(FILECREATED "26-JUL-83 17:27:02" {PHYLUM}<FIKES>LISP>STARTBLUEBONNET.;7 2447 changes to: (FNS StartBluebonnet) previous date: "13-MAR-83 23:39:51" {PHYLUM}<FIKES>LISP>STARTBLUEBONNET.;6) (PRETTYCOMPRINT STARTBLUEBONNETCOMS) (RPAQQ STARTBLUEBONNETCOMS ((FNS * STARTBLUEBONNETFNS) (P (LOAD? 'HEADLINE.DCOM)))) (RPAQQ STARTBLUEBONNETFNS (StartBluebonnet)) (DEFINEQ (StartBluebonnet [LAMBDA (initializePanelFlg) (* ref: "26-JUL-83 16:12") (* Start Bluebonnet. If initializePanelFlg is set or CopyJob is unbound, then create a description panel. Otherwise, use CopyJob:descriptionPanel. Reinitialize CopyJob to be the default job. Display the greeting and start button for the user.) (PROG (job) [if ~(BOUNDP (QUOTE CommentWindow)) then CommentWindow←(CREATEW (create REGION LEFT ← 711 BOTTOM ← 400 WIDTH ← 304 HEIGHT ← 400) "Comments") (DSPFONT Gacha12Bold CommentWindow) (WINDOWPROP CommentWindow (QUOTE RIGHTBUTTONFN) (FUNCTION (LAMBDA NIL NIL] (job←(DefineDefaultJob)) (job:descriptionPanel←(if initializePanelFlg or ~(BOUNDP (QUOTE CopyJob)) then (InitiateDescriptionPanel job) else CopyJob:descriptionPanel)) (CopyJob←job) (WINDOWPROP CopyJob:descriptionPanel (QUOTE CopyJob) CopyJob) (CLOSEW CopyJob:descriptionPanel) (CLOSEW CommentWindow) (CLOSEW PROMPTWINDOW) (if BluebonnetTrace then (PAGEHEIGHT 0) else (CARET (QUOTE OFF))) [BILLBOARD (QUOTE (("If you want help using the 8200 copier," NIL) ("push this button to start the" NIL) ("Bluebonnet Expert Help System." NIL] (ADDMENU [create MENU ITEMS ←(QUOTE (("Start" NIL "Release this button to start Bluebonnet"))) ITEMWIDTH ← 100 ITEMHEIGHT ← 100 CENTERFLG ← T MENUOUTLINESIZE ← 30 MENUFONT ←(FONTCREATE (QUOTE (TIMESROMAND 36))) WHENSELECTEDFN ←(FUNCTION (LAMBDA (item menu key) (CLOSE.HEADLINES) (DELETEMENU menu T) (UpdateJobDescriptionPanel CopyJob:descriptionPanel T) (OPENW CommentWindow] NIL (create POSITION XCOORD ← 425 YCOORD ← 300]) ) (LOAD? 'HEADLINE.DCOM) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (397 2402 (StartBluebonnet 407 . 2400))))) STOP