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;;; -*- October 22, 1982 10:58 AM -*-
;;; Deus ex machina for the October 1st reflective processor
;;; ========================================================
;;; The following is a sketch of a 3-LISP implementation in (a subset of) 3-LISP. The
;;; language being implemented is the version of 3-LISP whose reflective processor can
;;; be found in [phylkum]<3-lisp>documentation>processor.bravo.
;;; How to read this program:
The procedures that have familiar names (e.g. normalize, reduce) should be
understood from the same point of view as the procedures in the reflective
;;; "Tower level"?
This phrase is sometimes used to refer to the 3-LISP being implemented.
;;; What is boldface for?
Boldface is used to refer to standard objects of the implementation language
(e.g. define, lambda, simple, let, block, if, cond, scons, +, and a couple more).
All other names are used to refer to implementation level objects that are specific
to the implememtation of the tower; i.e., "1st" refers to the usual 3-LISP kernel
procedure, whereas "1st" refers to the 3-LISP procedure that implements the tower’s
version of it.
;;; What does "@" signify?
When a name begins in "@", it has to do with some sort of implementation
level object that is not the representation of some part of the tower. For example,
"@reflective" is a procedure that returns an implementation-level boolean; "@fun"
is bound to an implementation-level function designator, whereas "fun" would be bound
to a tower-level function closure (i.e. an implementation level representation of a
tower-level closure).
;;; What is the subset of 3-LISP used by the implementation?
It is important to note that this implementation uses only a subset of the capabilities
of the implementation language. This subset is semantially flat and first order; it need
not support tail recursion; all variables used are either local to a procedure or global
to everything.
;;; Why "deus ex machina"?
This term for the implementation seemed appropriate because, from within a 3-LISP
tower, any complete description of the system would have to recognize the existence
of an invisible supreme being that knows how to reduce the primitives.
;;; How does this implementation compare to the one in the thesis?
Very similar. Dialects implemented are quite similar. All error checking has been
removed. Reflective continuations are handled correctly. Token identify of all
processor-created structures consistent with reflective processor. Reducers/appliers
are associated with closures (avoiding costly lookups).
;;; What are "reducers"?
A "reducer" is an implementation level procedures that is associated with a tower
level closure. When the processor wants to reduce a simple closure it calls the
reducer passing it all relevant information. The reducer decides how the reduction
;;; will be done: the slow way (expand the closure), a fast way (shift down), or like
a primitive.
;;; How are reflective continuations handled?
;;; Global variables
;;; ================
;;; There are a small number of global variables that are modified by the running implementation.
;;; They are:
@continuation-stack --- A sequence of continuations for each level above the current level.
@current-level --- Level number at which the implementation is currently running.
@next-fun-to-apply --- Pseudo-parameter to @DEUS.
@next-args-to-apply --- Pseudo-parameter to @DEUS.
@next-result --- Pseudo-result from @DEUS.
@last-fun-applied --- Last function applied (in case of reflective continuations).
@last-args-applied --- Last argument sequence.
;;; @DEUS
;;; =====

@DEUS is the driving loop of this implementation of a 3-LISP tower. Given
function and argument designators in the pseudo-parameters @next-fun-to-apply and
@next-args-to-apply, the function is applied to these arguments.
The receipt of a result means that there is no more work to be done at
the current level; accordingly, the implementation shifts up and hands this result
to a continuation obtained by popping the continuation stack.
(define @DEUS
(lambda simple []
(block (set @last-fun-applied @next-fun-to-apply)
(set @last-args-applied @next-args-to-apply)
(let [[@status ((@applier @next-fun-to-apply) @next-fun-to-apply @next-args-to-apply)]]
(if (= @status ’done)
(block (set @next-fun-to-apply (@overhead-cont))
(set @next-args-to-apply (scons (up @next-result)))
;;; @GO
;;; ===
;;; @GO applies its first argument to the rest of its arguments; i.e. it does an
;;; object language ((1st args) . (rest args));. First, the object language
;;; closure may be reflective, in which case we will shift up and continue processing
;;; from the last processor procedure we entered. Second, not wanting to use the
;;; tail-recursive facet of the implementation language, we will have to return
;;; (into @deus) with an indication that there is still more work to do at the
;;; same level.
(define @GO
(lambda simple @args
(if (@reflective (up (1st @args)))
(@shift-expand-closure @last-fun-applied @last-args-applied)
(block (set @next-fun-to-apply (1st @args))
(set @next-args-to-apply (rest @args))
;;; ==========
;;; @GO-SIMPLE is similar to @GO except that reflective closures are treated as if they
;;; were simple.
(define @GO-SIMPLE
(lambda simple @args
(block (set @next-fun-to-apply (1st @args))
(set @next-args-to-apply (rest @args))
;;; =======
;;; Return to the main loop with a result sequence.
(define @RETURN
(lambda simple @args
(block (set @next-result @args)
;;; =====================
(lambda simple [fun @args]
(let [[cont (@overhead-cont)]]
(block (@shift-up)
(@expand-closure (up fun) (up (@make-sequence @args)) cont)))))
;;; ===============
(lambda simple [proc! args! cont]
(@go normalize-closure
(body proc!)
(bind (pattern proc!) args! (down (cenv proc!)))
;;; =========
(lambda simple [exp env cont]
(cond [(@normal exp) (@go cont exp)]
[(@atom exp)
(if (@reflective (up cont))
(@go cont)
(@go cont (binding exp env)))]
[(@rail exp) (@go normalize-rail-closure exp env cont)]
[(@pair exp) (@go reduce-closure (car exp) (cdr exp) env cont)])))
;;; ======
(define REDUCE
(lambda simple [proc args env cont]
(@go normalize-closure proc env (make-C0 proc args env cont))))
;;; C0
;;; ==
(define C0
(lambda simple [proc! C0-cont]
(let [[args (args-from-C0 C0-cont)]
[env (env-from-C0 C0-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-C0 C0-cont)]]
(if (@reflective proc!)
(@go (down (de-reflect proc!)) args env cont)
(@go normalize-closure args env (make-C1 proc! C0-cont))))))
;;; C1
;;; ==
(define C1
(lambda simple [args! C1-cont]
(let [[proc! (proc!-from-C1 C1-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-C1 C1-cont)]]
((@reducer proc!) proc! args! cont))))
;;; ==============
(lambda simple [rail env cont]
(if (@empty rail)
(@go cont (rcons))
(@go normalize-closure (1st rail) env (make-C2 rail env cont)))))
;;; C2
;;; ==
(define C2
(lambda simple [element! C2-cont]
(let [[rail (rail-from-C2 C2-cont)]
[env (env-from-C2 C2-cont)]]
(@go normalize-rail-closure (rest rail) env (make-C3 element! C2-cont)))))
;;; C3
;;; ==
(define C3
(lambda simple [rest! C3-cont]
(let [[cont (cont-from-C3 C3-cont)]
[element! (element!-from-C3 C3-cont)]]
(if (@reflective (up cont))
(@go cont)
(@go cont (prep element! rest!))))))
;;; End of the reflective processor proper.
;;; =======================================================================================
;;; The following "compiled" object language procedures merely make for a speedier
;;; implementation but are otherwise unnecessary.
;;; Conditionals
;;; ============
(define IF
(lambda simple [premise then else env cont]
(@go normalize-closure premise env (make-CIF premise then else env cont))))
(define CIF
(lambda simple [premise! CIF-cont]
(let [[then (then-from-CIF CIF-cont)]
[else (else-from-CIF CIF-cont)]
[env (env-from-CIF CIF-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-CIF CIF-cont)]]
(@go normalize-closure (ef (down premise!) then else) env cont))))
(define COND
(lambda simple [clauses env cont]
(@go normalize-closure (1st (1st clauses)) env (make-CCOND clauses env cont))))
(define CCOND
(lambda simple [premise! CCOND-cont]
(let [[clauses (clauses-from-CCOND CCOND-cont)]
[env (env-from-CCOND CCOND-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-CCOND CCOND-cont)]]
(cond [(@= (down premise!) $T-value) (@go normalize-closure (2nd (1st clauses)) env cont)]
[(@= (down premise!) $F-value) (@go cond (rest clauses) env cont)]))))
;;; =====
(define BLOCK
(lambda simple [clauses env cont]
(cond [(@empty clauses) (@go cont)]
[(@unit clauses) (@go normalize-closure (1st clauses) env cont)]
[$T (@go normalize-closure (1st clauses) env (make-CBLOCK clauses env cont))])))
(define CBLOCK
(lambda simple [CBLOCK-cont]
(let [[clauses (clauses-from-CBLOCK CBLOCK-cont)]
[env (env-from-CBLOCK CBLOCK-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-CBLOCK CBLOCK-cont)
(@go block-closure (rest clauses) env cont))))
;;; AND and OR
;;; ==========
(define AND
(lambda simple [args env cont]
(if (@empty args)
(@go cont $T-handle)
(@go normalize-closure (1st args) env (make-CAND args env cont)))))
(define CAND
(lambda simple [premise! CAND-cont]
(let [[args (args-from-CAND CAND-cont)]
[env (env-from-CAND CAND-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-CAND CAND-cont)]]
(cond [(@= (down premise!) $T-value) (@go and-closure (rest args) env cont)]
[(@= (down premise!) $F-value) (@go cont $F-handle)]))))
(define OR
(lambda simple [args env cont]
(if (@empty args)
(@go cont $F-handle)
(@go normalize-closure (1st args) env (make-COR args env cont)))))
(define COR
(lambda simple [premise! COR-cont]
(let [[args (args-from-COR COR-cont)]
[env (env-from-COR COR-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-COR COR-cont)]]
(cond [(@= (down premise!) $F-value) (@go or-closure (rest args) env cont)]
[(@= (down premise!) $T-value) (@go cont $T-handle)]))))
;;; Setting of variables
;;; ====================
(define SET
(lambda simple [var binding env cont]
(@go normalize-closure binding env (make-CSET var binding env cont))))
(define CSET
(lambda simple [binding! CSET-cont]
(let [[var (var-from-CSET CSET-cont)]
[env (env-from-CSET CSET-cont)]
[cont (cont-from-CSET CSET-cont)]]
(block (rebind var binding! env)
(@go cont))))))
;;; ==============================================================================
;;; ===================
;;; In principle there is a distinct continuation for each of the infinite number of reflective
;;; levels. However, we do not store them all. We just keep them for all levels between the
;;; current level and the highest level ever reached. That’s what @CONTINUATION-STACK is for.
;;; ==============
;;; If the implementation is running at level
n then @OVERHEAD-CONT will return the
;;; level
n+1 continuation that accuratly reflects what’s pending at that level. If we’ve
;;; never been to this level before, pull one out of thin air.
(lambda simple []
(if (empty @continuation-stack)
(@new-top-level-cont (+ @current-level 1))
(1st @continuation-stack))))
;;; =========
;;; Pretend that we are now playing reflective processor at one level higher than
;;; we were just a moment ago. Adjust the continuation stack so that it accurately
;;; reflects our new stance.
(define @SHIFT-UP
(lambda simple []
(if (empty @continuation-stack)
(set @current-level (+ @current-level 1))
(block (set @current-level (+ @current-level 1))
(set @continuation-stack (rest @continuation-stack))))))
;;; ===========
;;; Pretend that we are going to play reflective processor at one level lower than
;;; we were a moment ago. Save the continuation for our former level on the
;;; continuation stack. Important note: the continuation saved must not be reflective
;;; since that would make life very difficult for @DEUS.
(define @SHIFT-DOWN
(lambda simple [cont]
(block (set @continuation-stack (prep cont @continuation-stack))
(set @current-level (- @current-level 1)))))
;;; ========
;;; @GENESIS starts things off at level 2 with an empty continuation stack ready to enter
;;; READ-NORMALIZE-PRINT with [1 global] as the argument sequence; i.e. as if the following
;;; expression had been entered:
;;; 2> (read-normalize-print 1 global)
;;; This will soon provoke the "1> " prompt and read an expression from the user.
(define @GENESIS
(lambda simple []
(block (set @continuation-stack (scons))
(set @current-level 2)
(set @next-fun-to-apply read-normalize-print-closure)
(set @next-args-to-apply (scons one-value global))
;;; ===================
;;; The tower is allegedly initialized with incantations of the form:
#> (read-normalize-print # global)
;;; .
;;; .
;;; 3> (read-normalize-print 2 global)
;;; 2> (read-normalize-print 1 global)
;;; This would mean that the great flurry of activity at level 1 is driven by the call to
;;; NORMALIZE inside READ-NORMALIZE-PRINT, whose definition is:
(lambda simple [level env]
(block (prompt level)
(map reply (normalize (read) env id*))
(read-normalize-print level env))))
;;; Viewed from one level up, there is always a predictable continuation structure; this procedure
;;; creates these continuations. In what follows, r-n-p-1 refers to the second tail of the rail
;;; [reply (normalize ...)], r-n-p-2 refers to the first tail of it, and r-n-p-3
;;; refers to the first tail of [(prompt ...) (map ...) (read-normalize-print ...)]. These
;;; three variables must be given their values at the beginning of time, based on the
;;; initial body of READ-NORMALIZE-PRINT.
(lambda simple [@level]
(let [[xenv (prep (scons (up level-atom)
(up (make-number @level)))
(prep (scons (up env-atom) (up global))
(make-C2 (up r-n-p-1) xenv
(make-C3 (up reply-closure)
(make-C2 (up r-n-p-2) xenv
(make-C1 (up map-closure)
(make-C0 (up map-atom) (up r-n-p-2) xenv
(make-CBLOCK (up r-n-p-3) xenv
;;; Tables of reducers and appliers
;;; ===============================
;;; With each object language closure we associate a "reducer" and an "applier" ---
;;; implementation language procedures used to do reduce/apply that closure.
;;; @GLOBAL-PROCEDURE is used to create a build-in closure and add a binding to the
;;; shared global environment of the object language. Associated with the closure will
;;; be a pair of (implementation level) procedures called the "reducer" and the "applier".
;;; The "reducer" for a closure is called whenever the processor goes to reduce this closure
;;; with some arguments (see C1). The "applier" for a closure is called whenever the
;;; processor wants to apply the function designated by this closure. The level-shifting
;;; aspects of the implementation are, for the most part, taken care of in these procedures.
;;; We will not give definitions for all of the built-in procedures since this would be
;;; quite unenlightening; instead, we will give some examples and indicate which procedures
;;; fit each mold.
;;; Example 1: An "uncompiled" procedure such as READ-NORMALIZE-PRINT.
(set read-normalize-print-closure
(@global-procedure [’simple] ’n/a
"READ-NORMALIZE-PRINT" "[level env]"
"(block (prompt level)
(map reply (normalize (read) env id*))
(read-normalize-print level env))" ))
; Reducer: @expand-closure
; Applier: @shift-expand-closure
; Similar: PROMPT, REPLY, Z.
;;; Example 2: A primitive such as + that speads its arguments.
(set +-closure
(@global-procedure [’primitive ’simple ’protected ’known] +
"+" "[x y]" "(+ x y)" ))
; Reducer:
lambda simple [proc! args! cont]
(if (@reflective (up cont))
(@go cont)
(@go cont (up (scons (+ (1st (down args!)) (2nd (down args!))))))))
; Applier:
lambda simple [fun @args]
(@return (+ (1st @args) (2nd @args))))
; Similar: All primitives except RCONS and SCONS.
;;; Example 3: A primitive such as RCONS that doesn’t spread its arguments.
(set rcons-closure
(@global-procedure [’primitive ’simple ’protected ’known] +
"RCONS" "x" "(rcons . x)" ))
; Reducer:
lambda simple [proc! args! cont]
(if (@reflective (up cont))
(@go cont)
(@go cont (up (scons (rcons . (spread (down args!))))))))
; Applier:
lambda simple [fun @args]
(@return (rcons . @args)))
; Similar: SCONS.
;;; Example 4: A simple kernel procedure such as NORMALIZE.
(set normalize-closure
(@global-procedure [’simple ’protected ’known ’kernel] normalize
"NORMALIZE" "[exp env cont]"
"(cond [(normal exp) (cont exp)]
[(atom exp) (cont (binding exp env))]
[(rail exp) (normalize-rail exp env cont)]
[(pair exp) (reduce (car exp) (cdr exp) env cont)])" ))
; Reducer:
lambda simple [proc! args! cont]
(if (and (not (@reflective cont)) (@3-args! args!))
(block (@shift-down cont)
(@go-simple (down proc!) (1st (down args!)) (2nd (down args!)) (3rd (down args!))))
(@expand-closure proc! args! cont)))
; Applier:
lambda simple [fun @args]
(if (@3-args @args)
(normalize (1st @args) (2nd @args) (3rd @args))
(@shift-expand-closure fun @args)))
;;; Example 5: A reflective kernel procedure such as IF.
(set if-closure
(@global-procedure [’reflect ’protected ’known ’kernel] if
"IF" "[[premise then else] env cont]"
"(normalize premise env
(lambda simple [premise!]
(normalize (ef \premise! then else) env cont)))" ))
; Reducer: (note that this reducer is associated with a de-reflected version of the
; closure for IF.)
lambda simple [proc! args! cont]
(if (and (not (@reflective cont)) (@3-args! args!) (@if-intact proc!))
(block (@shift-down cont)
(@go-simple (down proc!) (1st (down args!)) (2nd (down args!)) (3rd (down args!))))
(@expand-closure proc! args! cont)))
; Applier:
lamnbda simple [fun @args]
(if (@3/3-args @args)
(if (1st (1st @args)) (2nd (1st @args)) (3rd (1st @args)) (2nd @args) (3rd @args))
(@shift-expand-closure fun @args)))
; Similar: COND, BLOCK, AND, OR, SET.
;;; Example 6: A standard continuation such as C1.
; Reducer:
lambda simple [proc! args! cont]
(if (and (not (@reflective cont)) (@1-args! args!) (@C1-intact proc!))
(block (@shift-down cont)
(@go-simple (down proc!) (1st (down args!))))
(@expand-closure proc! args! cont)))
; Applier:
lambda simple [fun @args]
(if (and (@C1-intact (up fun)) (@1-arg @args))
(C1 (1st @args) fun)
(@shift-expand-closure fun @args)))
; Similar: C0, C2, C3, C4, CIF, COR, CAND, CCOND, CSET, CBLOCK.
;;; Example 7: An "uncompiled" kernel procedure such as LAMBDA.
(set lambda-closure
(@global-procedure [’protected ’reflect] ’n/a
"LAMBDA" "[[kind pattern body} env cont]"
"(reduce kind ↑(scons ↑env pattern body) env cont)" ))
; Reducer: @expand-closure
; Applier: @shift-expand-closure
; Similar: DEFINE, Z, LET, LET*.