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Dear family and friends,
It is hard to believe that another year has passed so quickly. Although we correspond only once a year with most of you, we do think of you often. We have had visits from or to some of you and telephone visits with others, for which we are thankful.
For us, the highlight of the year was the beginning of your kitchen renovation project. After several years of planning, we took the sledge hammer to it on July 4. By then, our "simple remodelling" job had mushroomed into a major structural project. So far, we have gutted the old kitchen and utility porch; removed two load bearing walls; jack hammered up and repoured slabs; moved doors, windows, and outside walls; built a darkroom (serving as temporary kitchen), and are about ready to order cabinets. Needless to say, from the time spent, it’s a partly do-it-yourself job. We hope by next Christmas to report its completion!
Emilie, at age eight, is a third grader. This year she is back in public school and loving it. She keeps busy outside school with Brownies, dancing, and church choir.
Marjorie is a bouncy four year old—and I do mean bouncy! She is in constant motion so she doesn’t miss a thing big sis does. This is her second year in nursery school and she can’t wait for kindergarten next year.
With the economy in its current state, Stanford and Xerox are tightening their belts. So far it has not impacted us too negatively. Work for both of us is still challenging and enjoyable. We also keep busy with church work, shuttling kids around, and with other volunteer work.
We hope each of you has not suffered significantly from the depression, and that this Christmas is a blessed one for you. May the celebration once again of the Christ Child’s birth rekindle a spirit of love, hope, and peace to last throughout the coming year.
Our love,
Janet, Dick, Emilie, and Marjorie