-- GCTableFaultRecorder.mesa -- inspired by FaultMeter, but watches last 45 page faults in GC Tables -- process stuff stolen from Knutsen's Ben -- last edit by Willie-Sue, 15-Sep-81 15:15:39 -- last edit by Paul Rovner, August 6, 1982 10:20 am DIRECTORY Environment USING [wordsPerPage], Inline USING [HighHalf, LowHalf], PrincOps USING [BytePC, Frame, GlobalFrameHandle], Process USING [Detach, Pause, priorityInterrupt, SecondsToTicks, SetPriority], ProcessInternal USING [DisableInterrupts, EnableInterrupts], ProcessOperations USING [HandleToIndex, IndexToHandle, LongNotify, LongReEnter, LongWait, ReadPSB], PSB USING [Condition, FaultIndex, PDA, PDABase, PsbHandle, PsbIndex, PsbNull, qPageFault], RTRefCounts USING [GCState], RTOS USING [UnregisterCedarProcess], Runtime USING [CallDebugger], Space USING [Create, Delete, Handle, PageCount, LongPointer, Map, defaultWindow, virtualMemory], SpecialSpace USING [MakeGlobalFrameResident, MakeProcedureResident, MakeResident], Volume USING [InsufficientSpace]; GCTableFaultRecorder: MONITOR IMPORTS Inline, Process, ProcessInternal, ProcessOperations, RTOS, Runtime, SpecialSpace, Space, RTRefCounts, Volume = BEGIN OPEN Process; gcPageFaultInfo: TYPE = RECORD [ addrLo: CARDINAL, global: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle, pc: PrincOps.BytePC, process: PSB.PsbHandle, count: LONG CARDINAL ]; faultInfo: TYPE = RECORD [str: STRING, index: INTEGER]; gcStateAddrHi: CARDINAL; -- who to watch BufferOfFaults: TYPE = ARRAY BufferIndex OF gcPageFaultInfo; bufferOfFaults: LONG POINTER TO BufferOfFaults; BufferIndex: TYPE = [0..256); bufferIndex: BufferIndex← LAST[BufferIndex]; numFaults: LONG CARDINAL ← 0; gcFaults: CARDINAL← 0; lastgcFaultAddrLo: CARDINAL← 0; seriousDebugging: BOOLEAN← FALSE; whichGlobalFrame: PrincOps.GlobalFrameHandle← NIL; GetCurrent: PROC RETURNS[PSB.PsbIndex] = INLINE {RETURN[ProcessOperations.HandleToIndex[ProcessOperations.ReadPSB[]]]}; LongNakedNotify: PROC [pCondition: LONG POINTER TO CONDITION] = INLINE { -- used to notify a condition from outside the relevant monitor. pCond: LONG POINTER TO PSB.Condition = LOOPHOLE[pCondition]; ProcessInternal.DisableInterrupts[]; IF pCond↑.tail=PSB.PsbNull THEN { pCond↑.wakeup ← TRUE; ProcessInternal.EnableInterrupts[] } ELSE { ProcessInternal.EnableInterrupts[]; ProcessOperations.LongNotify[pCondition] } }; WaitForFault: PROC = INLINE { processFaulted: PSB.PsbHandle; addrFaulted: LONG POINTER; frameFaulted: POINTER TO local PrincOps.Frame; ProcessOperations.LongWait [@recorderLock, pPageFaultCONDITION, --timeout:-- 1]; UNTIL ProcessOperations.LongReEnter [@recorderLock, pPageFaultCONDITION] DO NULL ENDLOOP; -- either a new page fault came along or we timed out.. IF pda.fault[qPageFault].queue.tail = PSB.PsbNull THEN RETURN; -- just timed out, so forget it processFaulted ← ProcessOperations.IndexToHandle[ pda.block[pda.fault[qPageFault].queue.tail].link.next]; -- walk to tail, then to head. addrFaulted ← pda[pda[processFaulted].context.state].memPointer; -- conditionally wake up the Pilot fault handler: ProcessInternal.DisableInterrupts[]; IF pPageFaultCondition↑.tail # PSB.PsbNull THEN LongNakedNotify[pPageFaultCONDITION]; ProcessInternal.EnableInterrupts[]; -- is this one of the pages we're interested in?? numFaults ← numFaults + 1; IF Inline.HighHalf[addrFaulted] = gcStateAddrHi THEN { frameFaulted← pda[pda[processFaulted].context.state].frame; bufferIndex← IF bufferIndex = LAST[BufferIndex] THEN 0 ELSE bufferIndex + 1; bufferOfFaults[bufferIndex]← [ addrLo: Inline.LowHalf[addrFaulted], global:frameFaulted.accesslink, pc: frameFaulted.pc, process: processFaulted, count: numFaults ]; gcFaults ← gcFaults + 1; IF seriousDebugging THEN { IF whichGlobalFrame = frameFaulted.accesslink THEN Runtime.CallDebugger["Global Frame of Interest"L] ELSE { IF Inline.LowHalf[addrFaulted] = lastgcFaultAddrLo THEN Runtime.CallDebugger["Same Page Twice"L]}; }; lastgcFaultAddrLo← Inline.LowHalf[addrFaulted]; }; }; recorderLock: MONITORLOCK; pda: PSB.PDABase = PSB.PDA; qPageFault: PSB.FaultIndex = PSB.qPageFault; pPageFaultCondition: LONG POINTER TO PSB.Condition = @pda.fault[ qPageFault].condition; pPageFaultCONDITION: LONG POINTER TO CONDITION = LOOPHOLE[pPageFaultCondition]; FaultWatcher: PROC = { -- make the fault watcher resident nPages: Space.PageCount← SIZE[gcPageFaultInfo]*(LAST[BufferIndex]+1)/Environment.wordsPerPage; spH: Space.Handle = Space.Create[nPages, Space.virtualMemory]; Space.Map[spH, Space.defaultWindow ! Volume.InsufficientSpace => {Space.Delete[spH]; ERROR}]; SpecialSpace.MakeResident[spH]; gcStateAddrHi ← Inline.HighHalf[RTRefCounts.GCState]; -- bufferOfFaults← LOOPHOLE[RTRefCounts.GCState+300B+16]; bufferOfFaults← Space.LongPointer[spH]; SpecialSpace.MakeGlobalFrameResident[GCTableFaultRecorder ! ANY => CONTINUE]; SpecialSpace.MakeProcedureResident[FaultWatcher]; -- pause to allow Cedar to start up Process.Pause[Process.SecondsToTicks[20]]; -- unregister self RTOS.UnregisterCedarProcess[GetCurrent[]]; -- raise priority Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityInterrupt]; DO WaitForFault[]; ENDLOOP; }; IPF: PROC[bi: BufferIndex] RETURNS[faultInfo] = { fi: faultInfo; addrLo: CARDINAL ← bufferOfFaults[bi].addrLo; IF addrLo < 100400B THEN { fi.str← "MapPiRce"L; fi.index← LOOPHOLE[addrLo-400B] } ELSE { fi.str← "MapOiOe"L; fi.index← LOOPHOLE[(addrLo-100400B)/2]}; RETURN[fi]; }; -- Mainline Code Detach[FORK FaultWatcher[]]; END.