// FS.SR Format States get "BRAVO.DF" get "CHAR.DF" get "GINN.DF" // Incoming procedures external [ getvch settabs ] // Incoming statics external [ widthblmin widthblave heightstd rgrgcc rgfsfdispl rgfsdef vrgcc vfont vxleftmarg vxrightmarg vheight rgccstd fontstd vrightadjust macww inheap vproc vsncompact rgdoc vdoc rgmaccp vchremain vcp vlooksp // ** vlookcr vlooktab vlookmarker vlooktrailer vlookremark rgview ] // Outgoing procedures external [ establishww; disestablishww; getint; ] // Outgoing statics external [ vdevtype xleftmargstd xrightmargstd ] // Local statics static [ vdevtype xleftmargstd xrightmargstd ] // E S T A B L I S H W W // let establishww(ww, devtype; numargs N) be [ if N ls 2 then devtype = devalto vrgcc = rgccstd; vfont = fontstd; vrightadjust = false; // ?? vheight = heightstd; let v = rgview ! (rgdoc ! ww) // ** ... vlooksp = v & lookspmask vlookcr = v & lookcrmask vlooktab = v & looktabmask vlookmarker = v & lookmarkermask vlooktrailer = v & looktrailermask vlookremark = v & lookremarkmask if devtype eq vdevtype then return test devtype eq devalto ifso [ xleftmargstd = altolmarg xrightmargstd = altormarg widthblmin = widthspmin widthblave = widthspave settabs(tabchstd) ] ifnot [ if devtype eq devdp then [ xleftmargstd = dplmarg xrightmargstd = dprmarg widthblmin = dpspmin widthblave = dpspave settabs(dptabwidth) ] ] vdevtype = devtype vxleftmarg = xleftmargstd; vxrightmarg = xrightmargstd; ] and disestablishww() be [ xleftmargstd = altolmarg xrightmargstd = altormarg widthblmin = widthspmin widthblave = widthspave settabs(tabchstd) vdevtype = devalto vxleftmarg = xleftmargstd; vxrightmarg = xrightmargstd; ] // G E T I N T // and getint(doc,radix,digit,pbreak; numargs N) = valof // ** changed [ if N eq 4 then rv pbreak = -1 if N ls 2 then radix = 10; vchremain = 0; vdoc = doc; let maccp = rgmaccp ! doc; if vcp eq maccp then resultis 0; let sum = 0 if N ls 3 then digit = getvch(); while $0 le digit & digit le $9 do [ sum = (sum*radix) + digit-$0; if vcp eq maccp then resultis sum; digit = getvch( ); ] vchremain = 0; if N eq 4 then rv pbreak = digit; resultis sum; ]