-- SortDirDefs.mesa -- Last Edited by: Sweet, October 8, 1984 11:04:47 am PDT DIRECTORY Basics, Containers, IO, Rope, ViewerClasses; SortDirDefs: DEFINITIONS = { ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; CallerNumber: TYPE = [0..200); CP: TYPE = RECORD [name, phone: ROPE, recruiter: CallerNumber]; CallerNameRec: TYPE = ARRAY CallerNumber OF CP; Handle: TYPE = REF MyRec; -- a REF to the data for a particular instance of the sample tool; multiple instances can be created. MyRec: TYPE = RECORD [ -- the data for a particular tool instance outer: Containers.Container _ NIL, -- handle for the enclosing container height: CARDINAL _ 0, -- height measured from the top of the container cmd: CommandViewer, -- the commands in, in2: IO.STREAM, eof: BOOLEAN _ FALSE, out: IO.STREAM, item: EntrySeq, secondary: EntrySeq, callerNumber, recruiterNumber: REF BOOL, address, zip, level, activity, dinner, age, phone, caller, recruiter, member: REF BOOL, tsIn, tsOut: STREAM, callerName: REF CallerNameRec, dinnerOrder: PACKED ARRAY CHAR OF [0..16) _ ALL[0], levelOrder: PACKED ARRAY CHAR OF [0..16) _ ALL[0], activityOrder: PACKED ARRAY CHAR OF [0..16) _ ALL[0], ageOrder: PACKED ARRAY CHAR OF [0..16) _ ALL[0], ts: ViewerClasses.Viewer ]; -- the typescript Entry: TYPE = RECORD [ caller: CallerNumber _ 0, activity, level, dinner, age: CHAR _ ' , phone: ARRAY [0..4) OF ROPE _ ALL[NIL], name: ARRAY [0..4) OF ROPE _ ALL[NIL], addr: ARRAY [0..4) OF ROPE _ ALL[NIL], town: ROPE _ NIL, zip: ROPE _ NIL, mailing: ROPE _ NIL, comment: ROPE _ NIL, <> cname: ROPE, -- cannonical form name street: ROPE, number: INT _ 0, ctown: ROPE]; EntrySeqBody: TYPE = RECORD [count: CARDINAL _ 0, e: SEQUENCE max: CARDINAL OF REF Entry]; EntrySeq: TYPE = REF EntrySeqBody; CommandViewer: TYPE = RECORD [ inputFile, outputFile, secondary, callers: ViewerClasses.Viewer ]; CompareProc: PROC [h: Handle, r1, r2: REF Entry] RETURNS [Basics.Comparison]; Quit: PROC [handle: Handle, reason: ROPE _ NIL]; Quit2: PROC [handle: Handle, st: IO.STREAM, reason: ROPE _ NIL]; }.