Command SummaryMouse button namesSourceDestSelectKeyset key namesAlphaBetaMoveDrawFineMark Placement and SelectionSourcePlace source mark on 1 inch grid. Fine+SourcePlace source mark on fine grain grid (see ^G command).Alpha+SourcePlace source mark at nearby point (if any).Beta+SourcePlace upper mark.DestPlace dest mark on 1 inch grid.Fine+DestPlace dest mark on fine grain grid (see ^G command).Alpha+DestPlace dest mark at nearby point (if any).Beta+DestPlace lower mark.SelectClear selections, select nearest item.Alpha+SelectAdd nearest item to selection.Beta+SelectRemove nearest item from selection.Alpha+Beta+SelectClear selections, select all items in the box defined by placewhere Select went down and where it came up.OperationsDrawDraw a line from the source mark to the dest mark. Alpha+DrawMove dest mark to line up with source in either x or y, thendraw from source to dest.Beta+DrawDelete current selections.Alpha+Beta+DrawUndelete recent deletion (to a depth of 4).MoveMove current selections from source to dest.Alpha+MoveMove origin mark to current value of source.Beta+MoveZoom upper to top corner, scale so lower remains on screen.This command removes both upper and lower from thepicture.Alpha+Beta+MoveZoom back with [0,0] in to corner, scale as per ^M command.Draw+MoveCopy current selection from source to dest.@a'p [qi Yr Tyq R"r){3g Mq2K>r$`sXts2Hr $`stsrs 2Fr $`sts2Ccr $`sts2@r$`sts2>&r$`stsrs 2;r $`sts28r$`sts26Kr$`s&23r $`s21r $`s#2.qr$`s>$`,rs (q 2& r$`sts ts2#jr $`ststs usus$`! tsts2Hr$`s2r$`s+2 r$`ststs2mr $`ststs2r$`ststs$`Ktsts$`2)r$`s0rs2 r$`ststs< C9V2Alpha+Beta+Move+DrawNo operation (to change your mind).Nfs2br$`sX#8 `S+3Keyboard Commands^BBlowup[1..4]Shrink line widths in press file for subsequent blowup ofpicture. ^DDashes2, 4, 6, SDraw Solid lines or dashes with ratio of black/white of 2, 4,or 6.^FFontS or LSet current font to small (Helvetica 8) or large (Helvetica14).^GGrain[0..4]Set fine grain to 1/(2**n) inches.^IInputfilenameRead a picture from the named file.^KKillResets the current picture to empty.^LLabelModeP or LInsert labels in Portrait or Landscape mode.^OOutputfilenameWrite current picture to the named file.^MMin-mag[0..4]Set minimum number of screen dots per inch to (2**n).^PPressfilenameMake a press file of the current picture. If upper or lower arein the picture, they limit the region printed, and lower isadjusted (if necessary) to restrict the picture to 8"x10". Ifreadjustment of lower is not necessary, this commandremoves both upper and lower from the picture.^QQuitReturn to the exec.^RRedraw SelectionsRedraw selected lines with the current width and dashedness;redraw selected labels in the current font.^SScale[2..16]Output scale in 1/16ths of inch per foot.^TTicksTurn on (off) ticks at 24 screen dot invervals.^WWidth[1..4]Set width for drawing lines.DELCancel command LFRepaint picture.textStart a label, on CR insert into picture at source.Nfs aqi2_9r@s$`X9$`]2[r@s $`=$`Y2Vr@s$`?2TVr@s$`"2Qr@s$`#2Or$`s$2L{r@s$`,2Ir@s$`(2G?r@s$`52Dr@s$`.tsts$`C3ts$`A>$`@ts$`> tsts2;r$`s29Tr$`s<$`7+251r@s$`)22r$`s/2/r@s$`2-Vr$`s2*r$`s2(r$`srsts ':|@8 HELVETICA TIMESROMAN  HELVETICA  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN  j/ 8ALE.docSweetSeptember 15, 1980 1:46 PM