-- Grapevine: FTP server using VMDefs -- -- [Indigo]MS>FTPServer.mesa -- Randy Gobbel 22-May-81 13:50:58 -- -- Andrew Birrell 5-Mar-82 8:54:25 -- -- Mark Johnson May 28, 1981 2:09 PM -- DIRECTORY AltoFile USING[ CloseDirectory, DEfile, DirHandle, DVPtr, Enumerate, OpenDirectory, sysDirFP ], BodyDefs USING[ maxRNameLength, RName ], FTPDefs, LogDefs USING[ WriteLogEntry ], NameInfoDefs USING[ Authenticate, AuthenticateInfo, IsMemberClosure, Membership ], PolicyDefs USING [CheckOperation, EndOperation], PupDefs USING[ AppendMyName, ParsePupAddressConstant, PupAddress ], Storage USING[ Free, String ], String USING[ AppendChar, AppendNumber, AppendString, EquivalentStrings ], Time USING[ Append, Packed, Unpack ], TimeExtraDefs USING[ PackedTimeFromString ], VMDefs USING[ AbandonFile, CantOpen, CantReadBackingStore, CantWriteBackingStore, CloseFile, DestroyFile, Error, FileHandle, FileTime, GetFileLength, GetFileTimes, MarkStart, OpenFile, Page, pageSize, Position, ReadPage, Release, SetCreationTime, SetFileLength, UsePage, WaitFile ], VMSpecial USING[ OpenAltoFileFromFP, QuickAndDirtyAltoRename ]; FTPServer: PROGRAM IMPORTS AltoFile, FTPDefs, LogDefs, NameInfoDefs, PolicyDefs, PupDefs, Storage, String, Time, TimeExtraDefs, VMDefs, VMSpecial = BEGIN WhoIsHe: SIGNAL RETURNS[ net, host: [0..256) ] = CODE; --communication between LogAction and Backstop -- LogAction: PROC[user: BodyDefs.RName, file: STRING, action: { read, write, rename, delete }] = BEGIN log: STRING = [128]; String.AppendString[log, "FTP server: "L]; BEGIN net, host: [0..256); [net, host] _ SIGNAL WhoIsHe; String.AppendNumber[log, net, 8]; String.AppendChar[log, '#]; String.AppendNumber[log, host, 8]; END; String.AppendChar[log, ' ]; String.AppendString[log, user]; String.AppendString[log, SELECT action FROM read => " reading "L, write => " writing "L, rename => " renaming "L, delete => " deleting "L ENDCASE => ERROR]; String.AppendString[log, file]; LogDefs.WriteLogEntry[log]; END; MyCreate: PROC[bufferSize: CARDINAL] RETURNS[fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem] = BEGIN real: BodyDefs.RName = Storage.String[BodyDefs.maxRNameLength]; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[real]]; END; MyDestroy: PROC[ fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem ] = { Storage.Free[fileSystem] }; MyDecompose: PROC[ fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, absoluteFilename: STRING, virtualFilename: FTPDefs.VirtualFilename ] = BEGIN virtualFilename.device.length _ 0; virtualFilename.directory.length _ 0; virtualFilename.name.length _ 0; String.AppendString[virtualFilename.name, absoluteFilename]; virtualFilename.version.length _ 0; END; MyCompose: PROC[ fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, absoluteFilename: STRING, virtualFilename: FTPDefs.VirtualFilename ] = BEGIN IF virtualFilename.device.length = 0 AND virtualFilename.directory.length = 0 AND virtualFilename.name.length = 0 AND virtualFilename.version.length = 0 THEN NULL -- that's what the spec says! -- ELSE BEGIN absoluteFilename.length _ 0; String.AppendString[absoluteFilename, virtualFilename.name]; END; END; DefaultReg: PROC[name: BodyDefs.RName] = BEGIN default: STRING = ".pa"L; FOR i: CARDINAL DECREASING IN [0..name.length) DO IF name[i] = '. THEN EXIT; REPEAT FINISHED => IF name.length + default.length <= name.maxlength THEN String.AppendString[name, default]; ENDLOOP; END; MyInspectCredentials: PROC[ fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, status: FTPDefs.Status, user, password: STRING ] = BEGIN real: BodyDefs.RName = LOOPHOLE[fileSystem]; IF status = primary THEN BEGIN outcome: NameInfoDefs.AuthenticateInfo; IF user = NIL OR user.length > BodyDefs.maxRNameLength THEN { real.length _ 0; outcome _ notFound } ELSE BEGIN IF password = NIL THEN outcome _ badPwd ELSE BEGIN real.length _ 0; String.AppendString[real, user]; DefaultReg[real]; outcome _ NameInfoDefs.Authenticate[real, password]; END; END; IF outcome # individual THEN BEGIN error: FTPDefs.FtpError = SELECT outcome FROM notFound, group => noSuchPrimaryUser, badPwd => incorrectPrimaryPassword, allDown => unidentifiedTransientError, ENDCASE => ERROR; string: STRING = SELECT outcome FROM notFound => "Incorrect registry or user name"L, group => "Can't login as a group"L, badPwd => "Incorrect password"L, allDown => "Can't reach any authentication server", ENDCASE => ERROR; real.length _ 0; ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[error, string]; END; END; END; CheckAccess: PROC[ user: BodyDefs.RName, why: {list, read, write}, file: STRING ] = BEGIN info: NameInfoDefs.Membership; IF user = NIL OR user.length = 0 THEN ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[credentialsMissing, "No valid user/password given"L]; IF why # list AND String.EquivalentStrings[file, "Heap.data"L] THEN FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "'Heap.data' is private!"L]; IF why # read AND String.EquivalentStrings[file, "GV.log"L] THEN info _ NameInfoDefs.IsMemberClosure["LogReaders^.ms"L, user]; IF info # yes THEN info _ NameInfoDefs.IsMemberClosure["Transport^.ms"L, user]; SELECT info FROM yes => NULL; no, notGroup => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "You're not allowed access to this server"L]; allDown => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "Can't contact access control server"L]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; OpenVMFile: PROC[file: STRING, action: {read, write, delete, enumerate}] RETURNS[handle: VMDefs.FileHandle] = BEGIN ENABLE VMDefs.CantOpen => SELECT reason FROM notFound => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[noSuchFile, "File does not exist"L]; alreadyExists => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[fileAlreadyExists, "File already exists"L]; accessDenied => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "File not available at present"L]; illegalFileName => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[illegalFilename, "Illegal file title"L]; ENDCASE => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[unidentifiedPermanentError, "Unidentified ""CantOpen"" from VM"L]; handle _ VMDefs.OpenFile[ options: SELECT action FROM read, enumerate => oldReadOnly, write => oldOrNew, delete => old, ENDCASE => ERROR, name: file, cacheFraction: 2 ]; END; GetInfo: PROC[handle: VMDefs.FileHandle, info: FTPDefs.FileInfo] = BEGIN IF info = NIL THEN RETURN; BEGIN length: VMDefs.Position = VMDefs.GetFileLength[handle]; info.byteCount _ LONG[length.page] * 2*VMDefs.pageSize + length.byte; END; info.fileType _ binary; info.byteSize _ 8; BEGIN Append: PROC[s: STRING, t: Time.Packed] = BEGIN IF s # NIL THEN { s.length _ 0; Time.Append[s, Time.Unpack[t], TRUE] }; END; create, write, read: Time.Packed; [create: LOOPHOLE[create, VMDefs.FileTime], read: LOOPHOLE[read, VMDefs.FileTime], write: LOOPHOLE[write, VMDefs.FileTime]] _ VMDefs.GetFileTimes[handle]; Append[info.creationDate, create]; Append[info.writeDate, write]; Append[info.readDate, read]; END; END; MyEnumerateFiles: PROC[ fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, files: STRING, intent: FTPDefs.EnumerateFilesIntent, processFile: PROC[UNSPECIFIED,STRING,FTPDefs.FileInfo], processFileData: UNSPECIFIED ] = BEGIN real: BodyDefs.RName = LOOPHOLE[fileSystem]; creation: STRING = [22]; -- 31-Oct-83 25:61:61 BST -- write: STRING = [22]; -- 1234567890123456789012 -- read: STRING = [22]; fileInfoObject: FTPDefs.FileInfoObject _ [ fileType: binary, byteSize: 8, byteCount: 0, creationDate: creation, writeDate: write, readDate: read, author: NIL ]; SingleFile: PROC[entry: AltoFile.DVPtr, name: STRING] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF entry.type = AltoFile.DEfile THEN BEGIN handle: VMDefs.FileHandle = VMSpecial.OpenAltoFileFromFP[ [entry.fp.serial,entry.fp.leaderDA],FALSE,0]; GetInfo[handle, @fileInfoObject]; VMDefs.AbandonFile[handle]; processFile[processFileData, name, @fileInfoObject]; END; RETURN[FALSE] END; CheckAccess[real, list, files]; IF intent = enumeration AND files.length = 1 AND files[0] = '* THEN BEGIN h: AltoFile.DirHandle = AltoFile.OpenDirectory[AltoFile.sysDirFP]; [] _ AltoFile.Enumerate[h, SingleFile ! UNWIND => AltoFile.CloseDirectory[h] ]; AltoFile.CloseDirectory[h]; END ELSE BEGIN IF intent = enumeration THEN BEGIN handle: VMDefs.FileHandle = OpenVMFile[files, enumerate]; GetInfo[handle, @fileInfoObject]; VMDefs.CloseFile[handle]; END; processFile[processFileData, files, @fileInfoObject]; END; END; MyOpenFile: PROC[ fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, file: STRING, mode: FTPDefs.Mode, fileTypePlease: BOOLEAN, info: FTPDefs.FileInfo ] RETURNS[ fileHandle: FTPDefs.FileHandle, fileType: FTPDefs.FileType] = BEGIN real: BodyDefs.RName = LOOPHOLE[fileSystem]; SELECT mode FROM read => BEGIN handle: VMDefs.FileHandle; CheckAccess[real, read, file]; handle _ OpenVMFile[file, read]; LogAction[real, file, read]; GetInfo[handle, info]; fileType _ binary; fileHandle _ LOOPHOLE[handle]; END; write => BEGIN CheckAccess[real, write, file]; fileHandle _ LOOPHOLE[ OpenVMFile[file, write] ]; LogAction[real, file, write]; IF info # NIL AND info.creationDate # NIL AND info.creationDate.length > 0 THEN VMDefs.SetCreationTime[file: LOOPHOLE[fileHandle], create: TimeExtraDefs.PackedTimeFromString[info.creationDate] ]; END; ENDCASE => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "Unexpected access mode"L]; END; MyReadFile: PROC[fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, fileHandle: FTPDefs.FileHandle, sendBlock: PROC[UNSPECIFIED,POINTER,CARDINAL], sendBlockData: UNSPECIFIED ] = BEGIN handle: VMDefs.FileHandle = LOOPHOLE[fileHandle]; length: VMDefs.Position = VMDefs.GetFileLength[handle]; FOR p: CARDINAL IN [0..length.page) --complete pages-- DO page: VMDefs.Page = VMDefs.ReadPage[ [handle,p], 2 ]; sendBlock[sendBlockData, page, 2*VMDefs.pageSize ! UNWIND => VMDefs.Release[page] ]; VMDefs.Release[page]; ENDLOOP; IF length.byte > 0 THEN --partial page-- BEGIN page: VMDefs.Page = VMDefs.ReadPage[ [handle, length.page], 0 ]; sendBlock[sendBlockData, page, length.byte ! UNWIND => VMDefs.Release[page] ]; VMDefs.Release[page]; END; END; MyWriteFile: PROC[fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, fileHandle: FTPDefs.FileHandle, receiveBlock: PROC[UNSPECIFIED,POINTER,CARDINAL] RETURNS[CARDINAL], receiveBlockData: UNSPECIFIED ] = BEGIN handle: VMDefs.FileHandle = LOOPHOLE[fileHandle]; pos: VMDefs.Position _ [0,0]; page: VMDefs.Page _ VMDefs.UsePage[ [handle, pos.page] ]; DO ENABLE UNWIND => IF page # NIL THEN VMDefs.Release[page]; amount: CARDINAL = receiveBlock[receiveBlockData, page+(pos.byte/2), VMDefs.pageSize-(pos.byte/2) ]; IF amount = 0 THEN EXIT; pos.byte _ pos.byte + amount; IF amount MOD 2 # 0 THEN BEGIN temp: UNSPECIFIED; IF receiveBlock[receiveBlockData, @temp, SIZE[UNSPECIFIED]] = 0 THEN EXIT ELSE ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "Odd-byte block boundary not implemented"L]; END; IF pos.byte >= 2 * VMDefs.pageSize THEN BEGIN IF pos.byte > 2 * VMDefs.pageSize THEN ERROR; VMDefs.MarkStart[page]; VMDefs.Release[page]; page _ NIL; pos.page _ pos.page+1; pos.byte _ 0; page _ VMDefs.UsePage[ [handle, pos.page] ]; END; ENDLOOP; IF pos.byte > 0 THEN VMDefs.MarkStart[page]; VMDefs.Release[page]; VMDefs.WaitFile[handle]; VMDefs.SetFileLength[handle, pos]; END; MyCloseFile: PROC[fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, fileHandle: FTPDefs.FileHandle, aborted: BOOLEAN ] = BEGIN VMDefs.CloseFile[LOOPHOLE[fileHandle]]; END; MyDeleteFile: PROC[fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, file: STRING] = BEGIN real: BodyDefs.RName = LOOPHOLE[fileSystem]; handle: VMDefs.FileHandle; CheckAccess[real, write, file]; handle _ OpenVMFile[file, delete]; LogAction[real, file, delete]; VMDefs.DestroyFile[handle]; END; MyRenameFile: PROC[fileSystem: FTPDefs.FileSystem, currentFile, newFile: STRING] = BEGIN real: BodyDefs.RName = LOOPHOLE[fileSystem]; CheckAccess[real, write, newFile]; CheckAccess[real, read, currentFile]; LogAction[real, currentFile, rename]; IF NOT VMSpecial.QuickAndDirtyAltoRename[old: currentFile, new: newFile] THEN ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[requestedAccessDenied, "source of rename doesn't exist or destination already exists"L]; END; -- Backstop and Filter for listeners -- Backstop: FTPDefs.BackstopServer _ BEGIN addr: PupDefs.PupAddress; IF NOT PupDefs.ParsePupAddressConstant[ @addr, originOfRequest ] THEN BEGIN addr.net _ [0]; addr.host _ [0]; END; localInsignia.length _ 0; String.AppendString[localInsignia, "Grapevine FTP server on host "L]; PupDefs.AppendMyName[localInsignia]; server[ ! FTPDefs.FTPError => SELECT ftpError FROM IN FTPDefs.CommunicationError, IN FTPDefs.ProtocolError => CONTINUE; IN FTPDefs.UnidentifiedError => CONTINUE; ENDCASE => RESUME; WhoIsHe => RESUME[addr.net, addr.host]; VMDefs.Error => SELECT reason FROM io => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[fileDataError, "Unrecoverable i/o error"L]; resources => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[noRoomForFile, "Backing store full"L]; ENDCASE => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[unidentifiedPermanentError, "Unidentified ""VMDefs.Error"""L]; VMDefs.CantWriteBackingStore => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[fileDataError, "Can't write page to backing store"L]; VMDefs.CantReadBackingStore => ERROR FTPDefs.FTPError[fileDataError, "Can't read page from backing store"L]; ]; PolicyDefs.EndOperation[FTP]; END; Filter: PROC[from: STRING, purpose: FTPDefs.Purpose] = BEGIN IF NOT PolicyDefs.CheckOperation[FTP] THEN BEGIN LogDefs.WriteLogEntry["Rejected FTP connection"L]; ERROR FTPDefs.RejectThisConnection["Server full"L]; END; END; -- Initialization -- myFilePrimitives: FTPDefs.FilePrimitivesObject _ [ CreateFileSystem: MyCreate, DestroyFileSystem: MyDestroy, DecomposeFilename: MyDecompose, ComposeFilename: MyCompose, InspectCredentials: MyInspectCredentials, EnumerateFiles: MyEnumerateFiles, OpenFile: MyOpenFile, ReadFile: MyReadFile, WriteFile: MyWriteFile, CloseFile: MyCloseFile, DeleteFile: MyDeleteFile, RenameFile: MyRenameFile ]; FTPDefs.FTPInitialize[]; FTPDefs.FTPCatchUnidentifiedErrors[FALSE]; [] _ FTPDefs.FTPCreateListener[ --purpose-- files, --file system-- @myFilePrimitives, --mail system-- NIL, --comm system-- FTPDefs.PupCommunicationPrimitives[], --backstop-- @Backstop, --backstopData-- 0, --filter-- Filter]; END.