about
afraid
after
again
ahead
all
always
and
animal
another
ant
any
apple
are
arm
around
ask
ate
away
back
bag
basket
bear
before
began
bell
best
better
big
bike
bird
blew
blue
bone
book
bow
box
boy
brave
bridge
bright
brown
build
bus
bush
busy
but
cake
call
came
can
candy
card
care
cat
chicken
children
chipmunk
city
color
come
could
cried
croak
cross
dad
day
did
dinosaur
dog
door
down
eat
end
ever
every
eye
face
farm
fast
fat
father
fence
find
first
fish
fix
flash
foot
for
found
fox
friend
frog
from
full
fun
get
giant
girl
goat
goes
golden
good
got
grass
green
had
happy
have
hear
help
her
here
hide
hill
him
his
hole
home
honey
hot
house
how
hunt
idea
jump
jungle
just
knew
know
last
laugh
left
leg
let
library
light
like
lion
listen
little
look
lot
lucky
lunch
made
make
mama
man
many
may
mean
money
moon
more
mother
mouse
much
must
name
never
new
next
nice
night
noise
nose
not
now
old
one
open
other
our
out
over
paint
pan
park
past
people
pet
picture
place
play
please
police
pond
pool
porcupine
pot
print
problem
puppet
push
put
rabbit
raccoon
rain
ran
read
real
red
ride
right
rock
rocket
room
run
said
same
saw
say
scare
school
see
seen
self
sentence
she
shirt
shook
should
show
sick
side
sign
skip
skunk
sleep
smell
smile
sniff
some
soon
sound
splash
squirrel
stay
stick
still
stop
store
story
street
supper
sure
surprise
tail
take
teeth
tell
than
thank
that
the
them
then
there
they
thing
think
this
thought
three
ticket
tiger
time
told
too
took
toy
trade
treasure
tree
troll
truck
turn
two
until
very
wait
walk
want
was
wash
water
wave
went
were
what
wheel
when
where
white
who
will
win
wind
window
wish
with
wonder
wood
woosh
word
work
would
wow
yellow
yes
you
your
zoo