;;; Code stored as: {turing}<3-lisp.problem-sets>arith-parser.3-lisp ;;; {phylum}<3-lisp>course>problem-sets>arith-parser.3-lisp ;;;========================================================================== ;;; Simple ARITH Expression Parser ;;;========================================================================== ;;; ;;; Parses ARITH expressions. ;;; Built on top of the Lexical Analyser ;;; ------------------------------------ ;;; Assumed grammar: ( is the primitive lexical item) ;;; ;;; ::= | ;;; ;;; ::= "(" "," ")" ;;; ;;; ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" ;;; ARITH-PARSE Main parsing routine. Returns a parse tree, or else. ;;; =========== the string "rejected" if not a well-formed ARITH expression. (define ARITH-PARSE (lambda [string] (let [[parse (dynamic-catch (arith-parse-expression (lexical-analysis string)))]] (if (null (second parse)) (first parse) "rejected")))) ;;; Ancillary parsing functions: ;;; ;;; The following procedures call ARITH-ERROR-IN-PARSE immediately upon ;;; finding a grammatical error of any sort, which does not return (since ;;; the procedures below are not designed to do anything sensible about ;;; continuing from errors), but instead does a DYNAMIC-THROW (q.v.). ;;; Each of the parsing routines will return a parse/tail pair; ;;; ARITH-PARSE-EXPRESSION Attempts to parse an arbitrary ARITH expression. ;;; ====================== (define ARITH-PARSE-EXPRESSION (lambda [tail] (append-results ['expression] (cond [(member (first tail) ["+" "*" "-" "/"]) (arith-parse-args ['complex ['operator (first tail)]] (rest tail))] [(numeral-expression (first tail)) [['numeral-expression (first tail)] (rest tail)]] [$true (arith-error-in-parse)])))) ;;; ARITH-PARSE-ARGS attempts to recognize an ARITH args expression ;;; ==================== (define ARITH-PARSE-ARGS (lambda [new tail] (letseq [[parse (append-results new (arith-parse-token "(" tail))] [parse (append-results (first parse) (arith-parse-expression (second parse)))] [parse (append-results (first parse) (arith-parse-token "," (second parse)))] [parse (append-results (first parse) (arith-parse-expression (second parse)))] [parse (append-results (first parse) (arith-parse-token ")" (second parse)))]] parse))) (define APPEND-RESULTS (lambda [new result] [(append new [(first result)]) (second result)])) (define ARITH-PARSE-TOKEN (lambda [token tail] (if (and (not (null tail)) (= token (first tail))) [token (rest tail)] (arith-error-in-parse)))) ;;; ARITH-ERROR-IN-PARSE Signals an error by sending back the string "rejected". ;;; ==================== (define ARITH-ERROR-IN-PARSE (lambda [] (dynamic-throw [[] ["something"]]))) ;;; ======================================================================== ;;; DIFFERENT VERSION USING OBJECTS ;;; ======================================================================== ;;; A2-PARSE Main parsing routine. Returns "rejected" if is not ;;; ======== a well-formed ARITH expression; otherwise a parse tree. (define A2-PARSE (lambda [string] (letseq [[s (lexan-object string)] [answer (dynamic-catch (a2-parse-expression s))]] (if (and (= (next-token s) 'eot) (sequence answer)) answer "Rejected")))) ;;; Ancillary parsing functions: ;;; ;;; The following procedures call A2-ERROR-IN-PARSE immediately upon ;;; finding a grammatical error of any sort, which does not return (since ;;; the procedures below are not designed to do anything sensible about ;;; continuing from errors), but instead does a DYNAMIC-THROW (q.v.). ;;; A2-PARSE-EXPRESSION Attempts to parse an arbitrary ARITH expression. ;;; =================== . (define A2-PARSE-EXPRESSION (lambda [s] ['expression (cond [(member (next-token s) ["+" "*" "-" "/"]) (cons 'complex (cons ['operator (get-token s)] (a2-parse-args s)))] [(numeral-expression (next-token s)) ['numeral-expression (get-token s)]] [$true (a2-error-in-parse)])])) ;;; A2-PARSE-ARGS Attempts to parse an ARITH args expression ;;; ================= (define A2-PARSE-ARGS (lambda [s] [(a2-parse-token "(" s) (a2-parse-expression s) (a2-parse-token "," s) (a2-parse-expression s) (a2-parse-token ")" s)])) ;;; A2-PARSE-TOKEN Ensures that the next token in s is ; returns it ;;; ============== as the parse. (define A2-PARSE-TOKEN (lambda [token s] (if (not (= token (get-token s))) (a2-error-in-parse) token))) ;;; A2-ERROR-IN-PARSE Signals an error by sending back something which isn't ;;; ================= a sequence, and therefore cannot be a valid parse. (define A2-ERROR-IN-PARSE (lambda [] (dynamic-throw 'not-a-sequence)))