel PPKernelEntry PPPlan PPPlanStep PPDeriver) previous date: "13-Jun-84 11:49:36" {PHYLUM}<BLUEBONNET>DMRUSSELL>PPFNS.;6) (PRETTYCOMPRINT PPFNSCOMS) (RPAQQ PPFNSCOMS ((LOCALVARS constraint DER exp HU JOB JPF l lmargin PG rcol SI Wfflist) (FNS * PPFNS))) (DECLARE: DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY (LOCALVARS constraint DER exp HU JOB JPF l lmargin PG rcol SI Wfflist) ) (RPAQQ PPFNS (PPConstraint PPCopyJob PPDerivation PPDeriver PPHelpUnit PPKernel PPKernelEntry PPJobPanelField PPPlan PPPlanGenerator PPPlanStep PPSelectableItem ReadableWff WffList)) (DEFINEQ (PPConstraint [LAMBDA (constraint lmargin) (* edited: "13-Jun-84 10:08") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 12))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "normalForm" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (for l in (fetch normalForm of constraint) collect (WffList l)) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "wff" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (ReadableWff (fetch (Constraint wff) of constraint) rcol)) T .TAB0 lmargin "label" .TAB rcol (fetch label of constraint) T .TAB0 lmargin "text" .TAB rcol (fetch (Constraint text) of constraint) T]) (PPCopyJob [LAMBDA (JOB) (* edited: "10-Jun-84 15:58") (for NAME in (QUOTE (#OfCopySheets #OfOriginalSheets Collate CopiesOnStandardPaper CopiesTooThickToStaple CopyBrightness InputProcessor NumberOfCopies OriginalTooThick OriginalsBound OriginalsOnStandardPaper OriginalsPaperTooFragileOrThick OriginalsStandardSize OriginalsTooLarge OriginalsTooSmall Reduction Staple TwoSidedCopies TwoSidedOriginals Unbindable descriptionPanel removedAssertions plan timeEstimate)) do (PRIN1 NAME) (TAB 35 1) [PRIN1 (EVAL (LIST (QUOTE fetch) (LIST (QUOTE CopyJob) NAME) (QUOTE of) (QUOTE JOB] (TERPRI)) (printout T "relevantFields" 35 # (PRINTDEF (fetch (CopyJob relevantFields) of JOB) 35) T "derivations" 35 # (for dr in (fetch (CopyJob derivations) of JOB) do (PPDerivation dr 35)) "planGenerator" 35 # (PPPlanGenerator (fetch (CopyJob planGenerator) of JOB) 35]) (PPDerivation [LAMBDA (DER lmargin) (* edited: "10-Jun-84 15:37") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 15))) (with Derivation DER (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "resultField" .TAB rcol resultField T .TAB0 lmargin "resultValue" .TAB rcol resultValue T .TAB0 lmargin "givens" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF givens rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "constraint" .TAB rcol # (PPConstraint constraint rcol]) (PPDeriver [LAMBDA (DER lmargin) (* edited: "22-Jun-84 14:49") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 15))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "field" .TAB rcol (fetch (Deriver field) of DER) T .TAB0 lmargin "otherFields" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (fetch otherFields of DER) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "constraint" .TAB rcol # (PPConstraint (fetch (Deriver constraint) of DER) rcol) .TAB0 lmargin "value" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (ReadableWff (fetch value of DER)) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "compactOr" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (WffList (fetch compactOr of DER)) rcol) T]) (PPHelpUnit [LAMBDA (HU lmargin) (* edited: "11-Jun-84 11:36") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 8))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "wff" .TAB rcol (ReadableWff (fetch (HelpUnit wff) of HU)) T .TAB0 lmargin "changes" .TAB rcol (fetch changes of HU) T .TAB0 lmargin "text" .TAB rcol .PARA rcol 100 (fetch (Paragraph text) of (fetch (HelpUnit text) of HU)) T]) (PPKernel [LAMBDA (kern lmargin) (* edited: "25-Jun-84 16:31") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 10))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "entries" # (for ke in (fetch entries of kern) do (PPKernelEntry ke rcol) (TERPRI)) .TAB0 lmargin "step" .TAB rcol (fetch step of kern]) (PPKernelEntry [LAMBDA (ke lmargin) (* edited: "25-Jun-84 17:43") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 12))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "wff" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (ReadableWff (fetch (KernelEntry wff) of ke)) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "producer" .TAB rcol (fetch producer of ke) T .TAB0 lmargin "assumption" .TAB rcol # [PROG ((a (fetch assumption of ke))) (COND (a (printout T .PARA rcol 100 (fetch (Paragraph text) of a))) (T (PRIN1 NIL] T]) (PPJobPanelField [LAMBDA (JPF lmargin) (* edited: "10-Jun-84 17:42") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 20))) (for name in (QUOTE (unionRegion internalUnionRegion field visibleFlg)) do (TAB lmargin 0) (PRIN1 name) (TAB rcol) [PRIN1 (EVAL (LIST (QUOTE fetch) (LIST (QUOTE JobPanelField) name) (QUOTE of) (QUOTE JPF] (TERPRI)) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "selectedItem" .TAB rcol # (PPSelectableItem (fetch (JobPanelField selectedItem) of JPF) rcol) .TAB0 lmargin "queryItem" .TAB rcol # (PPSelectableItem (fetch (JobPanelField queryItem) of JPF) rcol) .TAB0 lmargin "valueItems" (for SI in (fetch (JobPanelField valueItems) of JPF) do (PPSelectableItem SI rcol) (TERPRI]) (PPPlan [LAMBDA (plan lmargin) (* edited: "25-Jun-84 16:18") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 15))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "initialState" .TAB rcol (fetch initialState of plan) T .TAB0 lmargin "summary" .TAB rcol .PARA rcol 100 (fetch (Paragraph text) of (fetch summary of plan)) T .TAB0 lmargin "goals" .TAB rcol # (PPKernel (fetch (Plan goal) of plan) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "kernels" .TAB rcol # (for ker in (fetch kernels of plan) do (PPKernel ker rcol) (TERPRI)) T .TAB0 lmargin "steps" .TAB rcol # (for s in (fetch steps of plan) do (PPPlanStep s rcol)) T]) (PPPlanGenerator [LAMBDA (PG lmargin) (* edited: "10-Jun-84 15:56") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 20))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "enablingCondition" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (ReadableWff (fetch enablingCondition of PG)) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "advisor" .TAB rcol (fetch advisor of PG) T .TAB0 lmargin "generator" .TAB rcol (fetch generator of PG) T .TAB0 lmargin "parameters" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (fetch parameters of PG) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "timeEstimator" .TAB rcol (fetch timeEstimator of PG) T .TAB0 lmargin "required Resources" .TAB rcol (fetch requiredResources of PG) T]) (PPPlanStep [LAMBDA (pstep lmargin) (* edited: "25-Jun-84 18:18") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 15))) (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "action" .TAB rcol # (PRINTDEF (fetch action of pstep) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "instructions" # (for i in (fetch instructions of pstep) do (printout T .TAB0 rcol .PARA rcol 100 (fetch (Paragraph text) of i) T)) .TAB0 lmargin "kernel" .TAB rcol # (PPKernel (fetch kernel of pstep) rcol) T .TAB0 lmargin "assertions" .TAB rcol # (for ke in (fetch assertions of pstep) do (PPKernelEntry ke rcol) (TERPRI)) .TAB0 lmargin "goal" .TAB rcol (fetch (PlanStep goal) of pstep) T .TAB0 lmargin "help" .TAB rcol # (PROG ((i (fetch (PlanStep help) of pstep))) (COND (i (printout T .PARA rcol 100 (fetch (Paragraph text) of i))) (T (PRIN1 NIL))) (TERPRI)) .TAB0 lmargin "keywords" .TAB rcol (fetch keywords of pstep) T T]) (PPSelectableItem [LAMBDA (SI lmargin) (* edited: "10-Jun-84 18:21") (PROG ((rcol (IPLUS lmargin 15))) [COND ((NOT (type? SelectableItem SI)) (RETURN (printout T .TAB0 lmargin NIL] (printout T .TAB0 lmargin "itemRegion" .TAB rcol (fetch itemRegion of SI) T .TAB0 lmargin "jobPanelField" .TAB rcol (fetch jobPanelField of SI) T .TAB0 lmargin "itemValue" .TAB rcol (fetch itemValue of SI) T .TAB0 lmargin "invertedFlg" .TAB rcol (fetch invertedFlg of SI) T]) (ReadableWff [LAMBDA (exp) (* edited: " 8-Jun-84 17:20") (COND [(type? Wff exp) (CONS (fetch operator of exp) (for oprd in (fetch operands of exp) collect (ReadableWff oprd] (exp]) (WffList [LAMBDA (Wfflist) (* edited: "11-Jun-84 11:05") (for wff in Wfflist collect (ReadableWff wff]) ) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (716 10150 (PPConstraint 726 . 1426) (PPCopyJob 1428 . 2528) (PPDerivation 2530 . 2993) (PPDeriver 2995 . 3767) (PPHelpUnit 3769 . 4266) (PPKernel 4268 . 4650) (PPKernelEntry 4652 . 5272) ( PPJobPanelField 5274 . 6252) (PPPlan 6254 . 7053) (PPPlanGenerator 7055 . 7840) (PPPlanStep 7842 . 9065) (PPSelectableItem 9067 . 9675) (ReadableWff 9677 . 9972) (WffList 9974 . 10148))))) STOP