00584 00024 US 
Date: 17 Nov 1980 10:03 PST
From: Cheng at PARC-MAXC
Subject: Last and Next Eat-in.
To: Jenkins, Weyer, "@[Maxc]<Cheng>Chefs.dl"
cc: "@[Maxc]<Cheng>Eaters.dl", RWeaver, Kay, Olmstead, MBrown,  Chang,
 DChang, Cheng

We had a fantastic Caribbean feast last Saturday, many thanks to our organizer
and hosts Jeannette, Maria and Steve.

For our next eat-in, I would like to suggest a (Northern) Chinese sometime in
mid-January.   Please message me on what you think, so I can start the
coordinations and organizations.

At the mean time, 
Happy dieting!


00664 00024 US 
Date: 17 Nov. 1980 2:57 pm PST (Monday)
From: Sweet
Subject: Re: Last and Next Eat-in.
In-reply-to: Cheng's message of 17 Nov 1980 10:03 PST
To: Cheng
cc: Sweet, Barnett

Liz talked to me about maybe hosting the Chinese dinner.  I need to talk with
my wife on the subject (better wait a day or so til she gets over being sick), but
I like the idea.  Given my recent experience with a large Wok-Luck at my
house, I would like to maybe limit the dinner to 20 people.  At that level, we
can seat everyone (plus my 2 kids) at two tables with lazy suzans and have
sufficient stove capacity.  Anything much beyond that gets out of hand.  


00500 00024 US 
Date: 1 Dec. 1980 6:13 pm PST (Monday)
From: Cheng
Subject: Chinese Eat-in RSVP's
To: Sweet
cc: Cheng


So far I have 18-people responded, I have counted spouse and children whenever
applicable.  Should I send out msg to get 2-more?  Also, I suspect when the day
is set, we could expect some dropouts.


Following is the list;

Artibee, Deutsch(>1/18), Pier, Glassman(2), Barnett, Jenkins, RWeaver, Sweet(4),
DaveSmith(2), McCrystal(2+Calamari), Roberts, Cheng, 

00354 00024 US 
Date:  2 DEC 1980 1339-PST
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in RSVP's
To:   Cheng
cc:   SWEET

In response to your message sent  1 Dec. 1980 6:13 pm PST (Monday)

I wouldn't bother to msg for more, I suspect some will show up, and asking
for only 2 might generate hard feelings.  I'll talk to Janet about dates.

01681 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
From: Sweet.PA at PARC-MAXC
Subject: Chinese Eat-in
To: "@[Maxc]<Cheng>Chefs.dl"
cc: Sweet

I would like to host a (Northern?) Chinese eat-in for mid-January.  The tentative
date is Saturday, January 17, 1981.

I would like to limit the attendence to approximately 20 people.  I realize that is
is unprecidented for Chefs.dl functions, but make this request for several good

	1.  I have two round tables with lazy susans that will just fit into my
	dining room, and they will hold 10-12 each.

	2.  I have had several "Wok luck" dinners at my house with assorted 
	sized crowds, and observed that, for example, stir frying for more than
	20 tends to creep toward the wrong end of the fun/work spectrum.

Perhaps if there is a huge response, we can have two dinners instead of one.

In the last few such dinners, we have prepared one (or maybe two) dishes at a
time, and they have lasted approximately 5 hours.  We should probably plan to
start around 7, but such details can be worked out as the time approaches.

I have a six burner restaurant stove (hot burners), that will support two woks at
once (spacing precludes using more) plus lots of things simmering, steaming,
etc.  The oven in the stove is quite large, but doesn't have a broiler; we won't
have a broiler (other than the Weber) until we remodel the kitchen next
Spring/Summer.  I have a spare refridgerator, also.  

David sent me a message on Dec. 1 with the following RSVP's to his original
message (which admittedly had no request for RSVPs).

Artibee, Pier, Glassman(2), Barnett, Jenkins, RWeaver, Sweet(2),
DaveSmith(2), McCrystal(2), Roberts, Cheng

00216 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 10:39 am PST (Friday)
From: Jenkins
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: Jenkins

Dick, count me in!


00247 00024 US 
Date:  5 DEC 1980 1058-PST
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
To:   Sweet

In response to your message sent  5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST

Susan and would like to come if there is still space.

00213 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 11:07 am PST (Friday)
From: Ellis
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet.PA

My wife and I would like to attend.

00345 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 11:12 am PST (Friday)
From: Artibee.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
To: Sweet

Dick, if (as i suspect) there are cries for more chinese dinner, i voluteer the
following.  I would organize an eat-out for that nite for the overflow and join
the second round of eat-in.  Sound like a worthy proposal?  mary
00416 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec 1980 11:15 PST
From: Glassman.PA at PARC-MAXC
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet
Cc: "@[Maxc]<Cheng>Chefs.dl"

I'm already on the list but I volunteer for pot stickers if no one else has beat me
to them.  And to all Chef's out there I'm looking for favorite recipes and hints
since I've never made them before.

00264 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 11:48 am PST (Friday)
From: Willie-Sue.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet, Cheng
cc: Willie-Sue

	Please reserve me one place at the Chinese Eat-in.

00263 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec 1980 13:56 PST
From: McElyea at PARC-MAXC
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: "@[Maxc]<Cheng>Chefs.dl", Sweet

If there is room, I would like to attend.  


00265 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 2:21 pm PST (Friday)
From: RWeaver.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet
cc: RWeaver


That date sounds good to me.  I would like to be included.  Thanks!


00381 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 2:37 pm PST (Friday)
From: DaveSmith.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet,
cc: Cheng, DaveSmith

The two DaveSmiths are still interested -- even more so!  Please count us in.  In
fact, I'd like to make it three (3) DaveSmiths, since my brother is staying with us
for awhile.


00237 00024 US 
Date: 5 Dec. 1980 4:23 pm PST (Friday)
From: McGregor.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet

If there's room, I'd like to sign up for (2).



00366 00024 US 
Date: 8 Dec. 1980 9:12 am PST (Monday)
From: LKnutsen
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: Knutsen, LKnutsen

I hope we are in time to get in the group of 20. I would like to make Kuo Teh
(pot stickers). They require steaming for about 8 minutes.

Lee and Dale Knutsen (LKnutsen)

00248 00024 US 
Date:  8 DEC 1980 1024-PST
Subject: Eat-In
To:   Sweet
cc:   Albinson


Is it possible to be included in the Chinese eat-in in
mid-January.  If so, plase include my
husband and I.


00173 00024 US 
Date: 10 Dec. 1980 11:51 am PST (Wednesday)
From: Guibas.PA
Subject: Chinese Dinner
To: Sweet

I'd like to come also, if you still have space.


01089 00024 US 
Date: 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
From: Sweet.PA at PARC-MAXC
Subject: Chinese Dinner
To: "@[Maxc]<Cheng>Chefs.dl"

There has been an enthusiastic response to the Chinese dinner idea.  I have
received 32 acknowledgments.  I keeping with my original goals, I have
negotiated with David Cheng to have a second dinner, exact time not yet
undetermined, but shortly after mine (which you may recall is January 17).  
Since part of the fun of such dinners is visiting with friends, I could use some
input from you to help me divide the guest list into two dinners.  My Operations
Research knowledge is a little rusty, but if you send me some edges of a
connectivity graph, I will try to maximize total connectivity of the sets of dinner
guests.  There may even be some diehards that want to come to both dinners; let
me know.


P.S.  Here is the list of responses I have received:

Glassman	2
Sweet		2
DaveSmith	3
McCrystal	2
Thompson	2
Ellis		2
McGregor	2
Knutsen	2
Albinson	2
Guibas		2
Binkley	2

00332 00024 US 
Date: 15 Dec. 1980 4:49 pm PST (Monday)
From: McGregor.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Your message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet

People I would enjoy dining with are:  Roberts, Pier, Artibee, DaveSmith, and
Willie-Sue.  Thanks for trying to optimise this; I'm sure it isn't easy.


00515 00024 US 
Date: 15 Dec. 1980 6:09 pm PST (Monday)
From: chiang
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Dec 1980 10:28 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: chiang


I have been out of my office for a while and didn't get to read about the
Northern Chinese Eat-in till now. Sounds like great fun. If there is room for two
more, I'd like to be included. In that case, please tell me what entries have been
planned so far and I will try to find some interesting ones that will fit in.


00384 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 7:16 am PST (Tuesday)
From: RWeaver.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet
cc: RWeaver


The people on your guest list that I know personally are:


Hope that is helpful.


00306 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 7:55 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Weyer
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA


we'd like to come to one of the dinners (I hadn't responded earlier since it
sounded like the one was already booked).

00287 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 8:40 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Knutsen
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: LKnutsen


I'd like to be with Artibee Glassman Sweet McCrystal Roberts/Cheng McElyea


00327 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 9:40 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Willie-Sue.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet

	People I am least enthusiastic about being with are: Knutsen, Albinson,
Binkley, McElyea, McCrystal, Ellis (in no particular order).


00492 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 10:08 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Barnett
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: Barnett

I'm not going to make this much easier for you.  Any combination you come up
with is fine with me. I want to attend the one at your house only.

If you have very many people who don't care who is at the one they attend,
you might also think about balancing the menu when you make your


00483 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 10:17 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Roberts.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet
cc: Cheng, Roberts

"Exact time not yet undetermined"?  Have you decided or not when the one at
our place is going to be???

I believe I've speaking for David too in giving you these edges.  (It sure is hard
to limit myself to a few!)  Consider us diehards.

Cheng, Roberts, Artibee, Barnett, Knutsens

00446 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 10:25 am PST (Tuesday)
From: McCrystal
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: McCrystal


We would be comfortable in the Roberts, Chen, Knutsen, Albinson, Binkley,
Artibee, Barnett, Jenkins group, if there is such a one.  Mainly because my
husband knows them and since he doesn't work here looks forward to our
dinners with them.


00266 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 10:53 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Glassman.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet

Here's my set:
Artibee, Glassman, Barnett, DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Knutsen

00919 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 11:04 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Roberts' message of 16 Dec. 1980 10:17 am PST (Tuesday)
To: Roberts
cc: Sweet, Cheng

I hope your sentence "Have you decided or not when the one at
our place is going to be???" did not indicate anger.  My wording may have been
clumsy, but I meant to infer that David had volunteered to house the dinner but
that we had not talked about the time.  I had really planned on your deciding on
when it would be, not me.  I'm sorry if our communications were confused. 
There was a fair amount of chaos surrounding the tree trimming.  Why don't
you discuss it, pick a time, and then help me sort out the responses to my
original message (we may, for example have people that can make it to only one
of the dinners, e.g. Peter Deutsch will be back in town on the monday after the
one at my house).


00385 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 8:53 am PST (Tuesday)
From: LKnutsen
Subject: ChineseDinner with Friends
To: Sweet
cc: Cheng, Roberts, LKnutsen

What a thoughtful solution!

If I have a choice, I want to be with the dining group that includes my
husband, Cheng, Roberts, Glassman, Binkley, McElyea, and other non-smokers.

Thank you for your consideration.

Lee (LKnutsen)

00503 00024 US 
Date: 16 Dec. 1980 11:45 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Roberts.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 16 Dec. 1980 11:04 am PST (Tuesday)
To: Sweet
cc: Roberts, Cheng

No anger at all!  I was merely poking fun at the double negative in "exact time
not yet undetermined".  Sure, we'll take care of picking the time.

I probably should have gotten back to you on allocating the groups.  But this
may be for the better anyway, since it gives everyone some say.

00400 00024 US 
Date: 17 Dec. 1980 9:04 am PST (Wednesday)
From: Thompson
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA


Would like to have dinner with at least the following (mol):

Glassman	2
Sweet		2
Thompson	2
Ellis		2
McGregor	2
Knutsen	2

Thanks for undertaking a no-win task.


00293 00024 US 
Date: 17 Dec. 1980 11:32 am PST (Wednesday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Your message of 15 Dec. 1980 6:09 pm PST (Monday)
To: chiang
cc: Sweet

Now that we've expanded to two dinners, there is indeed room.  How many of
you are there?


00329 00024 US 
Date: 18 Dec. 1980 1:20 pm PST (Thursday)
From: Deutsch
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA

On your original guest list, the people I know best are: Pier, Jenkins, RWeaver,
Sweet, DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Ellis, Willie-Sue, Guibas.

00228 00024 US 
Date: 18 Dec. 1980 3:40 pm PST (Thursday)
From: chiang
Subject: Re: Chinese Eat-in
In-reply-to: Your message of 17 Dec. 1980 11:32 am PST (Wednesday)
To: Sweet
cc: chiang

There will be two of us.


00302 00024 US 
Date: 18 Dec. 1980 1:19 pm PST (Thursday)
From: Deutsch
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 15 Dec 1980 16:42 PST
To: Sweet.PA
cc: Cheng

I can't come to the Jan. 17 dinner, but am very interested in participating after
that.  Put me down for 2 people.

01264 00024 US 
Date: 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Chinese Dinners
To: Sweet,  DaveSmith,  Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Barnett, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman,Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver,
 McCrystal, Roberts, Cheng, Chiang, Ellis, McElyea, Albinson, Weyer, Guibas,

After looking at the responses to my last message, and in collaboration with
Terry, I have divided the guest list into two (equal!) parts.  Note also that the list
of people grew in the process.  

To the first dinner, Saturday, January 17, at the Sweet's house, the following 20

Sweet (2),  DaveSmith (3),  Roberts, Cheng, Thompson (2), Barnett, 
Knutsen (2), Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor (2), Binkley (2), Glassman (2)

So far, the only menu items I have are potstickers from Glassman (and also from
LKnutsen).  Please let me know what you might fix.

To the Roberts/Cheng household, maybe the next weekend, the following 20

Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver, McCrystal (2), Roberts, Cheng, Chiang (2),
Ellis(2), McElyea, Albinson (2), Weyer (2), Guibas (2), Deutsch (2)

So far, McCrystal is signed up for something with calamari.


00282 00024 US 
Date: 19 Dec. 1980 1:54 pm PST (Friday)
From: Barnett
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinners
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
To: Sweet
cc: Barnett

I'm bringing steamed pork buns (Bow-Wow??) and (store bought) fortune


00244 00024 US 
Date: 22 Dec. 1980 10:01 am PST (Monday)
From: McElyea
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinners
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
To: Sweet


I wish to cancel please.  Thank you.


00466 00024 US 
Date: 23 Dec. 1980 4:35 pm PST (Tuesday)
From: chiang
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinners
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Barnett, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman, Chiang

I am in the second chinese dinner but have just discovered a conflict of schdule.
Any twosome on the list for the first dinner willing to trade places with us?


00609 00024 US 
Date: 5 Jan. 1981 11:26 am PST (Monday)
From: Barnett
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinners
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Barnett, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman,Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver, McCrystal, Chiang,
 Ellis, McElyea, Albinson, Weyer, Guibas, Deutsch

Great planning doesn't always work...

It turns out the I will be out of town on Saturday, September, 17.  Does anyone
who plans to go the the Chinese dinner at the Roberts/Cheng household on the
20th, want to trade?


00497 00024 US 
Date: 5 Jan. 1981 11:46 am PST (Monday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Chinese dinner
To: Chiang, Barnett
cc: Sweet


Plan on coming to the dinner at my house on the 17th.  There is at least one
opening and we can squeeze another around the table if there are no other


Sorry you can't make it.  There are at least 3 of the 20 that can't make it to the
second dinner; also they plan a buffet style service and don't have such explicit
upper bounds.


01248 00024 US 
Date: 19 Dec. 1980 5:12 pm PST (Friday)
From: Cheng
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinners
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
To: Sweet, DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Barnett, Knutsen, Willie-Sue,
 Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman,Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver, McCrystal,
 Chiang, Ellis, McElyea, Albinson, Weyer, Guibas, Deutsch


Congradulations for comming up with a workable division.  I hope this schedule
could still allow some amount of flexibility to acommodate for minor changes. 
We don't have a formal setting at our house as you have, we are much less
restricted to the number of attandees.

For the first meal, I am thinking of preparing a eight treasure chicken (boned
and stuffed with sweet rice).  If enough people are interested and if the situation
allows, I will be glad to do a demonstration on the preparation algorithms.

Maybe, for a slight variation, the 2nd dinner at our house could be Szechung
style if enough people likes the idea.

Terry has most of our collections of Chinese cookbooks in Bldg 96.  Feel free to
browse, copy, etc.  If enough people in bldg 35 are interested, I can bring them
over to 35.  Also, Anne Chiang has loads of good references.


00388 00024 US 
Date: 5 Jan. 1981 11:50 am PST (Monday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Chinese dinner menu
To: Sweet,  DaveSmith,  Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

I haven't received many messages about what you want to cook.  It would be a
good idea to send your choices to the whole list above to minimize duplications.


00468 00024 US 
Date: 5 Jan. 1981 1:54 pm PST (Monday)
From: Glassman.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese dinner menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Jan. 1981 11:50 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

I had earlier volunteered to make Pot Stickers but since Lee Knutsen had also
wanted to, I could make Hot and Sour Soup or combine with Lee on other
appetizers.					Steve

00315 00024 US 
Date: 5 Jan. 1981 3:55 pm PST (Monday)
From: chiang
Subject: Re: Chinese dinner
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Jan. 1981 11:46 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet
cc: Chiang, Barnett


Thanks for making the arrangement. We are  looking forward to the fun of
cooking in your kitchen.


01444 00024 US 
Date: 6 Jan. 1981 7:48 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Cheng
Subject: 2nd Chinese Dinner of the year
To: Sweet, DaveSmith, Roberts, Thompson, Barnett, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman,Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver, McCrystal, Chiang,
 Ellis, McElyea, Albinson, Weyer, Guibas, Deutsch, Sprague, Urbach, Watanabe 
cc: Cheng


The 2nd Northern Chinese eat-in of 1981 will be held on Saturday 1/24 in our
house at 974 Sherman Oaks Drive, San Jose (tel. 408 280-7554).  A detailed
direction can be found on [Maxc]<Cheng>SOHouse.directions.

Please RSVP on what you would like to bring ASAP so some coordinations can be
made.  In principal, we don't have a hard limit on the # of attendees, if more
are comming, we may ask some of you to bring a folding chair or something like

We have a large kitchen (usually the problem has been trying to keep
everybody from staying in the kitchen at the same time, a solution was found
by keep the munchies and drinks in the living room out of the kitchen!) with 2
ovens, 1 microwave oven, 4 surface burners and a large butcher block with
plenty of workspace. 

Terry <Roberts> has a bunch of good Chinese cookbooks in Bldg 96,  I can bring
them to bldg 35 if some of you are interested here, too.  You are welcome to look
through them, make copies, etc.  Please bring ~20 copies of the recipe of what
you are bringing to the dinner for the interested chefs.


00430 00024 US 
Date: 6 Jan. 1981 9:34 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Thompson
Subject: Re: Chinese dinner menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Jan. 1981 11:50 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

Hven't thought about it yet. One holiday at a time please. We'll try to come up
with an idea by the end of the week.

Geoff (& Susan)

00399 00024 US 
Date: 6 Jan. 1981 9:40 am PST (Tuesday)
From: DaveSmith.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese dinner menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Jan. 1981 11:50 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

We'll make Cha-hsia-ch'iu (deep-fried shrimp balls), which can be used as a
main course dish.


00461 00024 US 
Date: 6 Jan. 1981 9:47 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Confusing messages
To: Cheng
cc: Sweet, Roberts

I just got a phone call from Scott McGregor who was confused by your message
about the second dinner.  It would probably be better to send further messages to
only the list of people coming to that dinner: 

Barnett, Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver, McCrystal, Ellis, Albinson, Weyer, Guibas,
Deutsch, Sprague, Urbach, Watanabe 

00349 00024 US 
Date: 6 Jan. 1981 10:22 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Willie-Sue.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese dinner menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 5 Jan. 1981 11:50 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

	Ken and I will fix Lemon Chicken.

01165 00024 US 
Date: 6 Jan. 1981 4:01 pm PST (Tuesday)
From: Roberts.PA
Subject: Chinese dinners
To: Cheng
cc: Roberts, Sweet

I decided to compile all the messages I've been getting about the Chinese dinners
into something more compact.  Here's all the info I have (it may save you some
bother if you haven't done this yet).

To the first dinner, Saturday, January 17, at the Sweets' house:

Sweet (2),  DaveSmith (3),  Roberts, Cheng, Thompson (2), Knutsen (2),
Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor (2), Binkley (2), Glassman (2), Chiang (2)

Glassman			Pot Stickers or Hot and Sour Soup or other appetizers
LKnutsen			potstickers
Cheng & Roberts		eight treasure chicken
DaveSmith			Cha-hsia-ch'iu (deep-fried shrimp balls)
Willie-Sue & Pier		Lemon Chicken

To the Roberts/Cheng household, Saturday, January 24:

Artibee, Jenkins, RWeaver, McCrystal (2), Roberts, Cheng, Ellis(2), McElyea?,
Albinson (2), Weyer (2), Guibas (2), Deutsch (2), Barnett, Sprague, Urbach,

McCrystal			something with calamari
Deutsch			Hunan Hot and Sour Chicken
Albinson			hot and sour soup

00876 00024 US 
Date: 7 Jan. 1981 9:14 am PST (Wednesday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Menu
To: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman
cc: Sweet

Thanks to Terry, here is the menu so far.

Glassman			Hot and Sour Soup
LKnutsen			potstickers
Cheng & Roberts		eight treasure chicken
DaveSmith			Cha-hsia-ch'iu (deep-fried shrimp balls)
Willie-Sue & Pier		Lemon Chicken

We don't seem to need any more chicken.  There seems to be a shortage of veges,
so I will volunteer to fix

Sweet				Dry cooked string beans

assuming that I can find and/or afford string beans next week.  Keep those cards
and letters coming.

As a reminder, the time and place are:

	7:30 PM, Saturday, January 17
	721 Garland Drive, Palo Alto

The file [Igor]<Sweet>Map.press contains reasonable directions for getting to my


00351 00024 US 
Date: 19 Dec. 1980 2:14 pm PST (Friday)
From: Deutsch
Subject: Re: Chinese Dinners
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Dec. 1980 1:34 pm PST (Friday)
To: Sweet
Cc: Deutsch

The following weekend (Jan. 24) sounds good even though I expect to be in the
throes of moving to San Francisco.  I volunteer Hunan Hot and Sour Chicken.

00338 00024 US 
Date: 7 Jan. 1981 1:18 pm PST (Wednesday)
From: chiang
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 7 Jan. 1981 9:14 am PST (Wednesday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson,  Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman


We will fix "shreded pork in fish flavored sauce".

00686 00024 US 
Date: 8 Jan. 1981 8:48 am PST (Thursday)
From: LKnutsen
Subject: StriingBeans
To: Sweet
cc: Roberts, Glassman, LKnutsen

String beans are on sale at Brentwood market this week for 49 cents/lb. If you
buy them on Tuesday (last day of sale)will they last?
Also, I'm not on your mailing list...Dale is, but I'm the cook.

Steve GLassman came by my office on Jan. 6 and talked about doing fried won
tons instead of Hot and Sour Soup. If you want Hot and Sour Soup (sounds like a
good idea) he and I could negotiate. I don't mind changing, since he originally
wanted to do potstickers. How many people should I plan for, and what will be
used for soup bowls? 


00974 00024 US 
Date: 8 Jan. 1981 10:23 am PST (Thursday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 7 Jan. 1981 9:14 am PST (Wednesday)
To: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, LKnutsen, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman
cc: Sweet

A few odds and ends.

Steve Glassman would rather make appetizers than soup.  Are there any
volunteers to make soup (H&S or otherwise)?

What are we planning to drink at this dinner?  I can provide enough wine
glasses to go around and have 14 or so chinese tea cups.

I only own 14 soup/rice bowls.  We need at least 9 more, counting my 2 kids. 
Anyone out there have some?

I only have 14 chairs, folding chairs would be appreciated (the narrower the
better, given how many we are trying to put around the table).

I left LKnutsen off the original distribution list of those coming to the dinner,
please include her in future messages (she has been forwarded the previous

00332 00024 US 
Date: 8 Jan. 1981 11:15 am PST (Thursday)
From: Roberts.PA
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 8 Jan. 1981 10:23 am PST (Thursday)
To: Sweet
cc: Roberts, Cheng

We can bring the remaining bowls.  I have a tea set which includes 4 cups;
want those?  I think we also have a couple of chairs.

00345 00024 US 
Date: 8 Jan. 1981 11:56 am PST (Thursday)
From: Thompson
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 8 Jan. 1981 10:23 am PST (Thursday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, LKnutsen, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

Susan and I will do a soup (probably H & S)


00439 00024 US 
Date: 8 Jan. 1981 1:01 pm PST (Thursday)
From: Pier.PA
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 8 Jan. 1981 10:23 am PST (Thursday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, LKnutsen, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

There are at least four avid wine tasters on your list. I'm sure we could fill those
glasses appropriately. Suggest that people BYOB of good wine.

00312 00024 US 
Date: 9 Jan. 1981 9:20 am PST (Friday)
From: Knutsen
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 8 Jan. 1981 10:23 am PST (Thursday)
To: Sweet
cc: LKnutsen, Knutsen

The Knutsen's vote for not drinking.

We have a moderate collection of rice & soup bowls that we can bring.


00351 00024 US 
Date: 9 Jan. 1981 12:42 pm PST (Friday)
From: chiang
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 8 Jan. 1981 10:23 am PST (Thursday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, LKnutsen, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman


I can bring 4 folding chairs and 4 rice bowls.


00395 00024 US 
Date: 12 Jan. 1981 9:39 am PST (Monday)
From: McGregor.PA
Subject: Re: Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 7 Jan. 1981 9:14 am PST (Wednesday)
To: Sweet
cc: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, Knutsen, Willie-Sue, Pier,
 McGregor, Binkley, Glassman

I'll make "Ant Climbs Tree", and bring along a white wine likely to stand up
against Szechwan dishes.


01081 00024 US 
Date: 12 Jan. 1981 10:43 am PST (Monday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Chinese Menu
To: DaveSmith, Roberts, Cheng, Thompson, Chiang, LKnutsen, Knutsen,
 Willie-Sue, Pier, McGregor, Binkley, Glassman, Sweet

Thompson			Soup
Glassman			appetizers
LKnutsen			potstickers
Cheng & Roberts		eight treasure chicken
Chiang			shreded pork in fish flavored sauce
DaveSmith			Cha-hsia-ch'iu (deep-fried shrimp balls)
Willie-Sue & Pier		Lemon Chicken
Binkley			Sweet & sour fish
McGregor			"Ant Climbs Tree"
Sweet				Dry cooked string beans

Wine drinkers will bring a bottle of wine.

It looks reasonably well balanced to me.  I will plan to fix some white rice. 
Should we have dessert? Any volunteers?

Assorted hardware acknowledgments:

Roberts			rice bowls, tea set, 2 chairs
Knutsens			rice bowls
Chiang			rice bowls, 4 chairs

That is probably more rice bowls than absolutely necessary, but better too
We could still use a few chairs.  I can probably borrow from other friends, but it
would be handier if some of you have folding chairs you can bring.


00219 00024 US 
Date: 12 Jan. 1981 10:46 am PST (Monday)
From: McGregor.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 12 Jan. 1981 10:43 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet

I'll bring two chairs.


00354 00024 US 
Date: 13 Jan. 1981 8:57 am PST (Tuesday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Menu
In-reply-to: Your message of 13 Jan. 1981 8:28 am PST (Tuesday)
To: Roberts
cc: Sweet

Could indeed use spoons,  I probably have enough chopsticks, but you might as
well bring some along (they can sit in a box without taking up much space).


00760 00024 US 
Date: 19 Jan. 1981 10:16 am PST (Monday)
From: Sweet.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 12 Jan. 1981 10:43 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet

We seem to have recovered from Saturday night without undue stress.  Thanks
to all for leaving the kitchen and living room in remarkably good shape,

I have a few items that I don't recognize.  They are in my office today.  

    one stainless steel ladle, probably Geoff's
    one round handled wooden spoon (not new)
    one white, rather chipped, soup/rice bowl.

Terry is missing one bowl.  It apparently has decorations on the outside.  Please
look around and see if you picked up an extra bowl (or maybe swapped your
chipped plain bowl for a fancy one).

00424 00024 US 
Date: 19 Jan. 1981 10:33 am PST (Monday)
From: Roberts.PA
Subject: Re: Chinese Menu
In-reply-to: Sweet's message of 19 Jan. 1981 10:15 am PST (Monday)
To: Sweet
cc: Roberts, Cheng

If no one trades rice bowls, I'll claim the one you have.  I'm not absolutely
positive that all of the bowls I brought had the decorations, and I do know that
our dishes tend to be chipped (oh the joys of kids...).