;;; Reads a string (easier to see whats happening)
;;; DIRECTIONS: NEW-READ takes a string and returns a structure
;;; example: (dpc-read "(fact (1- 3))") => '(fact (1- 3))

(set *DELIMITERS* [" " "(" ")" "[" "]"])
(set *NUMERALS* ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0"])
(set *LETTERS* ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m"
                "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"])

;;; tosses away the remainder string

(define NEW-READ 
  (lambda [string] (first (read-expression string))))

;;; Reads an expression from the front of the string
;;; Returns the the structure and the new string

   (lambda [string]
      (let [[string (strip-leading-spaces string)]]
         (select (nth-char 1 string)

  (lambda [string]
    (let [[string (strip-leading-spaces string)]]
      (cond [(= (substring 1 1 string) "[")
             (read-rail string)]
            [(= (substring 1 1 string) "(")
             (read-pair string)]
            [(= (substring 1 1 string) "$")
             (read-boolean string)]
            [(member (substring 1 1 string) *numerals*)
             (read-numeral string)]
            [(member (substring 1 1 string) *letters*)
             (read-atom string)]
            [$T (error "read-expression: unknown expression" string)]))))

;;; returns a sequence of a pair and the new stirng
;;; expects "( ...." as input

(define read-pair
  (lambda [string]
    (letseq [[return (read-expression ;;strip off open paren
                      (substring 2 (string-length string) string))]
             [fn-structure (first return)]
             [new-string (nth 2 return)]]
      (read-pair-collect fn-structure '[] new-string))))

;;;makes paren balancing in the editor more bearable

(define *close-paren-string* ")")

;;;collects arguments for the pair until a close paren is hit
;;;returns a sequence of the pair and the new stirng

(define read-pair-collect
  (lambda [fn-structure arg-rail string]
    (let [[string (strip-leading-spaces string)]]
      (cond [(= (substring 1 1 string) *close-paren-string*)
             (list (pcons fn-structure arg-rail) 
                   (substring 2 (string-length string) string))]
             (letseq [[return (read-expression string)]
                      [arg-structure (first return)]
                      [new-string (nth 2 return)]]
               (read-pair-collect fn-structure (append arg-rail 
                                                    (cons arg-structure '[]))

;;;returns a sequence of a boolean and the new string

(define read-boolean 
  (lambda [string]
    (letseq [[return (read-token string)]
             [boolean-string (first return)]
             [new-string (nth 2 return)]]
      (list (internalize boolean-string) new-string))))

;;;returns a sequence of an atom and the new string

(define read-atom
  (lambda [string]
    (letseq [[return (read-token string)]
             [atom-string (first return)]
             [new-string (nth 2 return)]]
      (list (internalize atom-string) new-string))))

;;;returns a sequence of a rail and the new stirng
;;;first character in string is open bracket

(define read-rail
  (lambda [string]
    ;;;stip off first open bracket
    (read-rail-helper '[] (substring 2 (string-length string) string))))

(define read-rail-helper
  (lambda [rail string]
    (let [[string (strip-leading-spaces string)]]
      (cond [(= (substring 1 1 string) "]")
             (list rail (substring 2 (string-length string) string))]
             (letseq [[return (read-expression string)]
                      [struc (first return)]
                      [new-string (nth 2 return)]]
               (read-rail-helper (append rail (cons struc '[])) new-string))]))))

;;;reads a number, returns a sequence: [numeral string]

(define read-numeral
  (lambda [string]
    (letseq [[return (read-token string)]
             [numeral-string (first return)]
             [new-string (nth 2 return)]]
      (list (internalize numeral-string) new-string))))

;;;returns a sequence, first thing is the token, second is the new string

(define read-token 
  (lambda [string]
    (read-token-helper "" (strip-leading-spaces string))))

(define strip-leading-spaces
  (lambda [string]
    (cond [(= string "") string]
          [(= (substring 1 1 string) " ")
           (strip-leading-spaces (substring 2 (string-length string) string))]
          [$T string]

(define read-token-helper
  (lambda [token string]
    (cond [(or (= string "") (member (substring 1 1 string) *delimiters*))
           (list token string)]
             (substring 1 1 string))
            (substring 2 (string-length string) string))])))   

;;; Unneeded accessories and testers:

(define test
   (lambda [x]
      (select x
         [*numerals* 'numeral]
         [*letters* 'letter]
         [*delimiters* 'delimiter]
         [$T 'something-else])))