-- RTLoaderImpl.Mesa -- Last Modified On December 21, 1982 2:58 pm by Paul Rovner DIRECTORY AtomsPrivate USING[UnsafeMakeAtom], BcdDefs USING[VersionStamp, MTIndex, SGIndex, RFNull, RFIndex, TFNull, TFIndex, NameRecord, FTSelf], BcdOps USING[BcdBase, MTHandle, ProcessModules, NameString], Environment USING[wordsPerPage], Frame USING[Alloc], Inline USING[LongCOPY, COPY, BITAND], Loader USING[Error], LongString USING[AppendString, SubStringDescriptor, AppendSubString], PilotLoadStateFormat USING[ModuleInfo, ConfigIndex], PilotLoadStateOps USING[ReleaseBcd, ReleaseLoadState, Map, ConfigIndex, InputLoadState, MapRealToConfig, AcquireBcd, EnumerateModules, EnumerateBcds, GetMap, ReleaseMap], PrincOps USING[GlobalFrameHandle, GFTIndex, ProcDesc, CSegPrefix, NullGlobalFrame, MainBodyIndex, LastAVSlot, FrameVec], PrincOpsRuntime USING[GetFrame, GFT], Process USING[GetCurrent], RCMap USING[Index, Base, invalidIndex], RCMapOps USING[Include, MapMap, FindMapMapEntry], RTBasic USING[Type, nullType, TypeIndex], RTBcd USING[AnyStamp, RTBase, StampList, TypeList, VersionID, TypeItem, RefLitItem], RTLoader USING[], -- EXPORTS only RTOS USING[PrivateHeapZone, IsAllocatorReady, RegisterCedarProcess, SameCode, EnumerateGlobalFrames], RTMicrocode USING[LONGZERO], RTSD USING[SD, sLoaderAdjunct], RTStorageOps USING[NewObject], RTSymbolDefs USING[nullSymbolIndex], RTTypesBasicPrivate USING[AcquireTypeForLoader, UniqueTypeFinger], Runtime USING[ValidateGlobalFrame], RuntimeInternal USING[Codebase, EnterGlobalFrame], SafeStorage USING[NewZone], SDDefs USING[SD, sCopy, sUnNew], Table USING[Base], TimeStamp USING[Null, Stamp], TypeStrings USING[Code, TypeString]; RTLoaderImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AtomsPrivate, BcdOps, Frame, Inline, Loader, LongString, plp: PilotLoadStateOps, PrincOpsRuntime, Process, RCMapOps, RTOS, RTMicrocode, RTStorageOps, RTTypesBasicPrivate, Runtime, RuntimeInternal, SafeStorage EXPORTS RTLoader SHARES RTBasic = BEGIN OPEN AtomsPrivate, BcdDefs, plsf: PilotLoadStateFormat, RTBcd, RTStorageOps, RTBasic; atomType: Type _ nullType; TypeTable: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Type]; GFTShadow: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO GFTShadowTable; GFTShadowTable: TYPE = ARRAY PrincOps.GFTIndex OF GFTShadowEntry; GFTShadowEntry: TYPE = Type; gftShadow: GFTShadow _ NIL; literalsZone: ZONE; oldUnNew: PROC[frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] _ NIL; GetGFRCType: PUBLIC PROC[gfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex] RETURNS[Type] = {RETURN[gftShadow[gfi]]}; -- called by the Mesa runtime loader or the Cedar modeller after loading a bcd -- this initializes the type table and REF literal table in each new global frame. AcquireTypesAndLiterals: PUBLIC PROC[bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase, map: PilotLoadStateOps.Map] = { -- fill in the master tables (types, collectible literals) for the BCD. -- Then, foreach MT entry, fix up its type table and collectible literal table -- in the corresponding GF. rtBase: RTBcd.RTBase; rfBase, tfBase: Table.Base; l: NAT; ptrTypeTable: LONG POINTER TO TypeTable _ NIL; RefLitTable: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE length: NAT OF REF ANY]; rrlt: REF RefLitTable _ NIL; rcmm: RCMapOps.MapMap _ NIL; -- foreach module in this bcd... doModule: PROC[mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { OPEN PrincOpsRuntime; gfh: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle = GetFrame[GFT[map[mth.gfi]]]; IF mth = NIL THEN ERROR; WITH mth: mth SELECT FROM multiple => { IF mth.refLiterals # RFNull THEN {rl: RFIndex = mth.refLiterals; gfRefLiteralTable: LONG POINTER _ LONG[gfh+rfBase[rl].offset]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..rfBase[rl].length) DO LOOPHOLE[gfRefLiteralTable+i*SIZE[REF ANY], REF REF ANY]^ _ rrlt[rfBase[rl].frag[i]] --GFs are initially cleared to all NIL ENDLOOP}; IF mth.types # TFNull THEN {t: TFIndex = mth.types; pat: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF Type _ LOOPHOLE[gfh+tfBase[t].offset]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..tfBase[t].length) DO pat[i] _ ptrTypeTable[tfBase[t].frag[i]] ENDLOOP; IF NOT mth.tableCompiled AND mth.frameRefs THEN gftShadow[map[mth.gfi]] _ pat[mth.frameType]; --fill in gftype in gftshadow-- }}; ENDCASE}; -- START AcquireTypesAndLiterals HERE RTOS.RegisterCedarProcess[LOOPHOLE[Process.GetCurrent[]]]; IF (NOT bcd.extended) OR (bcd.rtPages.pages = 0) THEN RETURN; -- old-style bcd or empty rtBase IF atomType = nullType THEN ERROR; -- better have done AcquireBasicTypes by now rtBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rtPages.relPageBase*Environment.wordsPerPage]; IF rtBase.versionIdent # RTBcd.VersionID THEN {s: STRING = "RTBcd version mismatch"; ERROR Loader.Error[invalidBcd, LOOPHOLE[LONG[s]]]}; rfBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rfOffset]; tfBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.tfOffset]; --now merge the BCD's RCMap base into the rcMapBase that is maintained by RT. -- construct rcmm: (BCD rcmapx -> RT rcmapx) IF rtBase.rcMapLength # 0 THEN rcmm _ RCMapOps.Include[LOOPHOLE[@rtBase[rtBase.rcMapBase]], rtBase.rcMapLength, RTOS.PrivateHeapZone]; ptrTypeTable _ AcquireTypes[bcd, rcmm]; l _ rtBase[rtBase.refLitTable].length; IF l # 0 THEN { IF NOT RTOS.IsAllocatorReady[] THEN ERROR; rrlt _ literalsZone.NEW[RefLitTable[l]]; -- collectible!! FOR i: NAT IN [0..l) DO rli: RefLitItem = rtBase[rtBase.refLitTable][i]; p: LONG POINTER _ (@rtBase[rtBase.litBase]) + rli.offset; IF rli.length = 0 THEN {rrlt[i] _ NIL; LOOP}; IF ptrTypeTable[rli.referentType] = atomType THEN rrlt[i] _ UnsafeMakeAtom[LOOPHOLE[p]] ELSE {rrlt[i] _ NewObject[type: ptrTypeTable[rli.referentType], size: rli.length]; Inline.LongCOPY[from: p, to: LOOPHOLE[rrlt[i]], nwords: rli.length]}; ENDLOOP}; [] _ BcdOps.ProcessModules[bcd, doModule]; IF ptrTypeTable # NIL THEN RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.FREE[@ptrTypeTable]; IF rcmm # NIL THEN RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.FREE[@rcmm]; }; ptt: LONG POINTER TO TypeTable _ NIL; MTMapRec: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE length: NAT OF BcdOps.MTHandle]; mtMap: LONG POINTER TO MTMapRec _ NIL; rcMapMap: RCMapOps.MapMap _ NIL; atomTypeChain: POINTER TO Type _ NIL; -- NOTE assume TypeTable (in gf) entry is 1 word -- Whiz thru THIS config in the loadstate, acquiring Types. -- This config includes at least RT.bcd. AcquireBasicTypes: PROC = {config: plp.ConfigIndex; bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase; rtBase: RTBcd.RTBase; tfBase: Table.Base; -- foreach module found in the loadstate for this config... processLSModule: PROC[rgfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex, module: plsf.ModuleInfo] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { gfh: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle = PrincOpsRuntime.GetFrame[PrincOpsRuntime.GFT[rgfi]]; mth: BcdOps.MTHandle; IF module.config # config THEN RETURN; mth _ mtMap[module.gfi]; IF mth = NIL THEN RETURN; --Ignore multiple gfi's for the same module. WITH mth: mth SELECT FROM multiple => { IF mth.types # TFNull THEN {t: TFIndex = mth.types; pat: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF Type _ LOOPHOLE[gfh+tfBase[t].offset]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..tfBase[t].length) DO IF ptt[tfBase[t].frag[i]] = LAST[TypeIndex] -- special case for ATOMs. -- Link this into atomTypeChain. THEN {pat[i] _ LOOPHOLE[atomTypeChain]; atomTypeChain _ @pat[i]} ELSE pat[i] _ ptt[tfBase[t].frag[i]]; ENDLOOP; IF NOT mth.tableCompiled AND mth.frameRefs THEN gftShadow[rgfi] _ pat[mth.frameType]; --fill in gftype in gftshadow-- }}; ENDCASE}; buildMTMap: PROC[mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = {mtMap[mth.gfi] _ mth}; pd: PrincOps.ProcDesc = LOOPHOLE[AcquireBasicTypes]; [] _ plp.InputLoadState[]; [, config] _ plp.MapRealToConfig[pd.gfi]; bcd _ plp.AcquireBcd[config]; IF (NOT bcd.extended) OR bcd.rtPages.pages = 0 THEN ERROR; -- this bcd (RT and friends) better have somethin' to say rtBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rtPages.relPageBase*Environment.wordsPerPage]; IF rtBase.versionIdent # RTBcd.VersionID THEN ERROR; tfBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.tfOffset]; IF rtBase.rcMapLength = 0 THEN ERROR; mtMap _ RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.NEW[MTMapRec[bcd.firstdummy--gfi's start at 1--]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..bcd.firstdummy) DO mtMap[i] _ NIL; ENDLOOP; [] _ BcdOps.ProcessModules[bcd, buildMTMap]; -- NIL entries in mtMap represent dummy gfi's --now merge the BCD's RCMap base into the rcMapBase that is maintained by RT. -- construct rcMapMap: (BCD rcmapx -> RT rcmapx) rcMapMap _ RCMapOps.Include[LOOPHOLE[@rtBase[rtBase.rcMapBase]], rtBase.rcMapLength, RTOS.PrivateHeapZone]; ptt _ AcquireTypes[bcd, rcMapMap, TRUE]; [] _ plp.EnumerateModules[processLSModule]; plp.ReleaseBcd[bcd]; plp.ReleaseLoadState[]}; AcquireTypes: PROC[bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase, rcMapMap: RCMapOps.MapMap, checkAtom: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] RETURNS[ptt: LONG POINTER TO TypeTable _ NIL] = { rtBase: RTBcd.RTBase = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rtPages.relPageBase*Environment.wordsPerPage]; typeTable: RTBase RELATIVE POINTER TO TypeList _ rtBase.typeTable; l: NAT _ rtBase[typeTable].length; IF l # 0 THEN { ptt _ RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.NEW[TypeTable[l]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..l) DO rcmi: RCMap.Index; ti: TypeItem = rtBase[typeTable][i]; st: RTBase RELATIVE POINTER TO StampList = rtBase.stampTable; utf: RTTypesBasicPrivate.UniqueTypeFinger _ [(IF ti.ut.version = AnyStamp THEN TimeStamp.Null ELSE rtBase[st][ti.ut.version]), ti.ut.sei]; ts: TypeStrings.TypeString _ LOOPHOLE[@rtBase[rtBase.litBase] + ti.ct.index]; IF ti.sei = RTSymbolDefs.nullSymbolIndex THEN {ptt[i] _ nullType; LOOP}; rcmi _ RCMapOps.FindMapMapEntry[rcMapMap, LOOPHOLE[ti.rcMap]]; IF rcmi = RCMap.invalidIndex THEN ERROR; -- to solve the atom type bootstrapping problem. IF checkAtom AND IsAtomRecTS[ts] THEN ptt[i] _ [LAST[TypeIndex]] -- special case for ATOMs ELSE {sgb: Table.Base = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.sgOffset]; ftb: Table.Base = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.ftOffset]; version: TimeStamp.Stamp; IF sgb[ti.table].file = BcdDefs.FTSelf THEN version _ bcd.version ELSE version _ ftb[sgb[ti.table].file].version; ptt[i] _ RTTypesBasicPrivate.AcquireTypeForLoader [utf: utf, std: [symbolsStamp: version, bcd: bcd, sgi: ti.table], sei: ti.sei, ts: ts, rcmi: rcmi, canonicalize: ti.canonical]}; ENDLOOP}}; GetFileNameString: PROC[ssb: BcdOps.NameString, n: BcdDefs.NameRecord, nameString: LONG STRING] = {ssd: LongString.SubStringDescriptor _ [base: @ssb.string, offset: n, length: MIN[ssb.size[n], 100]]; dot: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; nameString.length _ 0; LongString.AppendSubString[to: nameString, from: @ssd]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..nameString.length) DO IF nameString[i] = '. THEN {dot _ TRUE; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF ~dot THEN LongString.AppendString[to: nameString, from: ".bcd"]}; CopyString: PROC[s: LONG STRING] RETURNS[ns: LONG STRING] = { ns _ LOOPHOLE[RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.NEW[TEXT[s.length]]]; LongString.AppendString[to: ns, from: s]}; -- Called AFTER the allocator and basic ATOM machinery have been initialized. AcquireBasicLiterals: PUBLIC PROC[aType: Type] = {config: plp.ConfigIndex; bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase; rtBase: RTBcd.RTBase; rfBase: Table.Base; l: NAT; RefLitTable: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE length: NAT OF REF ANY]; rrlt: REF RefLitTable _ NIL; pd: PrincOps.ProcDesc = LOOPHOLE[AcquireBasicLiterals]; -- foreach module found in the loadstate for this config... processLSModule: PROC[rgfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex, module: plsf.ModuleInfo] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { gfh: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle = PrincOpsRuntime.GetFrame[PrincOpsRuntime.GFT[rgfi]]; mth: BcdOps.MTHandle; IF module.config # config THEN RETURN; mth _ mtMap[module.gfi]; IF mth = NIL THEN RETURN; --Ignore multiple gfi's for the same module. WITH mth: mth SELECT FROM multiple => IF mth.refLiterals # RFNull THEN {rl: RFIndex = mth.refLiterals; gfRefLiteralTable: LONG POINTER _ LONG[gfh+rfBase[rl].offset]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..rfBase[rl].length) DO LOOPHOLE[gfRefLiteralTable+i*SIZE[REF ANY], REF REF ANY]^ _ rrlt[rfBase[rl].frag[i]] --GFs are initially cleared to all NIL ENDLOOP}; ENDCASE}; -- START AcquireBasicLiterals here -- first, fixup the atom type chain. atomType _ aType; UNTIL atomTypeChain = NIL DO next: POINTER TO Type = LOOPHOLE[atomTypeChain^]; atomTypeChain^ _ atomType; atomTypeChain _ next; ENDLOOP; -- next, get the BCD that contains this module (and RT.bcd) [] _ plp.InputLoadState[]; -- acquire the lock on the loadstate [, config] _ plp.MapRealToConfig[pd.gfi]; bcd _ plp.AcquireBcd[config]; IF (NOT bcd.extended) OR bcd.rtPages.pages = 0 THEN ERROR; -- this bcd (RT) better have somethin' to say rtBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rtPages.relPageBase*Environment.wordsPerPage]; IF rtBase.versionIdent # RTBcd.VersionID THEN ERROR; rfBase _ LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rfOffset]; -- now construct rrlt if there are any REF literals or ATOM constants, and store -- such REFs in indicated global frames l _ rtBase[rtBase.refLitTable].length; IF l # 0 THEN { IF NOT RTOS.IsAllocatorReady[] THEN ERROR; literalsZone _ SafeStorage.NewZone[]; rrlt _ literalsZone.NEW[RefLitTable[l]]; -- collectible!! Types have been acquired for RTLoaderImpl by this time. -- first acquire REF literals (the rope implementation, invoked by -- UnsafeMakeAtom, needs 'em) FOR i: NAT IN [0..l) DO rli: RefLitItem = rtBase[rtBase.refLitTable][i]; p: LONG POINTER _ (@rtBase[rtBase.litBase]) + rli.offset; IF rli.length = 0 THEN {rrlt[i] _ NIL; LOOP}; IF ptt[rli.referentType] = LAST[TypeIndex] -- special case for ATOMs THEN LOOP ELSE {rrlt[i] _ NewObject[type: ptt[rli.referentType], size: rli.length]; Inline.LongCOPY[from: p, to: LOOPHOLE[rrlt[i]], nwords: rli.length]}; ENDLOOP; [] _ plp.EnumerateModules[processLSModule]; -- now acquire ATOMs FOR i: NAT IN [0..l) DO rli: RefLitItem = rtBase[rtBase.refLitTable][i]; p: LONG POINTER _ (@rtBase[rtBase.litBase]) + rli.offset; IF rli.length = 0 THEN {rrlt[i] _ NIL; LOOP}; IF ptt[rli.referentType] = LAST[TypeIndex] -- special case for ATOMs THEN rrlt[i] _ UnsafeMakeAtom[LOOPHOLE[p]] -- UnsafeMakeAtom invokes the ROPE package, which uses REF literals -- (but no ATOM literals). The parts of RT.config have no ATOM -- literals ELSE LOOP; ENDLOOP; [] _ plp.EnumerateModules[processLSModule]; }; -- now cleanup after the work on this BCD RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.FREE[@mtMap]; IF ptt # NIL THEN RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.FREE[@ptt]; IF rcMapMap = NIL THEN ERROR; RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.FREE[@rcMapMap]; plp.ReleaseBcd[bcd]; -- and foreach config except this one in the current loadstate invoke (vanilla) -- AcquireTypesAndLiterals. {p: PROC[otherConfig: plp.ConfigIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = {IF otherConfig # config THEN {otherBcd: BcdOps.BcdBase = plp.AcquireBcd[otherConfig]; otherMap: PilotLoadStateOps.Map = plp.GetMap[otherConfig]; AcquireTypesAndLiterals[otherBcd, otherMap]; plp.ReleaseMap[otherMap]; plp.ReleaseBcd[otherBcd]}; RETURN[FALSE]}; [] _ plp.EnumerateBcds[recentfirst, p]; }; -- finish cleanup by releasing the loadstate lock plp.ReleaseLoadState[]; -- Finally, stuff SD with AcquireTypesAndLiterals and CopyNew. -- The Cedar runtime loader is ready. IF RTSD.SD[RTSD.sLoaderAdjunct] # 0 THEN ERROR; RTSD.SD[RTSD.sLoaderAdjunct] _ LOOPHOLE[AcquireTypesAndLiterals, CARDINAL]; SDDefs.SD[SDDefs.sCopy] _ CopyNew; oldUnNew _ LOOPHOLE[SDDefs.SD[SDDefs.sUnNew]]; SDDefs.SD[SDDefs.sUnNew] _ UnNew; }; IsAtomRecTS: PROC[ts: TypeStrings.TypeString] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = {RETURN[ts.length = 1 AND ts[0] = LOOPHOLE[TypeStrings.Code[atomRec]]]}; UnNew: --PUBLIC-- PROC[frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] = -- conceptually, UnNew is PUBLIC, but is accessed via the System Dispatch table. { gftShadow[frame.gfi] _ nullType; oldUnNew[frame]; }; CopyNew: --PUBLIC-- PROC [old: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] RETURNS [new: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] = -- conceptually, Copy is PUBLIC, but it is accessed via the System Dispatch table, -- which is stuffed with this guy by AcquireBasicLiterals. { linkspace: CARDINAL; codebase: LONG POINTER TO PrincOps.CSegPrefix; Runtime.ValidateGlobalFrame[old]; codebase _ RuntimeInternal.Codebase[LOOPHOLE[old, PROGRAM]]; [new, linkspace] _ AllocGlobalFrame[old, codebase]; new _ new + linkspace; new^ _ [gfi:, alloced: TRUE, shared: TRUE, copied: TRUE, started: FALSE, trapxfers: FALSE, codelinks: old.codelinks, code: old.code, global:]; new.code.out _ TRUE; -- cause trap new.global[0] _ PrincOps.NullGlobalFrame; IF linkspace # 0 THEN Inline.COPY[from: old - linkspace, to: new - linkspace, nwords: linkspace]; IF old.copied THEN {findOriginal: PROC[f: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle] RETURNS[BOOL] = {RETURN[(f # old) AND (RTOS.SameCode[old, f] = identical) AND (~f.copied)]}; old _ RTOS.EnumerateGlobalFrames[findOriginal]; IF old = PrincOps.NullGlobalFrame THEN ERROR}; -- now get types and literals {cgfi: PrincOps.GFTIndex; config: PilotLoadStateFormat.ConfigIndex; bcd: BcdOps.BcdBase; [] _ plp.InputLoadState[]; [cgfi, config] _ plp.MapRealToConfig[old.gfi]; bcd _ plp.AcquireBcd[config]; plp.ReleaseLoadState[]; IF bcd.extended AND bcd.rtPages.pages # 0 THEN -- this bcd has an RTBcd {rtBase: RTBcd.RTBase = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rtPages.relPageBase*Environment.wordsPerPage]; rfBase: Table.Base = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.rfOffset]; tfBase: Table.Base = LOOPHOLE[bcd + bcd.tfOffset]; findMTH: PROC[mth: BcdOps.MTHandle, mti: BcdDefs.MTIndex] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] = { IF cgfi IN [mth.gfi .. mth.gfi + mth.ngfi) -- this is the mth for the old global frame THEN {WITH mth: mth SELECT FROM multiple => { IF mth.refLiterals # RFNull THEN {rl: RFIndex = mth.refLiterals; gfRefLiteralTable: LONG POINTER _ LONG[new+rfBase[rl].offset]; oldGFRefLiteralTable: LONG POINTER _ LONG[old+rfBase[rl].offset]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..rfBase[rl].length) DO LOOPHOLE[gfRefLiteralTable+i*SIZE[REF ANY], REF REF ANY]^ _ LOOPHOLE[oldGFRefLiteralTable+i*SIZE[REF ANY], REF REF ANY]^; --GFs are initially cleared to all NIL ENDLOOP}; IF mth.types # TFNull THEN {t: TFIndex = mth.types; newPAT: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF Type _ LOOPHOLE[new+tfBase[t].offset]; oldPAT: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0) OF Type _ LOOPHOLE[old+tfBase[t].offset]; Inline.COPY[from: oldPAT, nwords: tfBase[t].length * SIZE[Type], to: newPAT]; --fill in gftype in gftshadow-- }; }; ENDCASE; stop _ TRUE}; }; IF rtBase.versionIdent # RTBcd.VersionID THEN ERROR; IF BcdOps.ProcessModules[bcd, findMTH].mth = NIL THEN ERROR; }; }; [] _ RuntimeInternal.EnterGlobalFrame[new, codebase.header.info.ngfi]; old.shared _ TRUE; gftShadow[new.gfi] _ gftShadow[old.gfi]; }; AllocGlobalFrame: PROC[old: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle, cp: LONG POINTER TO PrincOps.CSegPrefix] RETURNS[frame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle, linkspace: CARDINAL] = { pbody: LONG POINTER = cp + CARDINAL[cp.entry[PrincOps.MainBodyIndex].initialpc]; nlinks: CARDINAL = cp.header.info.nlinks; nWords: CARDINAL; linkspace _ IF ~old.codelinks THEN nlinks + Inline.BITAND[-LOOPHOLE[nlinks, INTEGER], 3B] ELSE 0; nWords _ (pbody - 1)^ + linkspace; frame _ Frame.Alloc[MakeFsi[nWords]]; [] _ RTMicrocode.LONGZERO[LONG[frame], nWords]; }; MakeFsi: PROC[words: CARDINAL] RETURNS[fsi: CARDINAL] = { FOR fsi IN [0..PrincOps.LastAVSlot) DO IF PrincOps.FrameVec[fsi] >= words THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; RETURN[words]}; --START HERE gftShadow _ RTOS.PrivateHeapZone.NEW[GFTShadowTable _ ALL[nullType]]; AcquireBasicTypes[]; END.