Dear family and friends, Another holiday season is upon us. We always look forward to this time of year as we hear once again from you, many of whom we have not seen for a long time. With your cards and notes of the ear's activities, our spirits are lifted. 1980 has passed quickly. During the year we have enjoyed visits from somefriends and family members, shareed the joy of birthh (or news of impending birth) with others, and have participated in a challenging year in the lives of Emilie and Marjorie. Little did we realize in spacing our children about four years apart that six is a difficult age, comparable to the "Terible Twos." We know the kids will survive, but we're not sure about us, the parents! Emlie is blossiming in first grade. She is in a private school with an excellent teacher and 11 classmates. The small class size, numerous exciting field trips and enrichment programs, as well as an after-school program for children of working parents, has made it ideal. Emilie has "discovered" she can read and write and is thrilled. She excels in math, too, and loves school. Marjorie at "two and a half," is confident she is in control of her world! So far she is still a blonde, but we suspect her hair willl darken soon. Although usually friendly, polite and affectionate, she occasionally exhibits behaviour typical of her age bracket! She learns fast from Big Sis and fiends. We are still challenged by our work. SOm of the fruilts of Dick's labor are close to release in a real live product, as distict from prototypes only. Janet's group at Stanford is still striving to bring Stanford into compliance with new government cost principles. Although at this time of year we focus on the joys of life, we recognize this year has had its share of adness for many of those we love. Illness, personal problems, death, economic uncertainty, world unreast - all of these remind us of our mortality. THe recent deaths of a young colleague at Xeros and Janet's secretary's teenage daughter have been sobering experiences. How precious each day is. It is our hope that ecch of you have a safe and joyful holiday and that 1981 will bring you happiness and good health. Our love, Janet, Dick, Emilie, & Marjorie