(FILECREATED "13-Aug-84 16:10:22" {PHYLUM}<BLUEBONNET>DMRUSSELL>NEWPLANS.;1 2333 changes to: (VARS NEWPLANSCOMS NEWPLANFNS) (FNS Plan2To2)) (* Copyright (c) by NIL. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT NEWPLANSCOMS) (RPAQQ NEWPLANSCOMS ((FNS * NEWPLANFNS))) (RPAQQ NEWPLANFNS (Plan2To2)) (DEFINEQ (Plan2To2 [LAMBDA (job) (* edited: "13-Aug-84 16:05") (PROG (steps makeReady setPanel loadRDH1 pushStart1 printingSide1 thankUser) (makeReady ← (PlanMakeReady job)) (setPanel1 ← (PlanPanel job:Collate job:CopyBrightness job:CopiesOnStandardPaper job:NumberOfCopies job:CopyJob.Reduction job:Staple job:TwoSidedCopies job:TwoSidedOriginals)) (loadRDH1 ← (planLoadRDH T T)) (pushStart1 ← (PlanPushStart job:NumberOfCopies <setPanel1 loadRDH1 makeReady>)) [printingSide1 ← (CreatePlanStep (CreateComment (BQUOTE (The back sides of the copies are now being made. Each sheet of the original is being taken into the copier by the RDH, copied once, and returned. When all sheets have been returned, the copy will be put into the output tray.))) [QUOTE (PROGN (thankUser ← (PlanThankYou <printingside1 makeReady>)) (DisplayStopButton) (COND ((MakeReady) (replace Pass1Done of JobState with T] (CreateKernelEntry (QUOTE Pass1Done) (QUOTE (The back sides have now been copied.))) pushStart1 (QUOTE (Copying the back sides)) (QUOTE (OutputTray] (thankUser ← (PlanThankYou <printingside1 makeReady>)) (push steps makeReady setPanel1 loadRDH1 pushStart1 printingSide1 thankUser) (RETURN (create Plan steps ← steps goal ← thankUser:kernel summary ← (create Paragraph text ← (BQUOTE (The copies will be made in two passes. During the first pass, the back sides of the copies will be made. I will then ask you to prepare the copier to do the front sides of the copies.))) initialState ← (QUOTE (Pass1Done CopiesMade]) ) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (323 2311 (Plan2To2 333 . 2309))))) STOP