The bounding box icarus uses is (2048, 2048) rect: (19424, 24896).
Its dimensions are 17376 x 22848.  After scaling by 1/4 its dimensions are 4344 x 5712.
Let IX = integer page displacement from left column,
    IY = integer page displacement above bottom row.
The lower left corner is at (2048, 2048).  After scaling by 1/4 it is at (512, 512).
For a 4 wide by 3 high array of pages, want lower left corner at (2048, 4904).
Scale page IX,IY by 1/4 and place its lower left corner at
	x = (2048 - 512) + 4344*IX
	y = (4904 - 512) + 5712*IY.
The appropriate command file is:
Scale.BCD FOS.Press
FOS-1-3.Press 1 1/4 1536,15816
FOS-1-3.Press 2 1/4 5880,15816
FOS-1-3.Press 3 1/4 10224,15816
FOS-1-3.Press 4 1/4 14568,15816
FOS-1-3.Press 5 1/4 1536,10104
FOS-1-3.Press 6 1/4 5880,10104
FOS-1-3.Press 7 1/4 10224,10104
FOS-1-3.Press 8 1/4 14568,10104
FOS-1-3.Press 9 1/4 1536,4392
FOS-1-3.Press 10 1/4 5880,4392
FOS-1-3.Press 11 1/4 10224,4392
FOS-1-3.Press 12 1/4 14568,4392 ↑

Empress FOS.Press Lilac/h