Project Name: FIR
Designer: Jim Cherry
Filed on: [ivy]<speech>FIR>FIR.history
8/2/80Design completed, DRC and static checks performed.
8/3/80[ivy]<speech>FIR>FIR-MPC780-250.cif Fabricated on MPC780
8/4/80Recoder: LSBtime NOR gate ratio fixed.
Recoder: diffusion extention on a pullup removed.
Pullups put on data input pads added.
8/12/80First pass simulation performed at Stanford VAX using CJT’s TSIM.
Exectution time ~12 min. for 170 step load and 100 steps of filtering.
recoder: ratio at (492,69) changed from 8:1 to 4:1.
recoder: restructured to eliminate unused inverter and floating node.
LSBtime-delay: distibuted NOR gnd connections extended to eliminate spurious DRV’s.
LSBtime-delay: ~Mult-LSB NI-SB changed to I-SB.
drivers-bldr: add-LSB I-SB changed to NI-SB.
Add-SBout: I-SB changed to NI-SB.
tap-16: diffusion missing in NOR gate pullup of last adder extend logic.
tap-16: poly-poly DRV
tap-16: random logic put in symbol Last-AddTree-LSBtime-delay.
MultTimingSB: moved lower right SB to eliminate spurious DRV.
Last-MultTimingSB: malformed butting contact.
Last-MultTimingSB: extra logic removed.