;;; May 20, 1984 --- Jim des Rivieres ;;; Temporary patchs to 3-Lisp 1.0 LETREC and LOAD. ;;; This revised definition to LETREC fixes two bugs ;;; in the release version that caused the uncompiled ;;; version of LETREC to be unuseable. As it turned out, ;;; LOAD was written in such a way as to cause the ;;; processor to run one level higher than necessary. ;;; Hence the revised version of LOAD. Both of these ;;; changes have been propagated to the appropriate ;;; {phylum}<3-lisp>new> sources. (rebind-in-system-environment 'letrec (kernel-macro-ccons ↑(lambda [call] (let [[args (pargs call)]] (if (and (rail args) (>= (length args) 1) (rail (first args)) (every (lambda [x] (and (rail x) (= (length x) 2) (atom (first x)))) (first args))) (let [[body (rest args)] [vars (map first (first args))]] (pcons (pcons ↑lambda (append (rcons vars) (map (lambda [x] (pcons ↑set x)) (first args)) body)) (map (lambda [x] '"unbound") (first args)))) (pcons ↑trap (rcons '"malformed letrec" call))))) 'letrec-macro)) ; (LOAD file-name) (letrec [[load-helper (lambda [stream file-name] (let [[structure (forgiving-read-structure stream)]] (if (string structure) (begin (close-all-streams) ; Work around. (if (= structure "end of stream") 'ok (error (string-append structure " while LOADing the file " file-name) 'ok))) (normalize structure global (lambda [a b c d e f g] (close-all-streams) ; Work around. (standard-escape a b c d e f g)) (lambda [result-nf] (print-structure primary-stream result-nf) (print primary-stream cr) (load-helper stream file-name))))))] [forgiving-read-structure (lambda [stream] (cps-error-protect (read-structure stream) id id))]] (system-define load (lambda [file-name] (let [[stream (open-stream file-name)]] (load-helper stream file-name) (close-stream stream) file-name)))) ;;; May 14, 1984 --- Jim des Rivieres ;;; Patch to 3-lisp 1.0 to remedy problem with ;;; (internalize "foo") causing an error. ;;; Problem is with end of stream being encountered. ;;; Workaround: always append a space to the string ;;; before internalizing it. (let [[old-internalize \(primitive-ccons global '[string] '(internalize string) "internalize" 'prim-internalize)]] (system-define internalize (lambda [string] (old-internalize (string-append string " "))))) ((rlambda [a e s c] (load "{phylum}<3-lisp>course>problem-sets>parsing-utilities.3-lisp") (c ''ok))) ;;; Code stored as: {turing}<3-lisp.problem-sets>parsing-utilities.3-lisp ;;; {phylum}<3-lisp>course>problem-sets>parsing-utilities.3-lisp ;;; ================================================================= ;;; SEQUENCE UTILITIES ;;; ================================================================= ;;; (FILTER predicate sequence) Designates the sequence consisting ;;; =========================== of each element of sequence for which ;;; (predicate element) is true. (define FILTER (lambda [predicate sequence] (collect (lambda [element] (if (predicate element) [element] [])) sequence))) ;;; (COLLECT fun args1 ... argsk) Appends together the results of ;;; ============================= mapping fun (of arity k) to the ;;; sequences of args args1 ... argsk. ;;; Useful, in combination with SINGLETON and NOTHING, for assembling ;;; some results from a sequence of args. (define COLLECT (lambda args (append . (map . args)))) ;;; (SINGLETON exp) To be used by COLLECT and F-COLLECT ;;; (NOTHING) ;;; =============== (define SINGLETON (lambda [element] [element])) (define NOTHING (lambda [] [])) ;;; (FILTERED-MAP fun predicate sequence) Maps <fun> down a version of <sequence> ;;; ===================================== that has been filtered by <predicate>. ;;; (define FILTERED-MAP (lambda [fun predicate sequence] (map fun (filter predicate sequence)))) ;;; ================================================================= ;;; General purposes COMPOSE: ;;; ;;; ((compose f1 f2 ... fk) a1 a2 ... an) ; 1 =< k ;;; ;;; => (f1 (f2 ... (fk a1 a2 ... an)...)) ; 0 =< n ;;; ================================================================= (define COMPOSE (lambda funs (cond [(null funs) (lambda args args)] [(null (rest funs)) (first funs)] [$true (lambda args ((first funs) ((compose . (rest funs)) . args)))]))) ;;; CONSTANT ;;; ======== (define CONSTANT (lambda [constant] (lambda args constant))) ;;; =============================================================== ;;; STRANGE CONTROL STRUCTURES ;;; =============================================================== ;;; DYNAMIC-CATCH ;;; DYNAMIC-THROW ;;; ============= (define DYNAMIC-CATCH (rlambda [call env esc cont] (cont (normalize (arg 1 call) env esc id)))) (define DYNAMIC-THROW (rlambda [call env esc cont] (normalize (arg 1 call) env esc id))) ;;; ================================================================= ;;; OBJECTS: ;;; ================================================================= ;;; ;;; General form: ;;; ;;; (object [init-var-1 ... init-var-k] ;;; [[var-1 init-1] ... [var-n init-n]] ;;; [<mess1> <fun1>] ;;; [<mess2> <fun2>] ;;; ... ;;; [<messk> <funk>]) ;;; ================================================================= (define OBJECT (let [[define-message (lambda [name] '(define ,name (lambda args (((first args) ,↑name) . (rest args)))))]] (mlambda [call] (letseq [[state-vars (arg 1 call)] [inited-vars (arg 2 call)] [pairs (tail 2 (pargs call))] [fun-names (map (lambda [pair] (acons)) pairs)]] '(begin ,(map (lambda [pair] (define-message (first pair))) pairs) (lambda ,state-vars (let ,inited-vars (letrec ,(map (lambda [pair fun-name] '[,fun-name ,(second pair)]) pairs fun-names) (lambda [message] (cond . ,(map (lambda [pair fun-name] '[(= message ,↑(first pair)) ,fun-name]) pairs fun-names))))))))))) ;;; Code stored as: {turing}<3-lisp.problem-sets>lexical-analyser.3-lisp ;;; {phylum}<3-lisp>course>problem-sets>lexical-analyser.3-lisp ;;; ======================== ;;; 3-LISP Lexical Analyser: ;;; ======================== ;;; =============================================================== ;;; PUBLIC ROUTINES ;;; =============================================================== ;;; (INIT-LEXAN) Initializes all tables. ;;; ============ ;;; ;;; (LEXAN-OBJECT string) A type of object that embodies the tokenization of a ;;; ===================== given string. Supports the following messages: ;;; ;;; (CURRENT-TOKEN lexan-object) Returns the token currently being scanned (i.e.,. ;;; ============================ the one made current by the last use of GET-TOKEN) ;;; ;;; (GET-TOKEN lexan-object) Also returns the current token being scanned but ;;; ======================== moves past the token in the input. This is the ;;; normal method to be used in accessing tokens. ;;; ;;; (NEXT-TOKEN lexan-object) Returns the 'look-ahead' token, the token just ;;; ========================= about to be scanned. Useful for dispatching without ;;; actually reading the token. ;;; ;;; (LEXICAL-ANALYSIS string) Designates the sequence of tokens into which ;;; ========================= string is lexically analyzed. For example ;;; (lexical-analysis "a (b)") => ["a" "(" "b" ")"]. ;;; ;;; (IDENTIFIER-EXPRESSION token) True just in case token is a sequence of alphanumeric ;;; ============================= characters, but is not a numeral-expression. ;;; ;;; (NUMERAL-EXPRESSION token) True just in case token is a sequence of digits, ;;; ========================== possibly including a leading "+" or "-". (define INIT-LEXAN (lambda [] (set *special-chars* [ #( #) #[ #] #$ #' #, #. #↑ #\ #{ #} ]) (set *white-space-chars* [ # cr ]) (set *delimiters* (append *white-space-chars* *special-chars*)) (set *digits* [ #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 ]) (set *comment-begin* #;) (set *comment-end* cr) "ok")) (define LEXAN-OBJECT (let [[create-lexan-object (object [string] [[current-tok ""] [next-tok ""]] [GET-TOKEN (lambda [] (let [[token-info (global-get-token string)]] (set string (second token-info)) (set current-tok next-tok) (set next-tok (first token-info)) current-tok))] [CURRENT-TOKEN (lambda [] current-tok)] [NEXT-TOKEN (lambda [] next-tok)])]] (lambda [string] (let [[lex-obj (create-lexan-object string)]] (get-token lex-obj) ; initialize lex-obj)))) ;;; Not dealt with by this code: ;;; ;;; -- strings ;;; -- charats ;;; -- character quotation (%) ;;; LEXICAL-ANALYSIS: ;;; ========= (define LEXICAL-ANALYSIS (lambda [string] (let [[a (lexan-object string)]] (letrec [[helper (lambda [] (let [[tok (get-token a)]] (if (= tok 'eot) [] (cons tok (helper)))))]] (helper))))) ;;; =============================================================== ;;; INTERNAL ROUTINES ;;; =============================================================== ;;; GLOBAL-GET-TOKEN takes a STRING and returns a rail of: ;;; ================ a) the prefix of the string corresponding to the ;;; first token in the string ;;; b) the rest of the string after the prefix ;;; In case there are no tokens left in the string, returns the ;;; handle 'eot (end of tokens). ;;; ;;; Used by GET-TOKEN (within INIT-LEXAN) (define GLOBAL-GET-TOKEN (lambda [string] (add-to-token "" (strip-leading-whitespace string)))) ;;; ADD-TO-TOKEN auxiliary function for GLOBAL-GET-TOKEN which ;;; ============ adds characters to a token found so far (SO-FAR) ;;; taking characters from a string STRING. ;;; ;;; Uses information from global-variables: *special-chars* ;;; defined by INIT-LEXAN: *delimiters* (define ADD-TO-TOKEN (lambda [so-far string] (cond [(string-null string) [(if (string-null so-far) 'eot so-far) string]] [(and (string-null so-far) (member (string-first string) *special-chars*)) [(substring 1 1 string) (string-rest string)]] [(member (string-first string) *delimiters*) [so-far string]] [$true (add-to-token (string-append so-far (substring 1 1 string)) (string-rest string))]))) ;;; STRIP-LEADING-WHITESPACE removes all leading white-space and comments ;;; ======================== from a string. White-space is defined as ;;; any character in the global variable ;;; *white-space-chars* (defined by INIT-LEXAN). ;;; Comments are any string of characters starting with the character ;;; bound to *comment-begin*, up through the character *comment-end* (define STRIP-LEADING-WHITESPACE (lambda [string] (cond [(string-null string) string] [(member (string-first string) *white-space-chars*) (strip-leading-whitespace (string-rest string))] [(= (string-first string) *comment-begin*) (strip-leading-whitespace (strip-comment string))] [$true string]))) ;;; STRIP-COMMENT Removes one full comment prefix from a string. A comment ;;; ============= is defined as any string of characters starting with the ;;; globally bound *comment-begin* character, up through and ;;; including *comment-end* (both defined by INIT-LEXAN). (define STRIP-COMMENT (lambda [string] (cond [(string-null string) string] [(= (string-first string) *comment-end*) (string-rest string)] [$true (strip-comment (string-rest string))]))) ;;; =============================================================== ;;; SPECIAL TOKEN IDENTIFICATION PREDICATES ;;; =============================================================== (define IDENTIFIER-EXPRESSION (lambda [token] (and (every-character (lambda [ch] (not (member ch *special-chars*))) token) (not (every-character (lambda [ch] (member ch *digits*)) token))))) (define NUMERAL-EXPRESSION (lambda [token] (every-character (lambda [ch] (member ch *digits*)) (if (member (nth-char 1 token) [#+ #-]) (string-rest token) token)))) ;;; =============================================================== ;;; STRING MANIPULATION ROUTINES ;;; =============================================================== (define STRING-NULL (lambda [string] (= string ""))) (define STRING-FIRST (lambda [string] (nth-char 1 string))) (define STRING-REST (lambda [string] (substring 2 (string-length string) string))) ;;; (EVERY-CHARACTER predicate string) True just in case predicate ;;; ================================== is true of each character in ;;; string. (define EVERY-CHARACTER (lambda [predicate string] (cond [(string-null string) $true] [(predicate (string-first string)) (every-character predicate (string-rest string))] [$true $false]))) (init-lexan)