// QDPRINT.SR get "ginn.df" get "char.df" get "bravo.df" // Incoming procedures external [ invalidatewindow cpmax cppagenum discardpages macpage makepage cpvisible updatedisplay establishww disestablishww ult stcopy stappend cpmin stnum stsize stget divmod specstate nextspecstate pollinput pollstripe stripemenu stripeline stripenone stripewindow stripefly pollmouse setmenu bugmenu setmessage getvch format macpara cppara ] // Incoming statics external [ vwwcurrent ddoc vlookremark selaux vxrightmarg vxleftmarg vchangemarker vlookmarker vquad vxfirst vjw vjn vdoc vpara vlook comt vstripe rgdoc vchremain vcp rgmaccp vcplastd rgcpfdispl ] // Outgoing procedures external [ qdprint qcheckstop ] // Outgoing statics external [ vdpon vdpstop ] // Local statics static [ checkstop xcur ycur tabvec vdpon vdpstop spacing headings pagenums repaginate maxpy ] // Local manifests manifest [ pin= 177030b //printer input address pout= 177016b //output address carriage= 4000b //carriage strobe and ready bit daisy= 10000b //daisy strobe and ready ribbonlift= 20000b //ribbonlift prcheck= 40000b //check bit pfeed= 100000b //paper feed bit rest= 40000b //restore bit ready= 2000b //ready bit allready= 116000b //or of ready bits maxw= 132 //paper maximum width tabinc= 8 //tabs every 8 spaces pagelength=66*dpheight //max lines per page ] let qdprint(space,head,page,repage)=valof [ spacing = space headings = head pagenums = page repaginate = repage checkstop = 0 xcur=0 ycur=0 maxpy = (headings? 58,pagenums? 57,54)*dpheight if not qrestore() then [ setmessage(" Printer won't restore") resultis true ] let tv= vec maxw //vector for tab locations for i=0 to maxw-1 do tv!i=0 tabvec=tv for j=0 to maxw-1 by tabinc do qsettab(j) vdpstop = false setmenu() setmessage(" Bug Stop to terminate printing") qprintpages(vwwcurrent) qfeed(pagelength-ycur) vdpon = false vdpstop = false resultis true ] and qprintpages(ww) be [ let doc = rgdoc ! ww let chars = vec maxw let looks = vec maxw let cp = rgcpfdispl ! ww let cpl = rgmaccp!doc - 2 let pagenum = cppagenum(doc,cpmax(cp-1,0))+1 if repaginate then discardpages(doc, pagenum, macpage(doc)) vchremain = 0 vdoc = doc [ // begin repeat if cp ne 0 then [ pagenum = pagenum+1 if repaginate then makepage(doc, cp) ] ycur=0 let pagetop = true while ycur ls maxpy do [ if not ult(cp, cpl) then [ setmessage(" Printing finished") return ] qclearline(chars, looks) if pagetop then [ if headings then [ if not qfeed(dpheight) then return ] if pagenums then [ let txnow = (dprmarg/dppitch) - 7 let st = vec 5 let stn = vec 2 stcopy(st, "Page ") stnum(stn, pagenum) stappend(st, stn) let len = stsize(st) for i = 0 to len-1 do [ let ch = stget(st,i) chars ! (txnow+i) = ch eq chsp? 0,ch ] test pagenum eq 1 ifso if not qfeed(dpheight) then return ifnot if not qprintline(chars, looks, 1) then return for i = 1 to 3 do if not qfeed(dpheight) then return ] qclearline(chars, looks) pagetop = false ] establishww(ww, devdp) format(doc, cp, devdp) vcp = cp vchremain = 0 cp = cpmin(vcplastd, cpl)+1 vcp = specstate(vdoc, vcp, vpara) let changecp = nextspecstate() disestablishww() let remainder = nil let xnow = divmod(vxfirst, dppitch, lv remainder) xnow = xnow + (remainder le (dppitch/2)? 0,1) if (vlookmarker) & vchangemarker then chars ! ((dplmarg/dppitch)-2) = $| while vcp ls cp do [ let char = getvch() if vcp-1 eq changecp then [ changecp = nextspecstate() if changecp eq -1 then char = chcr ] if ((vlook & mvanish) ne 0) % (((vlook & mremark) ne 0) & (not vlookremark)) then loop if char eq chcr then break switchon char into [ case chsp: // justification is incorrect in format looks!xnow=vlook xnow=xnow+1 endcase case chtab: // not in a formatted document xnow= rv (tabvec+xnow) endcase default: chars!xnow=char looks!xnow=vlook xnow=xnow+1 endcase ] ] // end while if not qprintline(chars, looks, spacing) then return ] // end while if not qfeed(pagelength-ycur) then return invalidatewindow(ww) rgcpfdispl ! ww = cp updatedisplay() ] repeat ] and qprintline(chars, looks, spaces) = valof [ if not qprv(chars, looks) then resultis false if not qfeed(dpheight*spaces) then resultis false resultis true ] and qprv(chars, looks) = valof [ let xr=-1 // index of rightmost print position let xl=0 //index of leftmost print position for i=0 to maxw do [ if chars!i ne 0 do [ xr=i if xl eq 0 do xl=i ] ] if xr ls 0 do resultis true // nothing to print test xcur ge (((xl+xr)/2)*dppitch) ifso resultis qpv(chars,looks,xr,xl,-1) ifnot resultis qpv(chars,looks,xl,xr,1) ] and qpv(chars, looks, f, l, inc) = valof [ qmove((f*dppitch-xcur)) f = f-inc [ f = f+inc let char = (chars ! f) & 177b let look = (looks ! f) let notasp = char ne 0 if notasp then if not qstrobe(char, daisy) then resultis false if (look ne 0) then [ if ((look & mbold) ne 0) & notasp then for i = 1 to 7 do if not qstrobe(char, daisy) then resultis false if ((look & mitalic) ne 0) % ((look & mul) ne 0) then if not qstrobe($_, daisy) then resultis false if ((look & mremark) ne 0) % ((look & mvanish) ne 0) then if not qstrobe($^, daisy) then resultis false ] if not qmove(inc*dppitch) then resultis false ] repeatwhile f ne l resultis true ] and qmove(d) = valof [ xcur = xcur + d resultis qstrobe(d ls 0? (2000b-d),d, carriage) ] and qfeed(d) = valof [ ycur = ycur + d resultis qstrobe(d ls 0? (2000b-d),d, pfeed) ] and qstrobe(a, typebit) = valof [ checkstop = checkstop+1 // pollstripe takes time so don't always check if checkstop eq 9 then [ checkstop = 0 unless qcheckstop(lv vdpstop) do [ setmessage(" Printing terminated") resultis false ] ] let timer=1 if ((rv pin) & prcheck) eq 0 then [ setmessage(" Printer check") resultis false ] [ if ((rv pin) & (ready % typebit)) eq 0 then break if timer eq 0 then [ setmessage(" Printer hung") resultis false ] timer=timer+1 ] repeat a=a % ribbonlift rv pout=a rv pout=a%typebit rv pout=a resultis true ] and qrestore() = valof [ let again = true rv pout= rest //strobe the printer rv pout= 0 let time=1 [ if time eq 0 then [ test again ifso again = false ifnot resultis false ] if ((rv pin) & allready) eq 0 then resultis true time = time+1 ] repeat ] and qsettab(t) be [ if t eq 0 then return let x=t-1 let v= rv(tabvec+t) [ rv (tabvec+x) = t if x eq 0 then return x=x-1 ] repeatuntil rv (tabvec+x) ne v ] and qclearline(chars, looks) be [ for i=0 to maxw do [ chars ! i = 0 looks ! i = 0 ] ] and qcheckstop(lvstop) = valof [ let tdoc = vdoc let char = pollstripe(true) if char ne vstripe then [ selecton comt ! char into [ case sstripeline: stripeline case sstripewindow: stripewindow case sstripenone: stripenone case sstripefly: stripefly case sstripemenu: stripemenu ] (char) ] if comt ! char eq sstripemenu then [ char = pollmouse() if char ne smouse then [ char = char + (vstripe-sstripe) lshift 3 if comt!char eq sbugmenu then bugmenu(char) ] if @lvstop then resultis false ] vdoc = tdoc resultis true ]