(* File: {PHYLUM}NLISP>BEAVER-SUPPORT *) (* Last edited Dec. 14, 1983 by Jim des Rivieres. *) (* Uses: {PHYLUM}LIBRARY>CMLSPECIALFORMS.DCOM *) (* Structural field: Internal representations. Pair (a . b) ("pair" a b) Handle 'a ("quote" a) Numeral 100 100 Boolean T and NIL Rail [a b c] (a b c !.) Atom foo FOO (except T => T.; NIL => NIL.) Name @bar ("name" @BAR) This representation was chosen so that operations on rails are efficient. *) (constants *pair* *quote* *rail* *name* *closure* $t $f) (globalvars nlisp-read-table) (defun initialise-type-tags () (prog () (setq $t t) (setq $f nil) (setq *pair* "pair") (setq *quote* "quote") (setq *rail* '!.) (setq *name* "name"))) (initialise-type-tags) (* These are all constants anyway. *) (* Operations on pairs: pcons, pcar, pcdr, pair?. *) (* No error checking is done. *) (defun pair? (x) (and (listp x) (eq (car x) *pair*))) (defun pcons (a b) (list *pair* a b)) (defun pcar (x) (cadr x)) (defun pcdr (x) (caddr x)) (* Operations on rails: rcons0, prep, first, rest, empty?, rail? *) (* No error checking is done. *) (defmacro rail? (x) (and (listp x) (not (stringp (car x))))) (defmacro rcons0 () (list *rail*)) (cldisable 'first) (* Tell CLISP we want this word. *) (defmacro first (x) (car x)) (defmacro second (x) (cadr x)) (defmacro third (x) (caddr x)) (defmacro rest (x) (cdr x)) (defmacro empty? (x) (eq (car x) *rail*)) (defmacro prep (a b) (cons a b)) (defmacro rlength (x) (sub1 (length x))) (defmacro rail-to-list (x) (for i on x join (if (empty? i) then (list) else (list (first i))))) (defmacro list-to-rail (x) (append x (rcons0))) (* Operations on handles: handle?, up, down. *) (* No error checking is done. *) (defmacro handle? (x) (and (listp x) (eq (car x) *quote*))) (defmacro up (x) (list *quote* x)) (defmacro down (x) (cadr x)) (* Operations on closure skeletons: make-skeleton, spread?, nexpected, start-address, reflective?, variables, comment, source-exp. *) (* No error checking is done. *) (defmacro make-skeleton (reflective spread nexpected variables start-address comment source-exp) (list reflective spread (if (not spread) then 1 else nexpected) variables start-address comment source-exp)) (defmacro reflective? (s) (car s)) (defmacro spread? (s) (cadr s)) (defmacro nexpected (s) (caddr s)) (defmacro variable-list (s) (cadddr s)) (defmacro start-address (s) (cadddr (cdr s))) (defmacro comment (s) (cadddr (cddr s))) (defmacro source-exp (s) (cadddr (cdddr s))) (* Operations on atoms: atom?, acons, make-atom, extract-atom. 3-LISP atoms are represented by the correspondingly-named atoms of the underlying LISP. Two exceptions are T and NIL; they represent $T and $F respectively. Note too that the scheme used here is not entirely correct since some 3-LISP atoms (e.g. 1.500) map to numerals (ATOMS but not LITATOMS). This could be gotten around --- but doesn't seem worth the effort. *) (defmacro atom? (x) (if (and (litatom x) (not (eq x nil)) (not (eq x t))) then t else nil)) (defmacro acons () (gensym "?")) (* make-atom converts a LISP literal atom to 3-LISP, making allowance for t and nil. extract-atom does the converse conversion. *) (defmacro make-atom (x) (if (eq x nil) then (quote %.nil) else (if (eq x t) then (quote %.t) else x))) (defmacro extract-atom (x) (if (eq x (quote %.nil)) then nil else (if (eq x (quote %.t)) then t else x))) (* Operations on names: name?, ncons, make-name, extract-name. 3-LISP names are simply rigid designators of who knows what? *) (defmacro name? (x) (and (listp x) (eq (car x) *name*))) (defmacro ncons () (list *name* (gensym "@"))) (defmacro make-name (x) (list *name* x)) (defmacro extract-name (x) (cadr x)) (* Operations on numerals: numeral?, make-numeral, extract-numeral. 3-LISP numerals are represented by the corresp. numeral (number) in the underlying LISP. *) (defmacro numeral? (x) (if (numberp x) then t else nil)) (defmacro make-numeral (n) n) (defmacro extract-numeral (x) x) (* Operations on booleans: boolean?, make-boolean, extract-boolean. 3-LISP boolean are represented by the atoms T and NIL in the underlying LISP. *) (defmacro boolean? (x) (if (or (eq x t) (eq x nil)) then t else nil)) (defmacro make-boolean (x) (if (eq x nil) then nil else t)) (defmacro extract-boolean (x) x) (* Convenience features: the ability to convert from internal representation of a 3-LISP structure to a LISP s-expr in such a way that they are notationally similar. *) (* Here are some examples of what EXPORT does: 3-LISP notation LISP Approximation --------------- ------------------ 1000, -10 1000, -10 $T, $F $T, $F ABC, FOO, NIL ABC, FOO, NIL [1 2 3], [] (& 1 2 3), (&) (A . B), (A B C) (A &. B), (A B C) '100 (&Q 100) @FOO @FOO {closure} {????} *) (defun export (x) (* x is the internal rep. of a 3-lisp expression. Result is a printable LISP expression that looks like the printable 3-LISP expression in so far as external notation is concerned. *) (cond ((boolean? x) (if x then '$T else '$F)) ((atom? x) (extract-atom x)) ((name? x) (extract-name x)) ((numeral? x) (extract-numeral x)) ((pair? x) (if (rail? (pcdr x)) then (if (empty? (pcdr x)) then (list (export (pcar x))) else (cdr (export-rail (prep (pcar x) (pcdr x))))) else (list (export (pcar x)) '&. (export (pcdr x))))) ((rail? x) (export-rail x)) ((handle? x) (list '&q (export (down x)))) (t (concat "{? " x " ?}")) )) (defun export-rail (x) (cons '& (for e in x until (eq e *rail*) collect (export e)))) (defun import (x) (* IMPORT is the converse of EXPORT. *) (cond ((numberp x) (make-numeral x)) ((eq x '$T) (make-boolean t)) ((eq x '$F) (make-boolean nil)) ((member x '(&q &%. &%] &%;)) (error "syntax error" x)) ((litatom x) (if (eq '@ (nthchar x 1)) then (make-name x) else (make-atom x))) ((listp x) (setq x (remove-commentary x)) (cond ((eq (car x) '&) (import-rail (cdr x))) ((or (eq (car x) '&q) (eq (car x) '%')) (up (import (cadr x)))) ((eq (cadr x) '&.) (pcons (import (car x)) (import (caddr x)))) (t (pcons (import (car x)) (import-rail (cdr x)))))) (t x))) (defun remove-commentary (x) (if (some x (function (lambda (e) (eq (car e) '&%;)))) then (for e in x join (if (and (listp e) (eq (car e) '&%;)) then nil else (list e))) else x)) (defun import-rail (x) (append (for e in x collect (import e)) (rcons0))) (defun build-read-table () (prog () (setq nlisp-read-table (copyreadtable t)) (* disable all characters *) (for i from 0 to 255 do (setsyntax i 'other nlisp-read-table)) (* Make it just the way we want. *) (setsyntax (charcode "(") 'leftparen nlisp-read-table) (setsyntax (charcode ")") 'rightparen nlisp-read-table) (setsyntax (charcode "[") '(macro always nonimmediate noescquote read-open-bracket) nlisp-read-table) (setsyntax (charcode "]") '(macro always nonimmediate noescquote read-close-bracket) nlisp-read-table) (setsyntax (charcode " ") 'seprchar nlisp-read-table) (* SP *) (setsyntax 9 'seprchar nlisp-read-table) (* TAB *) (setsyntax 10 'seprchar nlisp-read-table) (* LF *) (setsyntax 13 'seprchar nlisp-read-table) (* CR *) (setsyntax (charcode "'") '(macro always nonimmediate noescquote read-quote) nlisp-read-table) (setsyntax (charcode ".") '(macro alone nonimmediate noescquote read-dot) nlisp-read-table) (setsyntax (charcode ";") '(macro always nonimmediate noescquote read-comment) nlisp-read-table) (return nil))) (defun read-open-bracket (file read-table) (prog (exp result) (setq result (while (neq '&%] (setq exp (read file read-table))) collect exp)) (return (cons '& result)))) (defun read-close-bracket (file read-table) '&%]) (defun read-quote (file read-table) (prog (following-expression) (setq following-expression (read file read-table)) (return (list '&q following-expression)))) (defun read-dot (file read-table) '&.) (defun read-comment (file read-table) (prog (l) (setq l (cons nil nil)) (while (neq (character 13) (peekc file read-table)) do (tconc l (readc file read-table))) (return (list '&%; (apply (function concat) (car l)))))) (build-read-table) (* It does'nt change. *) STOP