// GKBD.SR derived from Lampson's KBD.C // ATTEMPT TO FIX DROPPED CHARS IS HERE get "OSSTRUCTURES" // outgoing procedures external [ CreateKeyboard ] // temporarily outgoing procedures, later to be moved elsewhere external [ InitializeStream ] // outgoing statics external [ linkCursorToMouse keyboardEnabled ] static [ linkCursorToMouse keyboardEnabled vRepeatKeys // ** vLRepeatKeys // ** ] // incoming procedures external [ BeginProcessInit; EndProcessInit DisableInterrupts; EnableInterrupts; Block MoveBlock swaton // ** ] structure RB[ @ST readPointer word writePointer word bufferStart word bufferEnd word ] manifest lRB=size RB/16 manifest msb=#100000 manifest [ mouseAddr=mouseX; cursorAddr=cursorX ] // ** GYPSY ADDED: // the vRepeatKeys table is for decoding keys which, when // held down a long time, repeat. Each such // key has five words in the table: structure RKE: [ index word // the index in the keys vector of the // word in which it appears bitnum word // the bit number (15=sign bit) mask word // a mask which picks off said bit count word // meaning dependent on STATE state word // nowup = COUNT presses queued, key up // stilldown = same but key down // timing = will repeat after COUNT ticks ] manifest [ nowup=0; stilldown=1; timing=2 ] manifest lRKE=size RKE/16 manifest [ longdelay=30; shortdelay=6 ] // ** tenths secs. structure [ repeatIndex byte charCode byte ] // ** end GYPSY addition let CreateKeyboard(procNo, stackSpace, stackSize, stream, streamSize, repeatKeys, lRepeatKeys) be [ vRepeatKeys = repeatKeys ; // ** table in RKE form vLRepeatKeys = lRepeatKeys ; // ** length of table interruptVector!(procNo+1)=KeyboardInterrupt(procNo, stackSpace, stackSize, stream) InitializeStream(stream) stream>>ST.gets=GetFromRB stream>>ST.endof=RBempty let t=stream+lRB stream>>RB.bufferStart=t stream>>RB.bufferEnd=stream+streamSize-1 stream>>RB.readPointer=t; stream>>RB.writePointer=t let intBit=1 lshift procNo DisableInterrupts() rv verticalFieldInterrupt=rv verticalFieldInterrupt % intBit rv activeInterrupts=rv activeInterrupts % intBit EnableInterrupts() ] and KeyboardInterrupt(procNo, stackSpace, stackSize, ringBuffer)=valof [ // must have a static so that the new process can communicate // with the old one static p p=BeginProcessInit(procNo, stackSpace, stackSize) // control comes here in the new process right after it is created KeyboardInit: manifest [ nKeyWords=4; keys=#177034 ] let oldKeys=vec nKeyWords-1; MoveBlock(oldKeys, keys, nKeyWords) let newKeys=vec nKeyWords-1; // ** FIX BUG let keyMask=table [ #177777; #177777; #173676; #177560 ] // ** GYPSY enabled top 2 spare keys // the following table is for decoding keys which, when // down, affect the interpretation of other keys. Each such // key has three words in the table: structure SKE[ index word // the index in the keys vector of the // word in which it appears mask word // a mask which picks off its bit type word // a code which can be used in a case // label to decide what // to do when it appears ] manifest lSKE=size SKE/16 manifest [ lsideshift=1; lock=2; control=3; rsideshift=4 ] let specialKeys=table [ // order important 3; #10; rsideshift // right shift key 2; #100; lsideshift // left shift key 2; #4000; control // control key 3; #200; lock // lock key ] let endSpecialKeys=specialKeys+4*lSKE-1 manifest [ esc=#33; del=#177; bs=#10 ] manifest [ topblk=#36; midblk=#34; botblk=#31 // GYPSY ** shtopblk=#37; shmidblk=#35; shbotblk=#32 shesc=#23; shdel=#27; shbs=#20; shlf=#22; shtab=#21; shcr=#25; shsp=#30 ] // entries in the keyNoToChar table have the structure structure KW[ [ letter bit; shiftedChar bit 7; repeater bit ; unshiftedChar bit 7 ] // ** = [ blank bit 11; controlChar bit 5 ] ] manifest [ l=#400; letter=#100000; rept=#200 ] // ** let keyNoToChar=table [ shbs*l+bs+rept // bit 15 shlf*l+$*L // +rept $|*l+$\ $?*l+$/ $P*l+$p+letter $-*l+$- $K*l+$k+letter $)*l+$0 $V*l+$v+letter $U*l+$u+letter $D*l+$d+letter $&*l+$7 $E*l+$e+letter $~*l+$6 $$*l+$4 $%*l+$5 // bit 0 shtopblk*l+topblk+rept // top spare shmidblk*l+midblk // middle spare $}*l+$] $"*l+$' $<*l+$, $L*l+$l+letter $O*l+$o+letter $X*l+$x+letter $I*l+$i+letter $(*l+$9 $A*l+$a+letter $S*l+$s+letter $Q*l+$q+letter $W*l+$w+letter $@*l+$2 $#*l+$3 0 // not used shdel*l+del // +rept $^*l+$_ shcr*l+$*N // carriage return $:*l+$; $>*l+$. 0 // shift $Z*l+$z+letter $B*l+$b+letter $J*l+$j+letter $C*l+$c+letter 0 // control $F*l+$f+letter shtab*l+$*T // tab shesc*l+esc $!*l+$1 0 // not used 0 // not used 0 // bottom spare 0 // shift $+*l+$= ${*l+$[ shsp*l+$*S // space 0 // lock $M*l+$m+letter $N*l+$n+letter $***l+$8 // * $H*l+$h+letter $Y*l+$y+letter $G*l+$g+letter $T*l+$t+letter $R*l+$r+letter ] let maxCoord=table [ 606-16; 808-16 ] keyboardEnabled = true ; // ** EndProcessInit(KeyboardIntEntry) resultis p // interrupt entry point KeyboardIntEntry: [0 for i=1 by -1 to 0 do [ if mouseAddr!i ls 1 then mouseAddr!i=1 //** 0->1 if mouseAddr!i gr maxCoord!i then mouseAddr!i=maxCoord!i ] if linkCursorToMouse then for i=1 by -1 to 0 do cursorAddr!i=mouseAddr!i if ((not keys!2)ဈ) ne 0 & ((not keys!3)() ne 0 then swaton((p!10)+11,(not keys!1)) // ** GYPSY CTRL-LSHIFT-{-^ and maybe } // PCB structure Interrupted PCB word offset=12-2 // PCB structure ActiveInterrupts-Save3 word offset=11 MoveBlock(newKeys, keys, nKeyWords) // ** FIX BUG if keyboardEnabled then // ** GYPSY for i=nKeyWords-1 by -1 to 0 do [1 let t=(not newKeys!i) & oldKeys!i & keyMask!i // ** oldKeys!i=newKeys!i if t eq 0 then loop for j=15 by -1 to 0 do [2 if t ls 0 then [3 let keyWord=keyNoToChar!(i*16+j) if keyWord ne 0 then [4 let char=keyWord<>SKE.index) & sk>>SKE.mask) ne 0 then loop switchon sk>>SKE.type into [6 case lock: unless keyWord<>RKE.index eq i & sr>>RKE.bitnum eq j then [6 char << repeatIndex= sr+1-vRepeatKeys; if sr>>RKE.state ne timing then [7 sr>>RKE.count=sr>>RKE.count+1 sr>>RKE.state=stilldown; ]7 ]6 // now we have the character and can salt it away in the ring buffer let t=ringBuffer>>RB.writePointer rv t=char; t=t+1 if t ge ringBuffer>>RB.bufferEnd then t=ringBuffer>>RB.bufferStart if t ne ringBuffer>>RB.readPointer then ringBuffer>>RB.writePointer=t ]5 ]4 ]3 t=t lshift 1 ]2 ]1 let cnt = nil ; // ** if keyboardEnabled then // ** Repeat Keys for sr=vRepeatKeys by lRKE to vRepeatKeys-1+vLRepeatKeys do switchon sr>>RKE.state into [1 case timing: cnt = sr>>RKE.count ; if (newKeys!(sr>>RKE.index) & sr>>RKE.mask) ne 0 // ** then [2 sr>>RKE.state = nowup; sr>>RKE.count = 0 ; endcase ]2 if cnt then [2 cnt = cnt-1 ; if cnt eq 0 then // pretend up ** oldKeys!(sr>>RKE.index) = oldKeys!(sr>>RKE.index) % sr>>RKE.mask sr>>RKE.count=cnt ; ]2 endcase case stilldown: if(newKeys!(sr>>RKE.index)&sr>>RKE.mask)ne 0 then // ** sr>>RKE.state=nowup; case nowup: endcase ]1 Block() ]0 repeat ] // this routine waits for the RB to be non-empty and GetFromRB(ringBuffer)=valof [ [ let t=ringBuffer>>RB.readPointer if ringBuffer>>RB.writePointer ne t then [ let v=rv t; t=t+1 if t ge ringBuffer>>RB.bufferEnd then t=ringBuffer>>RB.bufferStart ringBuffer>>RB.readPointer=t if v << repeatIndex then // ** repeating key [ let sr = vRepeatKeys - 1 + v << repeatIndex ; keyboardEnabled = false ; v = v << charCode ; switchon sr>>RKE.state into [ case stilldown: if sr>>RKE.count eq 1 then [ // only one in RB: schedule rpt sr>>RKE.state=timing; sr>>RKE.count=longdelay ; endcase ] // else fall through case nowup: if sr>>RKE.count then sr>>RKE.count=sr>>RKE.count-1; endcase; case timing: sr>>RKE.count=shortdelay; ]; keyboardEnabled = true ; ]; resultis v ] ] repeat ] and RBempty(ringBuffer)= ringBuffer>>RB.readPointer eq ringBuffer>>RB.writePointer and InitializeStream(s) be [ external [ prototypeStream ] for i=0 to lST-1 do s!i=rv (prototypeStream!i) ]